The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 02, 1982, Image 1

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    The Battalion
Serving the University community
/ol. 75 No. 155 USPS 045360 10 Pages
College Station, Texas
Wednesday, June 2, 1982
irst tour:
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ope finishes
tour in Wales
United Press International
DINBURGH, Scotland — Pope
t|n Paul II, with the most militant
estant areas behind him, had only
Bp today to the green hills of Wales
|in the first visit ever by a pontiff to
The 62-year-old pontiff flies to
[diff, the Welsh capital, where he
expected to be greeted by more
In 50 percent of the principality’s
15(1,000 Catholics, which make upab-
)Ul| 6 percent of the population.
Kardiff was making him a “Free-
of the city, a rare honor
irded only four times previously,
to Winston Churchill and most
ntly to Diana, princess of Wales.
Thank you for your hospitality, it
wonderful,” the pope told the
d. “I love your country.”
ivic, police and church officials
le confident the pope would not
the difficulties of his Scottish visit
lie threat of disruption by militant
Wants opposed to the pope’s
isage of Christian unity,
hurch spokesman Father Robert
rdon said opposition to last cen-
irl’s influx of Irish immigrants —
nucleus of the Roman Catholic
raunity — has died away and
“there is no anti-pope feeling.”
Reardon said although only 70,000
Catholics were expected at the pope’s
open-air mass in Pontcanna Fields,
the church issued 156,000 tickets in
response to demand.
“This shows the great interest in
the pope among non-Catholics,” he
The pope also will appear before
37,000 young Welsh Catholics at a ral
ly at Ninian Park sports stadium.
Police Chief Constable John
Knight said he knew of no planned
demonstrations or even if the pope’s
most vocal enemy, Northern Ire
land’s Rev. Ian Paisley, planned to fol
low him to Wales.
Paisley roused some 600 followers
in religiously divided Glasgow in the
final hours of the pope’s visit to Scot
land Tuesday evening. At least six of
his Bible-waving supporters were
arrested when several hundred tried
to march on downtown Glasgow.
This brought to at least 58 the
number of arrests since the pope ar
rived in Britain Friday. In London, a
magistrate ordered 14 arrested there,
including seven clergymen, kept lock
ed up until he departs for Rome.
eagan ready
For peace tour
United Press International
ASHINGTON — President
aid Reagan embarks today on a
ay European journey aimed at
ngthening.the Western Alliance
1 promoting free trade as an
yerto global economic problems.
Keagan was “superbly prepared”
his first trip to Europe as presi-
t, aides said, and was expected to
:he focus of attention at a seven-
ion economic summit at Versailles
lay and a 16-nation NATO sum-
at Bonn the following week.
Before departing for Paris today,
first leg of his four-nation tour,
igan was to deliver remarks at an
t Room ceremony — expressing
hopes and aspirations for the care-
y planned trip.
His itinerary includes a stop in
ne where he will meet with Pope
n Paul II, two days in London dur-
which he will be treated to royal
p and pageantry, and a symbolic
rimage to the Berlin Wall,
he audience with the pope was
iccted to be an emotional one.
ley were both shot by would-be
ssins last year. Since then, they
e developed a friendship over the
phone, but have never met in per-
Tight security also has been de
ed for Paris where many boule-
ds and alleys are plastered with
■i-Reagan posters.
■ Reagan, however, speaks in calm
words and maintains the peace move
ment in Europe is actually following
his lead.
In an interview Tuesday with four
European television network corres
pondents, he was asked whether the
demonstrations had influenced him
to seek nuclear arms negotiations and
how he evaluated the protests.
“Actually, it didn’t influence me —
as a matter of fact, they’re kind of
following the leader because way back
during the campaign ... on a number
of occasions, I publicly expressed my
intention to seek a program of arms
reduction,” he said.
Asked what image he would like to
convey to the Europeans, Reagan
“As someone who believes very
much in that (Western) Alliance
which has kept the peace for almost
40 years now A belief that our fate is
tied to that of Europe. We’re not an
outsider coming in trying to do some
thing helpful for others.
“That alliance is as important to us
as it is to the nations of Europe. Also a
belief that we can have better trade
relations, freer trade relations, that
our economic problems are similar in
all our countries ... and that the
answer must be in red ucing and elimi
nating inflation, freer trade that will
provide jobs ... and if I can be seen as
honestly wanting and trying sincerely
for all those things there, that will be
staff photo by David Fisher
Be sure to wash behind your ears
There’s not one dirty dog at the College of Veterinary
Medicine. Many of the veterinary students spend time
every day cleaning up the dogs that are at the Small
Animal Clinic to receive treatment. Debbie Charles, a
senior veterinary medicine student from San Antonio,
washes her dog Bristle before saying goodnight.
It was probably no surprise to have to wait in yet
another long line to pay student fees for most seasoned
seniors. Kristi Schommer (left), a senior Sociology major
from Humble, and Gretchen Roeder (right), a senior
staff photo by David Fisher
political science major from Houston, write their checks
to the University while Henry Poole, a senior pre-med
major from Corrigan waits his turn. Having two days to
pay fees was supposed to eliminate the long lines.
Tougher admission standards
increase summer enrollment
by Susan Dittman
Battalion Staff
Registration for first summer ses
sion classes at Texas A&M reflects a
9.94 percent increase over the same
time last year.
A final count will not be available
until next week, but so far, 11,767
students have enrolled, compared to
10,703 last year. Late registration will
be conducted through Thursday.
Registrar R. A. Lacey said one of
the reasons for the increase is the
change in admission requirements
which will be effective in the fall. A
significant number of transfer and
freshmen students are entering this
summer under the present require
ments, he said.
For entering freshmen who gradu
ated in the top 10 percent of their
high school class, there is no mini
mum SAT score required for admis
sion. The 800 SAT score required of
freshmen in the highest quarter of
their class also remains the same.
The change in admission require
ments effects those entering fresh
men who graduated in the second,
third and fourth quarters of their
high school class. Through the sum
mer, the minimum SAT scores re
quired are 800, 900 and 1000, respec
Beginning in the fall semester, the
SAT scores required for admission
will be 950, 1100 and 1200, respec
For transfer students, a 2.0 grade
point ratio overall and for the last
semester is presently required for
admission into the University.
The new requirements call for
transfer students with 30 hours or less
to have a 3.0 GPR overall and for the
two most recent semesters. These stu
dents must also meet the entering
freshmen requirements.
Transfer students with 31 hours to
45 hours must also have a 3.0 GPR
overall and for the last two semesters.
They are not required to meet the
entering freshmen requirements.
A 2.5 GPR overall and for the two
most recent semesters is required of
transfer students with 46 hours to 60
hours. Those students with 61 or
more hours fall under the present
admission requirements for trans
British troops ready for final assault
or Argentine surrender at Falklands
United Press International
Thousands of British troops mas
sed in the treeless hills overlooking
Stanley today, awaiting an Argentine
surrender or the order for a final
assault on the Falkland Islands’ capit
al, defense sources said.
“One can almost taste the early
scent of victory on the wind,” said re
porter Robert McGowan of the Lon
don Daily Express, camped with Brit
ish troops looking down on Stanley.
“The paratroops and the marines are
Prime Minister Margaret Thatch
er sent Britain’s U.N. Ambassador Sir
Anthony Parsons back to New York
Tuesday to warn Argentina to “with
draw or face the consequences,” gov
ernment sources said.
But the commander of the sur
rounded Argentine garrison in Stan
ley told his troops in inflict a
“crushing” defeat on British forces
and Thatcher reportedly expected a
final decisive battle.
“We would prefer them to leave, to
withdraw,” said Cecil Parkinson,
chairman of Thatcher’s Conservative
Party, “but if they won’t we will have
to go in and ... repossess the British
territory in the Falklands.”
The Argentine junta late Tuesday
sent a high-ranking delegation to the
United Nations and a delegation
member Brig. Gen. Jose Miret said,
“We have ceded, or are ceding, every
thing that is prudent, in order to
achieve an honorable peace.”
But Argentine Foreign Minister
Nicanor Costa Mendez later said they
were not carrying concessions or new
proposals. U.N. Secretary-General
Javier Perez de Cuellar discounted
the possibility of Argentine conces
sions or a cease-fire.
The British Ministry of Defense
maintained a news blackout but re
porters on the Falklands said British
troops were firmly in control of the
snow-dotted, 1,500-foot Mount Kent,
a key observation point 10 miles west
of Stanley across a bleak plain.
Other “spearhead” troops were re
ported within 10 miles of the capital
with its 7,000-man Argentine garri
son, poised to retake the town exactly
two months after Argentina’s inva
sion started the war. But top-level
British defense sources said no major
battle was expected for several days.
To indicate how bloody an attack
could be, the British Defense Ministry
announced 250 Argentine soldiers
were killed at Goose Green last week,
with 120 of the 1,400 prisoners
wounded. Only 17 British troops
Some Argentines were killed on
the slopes of Mount Kent this week,
British defense sources said, but Brit
ish wounded number fewer than 10.
The sources said British patrols
were testing Argentine defenses
while thousands of Royal Marines,
paratroopers, Welsh Guardsmen and
Nepalese Gurkhas massed and the
Royal Artillery installed light 105mm
guns on the commanding heights of
Mount Kent.
Correspondents reported some
7,000 British soldiers on East Falk
land, but not all at Port Stanley. Some
3,500 troops landed this week to the
north of Stanley, defense sources and
reporters said, but their position was
An Argentine military spokesman
conceded their position at Stanley was
“difficult,” and a member of the
three-man ruling junta indicated the
president also may be in trouble.
Late Monday, Air Force Comman
der Basilio Lami Dozo said it was time
to consider setting up a new Argen
tine government, fueling speculation
President Leopoldo Galtieri would be
In a message reported by the state
news agency Telem, Gen. Mario
Menendez, the commander of the
Argentine garrison at Stanley warned
his troops, “The adversary is prepar
ing to attack.”
“We should not only defeat them,”
he said, “but we should do it in such a
way their defeat will be so crushing
they will never again have the daring
idea of invading our soil.”
GSSO may appeal decision
by Rebeca Zimmermann
Battalion Staff
Gay Student Services Organization
members will decide tonight whether
or not to appeal Judge Ross N. Sterl
ing’s dismissal of their five-year-old
lawsuit against Texas A&M Univer
GSSO officers said in a May 26
press conference they would recom
mend that group members appeal the
decision to the Fifth U.S. Circuit
Court of Appeals.
But one GSSO member said at the
press conference the main problem
the group faces in appealing Sterl
ing’s decision is its lack of funds.
He said the group has asked for
assistance from organizations such as
the Gay Task Force and the American
Civil Liberties Union.
The statement was issued at the
conference by Patricia Wooldridge,
one of the original plaintiffs in the
suit filed against the Univeristy in
1977. Wooldridge said she is no lon
ger a student at Texas A&M or a
member of GSSO. She returned to
the Bryan/College Station area for the
trial in November.
Wooldridge said the group “stands
shocked and frustrated” at the deci
GSSO filed the suit because it
claimed members’ First Amendment
rights of free speech and assembly
were violated when the University re
fused to recognize the group.
Sterling dismissed the case because
he found the group to be social in
nature, not service-oriented. There
fore, he said Texas A&M was legally
able to deny University recognition of
But another GSSO member said
the group has “no selective policy” for
membership, which he said is the
main difference between GSSO and
social organizations.
He said anyone in the community is
invited to join the organization.
Classified 4
Local 3
National 6
Opinions 2
Sports 9
State 3
W’hat’s Up 8
Today’s Forecast: Mostly sunny.
Becoming partly cloudy. High to
day of 85, low tonight in mid-70s.
Increasing cloudiness Thursday,
high in mid-80s, low in mid-70s.