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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1982)
FOR LEASE FOR LEASE PERSONALS bedroom furnished apartment to sub- FOR RENT lease for summer, $280/mo. 846-5532.140t l Sublease apartment 2 bedroom 1 bath $300 month. Call Carrie, 696-1848. 14215 3 bedrooms, 2 ots, shuttle 1% l lilies, securilj; touthwest Pav lores Apartmenls-o lable prices. CallJjig iiirtney, Inc.), e for sale or reti. I>| rand dryer. peareil| 6934204. Av ailable now. CJij ue ncf'otiable. Sco lc or c-all W64KH" Kim 2 hath 4-plmii M211 after 7® p — IMMATE m: i niale needed to iL-a ncnt in SoulhnshJ 13-0755. LERO HOMES, INC. PROPERTY NOW LEASING NEW DUPLEXES 2 Bedroom/1 Bath Central Heat/Air W/D Connection Fenced Yard S undecks in Villa Forest and West Ridge 425/mo. 779-6296 693-6766 Women who would like to try out for a class A slowpiteh softball team call Steve at 693- 2853 or Cliff at 696-8499. 139t5 JOB OPPORTUNITIES inmate needed. Tral Fenced yard. Ite J Share utilities, BhI NOW LEASING FOR THE SUMMER Better hurry! While they last, one and two-bedroom units available at special discounts for the 6-week summer session, starting as low as $204 per month. Excellent condition, see to appre ciate. Furnished or unfurnished. Call today. EAST GATE APARTMENTS 713/696-7380 401 Lincoln Drive East, College Station, Texas Fall Leases Now Available Wm. J. Garrett ‘47 d i»l * a c Job tor employment information at Teas* AfcM University dial 845-4444 24 boors a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. \ Texas A&M University SPECIAL NOTICE r ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS IF YOU HAVE OR DERED A 1982 AGGIE- LAND AND WILL NOT BE ATTENDING A&M NEXT FALL AND WISH TO HAVE IT MAILED TO ii Casa del Sol now leasing one and two bed room furnished and unfurnished for sum mer and year round. 401 Stasney, 696- 3455. 105148 late needed (or a 693-3029. ■r ALL NTH Southwest Village Apartments. Now leas ing one and two bedroom furnished or lished for summer and year round 693-0804, 1101 SW Parkway. 105t48 SERVICES New Duplexes Now Leasing 2 BR, large walk-in closets, com- partmented bath, kitchen with bar, Ldry Rm off kitchen, Fireplace, patio, fenced yard, some trees, 2 minutes from campus (off Welsh). A must to see — you’ll like it $450.00. Heather Childress. 696- 1242. i.T7fiK Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 155tfn SPECIAL NOTICE J THE STUDENT PUB- J LIGATIONS OFFICE, {ROOM 216 REED j MCDONALD BLDG. AND W PAY A $3.50 MAILING PFEE ALONG WITH W YOUR FORWARDING 0 ADDRESS SO YOUR ^ AGGIELAND CAN BE 0 MAILED TO YOU NEXT f FALL WHEN THEY AR- 0 129t22^| TYPINd. 'All kinds. Let us type your propos-l als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates, -j Business Communication Services ,4013 Texas Ave. S. H 846-5794 i estfn I WORD-PROCESSING: Papers, theses, psertations, Letter-perfect printing, 696- 10. 143t30 Typing— Fast, accurate, reliable! Reason- ahfeptes. Will take rush jobs, 693-6411. 143110 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755, 178tfn Call Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn WOJtD PROCESSING-Papers, reports, Rations, resumes, etc. Fast, accurate, inable-846-6200. 131t20 eylpunching, 846-8022. 135t 19 EY /er ions illy 3d I860 8345 ith ian/Gayline 846-8022. TYPING 823-4579. 131115 Need Credit? Guaranteed Master and Visa Cards. No credit cheek. Send self- addressed envelope to: National Consumer Credit, 14045 South Main, Suite 278-1. Houston, Texas 77035. 140t20 Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds, 822-0544. 131tfn Belly Dancing for any occasion. Call Dress Rehearsal, 696-1250 anytime. 118t30 ATTENTION MAY GRADUATES OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Graduation Announcement orders may be picked up beginning NOW at the MSC Browsing Library! Bring your receipt! EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT SALES (for those unable to place an order) will be on a First Come-First Serve basis beginning MONDAY, APRIL 19, at 8 A.M. in the MSC Student Finance Center, Room 217 MSC. TYPING 845-2871, 693-3700. Typing 823-7723. Quality typing, 693-4264. Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 84140 F ^on/ir-o Fnr All FOR SALE Must sell 1975 Honda 175XL. Good condi tion. $450.00, Gabriel, 696-1880. I43t8 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 I I I J 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 1 * ,n J offer ^retyped x; availabl hs M and ubhouse professional i ring for -lighted sch unit laintained FOR SALE 1170CC Kawasaki trick & quick onlv, $200(1 linn, 779-6785. 136tl0 1982 Yamaha Towny Moped. 1200 miles, $375.00. Call Brent, 846-3521, 845-7654. 143t5 1976 Plymouth Volare Wagon, $1650/- eyenings 846-6256. 143t5 Ladies 3-speed bike two years old with new tires, lock, chain, basket included, $50.00, 0266. 143t3 HOUSE FOR SALE-BY OWNER VA assumable $12,500 equity 2 bedroom 1 bath partially remod eled solid oak flooring. Excellent neighborhood, fenced yard, avail able 13 Aug, good starter home, 823-7305 after 5 p.m. 14316 P41-C Memory modules 82106A $20.00, 3492. 143t3 nponent stereo system excellent condi tion. Call 775-4090.' 139t5 Yamaha ’77 350cc looks and runs good, $850 or best offer, 846-2919. 1.3915 1975 Maverick 4-dr. It. blue needs work, cheap, call Laura 845-3452 or 846-5232. 140t7 1977 V.W. Rabbit, fuel injection, good con dition, $3300, after 5:00 p.m. 779-8141. 135tl0 1981 Yamaha XS-400 onlv 2200 miles $1200, call after 7:00, 693-4353. “Lazer Sailboat” w/trailer $1300, 693- 4258. 125tl5 One Odyssey II video game along with 13 exciting game cartridges. Call 696-2672. 141t5 Sturdy stereo rack $60, call 846-1175 after 6:00 p.m. 141(51 1978 Datsun 200SX, great MFC, burns ‘ regular, 693-7994. 141U0 Sony PS-X40 turntable direct drive fully automatic like new, $125, 696-5606. 142t4 Senior boots size 8, asking $100, will negot iable, call 260-7148. 141(5 1981 VW Rabbit, A/C, 4-speed, AM/FM stereo cassette, tinted glass, low mileage, 37 Highway, 27 city, RWWD, $6200, 693- 3421. ' 14010 CS185 Suzuki, good condition, low mileage, $600, 779-3300 ext. 254, 779- 0624. 142(7 TWIN CITY GOLF DRIVING RANGE Mrs: Mon-Sat 12-9 p.m. Sunday 1 p.m.-8 p.m. 696-1220 East Bypass and Hwy. 30. Service Road Going South - V* miles. ♦ I | 132t15 ACCIDENT-APRIL 6 (TUESDAY) at 10:05 p.m. Hit and run by black oldsmobile to Toyota Starlet. If you saw this ac cident (in parking lot behind Com mons), please call Glenda at 260- 1469. 143t1 Will you have an unusual summer job? Newsweek wants to know. Contact Denise Richter, 845-2611. 142t2 WANTED MISC. round lit FAIL & CLE —6909 CLAUDE DAVIS JUDGE COUNTY COURT AT LAW The only candidate with Judicial experience. Pd. Pol. Ad. Fay Davis Treas. 1212 King Arthur College Station, Texas. CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 i«" AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 national Battalion/Page 11 April 28, 1982 CAB lets Eastern pick up some of Braniffs routes United Press International WASHINGTON — Braniff International Airlines is delight ed with a Civil Aeronautics Board decision allowing Eastern Airlines to pick up its South American routes for $30 mil lion. In a closed meeting late Mon day, the CAB gave tentative approval to Eastern’s plan to op erate the routes for at least a year, beginning June 1. Origin ally the meeting was called to hear an emergency petition filed by Braniff proposing that Pan American World Airways take over the routes. Eastern will operate the routes pending final board approval based on hearings be ginning in June. Eastern had proposed a six-year agreement. Eastern was pleased with the decision but, not surprisingly. Pan Am was not. “We feel the board rushed into approval of an agreement that does not provide a basis for preserving Braniffs South American route network,” Pan Am spokeswoman Pamela Han lon said. “The Eastern-Braniff agreement provides for no ser vice in 12 of 24 intra-South American markets, nor does it provide for any nonstop service from the U.S. West Coast to South America.” Braniff had asked for permis sion to lease the routes to Pan Am for $30 million. The CAB promptly had refused to give in terim approval tp that proposal, saying the issues were too com plex to be resolved quickly. Braniff officials requested urgency, saying they were be ginning to face a cash shortage. Under the proposal made by Eastern, Braniff will maintain its South American services for the month of May and Eastern will provide funds to help support the operation. In Miami, Eastern Airlines spokesman Jim Ashlock said, “We are extremely pleased by the board’s action. We have had disappointments in the past, so it is pleasing to gain international expansion. “We think the validity of what we proposed will hold up (at the CAB hearings) and we’ll wind up with the full six-year arrangement we asked for.” CAB spokesman Ed Hamil ton said they preferred to award the routes to Eastern instead of Pan Am because “they felt it would be more competitive to keep two U.S. carriers in the market.” “We’re delighted,” Braniff Vice President Sam Coats said late Monday. “It’s (he best news Braniff has had in three years. It triggers the ability to restructure our entire debt. It gives us the breathing room we have sought.” The carrier would assume employment of Braniff’s Latin American-based employees, but no transfer of flight equipment would be involved. The agree ment covers all routes except those in Brazil and Venezuela. Gambler wins jackpot; turns around, loses it United Press International SEATTLE — The man who won the biggest slot machine jackpot in Las Vegas casino his tory says he already has squan dered about three-fourths of the windfall trying to win more. Cecil Burns, 56, who lived on a disability pension and fre quented the bars in Seattle’s Skid Row area, hit a $400,()()() jackpot at the Circus Circus Hotel Casino April 3. Burns, wearing several days’ growth of beard, was back on Skid Row Monday, telling his pals at the Publix Hotel Bar how he had struck it rich. “The Circus Circus gave me the royal suite and I called the bell captain and got all the pretty girls I wanted, the best looking girls in the world,” Burns said. “But the security guards were all around, and I said to hell with it and slipped out the back door. I went over to the Hilton and tried my luck there and at the other clubs.” Before he left, however, Burns had told Circus Circus staff he wanted to go back to Seattle, so they bought him an airplane ticket. “I cashed the airplane ticket and went to the Circus Circus in Reno and played the slots there, and then I went back to Las Vegas and back and forth,” he said. “I spent that $300,000 trying to hit another $400,000. Now, I’m broke.” He later added that he still had about $100,000. The Circus Circus informed the Internal Revenue Service about Burns’jackpot. But Burns has not paid any IRS tax. “I’ve already spent their money, too,” he said. Burns didn’t seem dismayed with his luck following the big jackpot, happy just to be back with his pals, Bud Lodi and Pete Gill, at the Publix Hotel Bar. “We rode 10,000 miles together on freight trains,” Burns said. He said he is the son of a Texas gambler and that he was born in a tent and grew up in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. He served in the Army for 16 years, seeing action in both World War II and the Korean War, and was disabled in the service. ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 WEDNESDAY NIGHT: LASAGNA $/|50 Today’s Almanac United Press International Today is Wesnesday, April 28, the 1 18th day of 1982, with 247 to follow. The moon is moving toward its First quarter. The morning star is Venus. The evening stars are Mer cury, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Those born on this date are under the sign of Taurus. James Monroe, Fifth presi dent of the United States, was born April 28, 1758. On this date in history: In 1788, Maryland was admitted to the Union as the seventh state. In 1945, fascist leader Benito Mussolini was executed by Ita lian patriots. In 1952, the war with Japan was officially ended with signing of a treaty by the United States and 47 other nations. In 1975, North Vietnamese troops assaulted parts of Saigon’s suburbs as the com munists tightened a noose around the South Vietnamese capital city. WE BUY BOOKS EVERYDAY! AND GIVE 20% MORE IN TRADE ON USED BOOKS! ^LOUPOT BOOKSTORE Northgate — Across from the Post Office precinct Seasoned Legal Experience ★ Practicing Attorney ★ Knowledgeable Businessman ★ Licensed Professional Engineer ★ Long Time College Station Resident Paid political advertisement, Hugh Lindsay Campaign Committee. Wesley Hall, treasurer 707 Texas Ave., Suite 216D College Station, Tex 77840 ★ ★★★ ★★★★★★★★★ ; <>■_ WANTED: The Uncommon wants to buy your gold, silver & class rings. Highest prices paid. 775-3760 3219 Texas Ave. 130t20 For Sleeping Around- Texas, the Americas. Europe, mountains, tropics, deserts... anywhere. We carry nearly 40 different terrts including our own Whole Earth Provision Co brand, Trailwise Sierra Designs, /Aarmot. Eureka,North Face ; Kelty,f Sierra West ■ Stop in soon and look over our excellent selection of qual Whole Earth Provision C ftovett (gSSZzL.