national - Battalion/Page 6 p - *" June 2 ■ v du in kn >g or ; lo : t > c du dr th m] -itl lei le ir lir :o rn at ati :h iVI :h e\ la. )b g 2 !g E 3 1 VO )f ir« n; 11 10 VI. o ii if ir ii it er VI; Pi m Hurricane season makes expert wary s United Press International MIAMI — The six-month hurricane season opened Tues day and weather officials say 60 million coastal residents may be in for disaster because they ignore evacuation warnings and live in poorly constructed dwell- ings. Dr. Neil Frank, head of the National Hurricane Center, said the problem is compounded be cause most of the residents of the hurricane-prone Atlantic and Gulf coasts have never ex perienced a major hurricane and are not sufficiently wary of the force of nature’s most deadly phenomenon. Frank said many people are either unprepared or geog raphically unable to evacuate in time. A behavioral study by a Miami engineering firm, as part of a comprehensive evacuation plan for Dade and three other counties, bears out his fears. The survey showed more than one out of every four peo ple living near the south Florida coast would defy orders to eva cuate their homes in the face of an approaching hurricane. Frank also foresees problems in getting out people who want to leave. Many coastal areas have no effective evacuation plans. . A hurricane slamming into the U.S. mainland is more dead ly than either a tornado or an earthquake. The prospect of one occurring this year, Frank said, makes him very nervous. Inadequate construction is a great concern. “We know how they (coastal buildings) were engineered but not how they were built,” Frank said. “I think most of the big ones will survive but you just don’t know how they were built so you can’t say with 100 percent assurance they will survive.” An average of two major storms hit the U.S. coast every three years. With more and more buildings and people along the coastline, the peril in creases during the June 1 to Nov. 30 storm season. “I have been told we could save 10,000 lives a year if people would wear seat belts,” Frank said. “But they don’t. And we could save lives if people paid attention to our (hurricane) warnings, but they don’t.” About 15,000 people have died this century in 31 killer hurricanes — 6,000 in 1900 when Galveston was hit by a storm in what is still considered America’s greatest natural dis aster. In 1979, Hurricane Frederic proved to be the costliest storm when it devastasted Mobile, Ala., and adjacent coastal areas of Alabama and Mississippi to the tune of $2.3 billion. Nixon predicts Reagan win DOE United Press International NEW YORK — Former President Richard Nixon pre dicts Ronald Reagan will win re-election in 1984, defeating Sen. Edward Kennedy, who, he says, is burdened by a 1960s mentality and needs to lose 20 pounds. In an interview with CBS Evening News correspondent Diane Sawyer, Nixon said there was no way the Demo crats would nominate former Vice President Walter Mon dale because he is “just a warmed-over Carter.” If he chooses to run, Nixon said, Reagan would win be cause he has kept his prom ises. He said by 1984 Reagan will say, ‘“I promised that I was going to cut taxes and I have.’ “He will have cut taxes, he will have cut inflation, he will have cut government spend ing and he will have cut unem ployment,” the former presi dent said. Kennedy, Nixon said, must do a number of things before he can seek the nominaliotB "He’s got to lose m pounds,” Nixon said.‘‘HeiM has got to enter the ’80sratifl United than the ’60s. He’s got toi«LUBBO , some new ideas.” cotton hek Crosbyton, Asked how smart thepiJ c l ll ‘ llt< l dent is, Nixon replied, “MJt ctors smarter than his critics litl| st ^ nn .^ given him credit for.” Design 6 Texas Te Josbyton! NATIONAL BRAND! ■BONELESS! ROUND STEAI iANE SUGAR Beel Round m; Town House ED HOI PRICE!: *•••••• Limit One Bog With ‘20.” Additional Purchase or More, less Beer, Wine or Tobaccos. RED HOT SPECIAL! LOU ANA VEGETABLE Olfl Limit One Bti. With ‘10." Additional Purchase or More, Less Beer, Wine or Tobaccos. OR SUGAI FREE Sfl£>r SAVE 50*! J2^Pure vegetobl* 0 C RED HOT SPECIAL! )WU4/V4' ^^ |48 Oz.l Btl. MiS ■BONELESS! BEEF BRISKET SUPER SAVERS SAVE YOU MONEY! Safeway Trimmed ilia | HOT | PRICE! °y> EL PASO NACHIPS LOWER PRICES WITH OUR SUPER SAVERS!. ■TROPICANAl ORANGE JUICE Derailment may pollute water supply REb HOT . SAVE 22*! vllropicanal Geld 'n Pure, 100% Pure • • • • 0** RED HOT |C SPECIAL!. United Press International COLONIAL HEIGHTS, Va. — A fire in a burning fuel tank ;ar was brought under control Tuesday and state health au- .horities said another derailed :ar may contaminate a town’s (Vater supply. Crews worked to clear tracks }f wreckage from the 28-car de- ailment of a Seaboard Coast Lines train Monday 50 yards :rom an elementary school, an nfficial said. “Most of the vehicles have left md they’re clearing the tracks,” >aid Marvin Clipp, principal of Vorth Elementary School. The fire was brought under control about 4 a.m., Clipp said, idding that school would be )pen Tuesday. He said officials, concerned hat one end of a fuel tank car nay have spilled fuel into a tri butary of the creek from a bridge, still were testing water rom Swift Creek. The car is dangling over a railroad bridge. The creek feeds the Appo- nattox River upstream from vhere Hopewell draws its water mpply. The car loaded with jet fuel idditive exploded when the reight train derailed on \mtrak’s main East Coast artery .hortly after 1 p.m. Monday. 'A mar yONE P BONELESS STRIP STEAKS Beef SAVE MONEY WITH OUR SUPER SAVERS!. 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