The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 19, 1982, Image 1
JBl Market ’ Copii 0 )\s | Errors take toll on baseball team See page 9 ■nor me DaTia on Serving the University community 1 i s 75 No. 152 USPS 045360 10 Pages College Station, Texas Wednesday, May 19, 1982 ritish fleet poised, awaiting attack order R United Press International : Britain holds the key today to war 01 peace in the Falkland Islands, scru tinizing Argentina’s proposal for a tease-fire but threatening to order its war fleet to invade. U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar pleaded with nego tiators to “continue without respite,” ’but neither nation expressed great pe for a sudden breakthrough. Britain’s war fleet poised in attack fiprmation and armed with an esti mated 37 Sea Harriers and 8,900 loops, awaited only a coded order from Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to recapture the British col ony of 149 years Argentina seized April 2. An Argentine military analyst said “all signs point to an imminent inva sion” and a member of its U.N. Mis sion desired further talks but called Britain’s solution to the conflict un acceptable. “The British have maintained a very continuing solid position,” Argentine envoy Jorge Herrera Vegas said on ABC’s “Nightline” program. “They have not been fle xible.” British Ambassador Anthony Par sons declined comment but transmit ted to London Argentina’s response to a set of proposals Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher termed her “last” offer. Argentina’s chief negotiator Enri que Ros said the response was de signed to find a “settlement of this dispute in a positive way.” Herrara Vegas felt “reason and intelligence” may yet succeed but admitted: “I think an invasion is possible. “There will certainly be further exchanges tomorrow,” Perez de Cuel lar said, adding “a durable peace through negotiation and accommo dation is clearly in the common in terest of both parties.” The key unresolved issue in the talks centered on the administration of the Falklands following a cease-fire and a simultaneous withdrawal of Argentina’s 9,000 troops and Bri tain’s war fleet. Sources said London insists on a role for the elected Falkland govern ment in a temporary U.N. adminis tration of the islands while negotia tions settle the question of sovereignty. Buenos Aires insists upon a “pure U.N. interim administration,” Her rera Vegas said. “We couldn’t accept maintenance of a colonial institu tion,” referring to the Falklands Brit- ish-style elected government. Mrs. Thatcher repeatedly has de manded “self determination” for the 1,800 English-speaking islanders was “pre-eminent” in any solution. Without their participation in run ning the islands, sources said it was doubtful she could sell a peace settle ment. to Parliament. Likewise, Argentina reportedly sought to avoid appearances it per mitted a vestige of colonial rule to govern the islands after the Argen tine flag is hauled down. The BBC reported it would take 14 hours to launch an invasion upon receipt from London of a coded com mand to attack. rsychiatrist says Valium caused s rage 827 United Press International WASHINGTON —John W. Hinc- ley Jr. t his psychotic mind dulled by alium, staked out President Reagan, evealed his .22-caliber revolver and nought, “Now, I have no choice,” a dense psychiatrist has testified. Dr. David Bear told a jury Tuesday le 26-year-old drifter took 20 milli- rams of the tranquilizer 2'/a hours efore the shooting, waited for eagan to emerge from a Washing- un hotel and hoped “someone will top me.” After the shooting, Bear said, linckley was “steely calm.” Bear, a Harvard psychiatrist, testi- ied Hinckley’s hometown psychiat- ist gave Hinckley the wrong treat- nent in the weeks before the shooi ng, including Valium, which may lave triggered his “inner rage.” Bear was the second psychiatrist to estify Hinckley was schizophrenic vhen he shot Reagan on March 30, ? 1981. He is to return today for cross- examination about his diagnosis that Hinckley suffered from “schizophre nia spectrum disorder.” In eight interviews with Hinckley, Bear said he was careful to make sure Hinckley was not faking mental ill ness as the criminal mastermind had in “The Fox is Crazy, Too,” a book Hinckley read. “Hinckley, I don’t think, was at all the faker and didn’t follow the style of faking,” Bear testified. “The idea that for seven years he faked these nega tive symptoms is preposterous.” He said Hinckley, with no friends and suffering from a deep depress ion, likened himself in his poetry to a “defective man, a man cursed from the beginning — like the ‘Elephant Man’ or ‘Frankenstein’s monster.” In one poem, Bear said, Hinckley mourned, “I am kin to Frankenstein begging for a simple mate, cursing my unGodly fate.” Miller to join governor’s team Former Texas A&M University Pres- dent Dr. Jarvis E. Miller has been ointed head of the governor’s Office of Budget and Planning, effec tive June 1. Miller, a 1950 Texas A&M gradu ate, will be responsible for the overall planning and management of the state’s budget. He said his office will also be involved in instituting “mod ern business management practices” in state agencies. “We will be stressing a more analy tical approach to budget preparation and planning — use more back ground studies, comparisons with other states,” he said. Miller said “not enough back- round analytical work” has been lone on state agency budget planning in the past, and he intends to do more. “This will help us do a better job of allocating the state’s resources,” Mil ler said. “We’re in a very nice position right now of having surpluses, but when we come to the position of hav ing to cut something, we have to know what to cut.” Governor William P. Clements said in a press release: “I am delighted that Dr. Miller has agreed to accept new responsibilities. His experience and sound judgment will continue to be of outstanding service to this office and to the citizens of Texas.” Since ending a three-year stint as Texas A&M president in August 1980, Miller has served as a special assistant for planning to Governor Clements. He has been deputy dire ctor of the Office of Budget and Plan ning since August 1981, and directed Texas 2000, the state’s first major comprehensive long-range planning program. Clements appointed Miller to suc ceed Paul T. Wrotenbery, who is re turning to private business. Hostages released in Connecticut United Press International NEW HAVEN, Conn. — A psychiatric patient who took six peo ple hostage at The Connecticut Men tal Health Center and threatened to “blow heads off’ was taken into cus tody today by police, ending a 14- hour siege, police said. “We have him in custody,” said Police Chief William Farrell. “He’s being examined now. Everybody is safe. There’s nobody injured. The matter is over.” All the hostages were released un harmed. Farrell said the hostage situation ended at 8:10 a.m., more than 14 hours after the incident began at 5:40 p.m. Tuesday. Farrell said Charles Watson, 30, a psychiatric outpatient for five years, would be admitted to a psychiatric hospital for observation. Farrell gave no additional details on how the situation ended. Farrell said Watson apparently had “a handgun of some type” but he de clined to be more specific. Watson, who had complained that a contract was out on his family, re leased four of the six hostages during the night, and the fourth at 5:15 a.m. He had refused to free the two re maining hostages, including a ther apist. The incident apparently began when Watson whipped out a hand gun at a group therapy session Tues day at the center and seized six hos tages. Police were alerted when Watson called a New Haven television station and said he was holding six hostages at the mental health center. The New Haven JournalCourier identified the six people taken hos tage as David Bossesky, Michelle Corall, Julie Clemente, Nancy Clark, Gretchen Holland, and a man identi fied only as Ray. A police spokesman said a hostage negotiating team and SWAT police officers rushed to the scene and opened negotiations with the gun man, although they had trouble understanding his demands. Watson released one of his hos tages, a woman, shortly before mid night, five hours after his siege began. He released two other patients at 1 a.m. after police arranged to grant a demand to have his story told on a New York radio station. The fourth hostage, a female, was released at dawn. staff photo by John Ryan Spring cleaning Billy Sandies, a physical plant employee from College Station, gives the chandeliers in the Memorial Student Center Main Lounge a good cleaning in preparation for the summer sessions. United Press International HOUSTON — An elderly grand mother goes to court today to fight a marijuana possession charge brought because she grew the weed in her gar den to use in treating arthritis. The state offered in exchange for a guilty plea a probated two-year sent ence that would be removed from her criminal record if she stayed out of trouble during that time. Laura Ethel Clark, 82, didn’t accept the plea bargain immediately, and her lawyer said she would plead innocent at arraignment in state dis trict court unless Judge Michael McSpadden ruled on a motion to dis miss the second-degree felony charge. Maximum sentence is 20 years with a $ 10,000 fine, but not even Har ris County Assistant District Attorney Glenn Gotschall — who doubts any one in our society could not know the illegality of marijuana -— is asking for even a fraction of that. Grandma goes to court on pot charge The defense pressed for immedi ate dismissal of the charge. “I’m resisting that idea,” Gotschall said. “I don’t think anybody should be immune from prosecution because of a ge-” Defense lawyer Bill Portis said it was premature to consider a plea bar gain in hopes of getting the two-year deferred adjudication probation. “We intend to plead not guilty,” he said. “Why? Because I don’t think she intentionally or knowingly possessed the stuff. She was using it as a herb to mix with alcohol for relief of the pain.” Mrs. Clark told police when arrested May 4 she had been advised brewing marijuana leaves in tea and using the leaves as compresses would ease arthritis. Arresting officer Joe Dugger said it was “like putting your granny in jail.” During booking, Mrs. Clark relaxed and “started to like it,” he said. Officials to decide Hallers case Friday by Terry Duran Battalion Staff A decision is expected Friday in the case of a student charged with tam pering with computer records and scholastic dishonesty. Freshman James Hallers II, 19, a computing science major from Hous ton, was arrested in early May and charged with tampering with govern ment records, a third degree felony. Hallers is accused of using a home computer terminal to change fresh man chemistry test grades. He has also been charged with scholastic dis honesty by University officials. Home terminals can be connected to the University computer system by arrangement with the Data Proces sing Center. University disciplinary officer Bill Kibler said whether the results of the hearing will be made public will be up to Hallers himself, since the outcome is protected by federal privacy laws. Hallers’ final grade in his Chemis try 102 class will depend on the out come of Friday’s hearing. He was allowed to finish the spring semester’s course work, although Dr. Rod O’Connor, director of freshman che mistry programs, said University offi cials have the power to “erase” credit for his entire semester if they so de cide. O’Connor said Tuesday other stu dents are being investigated “both on related scholastic dishonesty charges and related computer tampering charges,” although he said the investi gations probably will not be com pleted until after the Hallers case is resolved. Hallers said he had no idea what the results of the University hearing would be. “They (University officials) haven’t given me any indication as to what they want to do,” he said. Hallers has also been charged by the district attorney’s office with a third degree felony, punishable by 2 to 10 years in a state penitentiary or up to a $5,000 fine or both. Officials said he told them he was going to agree to deferred adjudication: Two years’ probation after which, if no further convictions are incurred, the offense is wiped from the individual’s record. However, Brazos County District Attorney Travis Bryan III said Tues day that Hallers has not pleaded on this matter. inside Classified 8 Local 8 National 6 Opinions 2 Sports 9 State 3 forecast Today’s forecast calls for partly cloudy skies with a 20 percent chance of isolated afternoon thun dershowers. Temperatures will range from lows in the low 70s to afternoon highs in the mid-80s through Friday.