Dr. Frank Veteran administrator ma by Denise Richter Battalion Staff Almost a quarter century of service to the Texas A&M University System will end today when chancellor Frank W.R. Hubert steps down from the posi tion he has held since October 1, 1979. During a recent interview, Hubert reflected on his tenure at Texas A&M, a time that has included years of great growth and dramatic change for the University and the system. Hubert came to Texas A&M — then the A&M College of Texas — on July 1, 1959. A&M College consisted of four colleges: Agriculture, Arts and Scien ces, Engineering and Veterinary Medi cine. Hubert was hired as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, which in cluded departments now in the colleges of Business, Liberal Arts, Science and Geosciences. “My first entry on campus was very interesting,” Hubert said. “I sat in my office (in Nagle Hall) over a period of two weeks ... with little to do.” But a call from President Earl Rud der changed all of this. The legislature then was in session but had adjourned for the summer without passing an appropriation bill for the funding of higher education for the next year. To remedy this, Gov. Price Daniel called the legislature back into special session. “It became clear toward the closing hours of the legislative session that the A&M College of Texas was not going to get funding at the level that it had re quested,” Hubert said. “So, one day ab out mid-July, I got a call from President Rudder and he said: ‘Frank, I’d like very much if you could go back and visit with your deparment heads in the Col lege of Arts and Sciences. You’ve got to reduce your budget request by $180,000.’ “Well, at that time, $180,000 was a lot of money. I think the entire budget for the College of Arts and Sciences was just over $1 million ... so he was re questing more than a 10 percent de crease in our new budget. “I soon discovered that a very quick way to get to know your department heads on a very intimate basis is to go to them and say: ‘Look, dear friend, we’ve got a request from the President’s office to reduce our budget request by $180,000.’ “After much agonizing, rioting and confusion, we got the $180,000 but it was a horrible experience. We put the budget together and the legislature did appropriate a lesser amount than we had requested. But we were off and running in the fall of 1959.” Hubert said program changes and organizational matters within the Uni versity were highlights of his 23 year tenure. He cited creation of the De partment of Psychology and formation of the Political Forum as two of the most memorable changes. In 1963, Dr. S.O. Brown, a profes sor in the College of Arts and Sciences, received a research contract with the U.S. Air Force to study the physiologic al effects of low-level radiation expo sure on goats. In addition, the Air Force wanted a study on the psycholo gical behavior and reaction of goats af ter exposure to low-level radiation. Since Texas A&M did not have a practicing clinical psychologist on cam pus, Brown suggested that one be hired on a part-time basis from the Universi ty of Texas. But, by combining the sal ary of a part-time professor and a part- time researcher, Hubert was able to hire a practicing clinical psychologist on a full-time basis. “We decided that he could do the research and also be available to stu dents who had an interest in (psycholo gy),” Hubert said. “It was out of that series of events that we brought on a full-time psychologist in animal stu dies, which grew ... from that modest background into the Department of Psychology.” The refusal of University adminis tration to allow a Young Democrat group on campus led to the formation of the Political Forum. Administrators refused the forma tion of the Young Democrats because, as Hubert said one administrator ex claimed: “My God, if they have a Democrat organization, someone’s going to want a Republican association of all things and then the Socialist Par ty, and then who knows what else.” The administration urged students interested in politics to join the Brazos County chapter of Young Democrats but Hubert said students continued to want an organization of their own. Finally, Hubert approved the for mation of a Political Forum, which was given an initial appropriation and was administered out of the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sci- However, Rudder placed this quali fier on the forum: every time the group brought a proponent of one side of an issue to campus, it would have to bring to the same program a proponent hav ing the opposite view. “This made it tremendously diffi cult to schedule top speakers to come to A&M,” Hubert said. “But we finally were able to get two Houston congress men — Bob Eckhart and George Bush — to come and share the podium ... for the first political forum program. “The program was just literally October 1, 19m 30 packed. It was held in 201 MSC and it was a standing room only crowd. After the evening’s performance, the stu dents gave them a standing ovation that I would guess lasted a full 45 minutes. It was amazing, both of them were overwhelmed.” Hubert said the two most dramatic changes — making membership in the Corps of Cadets non-mandatory and the admission of women — came about as a result of declining enrollment. “A discussion and debate on very emotional issue had been in prog ress for several years before I arrived on the scene,” Hubert said. “Boththe voluntary military program and the admission of women had a sort of con current evolution over a period of years. “There were former students who were just absolutely adamant that a 'Iter Woi Irsities aa Biographical inford Birthdate: June 2, 1915, Milam County, Texas Wnivei Education: B.A., Government and History, University of Texas, 1938 M.A., Educational Administration and Government, University of Texas, 1946 Pb.D., Educational Administration and American Local Government, University of Texas, 1950 LL.D. Baylor University, 1979 Educational Experience: Director of music, Lutcher Stark Boys, Inc., Orange, Texas, 1938-1944 Principal and director of secondary education, Orange, Texas, 1946-1948 Research Texas, 1948S Administratk& direct minimum foum> r ograi division, state asp Austir 1949-1950 Director, diiW'Bnal sta, Texas EducMW-1955 Superintendent P r auge, 1955-1959 Dean, Arts andf 1 ^ A&l 1959-1965 Dean, Liberal^ dAf, 19( Acting Dean i 1969-1970 Dean, Collegei fTexas 1969-1979 Chancellor, TeSfersity, 1979-1982 ■ exas Chancellor Hubert and Regents Chairman H. R. “Bum” Bright at a rff ^gent