The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 17, 1982, Image 6

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Battalion/Page 6
September 17,19
MSC Basement Committee
* wi wn mi »m **
Auditions Chairman
Brad Clarke 846-3280
Room #216 MSC
Air Force film won’t feature Bo
United Press Internationa]
Plans to use a portion of the Bo
Derek movie “10” in an Air
Force training film introducing
the KC-10 tanker were scrapped
because of possible violation of
Air Force equality policies, offi
cials said Wednesday.
The Strategic Air Com
mand’s Aerospace Audiovisual,
Service, located at Carswell Air
Force Base, wanted to show De
rek, clad in her swimsuit and
famous beaded braids, loping
sensually up a beach toward the.
ing i
age of the KC-10,tne Air Force’s
newest refueling tanker plane.
The shots were to be inters-
persed with videotape of a smil
ing airman in fatigues, instead
of 'Dudley Moore, running to
ward her.
We Will Buy Your Unwanted
books, records, magazines, posters, etc...
3828 Texas Ave.
next to Randy Sims B-B-Q
Open Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-9 p.m. „
Sun. noon-9 p.m.
We pay cash for anything printed or
recorded except newspapers
But Col. James Elmer, com
mander of the Air Forcewide
AAVS, said in a telephone inter
view from Norton Air Force
Base in California that showing
Derek, or any swimsuit-clad
woman in such a situation,
might have been considered sex
ist under Air Force policies and
would have been nixed even
He said the decision probably
hastened by widespread
ilans to use
ne film as
another in a series of razzledaz-
zle training film techniques that
have included use of such char
acters as Darth Vader.
“It was the kind of thing that
would have been caught in the
review process,” Elmer said. “It
had not been through the review
levels. The next people up
would have said it was a beauti
ful idea and tremendously crea
tive, but this part (policy) over
rides it.”
published reports of pla
a few seconds of the
Air Force social actionpX-f
require that men and wonjf g-
shown in an equal light,saX
Georgia Engle of CarswelH^p^
Although some persul
working with the filmbelj
Derek and 20th Century[|
distributor of the movie,)
given permission to the]
Force to use a few secondsot
film, Elmer said only
quiries were made.
Reached at her CalifJ
home, Derek said shenevetl
approached and she had noil
cussed the film being used!* f
Air Force. She she would
favor such an arrangement
Elmer said Carswell A
personnel had consideredi
a woman in a flight suitrui
on the beach to imitate
movie and also were dii
other options.
“At this point we can'll
what the final thing willbel
presents their
Mp hR . * sfe 4* tw
t ex
Expect E
ect to be
razos Pavilio
200 Kegs Wine Coolers
Food Catered by Fish Richards
Be There!
presale $ 2 00
at the gate $ 3 00
Bishop attacks
{ring th
mbs in
|it infori
nuclear policie
United Press Internationa]
DALLAS — Attacking Presi
dent Reagan’s pro-nuclear poli
cies, a prominent Roman Catho
lic bishop said true Catholics
would be committing a sin think
ing it is all right kill millions of
people to protect their way of
Bishop L.T. Matthiesen of
the Catholic Diocese of Amarillo
urged Catholics Wednesday
night to pressure the federal
government to abandon the
production and use of nuclear
“I’m sorry,” Matthiesen said.
“You can’t sit back any more and
say T don’t make the decisions . I
don’t have any power (to affect)
the community that makes the
decisions about our world.’ Yes,
I do.”
Citing Reagan administration
decisions to develop the neutron
bomb, the MX missile system
and the B-l bomber, the bishop
said the time had come when
Catholics could no longer sup
port the status quo and remain
true to their religion.
“The primary sin we are com
mitting is thinking that we can
kill millions of people to protect
our way of life,” he said. “To
believe that we are in som
endowed to pass judgen
our enemies is a new fon
I he bishop also said.
call of the church in the
century is clear. Put up
weapons. The world canwl
with these horrible instnu]
of death.”
Matthiesen spoke at i
Trinity Church to a thrf
lecture series on nuclear!
Matthiesen has beenaii)
spoken opponent of
J United
(ago Ci
Jhas be
Iplc’s hi
|her hu
las app
ny tie'
weapons since 1981 whetKhe’s n
wrestled with the idea Tfc befor
parishioners worked inaM askin
federal weapons plant. ; or d<
The facility, the Depart! ‘ S our |
of Energy’s Pantex Plant,it family I
final assembly point fore > a ppas
nuclear weapon construct® at9.1J
the United States. It also‘left the
major employer ol Wspirit
parishioners. lerranc
The bishop asked Pantet
ployees to consider quitting
finding work more in kee] [ec j
with their religion, then sis ^ aton
a counseling service fo r Mperso!
who were having trouble®
their conscience.
Star Willie Nelson
testifies for friend
n she
United Press International
AUSTIN, Texas — Even
though the prosecutor said he
should stick to singing, enter
tainer Willie Nelson testified as a
character witness in a friend’s
murder trial and a jury even
tually acquitted her.
Nelson testified Wednesday
in the murder trial of Marjorie
Lundy, a West, Texas nightclub
owner who was accused of mur
dering her 50-year-old brother-
The singer told the court that
Lundy, 61, gave him one of his
first paying jobs and that he had
known her for 25 years. Nelson
described Lundy as “one of the
kindest, most good-hearted peo
ple I have ever known.”
Nelson told reporters tto
Called Lundy after hearing
the murder charge andoffe
to help in any way he could
But prosecutor Paul Muff
said Nelson should stick
“I love some of his rausu !
he leaves a lot to be desired) 1
character witness,”
said. “He’s well known W
appearance and a past thad
been checkered in some faid
by drinking and drugs.”
One juror said Nelson's^ K)^yQ
mony was not a big factoring
acquittal decision. The f
apparently believed Lund
claim that she shot the i
The B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation at
Texas A&M wishes the Jewish Univer
sity Community a Healthy and Happy
New Year.
Everyone is invited to services conducted by Student
Rabbi Marc Belgrad from Hebrew Union College-
New York.
Rosh Hashanah Services
Friday, Sept. 17 8 p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 18 10 a.m.
Yom Kippur Services
Sunday, Sept. 26 8 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 27 10 a.m., 4:30 p.m.,
6:00 p.m. Break-the-Fast.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation
(Jewish Student Center)
800 Jersey