The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 20, 1982, Image 7
1982 liar NESS etc. Battalion/Page 7 September 20, 1982 sean mat cti e the I iday. ardsm . Ceotj Ellijav lay mini 'Cal pos ents ets, the pla over made irrestd s: ny onal Mi i Ante: leadii parao erodyti! COIIOIB' mere it ;ly style It in ft put ft succes e I g sottif imprt utomal nal it ecovety will it ranjf his yei rs, F® mericai ing hat l are it are J Lit adicali' mg . moflp nee f conOf Donj' : ito cot by init so di| he wi c ' the tit pronif ckbool ses. mgW of " ntodd iblei^i ngf' avily 11 Renan* t i d . eniin? tag c: - s up ; higher is vet red t is ce [ ' tier J ie auit ■lild at in il* fftciet thenf er- . e beinj rtes 0 : Calln' Dod? ran? dels 1 ' irysln' an a"’ What’s Up at Texas A&M Monday ACXilELAND;Ntnv through Oct. 15, fVoshmct) cun have their pictures taken for the vearlvouk by Ye;trb<K»k AsstH t* ;ttcs <>n 17(H) Puryear. hoc ttloie inlormtuton, contat l Di'tin ft lecjmuti at .S {5-2(><S2. AGGIE ALU-.MAMi)ERS:S<iu are dance < lass will meet from 7 pun. to .9 p,m. and dub dance is from 9 pan. to lltaW jj.rn. in 26a G. KoUrc White (loliseunt Sip*ns will !><• MW'M 1 AMI BAH A I ( ()! LI.( »G CiJ.UBrA meetin” will be held at 7 pan. in 695 AB Rudder'Emvet to disc uss t tjK t nn- ing activities. All interested persons are welcome. Fin THETA KAPPA ALUMNI \SS< )CJ A HON :A ittcettny- will be held at 7:45 pan, it. I01B /.at hrv to discuss and plan this lull's activities. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COM.Mi l 11T.:A m. enng will Ih* held at pan. in 502 Rurltlt'r to chscuss new legislat ion. uNivtRsrrv ixm iifrax ghapei. :A study ol the fjook of' "Revelation" will be Iteld <u 7:5() pan. in the Fniversitv Lutheran Chapel on 515 X. College Main, College Station. ALPHA /FLA (AGR1CI F JT'RAF HONOR SOCiF i\):Rae Wilkinson will speak and tin kev sale* will be diseussed m a meeting at 7 pan. 502 Rudder. STUDENT 'V' BlBid. STUDY:A Bible study will be held at 9 pan. in the All FaithsChapel. (ionic and join us! LUTHERAN S i 1*1)1 .N I MOM Ml-N I: \ general meeting will be held at 7 pan, in 00 I A B Ruddet AM A RiFLO HOME I OWN GFUBtAr, org.un/attonaf meeting will be held at 7 pan. in 510 Rudder. Officers will be elected. I AMU CHEMISTRY CLUB:A meeting to discuss the upcoming year will be held at 7:50 pan. in 25 I Chemistry building. IN i RAMURAF - RFCRFA i IONAL SPORT'S OFFICE: A d ermis Tournamem begins at 5 pan. at the tennis eom ts. Entries open foi Held goal kit king and handball singles. Sign up at tire iiunmmrai Sports Olftee in 159 E. Kx le. I A M U JAZZ BAND: A rehersal is held everv Mon da v at 7 p.m. in the Commons* Lounge. I AMU C-OLLECIA IF 4-id (ildJB.-.A business meeting will l>s held at 7 p.m. in i IS Rlelxtrg Center. LAND DEVELOPMENT CLUB OF A&MdTnbmttia- non and a guest speaker will be featured in a meeting on the 3rd floor Langford Architecture Building'. STlJDEN I GOYT.RNMENT:Fikng for freshman elei~ uons l>egms. A meeting will be held from 9 ami. to 4 pan. in 2IB A MSG. : • r CAMERA COM Mi I FEE:Speaker Dennis Darling will be featured in a meeting at 7 p,m. in 701 Ruddet. New members are welcome* Refreshments will be served. MIDDAY MANN A: A Bible study will be held in the Ail faiths Chapel Librat v everv Vlmidav. VVednesdav, and ... Friday IVom J2 p*m. until 12:30 pmi. ANM RU(>BV dh actiee is held at 5 p.m. in thearuiut drill la id Mondays through I Imrsdav*. J'oi more informa tion. roman Rol>er! Camgler at 8 16-9772. Tuesday DA I A PROCiFSSINCi MANAGEMENT ASSO- CTA FION:A Information on Careers In Data i*m< i s- sittg meeting, with USA A. San Antonio as the host, will lie held at 7:50 pan. in die Ramada Inn. Please come in business attire. Refreshments will be served. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE OkGANTZATiON.A testi monial meeting wilt he held at 7 p.m. in the Alt Faiths Chapel meditation room. ASSOCIATION OF BAPTISTS l UDENTS;A movie entitled “F.arb W’druing’ wilt he shown at 7 p.m, in 504 Highland. POLITICAL FORU M:Demoeraiic candidate for Gov ernor, Mark White, will speak at 5:50 pan in Rudder Fhea ter. S*FU DEN I' GOVERNMFN i S I f DEN F SLRVIC FES COMMITTEE: t he Inst general meetingwill beheld at 8:30 pan m 10l Ruddei. Redheads form world club United Press International LAGUNA HILLS, Calif. — Red-haired people have reason to keep their carrot tops held high. Steve Douglas, a piano player who sold his $4,000 baby grand and other musical equipment to found Redheads International, is setting out on a campaign to promote red-hairfed pride. Douglas has ordered red head bumper stickers and mem bership cards along with T- shirts bearing the Redheads In ternational logo. He rented a cubbyhole of f ice in Laguna Hills, in Orange County, and is gearing up for an Oct. 23 gathering of redheads. Douglas, who quit his band to launch the club, said more than 1,009 redheads have responded to ads in several national and local publications, paying $10 each to join the club. He said several chapters have been formed! Tacked on the bulletin board is a letter to “Dear Abby” f rom a man who complained he couldn’t find a girl because of “the terrible curse of being a redhead.” He asked if there was a club for redheads he could join. Abby didn’t know of any clubs, prompting Douglas to write a letter saying it wasn’t a curse to be a redhead and told her about Redheads Interna tional. “Did you know George Washington and Thomas Jef ferson were redheads?” Douglas asked. Other famous red-haired people were Nero, Napoleon, Henry VIII, Winston Churchill, Sarah Bernhardt and Mark Twain. When Is Your Selling No Secret^jBfajife, ^ At All? WHEN OVER 30,000 PEOF’LE READ IT IN LTr THE battalion \ If you ve gdt something to Ti— —JiUU^S. se || we'll get your mes sage across! And our big rm/ readership guarantees *—^ you lots of prospects! 845-2611 YOU OUGHT TO BE IN PICTURES. Leaves (continued from page 1) A. Phillips, who administers the Faculty Academic Study Prog ram, emphasized that a prog ram that only can fund four de velopment leaves a year is far too small for a university the size of Texas A&M. “Only 15 people applied for leaves this year,” Phillips said. “Word was out on the streets that there wasn’t much money for the program. So most people figured they didn’t have a chance and didn’t apply.” The “word on the streets” said the amount of money available Tor faculty development leaves had been cut in half. The Asso ciation of Former Students with drew its support this year after increasing the number and amount of achievement awards it presents to faculty. The De velopment Foundation now provides sole support for the program, contributing about $93,500 a year. Part of the problem of obtain ing funds, from either private or public sources, for development leaves can be attributed to an im age problem, Phillips said. .? “The concept of the faculty development leave, at least in this state, has apparently taken on something of an unfortunate connotation,” he said. “Legisla tors and perhaps others, perhaps even members of the Association of Former Students, have assumed that... the profes sor is given a semester off to do nothing, which is absolutely and totally opposite of what is really intended to be the function of this program. “(A leave) isn’t a time to go sit under a tree and look at the birds. It’s a time to refresh your self, renew yourself by study, by writing, by taking a fresh look at your Field or at new fields of in terest. It ... gives a faculty mem ber an opportunity to recharge his or her batteries.” Development leaves aren’t the only means available for fa culty members who wish to take a leave from the University. Em ployees may accept grants for study, research or travel from the government, industries, cor porations or foundations. But a university’s image is tied in with its leave program, Phillips said. The lack of an ex tensive program could harm a university’s chances of recruit ing faculty, he said. “It’s a deterrent to a faculty member who has it (a leave program) elsewhere to come to an institution that doesn’t have one,” Phillips said. “So he thinks twice about making a move.” One person who could be thinking twice about making a move to Texas A&M is Nobel Prize-winner Dr. Sheldon Glashow of Harvard University. In 1979, Glashow shared a Nobel Prize in physics with two other men for contributions to a unified theory of interactions, which deals with forces like gravity, electromagnetics and the forces that bond atoms. Glashow will receive a year long sabbatical from Harvard in September 1983. During his sabbatical, University officials want him to come to Texas A&M as a visiting professor, Phillips said. Glashow has not announced whether he will come to Texas A&M. “We want to bring him and one of his bright, young pro- * **..*■*■*****•*•¥¥ V * SCHULMAN * J THEATRES J jf $1 off adult ticket ^ latMatlnae tegees down here if we can,” Phillips said. “But we ought to have a program to attract that kind of person to stay because if we don’t, we aren’t going to get that sort of fellow. MSC AGGIE CINEMA 2ND GENERAL MEETING MON. SEPT. 20 7:30 P.M. 601 RUDDER REFRESHMENTS r QUICKIE COURSE IN TAROT READING Speakers: Bets and Kay of The Unicorn & Which Witch? Date: September 26, 1982 (Sunday) Time: 2:00-4:00 P.M. Place: Rudder Tower - Room #510 Sponsored by the Metaphysical Society Organizational Meeting and Officer Election MEMBERS - FREE OTHERS -$1.00 Mon-family night Sch-6 * SCHULMAN6 * 3^. 2000 E.29-775-2463-775-2468 * The Best Little * ■* * * * * > * £ Whorehouse in J * * Texas * * GET YOUR OOK * * 4- Garp 7:15-10:00 * * Six Pack * * * 7:10-9:40 * # 1 it The Secret of if * N-l-M-H * » - 7:10-9:25 w Inchon c. * 7:25-9:50 ★ Star Wars * * 7:10-9:40 If ♦manor EAST llli A Manor E. Mall 823-8300 J An Officer and a * ♦ Gentleman * W ♦ 7:15-9:50 w » * PINK FLOYD It * THE WALL * * 7:25-9:45 It pnmgs areToughj * Ail Over * n- 7:20-9:40 * * SKYWAY TWIN * 2000 E29-822-3300 if *' EAST * 4- Young Doctors * * in Love ■ * ♦ Quest For Fire 4- SPRINGSTEEN l The Boss is Back! BRUCE BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN NEBRASKA including: Johnny 99/State Trooper Open All Night/Atlantic City Reason To Believe * *_ ..WEST * CULPEPPER PLAZAl £ It’s Not The J 4 Size That Counts 4- 4 Bonnies Kids * * * * Campus * * NightShift * Springsteen’s newest CBS release is due to hit the streets this week! Bring in this ad and save on the lp or Cassette.. .only s 5.55 Ad must be presented before Oct. 1,1982 to receive discount. M//*?/r Fxmess OPEN 10-10 I 725 B UNIVERSITY DRIVE “Behind Skaggs & McDonalds” 846-1741