The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 02, 1982, Image 4
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SERVICES SPECIAL NOTICE Couple wanted: Care for elderly man in his home. Room, board, salary. Call 693-4360 after 5:30 p.m. 152t5 Now hiring busboys. Apply between 2 p.m.-5 p.m. at 404 University Drive East. 114tfn Now accepting applications for part-time weekend & evening shifts. Apply in person only. 100 South Texas Ave. 122tfn Male student to organize rec. activities for two 4/yr. old boys. 1-4, M-F, $50 week, 846-6211 after 5:00. 154t2 Part-time waitresses wanted. Apply in per son at THIRSTY TURTLE. 155»4 Male and female newspaper carries. (Early morning) for summer routes. Call Houston Post, 846-2911 or 696-8032. 154tfn TEACH OVERSEAS-AII fields. Graduating seniors are en couraged to apply. For details please send a self-addressed stamped long envelope to: FRIENDS OF WORLD TEACHING, P.O. Box 1049 San Diego, CA. 92112-1049. 154t2 The Public Works Dept, of the City of Bryan would like to utilize the abilities of a civil engineering upper classman during the sum mer months. Work will in clude new programs, work scheduling, preventive maintenance scheduling in areas of auto maintenance and transportation. Salary $7.00 + per hour. Contact: City of Bryan Employment Office 300 S. Washington 713-779-5622, Ext. 202 AA/EOE-M/F GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Hires The Best • Waitresses • Bartenders • Bar Backs • Door Personnel Good Pay, Excellent Work ing Conditions. Meat Cheerful Attitude. Apply in person. 1600B South College Service For All ^ Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. [ Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 1tfrJ| 1 All kinds. Let us type your propos-l als, dissertations, reports, essays! on our WORD PROCESSOR.! Fast service. Reasonable rates, j Butlness Communication Services ,4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 lestfn FOR RENT Apartment for rent. 2 bedroom, 4 miles from campus. Very nice $200/mo. summer, $270/mo. fell. 779-6335 or 214-561-2315. 151t6 4 spaces available in nice house near cam pus, $110/mo. 779-9219. 148(8 Summer leases 2 bedroom 1V4 bath 4-plexes, close to campus, washer/dryer in each unit. $425/mo., 693-8685. 12Hfn New Fourplex. 2 bedroom l Vi bath. Ap pliances. Washer/dryer. Call Jane 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) 118tfn SWEKSEN-Sl Hiring now for the rest of the Spring Semester and for Summer. •Full or Part-Time. CULPEPPER PLAZA DISHWSHERS, COOKS, FOUNTAINEERS & ICE CREAM MAKERS. POST OAK MALL ICE CREAM SCOOPERS. Apply in person at desired location. 124tfn Attractive studio apartment furnished/un furnished near campus bus line CRAN- BROOK PLACE, 779-3656. 154(6 ATTENTION SUMMER AND VET. MED. GRADUATES! ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS ROOM 217. MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM MSC STUDENT FINANCE CENTER MONDAY — FRIDAY LAST DAY TO ORDER — Friday, June 11, 1982 i 5 4t6 Bargain! 2 bedroom apartments. Almost new, $285.00. 779-3550, 696-2038, 846- 2951. 154(6 FOR LEASE ' University Acres Apartments- country liv ing at reasonable prices. Call Jane at 696- 4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.). 80tfn Attractive one bedroom (studio) apartment near Bee Creek partially furnished, $260. Call 893-5224, 693-9965. 155(3 FOR SALE Summer sublease $199.90 per month. Call 846-9572. 155(2 SPEAKERS: Technics SB-7000A linear phase studio monitors. 15 inch woopers, $525/pair or best offer, 696-2723. 155(5 Adorable black Retriever cross puppies, $15, 775-4607. 155(5 HOUSE FOR SALE-BY OWNER VA assumable $14,000 equity 2 bedroom 1 bath partially remod eled solid oak flooring. Excellent neighborhood, fenced yard, avail able 13 Aug., good starter home, 823-7305 15214 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 696-8032 2Wr < ‘ ^ , : - r " .ai Honda CB360 1975, good condition, 20,000 miles, Richard, 845-3825, 779- 1893. 154(3 Used furniture, kitchen items, misc. Bar gain Bam 3 miles from TAMU on Hwy. 60 W. 154(4 Honda 450, $650/= Dhillon, 846-2726. 155(5 Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004. .... 7— ... 46tfn' «l The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking appli- cations lor newspaper route carriers for summer & fall semesters. Routes take 2V2 to 3 hours per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for the summer & fall semester. If interested please call Julian McMur- rey 693-2323. 50tfn College Students earn big money this summer in the B/CS area. Our company has openings for 8 full and 6 part-time students from Ap ril 22 thru August 30th. For Service, Sales, Deliveries and Ad vertising work. Our lowest paid student earned $921.00 per month last summer plus bonuses and incentives. Car helpful. Apply in person at ELECTROLUX 2707 S. College, Bryan, Texas between 8:30-9:30 a.m. only Tuesday-Saturday. ;140116 Three pieces matched luggage; Sunbeam electric iron. Fifty other good things reasonable. 1-828-4240. 151t5 Would like someone to lease a new, furnished, one bedroom apartment on Boyett. Summer rates: $290/month, fall: $310/month plus electricity, 696-9697. PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swimming pools, shuttle bus, laundry facilities, se curity guard. 1600 South west Parkway, 693-6540. NOW LEASING FOR THE SUMMER Better hurry! While they last, one and two-bedroom units available at special discounts for the 6-week summer session, starting as low as $204 per month. Excellent condition, see to appre ciate. Furnished or unfurnished. Call today. EAST GATE APARTMENTS 713/696-7380 401 Lincoln Drive East, College Station, Texas Fall Leases Now Available Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 ROOMMATE WANTED JOB OPPORTUNITIES Mature individual needed for roommate. Two story 4-plex, washer and dryer. $300.00 month plus utilities. 2-bedroom IVi bath, Tommy 846-4751. 153(5 SERVICES Need Credit? Guaranteed Master and Visa Cards. No credit check. Send self- addressed envelope to: National Consumer Credit, 14045 South Main, Suite 278-1. Houston, Texas 77035. 140t2<) Call Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ONl THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfn WORD-PROCESSING: Papers, theses, dissertations, Letter-perfect printing, 696- 8 910. 143(30 Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544. 846-9707. isitfn WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 « n WHY BOTHER WITH ELECTRICITY BILLS? At the VIKING... One check pays all your housing expenses, including top maintenance service, all electric kitchens, pool, lighted tennis courts, and security guard. Compare our summer rates today As low as $ 25 O Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 BILLS PAID 1601 Holleman, College Station, Texas 713/693-6716 d 1 } °b tor employment Information at Tent A4tM University dial 845-4444 24 boon a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative \ctim. \ Texas A&M University ; \ 18H»n ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment’’ 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 Earn $290 a month just by working two nights (5 pm-2 am) a week, (more hours available) at Der Wien- erschnitzel. Apply in Person 501 S. Texas Ave. Bryan between 9:30am-11am weekdays. 136ttn FOUR-PLEXES NEW IN SOUTHWOOD VALLEY CALL FOR INSPECTION •All Electric •Wallpaper, carpet •Water Bill Paid •Washer/Dryer connections •Professionally Decorated 2 Bdrm. 1 Bath 949 sq. ft. S 425 un, $200 DEPOSIT Mon-Sat 693-8850 Evenings 693-8345 D.R. CAIN RENTAL PROPERTIES 3002 South Texas College Station 2 Bdrm. 1 1 /2 Bath 1070 sq. ft. s 460 unf. $200 DEPOSIT Schlotzsky’s Now accepting applications for full-time day and part- time evening and weekend shifts. Apply in person only. Must be 18 years old, 100 S. Texas Ave. 144tfn FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10 p.m.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary S3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURQER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Domjnik I90tfn WAZOS HOUSE TMEtitS •ASH ... louthwood Valley off 2818 IG NOW FOR SUMMER AND FALL Designed specially for students •1 Bdrm and 2 Bdrm with 2 Full Baths 3-C BAR-B-Q Culpepper Plaza Now Hiring DISHWASHERS, CASHIERS, HOSTESSES, SERVING-LINE WORKERS. Apply between 9-11 and 2-4. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. •Kitchen appliances •Carpets and drapes •All electric •Swimming pool •Laundry room •Cable TV hook-ups SPECIAL RATES FOR SUMMER AND 12-MONTH (Also 9-mth leases available.) For Leasing Information Call: Scott Zetak 693-8850 Evenings 693-8345 D.R. CAIN RENTAL PROPERTIES state Roadblocks, 21 deaths mar Texas’ holida United Press International As the long Memorial Day weekend sped to a close, some south Texas officials defended their holiday roadblock. The unofficial death toll compiled by United Press Inter national Monday was 21 deaths on Texas highways for the period beginning 6 p.m. Friday. Texas trailed only California and Florida in fatalities as more than 200 deaths were reported nationwide. Near Freeport, police from three communities set up roadb locks to check motorists travel ing to Surfside Beach. The traf fic checks by Angleton, Clute and Richwood police depart ments netted about 128 tickets and nine arrests, mostly for drunken driving. “All we want to do is make sure there are no drunks driving on the road,” said Sgt. M.E. Nor man of Clute department. “A couple of times we just told the driver to let someone else in the car who was sober get behind the wheel.” Clute City Judge Bobby Smith said, “I think we are getting a bum rap. We feel like we’re trying to save people’s lives. We haven’t had a fatality in the county due to Surfside traffic in the last two weekends. The weekend before we couldn’t say that.” Department of Public Safety spokesman said troopers were patrolling highways in full force in an effort to keep highway speeds near the required 55 mph. The weekend death toll in cluded six people killed while riding motorcycles pedestrians struck byveli Jeffrey Smith, 24, ofi was pronounced deadon; at a Dallas Hospital aft motorcycle hit a car at North Central Express) medical examiner’s spot said Monday. Smith was driving the cycle, which was carryk senger, when the vehiclei a Toyota, hit the median and flipped several accident threw the victii feet from the point of The patient was rep« taken to Presbyterian but a name and condititt unavailable. Neither rider was we* helmet. A Abilene boy, 15, was late Sunday when then cle on which he wasapas was struck from behind automobile as the twon were southbound Jones County. Department of Publiti investigators said Doujl Wright was not wearing met when the motorod struck. Also killed Sunday in car accident was Daniell of Corpus Christi. Thei was riding in crashed imt vert near Gregory, pt Three people were ii the accident and takentok als in Corpus Christi One accident early inik day period claimed when an 18-wheeler cars which had collided! 290 and FM 1098 in I County Saturday. I Ur HO Ander ing its mothe its coi demat Ar ates oi take-I apy p “\ good ’ Dr. Fr ident In of An rad mothi auton dents their T pleasi who ( home rathe the medt It; ing si apy b autoi can 1 cherr spret longt Tf possi the a in tb King Ranch heirs to argue in court United Press International SAN ANTONIO — The : mysterious inner workings of the fabled King Ranch and the family that runs it are to be spil led in federal court this month in a suit charging that $70 mil lion was not enough for land that one family member sold to others. Belton K. Johnson, great- grandson of Capt. Richard King who founded the 130-year-old ranching empire, wants another $15 million to $60 million for oil and gas royalties on the share of land he sold in 1976. Attorney Cecil Munn said Monday that ranch officials “did not disclose a very material amount of information about a very substantial amount of money, which would have made a difference in (Johnson’s) deci sion to sell.” When Johnson agreed to sell his 12 percent interest in the ranch, he had not been told that Exxon Co. USA owed King Ranch Inc. royalties for gas pro duced on the ranch. Exxon eventually paid $150 million in royalties. But the attorney for the ranch, Jack Hebdon, said John son not only knewaboutll sibility that Exxon owei ranch money but hah among the family mi most active in pursuing! ments. The family’s invest however, did not provii definite information March 1977, four montli: Johnson sold out, Hebdot; “There was no inift concealment of anything Mr. Johnson,” Hebdon “He simply did not died things he could have dl because he was anxious» “He was worried ate changes and tax laws,” hi “The (corporation) made* and best offer, and hejunf it.” Some family memberstii talk Johnson out of sell! he threatened to sueorsi land to Arabs, Hebdon si This suit is the first infighting among King's! dants has been made f The haranguing apparent gan in 1925 when King died and the South! ranch, with headquarttf Kingsville, was divided* heirs. Space shuttle test gives crew a feel for flight United Press International SPACE CENTER, Houston - Space officials said Monday that the 57-hour simulation of the space shuttle’s fourth flight will give astronauts and mission control personnel experiences similar to what they will have in June when the Columbia laun ches again. The simulation, which began Tuesday at 8 a.m. and is sche duled to run through late Thursday, picked up the mis sion at one day, 18 hours and 30 minutes after launch. Since the activity involves some classified aspects pertaining to the De fense Department payload, the simulation will be closed to the press and public. Astronauts and ground- based fight controllers gain ex perience during flight simula tions. The time segment covers a major portion of critical tests scheduled for STS-4. Crew members are U' Mattingly as the com® 1 ' and Henry Hartsfield * pilot. For the exercise, t! be in a simulator whichpf j! sensory and data feedback’ tical to what occurs inspac* ing a flight. T d< u TOl Doctoi tage o Canad Ontar annua State \ and m come We ration the T Monel has ha tional visits t years. The simulator wil grated with the Mission Of tions Control room, where 1 crews of flight controll® 1 alternate shifts. I tc 103tfn AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: i Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group , 3400 S. College 823-8051 Simulation hardware duces imaginary problem 1 ': participants. At the time 1 ' simulation, the crewisi®* 1 of what the problems will; Consequently, both the' and ground crew receive! tic training in dealing with "IS pected events like those’ might occur during the 1 mission. Other, shorter,si" don tests will be conductef , various launch and i situation, as well as critic* ! orbit operations. , The Columbia is sch!' I for a seven-day mission launch planned no earlie 1 t June 27. It will be the final , shuttle orbital test.