The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1982, Image 9
Battalion/Pi; April 2,1! com ps plan redraw iked Press International iHINGTON-TIk! iourt on Thursday a Federal District ( redrawing congress iries in Dallas Col but left it up to the 1 t decide how to pi e May 1 primary, justices, in an unsi i, ruled the district mg to redraw the districts because torney general's und no problem —national Battalion/Page 9 April 2, 1982 What’s Up at A&M Oil! Friday H1LLELJEWISH STUDENT CENTER: Services will be lead by Dr. Yechial Weitsman followed by a Homen Yashen Oneg Shabat at 8 p.m. in the center. TAMU CHESS CLUB: Players of all strengths are welcome to meeting at 7 p.m. 410 Ruader. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Friday night bibie study will be at 6:30 p.m. Check MSC video for room number. FIFTH BATTALION: There will be a Beach Party at Q-Hut B from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. All girls free! MSC CAMERA: First day of accepting prints for Salon '82 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the first floor tables of the MSC. CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Coffeehouse- the group ‘‘Southwind" will perform at 8 p.m. in the student attorney general 1 ! the Texas Legislati ting plan had center. i' , Saturday two districts in un were foundiov SOCIETY OF IRANIAN STUDENTS AND INTERNA- ing Rights Act. he absence of afi Dallas reapportioi ended either the(i i the Voting Rights rid court was tainly was not reqi gard the political the Texas state te court said in an cision. I'hedistrict' congressional b(S 3all as Countybecaij that the inaged minority ul TIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Dr. KukabSidd- fue will lecture on the Middle East: Other Perspectives at 7 p.m. in 102 Zachry. The program will be proceeded by the student panelists from Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. AGRONOMY SOCIETY: The Cotton Pageant will be at 7 p.m in Rudder Auditorium and the ball will be from 9:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. in 201 MSC. TAMU ROADRUNNERS: A talk on “Training in the Heat” will be followed by one and three mile runs at 9 a.m. on the Aerobics track. Donuts and drinks will be served. DAILY SCIENCE CLUB AND DEPT OF DAIRY SCIEN CE: Annual Dairy Day will begin at 10 a.m. in the Dairy Center with a Heifer show, cake sale, BBQ and milking derby. Sunday ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH: JAMES, the Bible book written,“to all God’s people scattered over the whole world”, will be presented as a one-man show by Guy Bills during the Aldersgale United Methodist Church’s evening service at 6:30 p.m. on Palm Sunday in the A&M |unior High School Auditorium at the corner of Jersey and Holik Sts. MARRIED STUDENT APARTMENT COUNCIL: The Easter Feast will be at 2jp.m. in the park area behind the office at the corner of Ball St. Hensel. Bring enough of your assigned dish to serve five. Kids bring Easter baskets for the Easter egg hunt! UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Presbyterians will meet at A&M Presbyterian Church, 601 Church St. and the Did pies will meet in 145 MSC, both at 5:30 p.m. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL: The topic of discus sion will be “Communicating the Good News” at 7 p.m. in the chapel, 315 N. College Main. The Fellowship supper will beat 5:50 p.m. in the chapel. MSC CAMERA: The finaljudging for the photo competition for Salon ’82 will be from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in Rudder Forum. INTRAMURAL FIELD MEET: All field events will be at 1 p.m. in Kyle Field. IN TRAMURAL GOLF MEET: Golf doubles tournament will be at 8 a.m. at the golf course. Volcano as death erupts again toll mounts United Press International PICHUCALCO, Mexico — The Chichon volcano spit out more rock and ash on villagers still cleaning up an earlier erup tion that killed at least 50 villa gers and dumped a billion tons of ash in the remote area. “It was the volcano’s last kick,” army captain Raul Ocana said in Villahermosa, some 450 miles southeast of Mexico City. Peasants in the town of Pichu- calco, near the 7,300-foot volca no, said the second and smaller eruption occurred about 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Red Cross officials said slight tremors that shook the area in the morning may have caused the latest erup tion. “It’s like breathing in a lot of cigarette smoke,” said one man of the fine ash that fell on Vil lahermosa. A heavy blanket of ash also was reported in Tuxtla Gutierrez. At least 50 people were killed in a massive eruption Sunday — the first in centuries — that offi cials said spewed ash and “fire rocks” across 10 square miles and forced the evacuation of at least 20,000 people. “There have been at least 50 deaths,” said Antonio Perez Suarez, squad chief of the Vil lahermosa Red Cross. He led the first rescue workers into the de vastated region. Red Cross officials in Vil lahermosa said two of seven se verely burned people died Tuesday and the others were not expected to live. All had been burned over 90 percent of their bodies when their houses were ignited by the hot ash and rock. “My five children burned to death,” said Nicasio Rueda Diaz, a resident of Nicalpa, a town on the slopes of the volcano. “When I went to look for them, I found only ashes. The house wasn’t there anymore.” “My 3-year-old son died there,” said Roman Nondragon, another resident of Nicalpa said. “He was in the house when q' ‘fire rock’ hit him in the head” 4- the local term for the hot volca nic stones thrown from the vol cano. Many of the refugees inf Pichucalco, who have not eaten for three days, said they did not think they would be able to go back to their villages. “There’s nothing left on the mountain, only stones and ashes,!’ one villager said. He said all the villagers cultivated coffee but the land was now unusable. The entire state of Chiapas is covered by white and gray ash; like a heavy snowfall. The trees are all white and people walking in streets wear surgical masks tp keep the choking ash from their lungs. high court noted] g the congren l ies lines in DallasCJ se to the May 1 pnirJ practical problem' rce the erroneous t edistricting plan"I yway. ver, it said, “hamtl the legal error oil ourt, we leave itlol to determine wWa ts judgment and res : primary elections ounty, or... to alios to go forward inacr It the presentsched mm, s pill relaxii ;d Press Internatioml !)N — Woim'ii nbination o( birtli tnd Valium are g-lasting sedation ed to cut down tht he widely used 'esearchers from y in Medford, Thursday, mone in the oral ?s increases theai te Valium remain' system, which le effects or heff the report in the Journal of Med ^searchers said do onitor patients tvl th drugs to deteri ?e of Valium thl d, if necessary,c# kesman for Corp., the Newjt 1 ig company that t on Valium, sd not reveal any si ::al effects from gs, but said the always supports >f doctors monit* ho take morethai on. is the mostwideh inquilizerinthefl 33.6 million pres the drug w every five woint' juilizers at soir year, according Institute of ■ *ifts study coit> aen of an avert# ► had been taW <vgen pills for -e months with zn on the pi “re given diard generic name, "The study from the pin ’ *--■ drug’s half-lifr *:s for Valium W potency to halfp average of ne^ rrell R. Abert* ■lief of theTufj* Medical Center* lineal phan# author of the larger amoH c L_ght cause side* sedation. Dttlafd's CPre special spring value! select group juniors’ linen-like suits special value! ruffled blouses for juniors 34.99 24.99 Comp, at $50. The crisp, appeal of linen is yours this spring with out the extravagant price! Enjoy two-piece dressing designed from polyester/ rayon in spring's finest colors; 3-13. Comp, at $32-34. Ruffled and romantic! These cool 100% cotton blouses will highlight your spring skirts and slacks. Choose from a brisk selection of colors. . . then step out in style! special value! selected handbags and clutches 9.99 Accent and highlight that new spring wardrobe with a casual addition from this select group of nylon or canvas shoulder bags plus handsome leather clutches. Designed with plenty of roomy compartments in popular styles, sizes and colors! famous label fashions for infants and toddlers 10"-19 Infant girls’ 12-24 months: fancy dresses by Nannette comp, at $17-20... 10.99 Toddler girls’ sizes 2-4: comp, at $18-36. . . 14.99 Boys’ 12-24 months: Shortalls and Eton suits, made by Good Lad®, comp. $22-33. . .10.99-17.99 Toddler boys’ 2-4: vested sets or Eton suits comp. $32-33. . .19.99 >MDi 1 lard s shop Dillard's monday thru Saturday 10-9; Post Oak Mall, College Station Dillard's welcomes the American Express" Card