The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 02, 1982, Image 8
‘.VC; Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Part-time employee for Chiropractor’s of fice. Prefer medical background or some college. Typing required. P.M. opening only. Apply at 1775 Briarcrest Drive and East 29th Street. 117(30 Phone sales work, 3 shifts, $3.50 up. Call 775-9460. list 11 New oil related company seeking full and part time workers to monitor salt wa ter disposal in College Sta tion. Off highway 60. Open 24 hours 3 shifts available. Contact GO-DISPOSAL at 846-0484. ICE HOUSE Help Wanted 15 Hours/week Call 846-6635. Now hiring busboys. Apply between 2 p.m.-5 p.m. at 404 University Drive East. mtfn GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Door Cashier well-groomed or attractive, outgoing. Pay $4.00/hour. Apply in person 1600-B S. College Ave. See Jeff. 107tfn CENARE Now hiring weekend COOKS. Fri- r BRYAN HOSPITAL has one full-time position available for Medical Technician. Either 1 -9 P.M. shift or 3-11 P.M. Con tact Sharon Robinson 775- 4200 E.O.E. The HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking appli cations for newspaper route carriers. We have one immediate opening and will also have several open ings for the spring semester. Routes take 2Vsto 3 hours oer day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All routes receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters for the spring semester. H interested please call Julian ■ McMurrey 693-2323. 50tfn INow hiring weekena rn- day, Saturday and,Sunday shifts. Ap ply between 2-5 p.m. 404 Universi- ity- 120tfn GUY AND GIRLS | team clean homes & offices. Days, nig ights & i weekends. Flexible part or full-time hours, weekly pay above minimum, paid travel and paid vacation. Must have car & phone. Home Care - 846-7759. 22tfn WANTED: Super Worker WHY: Housecleaning, etc. WHEN: Saturdays or evenings WAGES: Will talk. WHERE: Call 693-4626 after 5 p.m. 12315 1 COACH NEEDED St. Joseph’s School 109 North Preston Bryan, Texas 77801, 822-6641, Jean Manna, Principal. 12115 WANTED: 2 male students to work collec- tions. Commission. Must have transporta tion, 846-5210. 121t5 Assistant manager girl Friday apartment + salary part-time school year full-time sum mer. Courtyard Apartments 600 University Oaks, 696-1709. 12215 GOING TO BE AROUND FOR AT LEAST TWO MORE YEARS? J Going to want to make some easy money? Then UNIVERSITY RE FRIGERATORS wants to talk with you! Apply now for managerial po sition by calling 696-1212 (be tween 2 p.m.-9 p.m. only). Dead line for applications April 4, 1982. Excellent salary, benefits, experi ence! 117110- PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Grapevine personality. 696- 3411. E.O.E. 107tfn Now accepting applications for part-time weekend & evening shifts. Apply in person only. 100 South Texas Ave. 122tfn Electronics tech for video games, flexible hours. Apply daily 10-5, 775-3624. 122t5 GRIN’S BEER GARDEN now hiring full and part-time employees, apply in person between 9-11 a.m. M-F, 4410 College Main. 12214 Male dancers needed for inter view, call 693-2818 or 696-0004. 46«n Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. Full and part-time. Apply in, person. B « n ' SUMMER JOB CAMP COUNSELOR Working with physically and mentally handicapped at Camp Soroptimist near Dal las. A job with rewards which will last a lifetime. Openings for men. For information call or write Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place, Suite 123, Dal las, TX 75235 (214) 634-7500. 11718 NOW HIRING for the College Station MCDONALD’S NIGHT CLOSERS FLEXIBLE HOURS Starting Salary $3.85 Apply 801 University Drive AA £ McDonald's Nobody Can Do It Like McDonald’s Can! CRUISE SHIP JOBS-Employer Listings, Information & Applications. $5.00 to Em ployment Research Services, P.O. Box 2553, Carbondale, IL 62901. 123t6 INTERURBAN needs HOSTESSES for day time shift Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 11:00-2:00. Please apply between 2:00-4:00, 505 University Suite 307. 125tfn WANTED: Dependable Worker WHY: For yardwork WHEN: Saturdays WAGES: Will talk WHERE: Call 693-4626 after 5 p.m. 12315 PIZZA EXPRESS Now Hiring COUNTER & PREP PER SON & PHONE PER- SONEL. Flexible hours: $3.50/hour. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. " "T 846-2911 696-8032 24«n j NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS $3.75/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips merit raise after 2 weeks up to $4.50/hr. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F 319 Patricia or 2314 S. Texas (across from the Dairy Queen) 117tfn FULL OR PART TIME ‘Day Shift ‘Night shift (til 10 p.m.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 1 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn Assistant manager girl Friday apartment + salary part-time school year full-time sum mer. Courtyard Apartments 600 University Oaks, 696-7709. 122t5 FOR SALE 3-C BAR-B-Q Culpepper Plaza Now Hiring DISHWASHERS, CASHIERS, HOSTESSES, SERVING-LINE WORKERS. Apply between 9-11 and 2-4. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. G Lincoln Tlace PATIO HOMES 700 Lincoln College Station, Texas 5 Blocks from campus 2 & 3 Bedrooms Fireplace Ceiling fans Vaulted ceiling 1 W/D connections BELOW MARKET FINANCING Call Dick Gilby 696-7213 NASH PHILLIPS/COPUS YOUNG ENGINEERS DO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF POWER PLANT DESIGN? ELECTRICALS MECHANICALS TIPPETT & GEE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE POWER INDUSTRY INTERVIEWING MAY/SUMMER/GRADUATE THURSDAY, APRIL 15, PLACEMENT OFFICE Design Engineers for power plants throughout the United States and Alaska, including the nearby Gibbons Creek Plant. Our offices are located in the West Texas city of Abilene Formed in 1954 GROW IN A PROFESSIONAL ATMOSPHERE TIPPETT & GEE, INC. 502 N. WILLIS STREET ABILENE, TEXAS 79603 915-673-8291 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER mm FOR SALE SPECIAL NOTICE ROOMMATE WANTED Electric guitar, electra “SG" copy, dual pickup, good condition, $150, 846-4246. 124t2 1981 TS100 Suzuki $600.00 low mileage, excellent condition. Call 696-3924. 12414 MARINE CORPS OFFICER UNI FORMS. Complete set for $850. Call 696- 2629. 124t5 Two sheepskin seatcovers $60 each, 693- 5177. 12415 * ATTRACTIVE 20 YR. OLD* * MALE WITH 6 MOS. LEFT, IS * * LOOKING FOR EXCITING* * FEMALE TO ENHANCE HIS* * REMAINING TIME. CALL* * SCOTT AT 779-9169. * * 12313 * -t.. vL. vT* vL-* vL" «*T'* *7* ‘T* ‘T'* *T* 'T'* 'T* *T'‘ MISC. BIC TURNTABLE, Model 960 Multiple play/manual, excellent condition, $135. Call 845-7564 or 693-9696 after 6 p.m. 125t5 LOST “Lazer Sailboat” w/trailer 4258. $1300, 693- 125115 1981 Honda 400 Hawk, $1400, excellent condition, 696-0359 must sell! 121t5 LOST: 2 dogs-1 small, black, female, part cocker spaniel-terrier and 1-medium size brown and white male-part golden retriev er. Reward-call 846-1614. 12215 SENIOR BOOTS good condition size 11 narrow, $250. Phone 260-0696. 121t5 FOUND ’75 Kawasaki KZ400-fairing, crash bars with pegs, saddlebags, luggage rack, adjustable backrest, 50 + mpg, call 846-2790 after 5, $900. 12115 FOUND: Black and tan puppy by Sbisa Friday morning. Call 260-0074. 12215 Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 Gold silver coins wholesale, 696-5781.121(5 1980 Mustang four speed low mileage, ex cellent condition, 696-7637, evenings. 12115 SERVICES OFFICIAL NOTICE CAMERO BERLINETTA 1979, 350, manual transmission, T-Top, customized, $6800, 696-2262. 125U0 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfn RADIO SHACK POCKET COMPUTER with printer-interface, carrying case & bus iness finance software (hardly used) $250. Also TI-59 calculator $100. Call Syd 693- 2835 evenings. 125t6 Call Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or i word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfi> Typing-Experienced, fast, accurate! All types of papers. Call 693-6411. 121110 ^outfjtuooti ‘’RiUep DUPLEXES FOR SALE • 2 & 3 bedrooms • Wooded lots • Carports • All electric Special Financing Available Ready for occupancy February 1, 1982 4103 South Texas Ave. Suite 201 Bryan, Texas Call Dick Gil by- 713-696-7213 \2\Z NASH PH11L1PS/COPUS 116t11 Belly Dancing for any occasion. Call Dress Rehearsal, 696-1250 anytime. 118t30 TYPING, PROFESSIONAL, AGGIE- LAND BOND, 693-3700, 845-2871. 12415 DON’T SHOP before discovering your flat- tering shades of color. 696-1837, 779- 1103. 12415 Lesbian/Gayline 846-8022. 124122 FACULTY AND STAFF DISCOUNTS TO FLOAT TO RELAX-AN AGGIE- LAND FLOAT AND LEARN, INC. EN TERPRISE, 846-3622. 12415 FACULTY & STUDENTS Use your own portable terminal to access timesharing computer systems from your home or apartment new & used TI termi nals at cost 512-691-1127. 123t5 I— TYPING. r ‘All kinds. Let us type your propos-l als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. -I Business Communication Services ;4013 Texas Ave. S. - 846-5794 lestfm NOTICE BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE MAJORS Preregistration for the Fall 1982 Semester will be conducted dur ing the week of April 19-23, 1982. If you plan to preregister, you should schedule a conference with your Academic Advisor and obtain an approved Course Re quest Form prior to the week of preregistration. Deliver the ap proved Course Request Form to the Biomedical Science Office, Rm. 332, Veterinary Medical Ad ministration Bldg. During prere gistration week, you should return to the Biomedical Science Office to pick up your registration packet and complete your registration. YOU ARE URGED TO SEE YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR SOON. 124110 Service For All Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. | Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922 1411 Texas Ave 823-8111 1Mnl Quality typing, 693-4264. 109142 ATTENTION TECHNICAL WRITERS IBM is hiring students with a technical wnting specialization or other Liberal Arts majors en rolled in the technical writing program There are two positions open for this summer in Austin. The experience is fantastic and the pay is even better! Interviews will be held April 2, 1982 so you must hurry M you are interest ed. For more information come by 420 Har rington Tower or call Jamie Freeman or Henry Pope at 845-7814. RUSH RUSH RUSH 12215 Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds : 822-0544. I55tf» JOB OPPORTUNITY Students eligible for the workstudy program are encouraged to apply for work with Liberal Arts- Continuing Education. For further information please come by room 420 Harrington Tower. 12215 Typing 823-7723. BID FOR RENT HONDA CIVIC ’79 4-speed, air, 30 mpg. Very nice, $3850. 696-3775. 121110 Arbor Square Apartments now leasing one and two bedroom furnished for summer and year round leases. 693-3701, 1700 SW Parkway. 105148 Studio apts. Available now. $395/mo. $200 deposit. Lease negotiable. See manager- 1100 C Verde or call 846-3047. 117130 SPECIAL NOTICE ATTENTION AGGIES 4 Dm Chests , 44.95 5 Dnir Chests 54.95 Student Desks 79.95 5 PC. Dining Set 79.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Sets 149.95 Recliners 99.95 3 PC. Coflee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Fiill Mat Sets 89.95 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 95tfn Summer leases 2 bedroom 1Z2 bath 4-plcxcs, close to campus, washer/dryer in each unit. $425/mo., 693-8685. 12Itfn New Fourplex. 2 bedroom V/2 bath. Ap pliances. Washer/dryer. Call Jane 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) UStfn Mustang interiors 1965-73 molded carpet $89, upholstery $165, door panels $95, more A-l Mustang 1-713-444-6241. 12315 Rent Duplex: 2 bedroom, 1 bath, shuttle bus. Available May 15, $400/tno. 69,6- 4263. 12115 WOODSTOCK CONDO for summer rent. 2 bedroom, IVz bath, washer/dryer. Price negotiable. Call 693-9149. 12116 Southwest Village Apartments. Now leas ing one and two bedroom furnished or unfurnished for summer and year round leases. 693-0804, 1101 SW Parkway. 105148 CARP’S Unification Seminars: The discovery of your life’s purpose can bring world peace today. Held every weekend in Austin. Call 696-9267. 12016 3 bedroom 2 bath, all appliances, washer- /dryer available, immediate occupancy, close to university, $450 to $475/month. 696-7714, 693-0982. 118tfn FOR LEASE PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swim ming pools, shuttle bus, laun dry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. 39tfn Barcelona Apartments now leasing one and two bedroom furnished and unfurnished for summer and year round. 700 Dominik, 693-0261. 105M8 WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 FOR RENT Casa del Sol now leasing one and two bed room, furnished and unfurnished for sum mer and year round. 401 Stasney, 696- 3455. 105t48 WHY SEARCH? Our service is FREE Apts. — Duplexs — Houses We can also help you sublease your apartment. A&M APT. PLACEMENT 2339 S. Texas, College Station ^University Acres Apartments- country liv- ing at reasonable prices. Call Jane at 696- 4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.). 80tfn “Next to the Dairy Queen” 693-3777 r 7'- LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE” CASA BLANCA COURTYARD APARTMENTS 'COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY” 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S.. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS 693-2772 846-1413 “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS’ 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES 122113 Female roommate needed summer Bay town/Pasadena area. Call Kathy 260- 2269. 12513 Male roommate wanted to sublease for summer $142.50 + electricity. Call 846- 6050 after 6 p.m. 125t5 GET ACQUAINTED SPECIAL BRING A FRIEND. 2 floats for the price of 1 week days until noon and all day Sunday-THE FLOTATION TANK WORKS, 846- 3622. 124t5 High com)’ stops plan to redraw MEDIATATION IS EASIER, MORE EF FECTIVE, IN OUR DISTRACTION- FREE ENVIRONMENT. AGCIELAND FLOAT TO RELAX, 846-3622. 12415 United Press Internationii WASHINGTON—Thel reme Court on Thursday turned a Federal District! order redrawing congress boundaries in Dallas Coin Texas, but left it up to thel court to decide how to pi with the May 1 primary The justices, in an um decision, ruled the district was wrong to redraw the County districts because U.S. attorney general’s had found no problem them. LJI by Dr. Yet Shabat at : The attorney general’solj lions to the Texas Legisla redistricting plan had foj only on two districts in Texas that were found toll the Voting Rights Act. “In the absence of a I'd that the Dallas reapportion! plan offended eithei theCcd tution or the Voting Rights] the district court was noil and certainly was not reqti to disregard the political] ram of the Texas state' ture,” the court said in ant page decision. Thedistrktc redrew congressional aries in Dallas Countybeait concern that the legislate plan damaged minority v« power. TAMU CH] meeting at UNITED C. be at 6:30 FIFTH BA1 from 8 p.t MSC CAME 10 a.m. to CATHOLIC the group center. SOCIETY C TIONAL fue will lect in 102 Zac I panelists ft AGRONOM in Rudder 12:30 a.m. TAMU RO/ wi)) be foil. Aerobics tr The high court noted J changing the congress boundaries lines in Dallash| ty so close to the May I priii present practical probk® could force the eirpneousraJ order redistricting piano used anyway. However, it said, “havim dicating the legal error oil district court, we leave ittojl court... to determinewheikl modify its judgment andim dule the primary elections I Dallas County, or... to allot I election to go forward inaco I ante with the presentsched. | 1970 Honda 600 2 dr. coupe cun be seen at J.R. Thompson building (Mechanical Engi neering Shops). Contact Mike McCanlies 845-4361 sealed bids accepted through noon April 7. 12413 Valium, plus pill too rel'AxvV United Press International BOSTON — Women take a combination of binli trol pills and Valium are lilf have long-lasting sedation might need to cut clown the age of the widely used quilizer, researchers frornl University in Medford ” reported Thursday. A hormone in the oral traceptives increases the arm of time the Valium remain) woman’s system, which cause side effects or h« sedation, the report in the England Journal of Med) said. The researchers saidd# should monitor patients win taking both drugs to deteti the degree of Valium tl))i mains and, if necessary,cal dosage. A spokesman for LaRoche Corp., the Newjn based drug company thatl the patent on Valium, sail study did not reveal anysij cant clinical effects from both drugs, but said the pany had always supports concept of doctors monin patients who take moretttf prescription. Valium is the mostwidel) scribed tranquilizer in the try, with 33.6 million prS tions for the drug writ# 1980. One of every five woffle* take tranquilizers at some in a given year, according National Institute of Abuse. The Tufts study coffll eight women of an avera? of 27 who had been takil dose estrogen pills for than three months with women not on the pill. All were given diaz^i 1 Valium’s generic name,ffl |! nously. The study estrogen from the p thened the drug’s half# time it takes for Valium from full potency to halff* cy, by an average of nea^ hours. Dr. Darrell R. Aben' i associate chief of the Tuf# England Medical Center* sion of clincal pharma^ and chief author of the said the larger amoiffl 1 Valium might cause sider or heavier sedation. L- shop Dillard's