The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1982, Image 2
€ opinion Battalion/Page 2 April 8,1982 Slouch By Jim Earie| Speech shadows GOP gloo “If it were my car, I’d suggest that you throw it in without a penalty. ” and Ted Stevens: your Senator with a cause By David S. Broder WASHINGTON — It was just a word change, so casual and offhand that it was probably noted by few of the millions watching President Reagan’s prime-time press conference the other evening. But for Republican Party candidates, it had an awful clang of doom. When Reagan was winding up an answer about the recession, he said the signs indicated that “we are bottoming out and I believe we’re safe in saying that we think there’s going to be an upturn in the second half of the year.” The second half of the year? All through the winter, the administration view has been that recovery would begin in the second quarter of the year. That change of words is freighted with politic al gloom for the GOP. It is a concession on the part of the always optimistic President that the re cession which began last July will last at least a year before it begins to relax its grip on this country. It means that the “tragedy” of which Reagan spoke for the unemployed and for farmers, builders, merchants and small businessmen being pushed to the wall will be prolonged. When the country goes to the polls in November, many will still be hurting and for many more the paiti will be a recent searing experience. Particularly is that likely to be true of the jobless. The history of past recessions clearly suggests that rehiring will lag be hind the turnaround in sales and produc tion. If the President is right in his fore cast, the odds are good that unemploy ment will be at its peak level during the fall campaign. Unfortunately, there is no reason to think that the President is erring on the side of caution. The leading indicators of economic trends were down again in Feb ruary for the tenth straight month. The Commerce Department’s chief econom ist said, “There is no suggestion (the re cession) will have ended in March or April.” Alan Greenspan and other lead ing private economists agree. What makes it worse for the Republi can candidates running this year is that there is now almost nothing that can be done to alter the circumstances they will face in November. Reagan at his press conference ruled out any consideration of emergency measures to stimulate the economy, saying that similar efforts in the past simply bought short-term relief at the cost of escalating inflation. But even if he were inclined to try, the odds would be against any economic medicine being felt in the system in the time that remains before Election Day. The only stimulus now in sight is the 10-percent tax cut already scheduled for July 1. Administration economists hope that this boost to real income will trigger an upturn in spending that will signal and sustain a turnaround in the eco The trend shows cleariyinasetj ing numbers on voters’ prefert the November congressional Last November, when the hopei the recession would end withtk ture of chilly weather, a W; Post-ABC News poll gave the; a 53-40 percent lead national!); March that lead had widened] points, 55-36. That could easily translateij seat House loss that Sen. Paul Nev.), the President’sdpsestppj said last week the GOP laces quick budget compromise w vaguely suggested by Reagan's| ference words. The numbers have beendeten] rapidly for the GOP as therect taken a heavy toll on publicconfii the Reagan administration; widely believed to be a 1 controlled Congress as well. A Gallup Poll taken in Febr published last week showed Rejii trailing the opposition in theirhl of seven of eight major issues,lij me< by Chris Battalion 1 The differe American med and those prac lountries is folk holar from the lalifornia at Lo Wednesday. Dr. Wayland liat in some E sian countries a shaman, a per an American Int man, are believt jhg. He said the lieved to be the communication Hand disci edicine men, and herb medici: Iklore and its r rican and nomy. Whether the tax cut will be sufficient to overcome the drag of high interest rates is questionable. Families that have held off on the purchase of homes, cars or major appliances may still balk at the carrying costs of the loans they would need. But even if the tax cut works, the recovery is probably coming too late to reverse the gloomy prospects Republi cans face. . . .Br. Melvin Friec exception being national dehvWjc.iu g eo ] 0 gy j- the success on the inflation IrMkeoveras die as; which Reagan did some justiliatltBosciences effec ging, does not seem to lie uorb;|Pe Texas A&M 1 benefit of his party. Andwhenili tem Board of Reg unemployment and the emir wasannounced IV the Republicans are miles in an f F r ' e dman, a fa : for I.) veais, has ^ \<> longci >y>here serious* J bf)th th) Republican gains in \oveitil«M nter for TectoI operative question is whetherikBbth Resource can be held below the point tli; housed in the Coll make Reagan a lame-duck Pidii ences years early. by Steve Gerstel United Press International Washington — At least give Sen. Ted Stevens of Alaska proper credit. The man does not shy from a fight. The bantam dandy rode to the wars again last week in pursuit of what seems to be his favorite goal — more money for the members of Congress. No one could have been surprised that Stevens led the battle to retain ajuicy and very special tax deduction of $75-a-day for each day the nobles are forced to - spend in Washington. After all, it was Stevens who was in strumental last winter in getting the gim mick on the books. The Senate gave Stevens a scare. His more circumspect colleagues voted against him several times before the re peal effort was killed on a technicality. No one will ever know how many of Stevens’ colleagues honestly believe they deserve the deduction — previously a Hat $3,000 — for maintaining a second home in the nation’s capital. Most of them just can’t stand the poli tical heat generated by that kind of a vote. There is no question what Stevens be lieves. He not only considers the tax break more than justified but considers members of Congress way underpaid. There is much than can be admired in a legislator who fights for his beliefs — no matter what the political risks. In Stevens’ case, however, the admira tion is more than tempered by the nature of the cause and the Alaska Republicans’ whining about having to live in the city of Washington. “God forbid someone should tell me that the city of Washington is my home,” the trigger-tempered Alaskan yelled. “I detest it. “I can’t think of a worse city in the world to have a capital . and I don’t care who knows it,” he said. Well, there’s always the Black Hole of Calcutta. Or maybe Juneau. He complained about the high in terest rates, “the worst crime and the worst schools ” In addition, hi activities of the U Fellows phase of tf Honors Progran years. Undergrad who must by c among the top sch M, may recei hours for superv ring their senio The appointmt in, a graduate o e Universities, Stevens, conceding a little exaggera tion for dramatic effect, is not that far off t by the resignat Dean John Hat issumed part-time esearch duties. target. But that raises the question, as the Washington Post did, as to why Stevens first came to Washington 30 years ago, worked for (he Interior Department in the ‘50s and now has been a senator for 14 years. He is free to return home to his beloved Alaska. What also is less than admirable in Stevens is his total insensitivity to what is happening all over the country. How can a senator argue for a person al tax break or added pay at a time when many Americans are really up against it? How can anyone sympathize with Stevens when he says that he is selling his home because “it costs too much to own a house in this town” when people are hav ing their home mortgages foreclosed. How can Stevens forget that he makes $60,000 a year as a senator and in 1980 added another $ 15,000 in honoraria and in that same year picked up another $39,000 to $128,500 in outside income. Stevens is one of the least affluent of senators but the Senate is very much a haven for the very rich. . But, in making his fight, perhaps Stevens should stop casting envious looks at the bank balances of his colleagues and ponder instead the distress of the poor. Donations of ft Irniture and men (rnado victims in II be accepted Ire Jwn. today and I Hfjentral Baptist yan on 600 Sou Local radio stati sponsoring the di ndthree truckst Letters: Candidates, election process both lacking Editor: For the second time this week I have made my way to the Texas A&M polls ; only to find (also for the second time this j week) that I feel qualified to vote for no more than 30 percent of the candidates listed on the ballot. This seems to be a common problem that rests not only with the student political system, but with the candidates themselves. . The fact that Student Government does impose a maximum campaign budget on the student candidates is a good one because it prevents a candidate ! from spending in excess to launch an im pressive campaign. Incidentally, im pressive campaigns seem to have quite an effect on the outcome of the A&M elec tions — especially campaign signs. This ! fact brings to light another kink in the election process. Since few students are aware of the credentials and political ! opinions of the candidates, many voter are cast for the candidate with the most original campaign signs. Unfortunately, the most qualified candidates are not al ways the most creative. I do not wish to imply that the cam paign budgets are too low, but I do think they could be applied more effectively. J Campaign signs are fine and they are a good way for a candidate to gain campus ) exposure. However, more emphasis should be placed on personal campaign ing by the candidates and their top sup porters. The area around Rudder Foun tain is an excellent location for campaig ners to make “lunch hour” speeches asserting their opinions on campus issues. Dunn Hall did in fact try to orga nize a “Meet the Candidates Night” to be held in the Commons, but the organizers met with very little response from the candidates and the event was cancelled. Apparently, there is not only a problem with the election process but with the atti tudes of the candidates and the campaign methods that they employ. The Battalion did a great service to the student body by publishing their “Voter’s Guide” prior to the election. However, this guide only listed the names of the senatorial candidates. It did not give a single clue to the way these candidates would vote on particular issues or what legislation they might propose in the in terests of their constituents. I sincerely believe that an informed student body would be more inclined to vote in the election of their peers — at least more than the scant 6,000-plus that did appear at the polls. to the left rear-view mirror off my Suzuki 450, parked near the library Monday night: We don’t need your kind here! useful as a buying guide. Bring back Vic. Chris Thomas ‘83 Editors Note: This letter was ac nied by eight other signatures. T.S. Fehrman ‘80 Record reviews lacking Editor: Katherine Hurt ‘85 Mosher Hall More thievery Editor: To the gentleman who helped himself We are writing this letter to publicly declare our frustration and disgust with both the style and content of the meager record “reviews” in the Focus supple ment. Many Battalion readers are genuinely interested in your record re views as a source of information concern ing recent album releases. From Daniel Puckett’s superficial treatment and ques tionable insight we gain nothing. Recent ly his reviews have been too short, too short-sighted and totally off the mark. We refer in particular to his insufficient reviews of new albums from Joe Carrasco and the Cars. Although he may have turned a few quaint phrases and un loaded some time-worn cliches, his re views consistently seem flat and unimagi native. Whatever happened to Vic Sylvia’s re views? We agree that at times they were a bit bizarre, but at least they had some understanding of the album and were The Battalion USPS 045 360 Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference 7 A&M University administrators orttM ( bers, or of the Board of Regents. The Battalion also serves as a laboratarilffl | for students in reporting, editing and phOggiff^' ses within the Department of ConnnunialiW Questions or comments concerning ||l'r matter should be directed to the editor. Editor Angelique Copeland City Editor.. Denise Richter Assistant City Editor Diana Sultenfuss Sports Editor Frank L. Christlieb Focus Editor Cathy Saathoff Assistant Focus Editor Nancy Floeck News Editors Gary Barker, Phyllis Henderson, Maty Jo Rummel, Nancy Weatherley StaffWriters JenniferCarr, Cyndy Davis, Gaye Denley, Sandra Gary, Colette Hutchings, Johna Jo Maurer, Hope E. Paasch Daniel Puckett, Bill Robinson, Denise Sechelski, John Wagner, Laura Williams, Rebeca Zimmermann Cartoonist Scott McCullar Graphic Artist Richard DeLeon Jr. Photographers Sumanesh Agrawal, David Fisher, Eileen Manton, Eric Mitchell, Peter Rocha, John Ryan, Colin Valentine Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting news paper operated as a community service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-CoIIege Station. Opinions ex pressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of Letters Policy Letters to the Editor should not exceed length, and are subject to being cm if thcyattl^ The editorial staff reserves the right toedilltl |^, style and length, but will make every effort to in- the author’s intent. Each letter must also besip^ the address and phone number of the writer. Columns and guest editorials are also welcoi# are not subject to the same length constraints^ Address all inquiries .tnd correspondence W The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, Texas versity, College Station, TX 77843, or phonejfl® 2611. The Battalion is published daily duringlexas fall and spring semesters, except for holiday nation periods. Mail subscriptionsare$16.75pet i! j ter, $33.25 per school year and $35 per full yeati® tising rates furnished on request. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed Building, Texas A&M University, College Stalin 11 77843. 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