The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 31, 1982, Image 8
HELP WANTED Part time/full time Work with other students team cleaning homes Starting salary $3.85 Travel allowance Very Flexible hours. Domestic Services i -'Qh • 693-1954 PIZZA A SUBS Chanello’s is now hiring 30 full-time and 40 part-time delivery drivers. You must own a car. Pay starts at $4 per hour plus 6% commis sion. Our drivers average $8 per hour. Paid cash nightly. Apply in person at Chanello’s Pizza, 301 Pat ricia (one block off Univer-1 isity Drive at Northgate). 'McDonald's in College Station offers • Good .Starting Wages • Liberal Food Policy • Performance Reviews • Excellent Working Conditions Apply In Person 2 p.m.-5 p.m. 8G1 University Drive and 2420 Texas Ave.ieete ihouse: Help Wanted. 15 hours per week. Call 846-6635. HELP WANTED Experienced GRILLCOOKS, WAITRESSES & DISHWASHERS. Apply in person SAMBO'S 1045 Texas Ave., C.S. 190tfn SWENSEN*S COOKS/DISHWASHERS Now Hiring For Fall Semester. Competitive Compensation Plan. Apply in Person At: Culpepper Plaza, C.S. 19014 HELP WANTED CONSCIENTIOUS CLEANERS with transportation, phone & job references, start at $3.75 per hour, travel compensa tion, paid vacation & flexible hours at HOME CARE SERVICES, 846-7750. 188tfn Full-time receptionist at THAT PLACE II. Call 693-0607. 184tfn Salesperson needed, experienced pre ferred. Apply in person, Charli’s, 707 Tex as Ave., College Station, 696-9626. 18914 NEED EXTRA MONEY? Set your own hours. Sell Avon. (Must be 18 or 'over). Call now, 696-0751 . 18418 FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10 p.m.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ■Rapid advancement ■Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 19011n TECS, A new restaurant formerly Rosewood Junction in Culpepper Plaza, now taking applications. All positions. Apply in person. Ask for Greg. isets DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and fu ture Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 846-0396 24tfn Part-time help wanted. Grapevine personality. 696-3411 eoe Now accepting applications for waitresses. Call for an interview. 693-2818 or 693-6429. 181tfn SUBWAY A local speciality sandwich shop is seeking energetic per sons to fill responsible posi tions. Flexible hours, competi tive wages. Apply between to ll a.m., 3-6 p.m. Southwest Parkway (Kroger Center), C.S. 18713 The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is cur rently taking applications for newspap er route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take ZVz to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for the summer & fall semester. If interest ed please call Julian McMurrey 693- 2323. sotfni Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004. | 46tfn Battalion Classifieds Schlotzsky’s Now hiring for full-time day, part-time evening & weekend & full-time baker. Apply in person only at 100 South Texas Ave. Must be at least 18 years old. uaiidiiuij/r^j August 31,1| Experienced electronics technician. Must be able to repair Audio amplifiers. Part- time day work. LANGE MUSIC COM PANY 822-2334. 18915 Manager or manager trainee position now open for someone willing to learn. Apply in person at PIZZA INN, 431 Texas Ave. Ask for Mr. Marshall. 19013 Teacher needed for nursery school. Must have degree also aide & cleaning help. 846- 5571. 190tfn Students interested in learning taxidermy- work, inquire at Palermo Taxidermy. We will be taking two or three students this semester. Phone 846-0141 or come by 3600AA Old College Road. 190t5 Need someone to clean house 3 hours per week, $5.00/hr, 693-3442 after 1. 190tl Help Wanted. COOKS, BARTENDERS, CASHIERS, HOSTESSES, BUSBOYS & DISHWASHERS. Apply in person. CE- NARE, 404 E. University Dr. 182t9 SALES/DEMO Part-Time Demo Baldwin Pianos/Organs No Need to Play like a Pro Fun Job Perfect for Student lady to work with young lady Co-Worker KcyboARd g [Center APPOINTMENT ^uuiul Inc. 764-0006 POST OAK MALL College Slalion Tx 77840 HELP WANTED FOR RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE Part-time help needed, 4:30-7:30, Monday- Saturday. Apply Stephenson Chiropractic Center, 1313 Briarcrest, Cedar Creek Pla za, Bryan. 189tfti Guitar teacher, part-time. Must be able to read music. LANGE MUSIC COMPANY, 822-2334. 189t5 2 bedroom apartment near campus, unfur nished, $375, furnished, $395, 779-3656, nights, 846-0454. 18815 Rampart condos for lease. 1/1 units and 4/2 1 /2 units. For leasing information, call 846- 8014. 18516 Part-time receptionist needed for hair sa lon. Contact Denise at 846-4709 or 696- 8700. 189tfn Help Wanted: COOKS, BARTENDERS, SERVERS, BUSBOYS & DISH WASHERS. Apply in person. CENARE, 404 E. University Dr. 182t9 CONSCIENTIOUS CLEANERS with transportation, phone & job references, start at $3.75 per hour, travel compensa tion, paid vacations & flexible hours at HOME CARE SERVICES, 846-7750. 178tfn HOUSTON POST are accepting applica tions for fall semester. Apply early. 846- 0396, 846-2911. 160tfn Wanted Chinese Language Tutor. I would like to become conversant-any dialect. (Two 2 hr. sessions per week, $4.00/hr.) ! Call 693-9273. 186t5 Part-time/Full-time help wanted. Apply at Piper’s Gulf. Comer of University and Tex as. 181H0 Help Wanted: Full and part-time COOKS, WAITRESSES AND BARTENDERS. Ap ply in person. Frank’s Bar and Grill, Woodstone Center, 913 Harvey Rd. 182t9 GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Meeds The Best BARTENDERS WAITRESSES DOORMEN CASIDERS/HOSTESSES D.J.S BARBACKS BAR MANAGERS ADVERTISING/PROMO TIONS ASSISTANT — Credentials Required SECRETARY/BOOKKEEPER 3ood pay, opportunity for advancement Meat appearance and cheerful attitude re qulred. Apply In person 1-2 p.m. daily, or make appointment for interview. Qraham Central Station, 1600 South College Ave. NEW DUPLEXES FOR RENT Located in Bryan 2 BEDROOM -2 BATH •Washer/Dryer Conn. •Fenced Backyards • Fully Furnished with Kitchen Appliances •$430 a month unfurnished •Carpeted/Draped •T.V. Cable Owned and managed by D.R. Cain Company For Further Information Call: D.R. Cain Rental Properties 693-8850 3002S. Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 184 , 7 Four Flexes, close to TAMU, Manuel Drive, C.S. Some units available now and August 1st. Al so leasing for fall semester 1 bed room $290 & $300/mo. 2 bedroom $380 & $390/mo. water paid; no pets 779-1613 (a.m.) or 696-0390 (after 5:00 p.m. & weekends). 172119 Nurse shoes size 4V&, 5-3660, Buy & sell good used furniture, dishes, misc. 3 miles TAMU on Hwt W., 846-3457. ' Miyata 912, 22V4, cost $500,4 montlii immaculate, $300, 846-6882. Dryer, sofa bed, others, 696-7683. ’79 Vette. Mint condition, 20,0001 79-6265 after 5:00 p.m. 4-PLEX FOR RENT Luxury studio 4-plex for rent, 2 large bedrooms, 1 Vz bath, spa cious kitchen with standard appliances including frost-free refrigerator, utility room with washer and dryer, on shuttle bus route. $450/month. 696- 3693. Available Sept. 20, 2 bedrocm Cl deck, pool, Iki bath, $500/mo. 3658. 10-speed bicycle for sale; good conii, new tires, $60.00, 693-7083. 1980 Suzuki GS1100L, child o( dir, Must Go! $30(X), 779-9121, 845-8230. FOB SALE: '66 Chevrolet Caprice, F# A.C., 696-9677 ask for David. 1 BLOCK FROM CAMPUS 1 Bedroom, 1 bath duplex. Fenc ed. Utilities paid. $350/mo. for 1 person. $375 for 2. Ellen-846- 7753 or 846-0916. 189tfn MAKE OFFER On 75 Ford Station Wagon ’78 Ford LTD Station Wagon 846-2919. PERSONALS FOR RENT "Prohlem Pregnancy? Free pregnant mg and referrals. (713) 524-0548." If ALL NEW BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMENTS Located in College Station Sbuthwood Valley 1 Bedrm.-1 Bath / 2 Bedrm.-2 Bath •Carpeted/Draped • All electric • Swimming Pool • Shuttle Bus Service • Furnished/Unfurnished • Kitchen Appliances •Walk In Closets • T V Cable 9 and 12 Month Leases Owned and Managed by D.R. Cain Company For Information Call D.R. Cain Rental Properties 693-8850 3002 S. Texas Ave. College Station, Texas HEALTH INSURANCE HEALTH INSURANCE DEPENDENT COVERAGE Substantial savings for bene fits and rates. Call 822-2774. FINANCIAL AID! We guaranteeloi scholarships, grants you’re eligible k ceive. Application materials41.00.Fn cial Aid Finder, Box 1053-CX, FairM 52556. WANTED 1 2-scat option for current Town hall wi series, 779-7766 or 822-4948. WHY BOTHER WITH ELECTRICITY BILLS? At the VIKING... One check pays all your housing expenses, including top maintenance service, all electric kitchens, pool, lighted tennis courts, and security guard. Compare our summer rates today As low as $ 250 BILLS PAID \A/ot I /T5 ‘ A ~7 1601 Holleman, College Station, Texas 713/693-6716 Monaco Apts., 306 Redmond, College Sta tion, Texas, 693-2614, new fall rates from $310 eff.-l bedroom 1 bath-2 bedroom U/a baths-3 bedroom 2 baths. All bills paid on some units, 188t3 For Rent furnished apt close to campus TV cable, water and garbage pick up free. $330.00 per month, $220.00 deposit. $35.00 per month paid on electricity, 401 Cooner Apt. 1, College Station, Texas. Phone 846-1298 between 12 and 2:30 p.m. 18813 Four Flexes, close to TAMU, Manuel Drive, C.S. Some units available now and Sept. 1st. 1 bedroom $290 & $300/mo. 2 bedroom $380 & $390/mo. water paid; no pets 779-1613 (a.m.) or 696-0390 (after 5:00 p.m. & weekends). 172119 GLENWOOD APARTMENTS “All Brand New” Ceiling Fan Spa-Whirlpool Laundry Room Kitchen Appliances Plus Carpet & Drapes Free Cable 1 /2 Month Rent Free Dishwasher Optional Water, Sewer, Garbage paid For Immediate Occupancy Leasing Now Phone 779-3220 FOR SALE Honey local, $4.50 quart. 846-1106. 190t6 ATTENTlbfJ AGGIES 4 Drwr Chests 49.95 5 Drwr Chests 59.95 ’ Student Desks 79.95 5 PC. Dining Set 79.95 Sola Sleeper 235.00 ; SofaS Chair Sets 149.95 Recliners 99.95 3 PC. Coflee/end : Table 59 95 - l Twin Mai Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets 89.95 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 95tfn CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, womogp jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping foie 3731 E. 29th St, 846-4708 SERVICES Librurv research citations. 8464261 “The New Sunshine Laundry" “Student” sit back and relai us wash for you! Wash, dry fold one day service. TV ardll 3815 E. 29th, 846-9983. Work-study typist needed: Gb typing and proofing skills requiit $4.00/hr. Call Dr. Zey-Fenel 845-4944 or 845-4043 or com 309D Academic. MEMORIAL STUDENT CENTER BARBER SHOP Located in lower level at MS Open Mon.-Sat. 8 a.m.-5p.i six barbers, appointment cepted or just come by. Re) lar hair-cuts, styles & cuts. 846-0629. NOW LEASING FOR FALL&SPRING •Pool •Jacuzzi •Game room •Shuttle Bus •Cable TV •Security Guard •Large Party Room •Volley Ball Court •Basket Ball Courts Catty Cornered to Oaks Park with - Picnic Area I - Trees & Gazebo Call Sood • Only A Few Leases Left 700 Dominik, College Station, Texas (713)693-0261 NORTHGATE BARBERSHOP Located at Northgate busim area. Open 8 a.m.-5:30p Mon.-Sat. Regular hair-cuts,li| cuts & styles. Call 846-3491 just come by. Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. | Dodge Sales and Service Since 192 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 ^ PROFESSIONAL TW1NG, Dissertations, Theses, Term Papen sumes. Etc. Call Dianne, 8460132 "Prohlem Pregnancy? Free pregnane) ing and referrals. (7 13) 524-0548^ Call Cathy for all your typing or processing needs. 696-9550. Typing!! Reports, dissertations, elt THE DOUBLE. 331 Universit) 3755. Quality Typing 693-4264. Typing experienced, fast, aceunlt kinds, 822-0544, 846-9707. OFFICIAL NOTICE D. R. CAIN RENTAL PROPERTIES Apartments-Townhomes-Duplexes -2 BEDROOM/FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED BRAZOS HOUSE APARTMiNTS SHUTTLE BUS 2401 Welsh-College Station -In Southwood Valley- LONGMIRE HOUSE APARTMENTS YELLOWHOUSEST. APTS/4-PLEXES SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE 2300 Longmire-College Station -In Southwood Valley- SHUTTLE BUS SERVICE Welsh & S.W. Parkway- College Station HAWK TREE DUPLEXES Hawk Tree Dr.-College Station -In Southwood Valley- BRIARCREST APARTMENTS Prairie Flower Circle Bryan-Off Briarcrest Dr. PECAN RIDGE DUPLEXES Commanche Drive Bryan-Off Boonville Rd. BRIAR OAKS TOWNHOUSES NAVARRO FOUR-PLEXES Briar Oaks Dr. Off 29th St. Bryan Navarro St.- College Station -In Southwood Valley- Extra large, designed for family living, professionally decorated WILDE OAK CIRCLE Apartments Duplexes;4-Plexes Wilde Oak Circle Off 29th St.-Bryan CALL OUR RENTAL OFFICE FOR APPOINTMENT... 693-8850 EVENINGS A WEEKENDS: 693-8345 Honda 750 Custom, Maroon, 1980, 1600 miles. Mint condition. Extras! 779-7766 or 822-4948. 190t5 Ladies 3-speed bike, 26-inch. $75.00, 693- 7617. 190t5 Dacor B.C. with P/I. Used once. $100. Compact refrigerator, one/ semester old. $50. 260-1258, Doug. 190t3 ATTENTION Students interested in law schod 1 would like to work in a law olfice and! some experience which will W make the decision if law school istol come by 420 Harrington or call I 7814. One position is availableinlt ton and one in Dallas lor this M NOW or it will be too late. Twin bed for sale. Good condition. Call 775-2399. 190t5 FOR SALE |D.R. CAIN COMPANY-3002 S. TEXAS AV.-COLLEGE STATION| MOBILE HOMES Biggest sellers in the World CHAMPION REDMAN & the sexiest floor plan WOODBROOK WESTERN PLACE All homes are affordable, sale priced, ready to move r or be delivered anywhere. TEXAS WORLD SPEEDWAY 693-2500 Call Anytime Home of SPEEDWAY PARK ESTATES Quiet, convenient country living. „