The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1982, Image 3
local / state Battalion/Page 3 July 28, 1982 was r lypw IBA CLUBrWill sponsor an underwater hockey game at 9 m. in the Wofford Cain indoor swimming pool. Bring mask, to Cor;: ableol fordo f as real h have t into into a outtliel ae ennedi hold a ats Up Wednesday ins, snorkel and suit — new players are welcome. f SUMMER DINNER THEATERtTickets for “The Odd ouple - ’ are on sale at the MSC Box Office. Tickets for the hursday, Friday and Saturday night shows must be purchased least 24 hours in advance. Friday V1U CO-OP STUDENT ASSOCIATIONtBarbeque in lensel Park from 4 to 8 p.m. Bring something to barbeque — eer and snacks will be provided. Porn theater owner denies charges Child prostitution ring alleged United Press International NEW YORK — The owner of a Manhattan live sex theater Tuesday denied allegations made to a state crime commis sion investigating child pornog raphy that he employed chil dren in live homosexual shows. William Oates, who owns and operates the Follies Theater in Manhattan, told the state Senate Select Committee on Crime that charges made by committee in vestigators about his theater were “inaccurate, incorrect and all made up.” The committee was told Monday that a call-boy prostitu tion and pornography ring in Washington had sold informa tion on its clients to Soviet, Brit ish and Israeli intelligence agen cies, and that the ring was only part of a nationwide network operating in New York, Hous ton, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New Orleans. “We deny unequivocally that wn$,insi occupifj a pant llowing decline in drilling rigs ;ood news, oil magazine says United Press International HOUSTON — An oil indus- agazine has reported that a mg decline in the number of [rating United States drilling was good news for the ener- usiness, but has warned that |ld events make for an unpre- ble final outcome. Vorld Oil Publisher William lley said in a letter preview- I a drilling activity report 1 nday that the decline in drill- i Ihad flattened since the First ik of June. Ifhe number of drilling rigs U at work has plummeted from 4,530 at the end of 1981 to 2,694 last week. “Although the slump in activ ity has been steeper and gone deeper than anyone expected, there are signs that the worst may be behind us,” Dudley wrote. Although Dudley was guardedly optimistic, he warned fulfillment of the magazine’s hopeful outlook depended on unpredictable events. “For example, an Iranian vic tory in Iraq would do no less than jeopardize most of the in dustrialized world’s fuel supply in the Persian Gulf region, a turn of events that would only cause U.S. activity to zoom,” Dudley wrote. “Conversely, any collapse of OPEC production limitations could further bloat the crude surplus problem and depress prices, with a predictable effect on the business.” Hughes Tool Co. spokesman I.C. Kerridge agreed the rate of decline has slowed and reported this week’s count is up 36 rigs over last week. “It’s flattened relative to what it was doing in the March, April and May period,” Kerridge said. “If yoyi look at the big drilling states, it’s pretty flat.” Hughes’ count of rigs at work in the United States has drop ped every week but two since June 1. Ironically, Dudley said, 1982 would probably be a record year for the number of wells com pleted in the United States be cause of the delayed effect of the drilling boom in the last few months of last year. m he took was his daughter If! Kidnapping charges dropped United Press International 1ALDWELL — Kidnapping rges against a 19-year-old 10 abducted a 2-month-old ly were dropped today be- ise the man is the child’s her and he broke no law, Bur- on County Sheriffs officials i “The woman didn’t tell us the ole story,” said Deputy Larry !. “But the man is the natural her and there is no law that says the father can’t have his child.” Jesse Nava, who is from Mex ico but has been living in the Bryan-College Station area, was arrested about 7:30 p.m. Mon day. He had his daughter, Ver- nonica, with him at the time. The child has a serious heart condition and must be given medication twice a day, See said. However, she was not due to be given any medicine until 10 p.m. and was in fine condition Tuesday. A passing motorist heard a description on the radio of the child and her abductor, and asked Nava, who was holding the child, if he wanted a ride. The unidentified motorist took Nava to the sheriffs office, where deputies placed Nava under arrest. He is still being held on a $200 bond for a charge of disorderly wo arrested in Dallas in connection vith Atlanta kidnapping, rape case United Press International ATLANTA — Police i n T exas ave arrested two more men nted in connection with a kid napping that began when a joup of men is said to have iroke into an Atlanta house Saturday, threatened the five ccupants with knives and guns, d raped the only female pre- ) J FBI officials said that Donnie 1 us wily Meyers, 21, and Phillip toincltii Wayne Kelly, 18, both of Syc- Biga, Ala., were arrested in Dal- Southefs Monday. )W So® The arrests bring the total to j j tt0 ;five, and FBI officials said they . are now searching for only one } .More suspect, Danny Clifford 5 an(U 'fMyers, 23, of Montgomery, Ala. j, At an arraignment hearing m Monday, U.S. Magistrate Joel . Feldman set bond for the reemen arrested earlier. Feld- lan set bond for Ervin Clark, 33, and Steven Harold Oliver, , both of Atlanta, at $500,000. d pond for Joseph Todd Jones, of ntlanta, was set at $50,000. ■ Asked why the bond set for Bines was so much lower, Feld- Ban said, “Based on informa- lon from the affadavit the in- Blvement by Jones was not as Itivolved.” Feldman appointed a public defender attorney for Jones and said he was still trying to appoint two outside attorneys for Clark and Oliver. A preliminary hear ing for the three men has been set for Aug. 4 in U.S. District Court. “It was about 6:30 Saturday morning when they broke down the door,” said Fred Schou. “They had a shotgun pistol — a sawed-off shotgun — and a gun with a silencer on it. They wanted money and to kill us. They told us, ‘We rob for a liv ing,’ and said they wanted to kill us and all that.” Schou said the intruders im mediately attacked the woman, who was visiting one of the men living in the rented house. “They raped her from the time they got here — took turns,” Schou said. “I want to see those guys burn in hell for what they did to her.” FBI officials said the men ran sacked the house and robbed the occupants of money and jewel ry. FBI public relations officer Dick Berry said that one of the victims was pistol-whipped on the head and was later hospital ized. Schou said he had about $190 taken from him. Later, he said “they gathered us all up” and forced the men into Schou’s Volkswagen van and took the woman in a sepa- Ton i*4 cu S€8RING... for the cut that falls into place natural ly. • Full service salon for men and women by cer tified Sebring designers — 846-2924 Open 9 am. to 6 p.m. Mon.-Sot Next to the Romodo Inn, C.S. any minors were on the premis es,” Oates’ lawyer, George Val- lario, told the committee, which is investigating male child por nography and prostitution. Oates, who said he had no connections with organized crime, also denied charges that homosexual dancers were en gaged in prostitution in his thea ter but said, “I have no idea what they do outside.” Regarding the use of minors, Vallario told the committee: “These men are deceptively young-looking.” Dale Smith, a committee in vestigator who worked with Washington police, told the panel Monday that call-boy ser vices were selling information on clients to Soviet, British and Israeli spy agencies. Smith said he learned about British and Israeli intelligence purchases from Robert Kohler, who is said to have worked as an accountant for several of the prostitution services in the Washington area. Smith said a member of the intelligence community told him the Soviets also had bought the information. The investigator did not say if the clients were government officials, but it is believed that is the sort of information foreign intelligence agencies would be interested in as well as anything involving diplomats based in the nation’s capital. Detective Anne Fisher of the Washington Metropolitan Police told the hearing that a number of pimps have set up a nationwide exchange for boy prostitutes. The boys, Fisher said, were used for pornography, call ser vices and street solicitation. “A group of pimps set up con nections in Houston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, New Orleans, New York and Washington, D.C.,” Fisher said. “An awful lot of young boys are being permanently and psychologically damaged,” said State Sen. Ralph Marino, the committee chairman. Smith said that entertainment at the Follies Theater consisted of live sex shows involving under-age boys who engaged in homosexual prostitution “be fore, between and after shows.” Smith said the owner of the Follies Theater, William Oates, also ran Cinema Follies in Washington and Best of Both Worlds in Pittsburgh. conduct, stemming from a fight he had Saturday with Melinda Prado’s brothers. Prado is the mother of Nava’s child. See said although Prado usually has custody of the child, “there are no court records which say which parent had leg al custody.” See added: “Nava had taken the child a few weeks ago, too.” Prado is Nava’s common-law wife, See said. rate car. Schou said he believes the woman was raped again because he could hear his captors laughing about • The Best Pizza In Town! Honest. WE DELIVER 846-3412 Mr. Gatti's Pizzamat AFTER 5 P.M. — MIN. $5.00 ORDER ENGINEERING OPPORTUNITIES NOT OFFERED IN PRIVATE INDUSTRY See the world. Get real management experi ence in Nuclear Engineering. Join the Nuclear Navy. We operate more than half the reactors in America. Our nuclear training is the best in the world and the most comprehensive. As a commissioned officer you will become part of our nuclear powered fleet. 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And nobody but Tinsley's Chicken 'n Rolls has a fresh baked scratch roll filled with grilled ham, sausage or a country fried steak. All served steaming hot with pure country honev or jelly. Y The All Day Breakfast sandwiches fro Tinsley's Chicken 'n Rolls. One bite and you'll know that nobody cooks their All Day Br> u fasts like Tinsley's Chicken 'n Rolls. ea College Station Location only. Served All Day from 7 A.M. til Closing Sunday from 8 A.M. til Closing