•’fJi'Lj RESEARCH PAPERS Improve your grades! Rush $1.00 for the current, 306 page, research catalog. 11,278 papers on file, all academic subjects. Research Assistance 11322 Idaho Ave., #206W, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 477-8226 j! The Resale Gallery Purnituro A Furniture I New and Used at affordable prices f 2795 S. Texas 775-7300 across from Brazos Savings national Battalion/Page i September 10,1 Abortion filibuster continues United Press International WASHINGTON — Senate Republican leader Howard Bak er said Wednesday it would be difficult to stop a filibuster against anti-abortion legislation on the first attempt, despite the personal prodding of President Reagan. Baker said, three hours be fore the first vote on shutting off debate, that “it would be diffi cult to get cloture today, partly because of absenteeism.” He explained: “We have 10 on our side alone.” The Senate GOP leader said he would seek a second vote Monday and, if needed, a third on Tuesday. Baker did not say what he would do if a third cloture effort failed, but he did acknowledge that three attempts are usually the maximum. “At some point, we have to finish this bill,” Baker said. In two letters Wednesday, one to Baker and the other to nine undecided senators, Reagan spelled out his support for the abortion amendment. Reagan has asked senators to stand up and be counted on what he called one of the most important issues of our time. KS^fcl ■ hat’s Up at Texas A&M lay until Friday HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTERrServices will be led by Dr. Bierman starting at 8 p.m. at the Hillel center. TEXAS A&M SPORT PARACHUTE CLUB:Mem bership and other information will be discussed in a meet ing at 7 p.m. in 302 Rudder. TEXAS A&M SAIDING CLUB: A formal outinc will be held at Yegua Park on Lake Sommerville from loo; Sunday alternoon. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP- :Pete Wilso, I.V. staff person, will speak on evangelism in a meeting from 7 p.m. to 9 in 410 Rudder. INTRAM URALS: An Aggie All-Niter, with demonstra tions, tournaments, special events and movies, will take place from 7 p.m. to 5 a.m. For more information, contact Barb Aiken, 159 East Kyle. TAMO CO-OP STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS meet ing to discuss the deadline For submission of resumes for the co-op resume book is at 5 p.m. in the co-op office. See newsletter for move information. MSC VARIETY SHOW:Applications for membership are due today. For n tact Karen Snow at 846-7050. MSC COLLEGE BOWL REGISTRATION:Registra tion for the college bowl will be held through Sept. 17 You can register from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in 216 MSC secretary’s island. Saturday :ll TEXAS A&M BOWLING CI.UB:Tryouu for W men’s and women’s teams will be held at 9 a.m. atik Triangle Bowling Alley. For more information call kt N Harmon at 260-/760. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOC :i A 1 ION:Me« i 5:30 p.m. at St. Mary’s Student Get iter for a Sunmnervt hotdog toast. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP:!! evangelism workshop led by Pete Wilson, l.V. Staff,hi! be held from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in 402 Rudder. PERUVIAN ASSOC1AI ION: A meeting will beheldl. Bryan Utility Lake at 1 1 :30 a.m.to plan future dub act) V'l ties. of tl i "; iI < 1 - le SADDLE & SIRLOIN Cl I meets at 8 an, ! c "® nX'nc, Kleberg Center to go on a Guadalupe River Float, making th by Fr: When K Sunday DENI r for ci ations tor committee more information, con- H1LLEL JEWISH SIT dents plus — get togeth 7:30. BACCHUS:An informational | GHTJS, will he held from 4 p.m food and refreshments (l>eer an TAMU SPORTS CAR CLUB cross will he discussed parking lot. CI But noi the injury the forme .N TER: Grad siveenddi hecscc ah i efforts to t ing event rookie — i c. at A B< •moling BAU „ , „ nxIFULH. Jhe B, „ill besmt ? the, J leased he Heat am — rookies^ in the Zacr.r Monday Baldwin’s prc the Trio charged in profs death United Press International NEW YORK — Jail guards kept a suicide watch Thursday on three young male prostitutes waiting to be returnea to Florida MISSION CAR WASH 3301 Texas Ave. off exterior wash to face first-degree murder charges in the sadistic slaying of the University of Florida’s “junk-food professor.” The three, including a 15- year-old, waived extradition at a hearing Wednesday after they were arrested with the help of New York’s homosexual com munity, police said. Officials said the blond, boyish suspects were scheduled to return to Gainesville today to face first-degree murder charges in the weekend killing of Howard Appledorf, 41. The charge carries a max imum sentence of death. Gary McNichol, 21, of Cali fornia; Paul Everson, 19, of Ros- lindale. Mass.; and Shane Ken nedy, 15, of Woodbury, Conn., appeared before Manhattan Criminal Court Judge Helen Friedman on fugitive warrants charging them with the ritualis- Remember 10% off All masks, fins and snorkels with your Peo ple Book Coupon. Specials Good through September 25th Sundays only 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Student ID Required Rentals, sales, cer tified Air Fill Station Full Line of U.S. Di vers Equipment Lay-a-way Visa/Master Card WE’RE YOUR ONE-STOP SPORTS CENTER We feature a complete line of equipment for HOME GYMS - HUNTING - FISHING INIS - GOLF - ATHLETICS - SOFTBALL TRI-STATE A&M SPORTING GOODS 3GOO Old College Rood 846-4743 846-4743 Harold Wieser,Jr.-Collector Fine Modern & Antique Firearms AG MAJORS: P.0. Box 265 RoseLud, Texas 76570 (817) 583-7597 GUN SHOW SAT. & SUN. SEPT. 11-12 BRAZOS CENTER 170 Tables Filled With Guns, KNIVES, GOLD & SILVER JEWELRY Western Art & Much More. Buy - Sell - Trade or Just Browse Sat. 8-6 Sun. 8-5 Gen. Admission 2 50 /under 12 Free. Best Little Chicken Ranch Party Saturday, Sept. 11 8 p.m.-l a.m. Ag House 418 College Main Prizes for best costume YA’LL COME! Beginning at 8:00 pm At the BRAZOS PAVILLION Featuring: FASTBREAK Advance Tickets: $ 4.00 At The Door: $ 5.00 'SEPTEMBER 10 PROCEEDS OO TO I The AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ordered i “suicide tic killing. Friedman placet! under and segregated fromthtrt the inmate population at R: Island jail after their < appointed lawyer, Da Lyons, said there was reason to fear for the salt these men.” The trio, all dressed ind( were flanked by detective ing the hearing. Everson McNichol wore red nail | on each little finger. Kennedy’s parents sat i spectators' section and sak feared coverage of his; would affect their other dren. sliced froi was succei In addi Whicwell, leader in t 1,372 yai made th Although N by The Ag ter of th< ^hy early utempt t his seaso he NCAj aoint, it i ince in th :eam’s on Coach will be tb Cl “You raise a kid, vou giwip?yers ti a gd home. For what? an d the k nedy’s father said. Authorities said the su>fcpi were charged two weeks ami, Gainesville with forging dm; in Appledorf s name but *4 released a week ago whtnx professor dropped the chart Gainesville Police Ci Richard Ward, who camt New York to accompanytht { >ects back to Florida, said: tilling apparently wasmodva by revenge. Deputy Inspector Step^ Kelly said the city’s homosn community provided infon tion that helped police find suspects, who reportedly been bragging about the ffi der in gay bars. Police said the the threew well known in the gay com® ity as male prostitutes andn have been involved in a ring! victimized homosexuals. McNichol was arrestedei Tuesday after leading polict a wild chase in the victim’s! Everson and Peterson arrested late Tuesday and« Wednesday in an area police a “meat rack” because it is 1 quented by male prostitutes Appledorfs hound andgl ged body was found Sunda'i his Gainesville apartnuf L A where the words “murder"4| “redrum” — murder spelfj backwards — had beenscra»| on the wall with food. Police said the killers ati, “ritualistic” meal as AppW slowly smothered in an ice-fit bag placed over his face. Delivers Free... Fresh! Fast! Hot Pizza! Plus Free Cokes! Call Now 846-3768 846-7751 We Guarantee 30- Minute Delivery Service!