The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 06, 1982, Image 11
day 6,1 FOR SALj 1 1 '^Flamenco p-K SPECIAL NOTICE national Battalion/Page 11 May 6, 1982 'I Moped,ip f -1178. i XS-4O0 )5ijl 7:00 Biaf | Honda n® . «*: | DRIVING awk, good's t niypr no. $300o,;. f nAlluL id, freesefc Hrs: Mon-Sat 12-9 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. ■ 696-1220 ..I, East Bypass and Hwy. 30. I'SewIce Road Going South - Vi V miles. H 132115 | ROOMMATE WANTED female to share house own room $75 onth. l /a bills summer only. Call Theresa 0sses -a-9001 or Karen 779-9157. $2500 fCMemale roommate wanted. $157.50/mo. + cm utilities, summer or summer/fall, 775- ift6r 5 ' W | fl55___ 14817 Summer housing for non-smoker/drinker, SO for summer session, all bills paid, idry facilities, one block off campus, 0-2281. 149t3 eed female roommate now for 2 bedroom 2i bath condo. W/D, shuttle bus, etc. $225- i/mo. plus bills. Call Peggy after 3, 696- 98. 149t5 ;male roommate needed 4 blocks from mpus. Inexpensive own bedroom, 693- 100. 14913 raduating student needs roommate in Houston. Call Tracie at 693-7079. 14915 Researcher warns: limiting Valium may lead to other drugs SERVICES WAMTr*+ 0RD PROCESSING-Papers, reports, ”“I'Mhii-JJissertations, resumes, etc. Fast, accurate, ^Jeasonable-846-6200. 131120 Jncommi^— & class n^Byping—Fast, accurate, reliable! Reason- 760 3219Ts ■, ible rates. Will take rush jobs, 693-6411. United Press International ! DALLAS — A sleep disorders researcher, disturbed by TV talk-show treatment of the prob lem, says social pressure to curb , use of drugs such as Valium and Librium is leading to the use of more dangerous narcotics. Dr. Thomas Roth of the Uni versity of Michigan told a physi cians’ seminar on sleep dis orders that despite their bad reputation, benzodiazepines usually have less drastic affects than the drugs replacing them — primarily narcotics in the tricyclic category. “Benzodiazepines induce sleep by inhibiting the waking state,” Roth said. “Tricylics aren’t for sleep. They are primarily to treat the disease known as depression. They are anti-depressant drugs, but they have certain sedation characteristics. They are being prescribed as sleep medication when they weren’t intended for that.” Roth is head of the Sleep Dis orders Center at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit. Roth said use of benzodiaze pines — which includes Valium and Librium — has decreased. “Well-known ‘scientists’ such as Phil Donahue and newspaper writers have given benzodiaze pines a bad reputation that isn’t deserved,” he said. He said the drugs could be misused, but added the fault re sted with the user, not the drug. “Will people who abuse drugs, abuse these drugs? Abso lutely,” he said. “But there is no hard evidence that these drugs lead to drug abuse.” Roth said benzodiazepines are useful in treating the symp toms of sleep disorders, but treatment should be restricted to 20 pills per month for no more than three months. After that, he said, the physician should try to diagnose the prob lem rather than treat the symp toms. During the seminar Dr. Wil liam Dement of Sanford Univer sity said 75 percent of all adults complain they have trouble sleeping. More than 6 million prescriptions are written annually for sleeping pills. He said the result of poor sleeping at night is sleepiness throughout the day that manifests itself as a lack of alertness. Dement said research showed the most alert individuals dur ing the waking hours are pre puberty children. Those least alert are college students. He said the reason children have high alert levels is because their sleep habits are regulated by parents. He said college stu dents — meeting chaotic social and academic schedules — tend to have poorly regulated sleep habits. Dr. Howard P. Roffwarg, a professor of psychiatry at Pre sbyterian Hospital, said sleep disorder centers around the country — now numbering more than 30 — are helping doctors recognize and treat sleep related problems. In the past, he said, people who slept poorly were told the problem was insignificant — the result of mental tension or not getting enough exercise. “But we’re Finding up to 50 percent of all sleep problems are biological, not psychological,” he said. One old wives’ tale that has been disproven by research is that people need eight hours of sleep per night. The researchers said some people function well on as little as two hours sleep. _ .o.ttCall Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or 'H ULOI^Hvord processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn ling ring), i 1PING 823-4579. 13H15 mondRt jTyping!l Reports, dissertations, etc. ON 'liyStofifiyfP'HE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 1755. 178tfn JthSl.,1 5-4708 AL! needs addins its for Fril 3. mnv NTIfl UA1 ions have: 1982 Conservative PAG files suit for unaired Kennedy parody TPING 845-2871, 693-3700. VORD-PROCESSING: Papers, theses, Bissertations, Letter-perfect printing, 696- 8910. 143(30 Free GRE course. 6257, 845-8462. Five weeks. Lee 693- 147(7 JTyping experienced fast, kinds, 822-0544. 846-9707. accurate, all 131tfn Key-punching, 846-8022. 135U9 ileed Credit? Guaranteed Master and Visa /ards. No credit check. Send self- addressed envelope to: National Consumer jjCredit, 14045 South Main, Suite 278-1, fouston, Texas 77035. 140(20 Typing on word processing equipment. Ex- erienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 84(40 | Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 1822-0544. 155tf» ' United Press International PORTLAND, Maine — The National Conservative Political Action Committee has filed a $ 10 million lawsuit naming Guy Gannett Publishing Co., Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., the CBS network and others as defendants. The case stems from a politic al NCPAC televisicm advertis- ment that parodies Kennedy, but was not airqd by several sta tions, including WGGB of Springfield, Mass., which is owned by Gannett. “WGGB simply found the commercial in poor taste,” Alan Campbell, a Gannett attorney, said. “The station manager viewed the commercial and said it was a parody that might be suitable for ‘Saturday Night Live’ but that it was not acceptable as a political ad.” NCPAC is independent of any political party and helped defeat several Democrats in the 1980 elections. This year NCPAC is taking on several more Democrats, including Sen. George J. Mitchell, D-Maine. The lawsuit alleges the broad casters “did not make indepen dent determinations” of whether to ryn the ad. NCPAC alleged WGGB “con sulted with defendant Ken nedy” before deciding not to run the commercial. IDING' r . and; j ■maile: | 3E STOl | )ENT : | S OFfil Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group , 3400 S. College 823-8051 16 BLDG 1 | 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 1 „ n J '' TYPING. 'All kinds. Let us type your propos-l als, dissertations, reports, essays 1 on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services ;4013 Texas Ave. S. - - 846-5794 i65«n ITY nvitatic not In FOR LEASE Sublease for summer. Glade East studio, two bedroom, 2 bath. 693-2346 or 696- 8335. 149(5 Summer sublease brand new 2 bedroom l Vi bath furnished or unfurnished, all ap pliances including washer and dryer, close to campus. $325.00, call 693-551L 148(3 I Barcelona Apartments now leasing one and | two bedroom furnished and unfurnished : for summer and year round. 700 Dominik, . 693-0261. 105t48 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment’’ 2401 Texas Aye. 779-3516 COME GROW WITH US ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH “The Church With A Heart-Warming Touch" TEMPORARILY MEETING AT A&M CONSOLIDATED MIDDLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM JERSEY ST. AT HOLIK ST., COLLEGE STATION SUNDAY SERVICES: SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 8:30 A.M., 11:00 A.M. EVENING WORSHIP 6:30 P.M. CHURCH OFFICE 2114 SOUTHWOOD 696-1376 PASTOR: TERRY TEYKL GARAGE SALE New Duplexes Now Leasing 2 BR, large walk-in closets, com- partmented bath, kitchen with bar, Ldry Rm off kitchen, Fireplace, patio, fenced yard, some trees, 2 minutes from campus (off Welsh). A must to see — you’ll like it $450.00. Heather Childress. 696- 1242. GRADUATING SENIORS!! GARAGE SALE!! Saturday, May 8 11-3 p.m. 906 Park Place, C.S. MISC. Store your stuff in our apartment this sum mer. Reasonable rates. 696-2315. 145t5 . VISION Announcing: Hair Designs Janet Wiltsie , ^ Becky Moore of Courtea also Tom Chateau Phone 846-8528 FOR LEASE 303 College Main (Down from Loupots next to White’s Auto) Open Mon.-Sat. 9 a.m.-Till ? NOW LEASING SUMMER SPECIAL 2 bedroom units w/2 baths, all ap pliances, with washer/dryer con nections. $425 less $100 discount on 1st month’s rent. 693-0982, 696-7714. 146tfn Southwest Village Apartments. Now leas ing one and two bedroom furnished or unfurnished for summer and year round leases. 693-0804, 1101 SW Parkway. 105t48 Casa del Sol now leasing one and two bed room, furnished and unfurnished for sum mer and year round. 401 Stasney, 696- 3455. 105t48 82. NOW LEASING FOR THE SUMMER Better hurry! While they last, one and two-bedroom units available at special discounts for the 6-week summer session, starting as low as $204 per month. Excellent condition, see to appre ciate. Furnished or unfurnished. Cali today. EAST GATE APARTMENTS 713/696-7380 401 Lincoln Drive East, College Station, Texas Fall Leases Now Available Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 143tfn ENGINEERS FEDERAL POSITIONS Kelly Air Force Base, located in historic San Antonio, will be conducting on-campus interviews for engineers in the aerospace, mechanical, industrial, electronics and safety disciplines on 16 November 1982. For further information, drop by or call the Placement Office. ^eel the luxury . . . Warm water running through your hair. Cleansing. Massaging. Gentle suds rinsed out, leaving a soft, sweet scent. Now, the cut. Crisp. Precise. Fresh. Perfect. Feel the luxury at. . . 707 Texas Avenue 696-6933 Culpepper Plaza 693-0607 ! | I CLASS ’82 ! | PARK DEDICATION [ (Sunday May 9, 1982 1 p.m. | The class of 1982 gift, a $32,000 park facility | located south of the MSC-Rudder guest park- | ing lot between Throckmorton St. and Hous- | ton St., will be dedicated as stated above at | the site of the park project. The ceremony is I open to the general public. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii