The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 21, 1982, Image 11

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April 21,
Battalion/Page 11
April 21, 1982
Dallas primary vote
1, court says
H United Press International
AUSTIN — In a one-
graph order, the U.S. Sup-
eme Court upheld the decision
fa three-judge federal panel in
Austin that congressional prim-
imelections in four Dallas area
istricts should be held May 1
nder a reapportionment plan
ravn by the federal court.
Thejustices in an earlier deci-
ion had said the three judges
xceeded their authority by
adkally changing the shape of
he-districts, and that the lower
ourt should have left the dis-
ricts alone because the Justice
'Department had approved
hem under the Voting Rights
objected to the re-districting
plan, but only to two districts in
South Texas.
In its latest motion for re
hearing, the GOP had asked the
Supreme Court to halt primary
elections in the four Dallas area
districts until June 5, the date
for primary run-off elections.
The high court rejected the mo
tion with no dissent.
However, the Supreme Court
allowed the federal panel to de
cide Monday whether the four
Dallas districts should be
changed again or elections held
under the erroneous court-
ordered plan.
Noting the nearness of the
May 1 primary, the three judges
ruled that elections should be
held in 1982 under the court-
ordered plan.
GOP leaders have vehement
ly opposed the court-ordered
plan and hoped to have the Leg
islature’s plan reinstated be
cause it was considered more
favorable to Republican candi
Republicans had hoped to
gain one or possibly two new dis
tricts under the Legislature’s
plan for Dallas County, but
those potential gains were wiped
out under the court-ordered
staff photo by Eric MU
eneral studies, frd
on the wall nexl
r in the week.
College Station
tines intermittenl
in collapse of
ng suspected of causing a higf
"vay bridge collapse that kille
United Press International
The manufacturer of scaffold-
[2 workers reportedly has been
^ :ited for safety violations in two
C CiTjv Hilar accidents that killed five
1 ftp* 6 * n Canada.
■ Anthes Industry of Toronto
I 1 ^ r V /2x o ^signed and supplied the scaf-
( 1 O (3 folding being investigated as in-
O Idequate, or improperly erect-
id, at the East Chicago bridge
lilt collapsed last week. Twelve
workers were killed and 18 oth-
;rs injured. Eleven workers re
mained hospitalized, three of
:hem in critical condition.
I jLake County Coroner Albert
l^llardo has subpoenaed the
fate to turn over records on the
. construction project and has be-
C icming to tuir interviewing workers who
Survived the collapse for an in-
luest in two or three weeks.
ams, a key witness in
ud he was instructedi!
with White and Tin
id report details to s
ams testified heamij
■ troopers to illegal!-1
u cotics. He also toll!
White and Thoiffi
to Houston and sel
) to fit
“The state had better have
every ‘t’ crossed and ‘i’ dotted,”
Willardo said Monday. “If they
don’t have it (the information),
we’ll go to court. We’re going to
look at the information under a
Willardo said one variation
reported on the East Chicago
job was that Indiana Depart
ment of Highways officials
allowed the pouring of concrete
on the 70-foot-high structure,
instead of on the ground. He
said usually the forms must be
“cured” as much as 20 days be
fore being raised into place.
Seventy-five construction
workers were pouring concrete
when three 150-foot sections of
the unfinished highway ramp
collapsed last Thursday.
“The autopsies on all the
bodies have been released, and
many of the funerals are taking
place today,” Willardo said
He said he wanted to release
some sort of general statement
about the inquest within a
“We want to make recom
mendations to the general pub
lic and, if necessary, to the con
tractors involved, so that some
thing like this doesn’t happen
again,” he said.
In a television report, station
WMAQ said four carpenters fell
36 stories to their deaths when a
portion of a support system sup
plied by Anthes collapsed in
Vancouver in early January.
A similar accident in Calgary
killed one man, the station said.
The East Chicago accident
was being investigated by offi
cials from the federal and state
Occupational Safety and Health
administration, as well as an in
dependent Illinois firm hired by
the state Highway Commission.
|)PT shot may cause
retardation in children
I United Press International
Mr hundreds of American chil
dren may suffer from brain
pmage or mental retardation
Spuse of a common vaccina-
tlon many states require, a year
long investigation concluded.
I The “DPT shot” — which
Spotects children against dipth-
Ha, pertussis (whooping
cough) and tetanus — may be
dangerous because the whoop
ing cough component is of poor
quality, according to the report
aired by WRC-TV in
I The Department of Health
and Human Services had no im-
mediate comment.
x John Robbins of the Food
„ f eiand Drug Administration’s
Bureau of Biologies was quoted
B the report as saying the risk of
whooping cough still outweighs
any side effects the vaccine may
I Most states require DPT
shots as a prerequisite for admit
ting children to school. Howev
er, 20 states allow students to
attend school without the vacci
The report said a 1978 gov
ernment-funded study by the
UCLA Medical Center found
one in every 700 children suffer
a convulsion or go into shock fol
lowing the vaccination — an in
dication of probable brain
The study also showed as
many as one in every 13 children
may suffer lesser reactions.
In Britain, where the DPT
shot is no longer mandatory, a
compensation program has
been set up to provide financial
assistance to children disabled
by the vaccine.
Reporter Lea Thompson who
authored the report said, based
on the numbers of British chil
dren eligible for compensation,
there are probably 2/2 Amer
ican children left severely dis
abled and retarded by the vac
cine each year.
Gordon Stewart, an epidemo-
logist at the University of Glas
gow, was quoted as saying, the
whooping cough component of
the vaccine is a “crude brew” on
which no improvements have
been made in at least 40 years.
Robert Mendelsohn, former
head of the pediatrics depart
ment at the University of Illinois
Medical School, said, the vaccine
is probably the poorest and most
dangerous vaccine now. The sta
tistics of this country are wrong,
and the danger is far greater
than any doctors here have ever
been willing to admit.
Thompson said the investiga
tion found many doctors are
misinformed about the vaccine’s
risks and most adverse reactions
to it are not reported.
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'WttetheA you, eat in, aiA co+u&UioHed co+n^oAt
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with, the hujheAt (Quality fyiebh teef fuAniihed
tty QouAmet fyoodd, oj /^Ayan. Ail mnihAoonti
and gnehinni aAe pnAchaied friom &Ayan 4. own
rf-GAm Patch and hand tatteAed in ouA hitchen
cueAy ntOAniny. 'fate. pcAAonaily ptedye thii
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