The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 08, 1982, Image 10
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE SERVICES Now hiring busboys. Apply between 2 p.m.-5 at 404 University Drive East. lUtfn Bus personnel needed. Averaging $5- $6 an hour. Part-time. Come by Pelician’s Wharf. Total Image Rep. needs several sharp at tractive mature persons for new nutrition and figure control program. Excellent pos sibilities for students. Career opportunity, call 822-3960. 128t5 ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN HELPER- Part-time-Mon.-Sat. Call 822-4862. 12800 1980 Yamaha XS-1100 excellent condition. Call 696-6298. 128tfi The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking appli cations for newspaper route carriers. We have one immediate opening and will also have several open ings for the spring semester. Routes take 2teto 3 hours rith sala per day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for the spring semester. If interested please call Julian McMurrey 693-2323. 50tfn Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. Full and part-time. Apply in, person. 8tfn Electric solid-body guitar. Looks, sounds good. $100, 845-3845, 779-0691. 128t5 Quality typing, 693-4264. 1980 Honda CB125S 3,000 miles excellent condition, $600.00 693-0422 great for school. 12St5 Typing 823-7723. 1975 Yamaha OHC650, $900.00. Call 260- 2157. 128.5 OFFICIAL NOTICE Male dancers needed for inter- 46tfn $6 PER HOUR PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Base pay & bonus for part or full-time service Grapevine personality. 696- 3411. E.O.E. people for local protective coating company. ■ 107tfn tied. No experience necessary. Male/ • . female/EOE. » Call Mr. Atkins 6:30-8 p.m. Today or Friday. 693-6437. c. 12912 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. INTERURBAN needs HOSTESSES for day time shift Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:00-2:00. Please apply between 2:00-4:00, 505 University Suite 307. 125tfn AKC German Shepherd puppies- championship bloodlines, $200. 775-2931 (Call evenings). 128t5 Now accepting applications for part-time weekend & evening shifts. Apply in person only. 100 South Texas Ave. 122tfn CENARE ITALIAN RESTAURANT now hiring BARTENDERS, WAITERS, WAITRESSES & HOSTESSES. Apply 2-5 p.m. 404 University Dr. East. 128tfn HONDA CIVIC 79 4-speed, air, 30 mpg. Very nice, $3850. 696-3775. Graham Central Station needs more wait resses & bartendesses. 'Good pay excellent working conditions. Apply in person. 1600B S. College Bryan. 126tl0 CAMERO BERLINETTA 1979, 350, manual transmission, T-Top, customized, $6800, 696-2262. 125110 To apply for financial assistance for academic year 1982-83, Fi nancial Aid Forms must be com pleted and mailed to the College Scholarship Service prior to April 15, 1982. Forms postmarked after April 15 will not be considered for financial aid for the fall semester. Forms and information are availa ble in the Student Financial Aid Office, 3rd floor, VMCA Building. 12714 >f- Part-time employee for Chiropractor lice. Prefer medical background or some college. Typing required. P.M. opening only. Apply at 1775 Briarcrest Drive and East 29th Street. 117.30 MARINE CORPS OFFICER UNI FORMS. Complete set for $850. Call 696- 2629. 124.5 1979 Pontiac Sunbird-$3400.00, Buick Regal-$2400, call 779-7072. 1977 129.7 Now hiring WAITERS, WAITRESSES IMMEDIATE OPENING and SUMMER APPLICATIONS HILL SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Apply 2-4 p.m. 846-9532. 128.6 846-2911 696-8032 24ff n PRINTING P.O. BOX 9963 COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS 77840 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Experienced Phototypesetler (60 Words per minute) Camera/Stripping/Plate Operator (precision work) Pressmen (full or part-time) (Heidelberg and Multilith) WACtS NEGOTIABLE 693-7676 FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10 p.m.) "Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. " 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn Owner of rental properties needs person with multiple maintenance skills to work on hourly basis 846-9129 126.5 Ruger .357 mag, SA 6 inch barrel with holster, $190.00. Call 846-2746. 129.3 Interruban Eating House is now hiring for bus/dish position. Apply between 2-4 p.m. 505 University, College Station. 127(4 RADIO SHACK POCKET COMPUTER with printer-interface, carrying case & bus iness finance software (hardly used) $250. Also TI-59 calculator $100. Call Syd 693- 2835 evenings. 125.6 CENARE Now hiring weekend COOKS. Fri day, Saturday and Sunday shifts. Ap ply between 2-5 p.m. 404 Universi ty. 120.fn ’80 Kawasaki KZ650 w/gear, 1465 ask for Jim. $1900. 845- 129.10 Now hiring all positions. Stadium Restau rant & Bar. Be part of our starting line-up. Apply in person. 707 South Texas 306C College Station. Monday-Friday 2-8 p.m. * 127.10 BIG TURNTABLE, Model 960 Multiple play/manual, excellent condition, $135. Call 845-7564 or 693-9696 after 6 p.m. 125.5 “Lazer 4258. Sailboat” w/trailer $1300, 693- 125.15 1980 Suzuki GS450E perfect condition, 35 miles in warranty. Must sell extras $1575 or best offer, 775-0489. 129.5 FOR SALE $45,000.00 GUARANTEED IN 3 WEEKS It’s legal and easy to do. For more information send a self- addressed stamped envelope to M&L Enterprises, P.O. Box 1171, Amarillo, Texas 79105. $45,000.00 GUARANTEED 128.5 Start your summer job now mak ing between $3.75 and $5.00 per hour plus as much as $26.00 per week travel. Call HOME CARE SERVICES at 846-7759. If you have phone, transportation & wil lingness to work hard. 128tfn 3-C BAR-B-Q Culpepper Plaza Now Hiring DISHWASHERS, CASHIERS, HOSTESSES, SERVING-LINE WORKERS. Apply between 9-11 and 2-4. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. ATTENTION AGGIES 4 Drwr Chests 44.95 5 Drwr Chests 54.95 Siudent Desks 79.95 5 PC. Dining Set 79.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sola & Chair Sets 149.95 Recliners 99.95 3 PC. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets . 89.95 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 Moving Must sell Thorens turntable with B&O Cartridge $2(X).(X) and Akai tape deck $UX).(X). Call 846-5972 after 6 P.M. 126.4 NOTICE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS Preregistration for the Fall 1982 Semester will be conducted dur ing the week of April 19-23, 1982. If you plan to preregister, you should schedule a conference with your Academic Advisor and obtain an approved Course Re quest Form prior to the week of preregistration. Deliver the ap proved Course Request Form to the Biomedical Science Office, Rm. 332, Veterinary Medical Ad ministration Bldg. During prere gistration week, you should return to the Biomedical Science Office to pick up your registration packet and complete your registration. YOU ARE URGED TO SEE YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR SOON. 124.10 ROOMMATE WANTED AMF head "PROFESSIONAL” tennis rac ket. $35.00 retails for $70.00, 779-2288. I27t5 ’74 Kawasaki 250 F-Il runs great, $200, 693-2617. 129t5 Male roommate wanted to sublease for summer $142.50 + electricity. Call 846- 6050 after 6 p.m. 125.5 Koss HV71A headphones like new. great. Only $40.00, 779-2288. Sound 127t5 Male roommate needed summer. Galleria area Houston. Call Charles Olvmpus OM system zoom lens 150mm, $210, retail $270, 779-2288. 75- 127.5 WANTED PERSONALS Sylvia, Happy 19th Birthday! Let’s Spend The Next 19 Together. I Love You, Pat. 129tl DEAR TENISE Roses are red. Violets are blue. One more month and our years will be two. All my love always, Jim. 12911 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 < tn SPECIAL NOTICE r Mongo call Dave 214-386-9450 Scott Fitz patrick call Susan soon. 696-4021. 128t2 FOR LEASE Barcelona Apartments now leasing one and two bedroom furnished and unfurnished for summer and year round. 700 Dominik, 693-0261. 105t48 FOR RENT Stereo sale speakers Bose 901 IN' receiver Sansui 4900Z cassette tape deck Pioneer CT-F755, call 846-9345 after 5 p.m. best offer half year new. 128t2 YOUNG ENGINEERS DO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF POWER PLANT DESIGN? ELECTRICALS MECHANICALS TIPPETT & GEE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE POWER INDUSTRY INTERVIEWING MAY/SUMMER/GRADUATE THURSDAY, APRIL 15, PLACEMENT OFFICE Design Engineers for power plants throughout the United States and Alaska, including the nearby Gibbons Creek Plant. Our offices are located in the West Texas city of Abilene Formed in 1954 GROW IN A PROFESSIONAL ATMOSPHERE TIPPETT & GEE, INC. 502 N. WILLIS STREET ABILENE, TEXAS 79603 915-673-8291 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swim ming pools, shuttle bus, laun dry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. 39tfn ATTENTION GRADUATING SENIORS 3 bedroom 2 bath, all appliances, washer- /dryer available, immediate occupancy, close to university, $450 to $475/month. 696-7714, 693-0982. 118tfn IF YOU HAVE OR DERED A 1982 AGGIE- LAND AND WILL NOT BE ATTENDING A&M NEXT FALL AND WISH TO HAVE IT MAILED TO YOU, PLEASE STOP BY 2 THE STUDENT PUB- 5 LIGATIONS OFFICE, r ROOM 216 REED P MCDONALD BLDG. AND 0 PAY A $3.50 MAILING P FEE ALONG WITH 0 YOUR FORWARDING 0 ADDRESS SO YOUR 0 AGGIELAND CAN BE 0 MAILED TO YOU NEXT 0 FALL WHEN THEY AR- 0 RIVE. 129122 FOR RENT Southwest Village Apartments. Now leas ing one and two bedroom furnished or unfurnished for summer and year round leases. 693 0804, 1101 SW Parkway. 105t48 Arbor Square Apartments now leasing one and two bedroom furnished for summer and year round leases. 693-3701, 1700, SW Parkway. 105t48 Casa del Sol now leasing one and two bed room, furnished and unfurnished for sum mer and year round. 401 Stasney, 696- 3455. 105t48 Studio apts. Available now. $395/mo. $200 deposit. Lease negotiable. See manager- 1100 C Verde or call 846-3047. lITt.'i.i national Battalion/Pagi! April 8, Typing-Experienced, fast, accurate! All types of papers. Call 693-6411. I21tl0 Typing experienced iast, accurate, all kinds .822-0544. I55tfn University Acres Apartments- country liv ing at reasonable prices. Call Jane at 696- 4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.). 80tfn Summer leases 2 bedroom 1 'A bath 4-plexes, close to campus, washer/dryer in each unit. $425/mo., 693-8685. 121tfn New fourplex 2 bdrm 1A bath, appliances for summer. Call 696-9773. 129t6 New Fourplex. 2 bedroom \A bath. Ap pliances. Washer/dryer. Cal! Jane 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) llStfn Agency head won’t punish nuke officials United Press International WASHINGTON — The chairman of the Nuclear Reg ulatory Commission says he is not planning to discipline offi cials who softened a report on possible deficiencies in nuclear plant pumps manufactured by a Vermont firm. NRG Chairman Nunzio Pal- ladino said Tuesday that an in vestigation is continuing into meetings between NRG officials and representatives of the Hay ward Tyler Pump Co. of Burl ington, Vt. Following the meet ing, an agency report was changed, supposedly to satisfy objections by company repre sentatives. Palladino said tougher guide lines are being issued and a sepa rate office of investigation is being created to prevent future problems. However, he said, commis sion members think no disciplin ary action is needed at this time. The NRC has been investigat ing charges by five former com pany employees about deficien cies in the pumps, which the firm supplies to some nuclear power plants. Palladino said he learned in March that NRC officials from the regional office in Arlington, Texas — which has responsibil ity for overseeing nuclear ven dors throughout the nation — “had provided copies of its draft inspection and investigation re ports to company representa tives.” He said a special:imestid he ordered “found dial Si contacts with company rep sentatives were at less than: proper arm’s-length disian; and they were not adetpij documented.” 1 le added: “As a tesiiti company contacts, NRCsp^ osed i ransmittal letter had! softened.” One of the company rep sentatives involved is Slats Rowden, who was chainnj, the \ K(’ from April I9il June 1977, and is Washington lawyer. Hidflj anv wrongdoing. “We did not believe ati time, nor do we now believe,! there was any improprienj our receiving these doci or in our commenting on as we were asked lodotoJ responsible NRC represec lives,” he said. Petunias, the flow aerobics Karl Seyfrit, NRC’s Daii based deputy regional adii trator, said he changed ss ments in the report afterEi den claimed NRC could notsi stantiate them. Rep. Edward Markep 1 M ass., chairman of die Hoi I mcrior Subcommittee onOtgl sight and Investigations, 4- ^ v. manded ,. sliakeup in thlHH / 1 regional office, claiming ikt U \ J ciclent “has totally and irrqfl ably compromised the result this important vendorinvesti tion.” FBI says serious crimes stabilizing after 1980 highs United Pr WASHINC Reagan adm i Byvise the n. rights law' fo: ; by bringing it federal dereg | United P obtained a cl budget offic write guidel i the law that mated 35 mi lipeopie. United Press International WASHINGTON — The number of reported serious crimes leveled off last year, gen erally matching the record fi gures that plagued the nation in 1980, according to an FBI re port. Preliminary FBI figures issued Tuesday showed re ported property crimes re mained nearly stable in 1981 while violent crimes edged up ward by just 1 percent. Among the reported violent crimes, only robbery rose — up 5 percent. Homicides dropped 3 percent, aggravated assaults fell 2 percent and rapes declined 1 percent. Of property crimes reported, motor vehicle thefts dropped 4 percent, burglaries decreased 1 percent and larcenies-thefts showed no change. potential com ty in deciding access to the I “What the do is so dras Groups FBI Director William" handicapped ter said the stablilizihg o!H este ^ chiing ported ciimes should ffiabilitation / prompt an easing of cotttB 131 wou l f l h1 pointing to the all-time him Jf^g 6 a hafi< 1980. The overall crimtl rose by 9 percent, with vra crimes up by 11 percent,M year. Last weekend, U.S; AttoiL General William French ° . . e told .m audience in Coltii Jjue-making S.G., the incidence of vi(@ eese c rime has reached“crislsIe'B^L 0 1 le . “In the time it takestodtif jf ^.j ,tlzens W1 mv remarks this evening,a«f 1 he statute et age of 50 violent crimesi! suits inclnde committed across the or' 111 < . H . 1 H S a< 14 Smith said. gPf™ 1 buses “During that same |4 ' f } e , , over 400 property crimesvf ine ^ w , D ’ committed. Last year,oneoj a ga>nsttheha every three households infl nation was victimized by sB form of serious crime.” Houston scientists Exe given $1 million United Press International HOUSTON — The Interfer on Foundation of Houston has received a $1 million contribu tion from the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation of Ardmore, Sarah Rest Media Systems dav about 35 LOST WHY SEARCH? Our service is FREE Apts. — Duplexs — Houses We can also help you sublease your apartment. A&M APT. PLACEMENT r 2339 S. Texas, College Station 'Next to the Dairy Queen" 693-3777 'VBI' ME* ■'JSI LOST: One roommate 6 ft. 150 lbs. An swers to "RAMBLIN” Last seen 4/2/82 vi cinity of Treehouse Apts. If found call own er 260-HOPE. 129.1 SERVICES r i i i i i Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 United Pre ST. LOUIS teaching prog: there are ma Okla., putting the total raSI Respite a gent $9 million. ployment- The money will beusedfj the purchase of interferon,) tent substance madebyt|l and being tested for itsanM anti-cancer potential. Ihe Noble Foundadj biomedical division is eng) in basic cancer reseachi supported other interfeS search, Leon Davis, head® Houston group, said Tm Among t he institutions® have received funding fro»l Interferon Foundation artf University of Texas’ Anderson Hospital, the Uni sity of California at LojjOT Yale University, New Yorljj versity and the Medical Co of Wisconsin. NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS $3.75/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips merit raise after 2 weeks up to $4.50/hr. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F 319 Patricia or 2314 S. Texas (across from the Dairy Queen) nrtm LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE” <V COURTYARD APARTMENTS “COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY” 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS 693-2772 846-1413 CASA BLANCA “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS” 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ^ 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 1'tnJ TYPING. 'All kinds. Let us type your propos-i als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services ,4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 i65tfm Belly Dancing for any occasion. Call Dress Rehearsal, 696-1250 anytime. 118.30 Typing! 1 Reports, THE DOUBLE. 3755. dissertations, etc. ON 331 University. 846- 178tfn Call Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or i word processing needs. 696-9550. 131 tin Typing on word processing equipment. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 84.40 WORD-PROCESSING. Papers, theses, dissertations, letter-perfect printing. 696- 8910. V27U