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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1982)
Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED al Assistant: No exporioncx 1 nccessarx , )148. 118tio hiring busboys. Apply between 2 -5 p.m. at 404 University Drive U4tfn «!TED: 2 male students to work collee- . Commission. Must have transporta- 846-5210. 12115 iCH NEEDED St. Joseph’s School North Preston Bryan, Texas 77801, 6641, Jean Manna. Principal. 12U5 -time receptionist for optometric of- . Afternoons and Saturdays, 764- 1. 121tl HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking appli- ons for newspaper route carriers. We have one radiate opening and will also have several open- i for the spring semester Routes take 2V2to 3 hours day, with salary from 400 to 800 per month. All es receive a gas allowance also we need soliciters he spring semester. If interested please call Julian Surrey 693-2323 SOtfp slant manager girl Friday apartment + y part-time school year full-time sum- Courtvard Apartments 600 University s. 696-1709. 122t5 - accepting applications for part-time kend & evening shifts. Apply in person . 100 South Texas Ave. ' 122tln tronics tech for video games, flexible rs. Apply daily 10-5, 775-3624. 122t5 :N’S BEER GARDEN now hiring full part-time employees, apply in person ween 9-11 a.m. M-F, 4410 College n. 12214 Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. ull and part-time. Apply in erson. stm PART-TIME HELP WANTED. irapevine personality. 696- 411. E.O.E. 107ttn RYAN HOSPITAL has one ill-time position available for ledical Technician. Either 1-9 M. shift or 3-11 P.M. Con- ict Sharon Robinson 775- 200 E.O.E. 11917 GOING TO BE AROUND FOR AT LEAST TWO MORE YEARS? 3oing to want to make some easy noney? Then UNIVERSITY RE- : RIGERATORS wants to talk with /ou! Apply now for managerial po sition by calling 696-1212 (be- ween 2 p.m.-9 p.m. only). Dead ine for applications April 4, 1982. Excellent salary, benefits, experi- snee! ii7tio vlale dancers needed for inter- dew, call 693-2818 or 696-0004. 46«n SUMMER JOB CAMP COUNSELOR Vorking with physically and nentally handicapped at 3amp Soroptimist near Dal- as. A job with rewards which vill last a lifetime. Openings or men. For information call or vrite Camp Soroptimist, 7411 -lines Place, Suite 123, Dal- as, TX 75235 (214) 634-7500. 11718 FULL OR PART TIME Day Shift Night shift (til 10 p m.) Weekends Flexible hours to fit your schedule RapiJ advancement Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30 a.m. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfn HELP WANTED Part-time employee for Chiropractor’s of fice. Prefer medical background or some college. Typing required. P.M. opening only. Apply at 1775 Rriarcrest Drive ami East 29th Street. HTt.JO Needs the Best. GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION needs more WAITRESSES, BARTENDERS AND DOOR PERSON NEL. Good pay, excellent working condi tions. Apply in person 1600B South Col lege. 118t5 Phone sales work, 3 shifts, $3.50 up. Call 775-9460. 115tll GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION Door Cashier well-groomed or attractive, outgoing. Pay $4.00/hour. Apply in person 1600-B S. College Ave. See Jeff. 107tfn CENARE Now hiring weekend COOKS. Fri day, Saturday and Sunday shifts. Ap ply between 2-5 p.m. 404 Universi ty. 120tfn GUY AND GIRLS team clean homes & offices. Days, nights & weekends. Flexible part or full-time hours, weekly pay above minimum, paid travel and paid vacation. Must have car & phone. Home Care - 846-7759. 22tfn DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 696-8032 24tfn i Need person or persons to be Easter bunny at Manor East Mall. Call 696-1444, 122tl FOR SALE ATTENTION AGGIES 4 Orwr Chests 44.95 5 Diwr Chests 54.95 Student Desks 79.95 5 PC. Dining Set 79.95 Sofa Sleeper 235.00 Sofa & Chair Sets 149.95 Recliners 99.95 3 PC. Coffee/end Table 69.95 Twin Mat Sets 79.95 Full Mat Sets 89.95 Bed Frames 15.00 TEXAS FURNITURE OUTLET 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 G Lincoln ( T > lace PATIO HOMES 700 Lincoln College Station, Texas • 5 Blocks from campus • 2 & 3 Bedrooms • Fireplace • Ceiling fans • Vaulted ceiling • W/D connections BELOW MARKET FINANCING Call Dick Gilby 696-7213 l£ II NASH PHIUJPS/COPUS HONDA CIVIC 79 4-speed, air, 30 mpg. Very nice, $3850. 696-3775. 121110 3-C BAR-B-Q Culpepper Plaza Now Hiring DISHWASHERS, CASHIERS, HOSTESSES, SERVING-LINE WORKERS. Apply between 9-11 and 2-4. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS $3.75/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips merit raise after 2 weeks up to S4.50/hr. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F 319 Patricia or 2314 S. Texas across from the Dairy Queen) FOR SALE '75 Kawasaki KZ400-fairing, crash bars with pegs, saddlebags, luggage rack, adjustable backrest, 50+mpg, call 846-2790 after 5, $900. 121t5 Gold silver coins wholesale, 696-5781.121t5 1980 Mustang four speed low mileage, ex cellent condition, 696-7637, evenings. 12115 Trailer for sale. 1970, 12x45, one bed room. Must be moved. 693-5206 be fore 5 p.m., 693-1037 after 5 p. m. I20t4 1976 Mercury Monarch-6 cyI-40-at-PS-AC- 50,000 actual miles best offer, 696-3049. . 12U3 1981 Honda 400 Hawk, $1400, excellent condition, 696-0359 must sell! 121t5 SENIOR BOOTS good condition size 11 narrow, $250. Phone 260-0696. 12115 1979 Triumph Spitfire, excellent condition, 11,000 miles. Call 260-6168, Sam. 120t5 1965 Mustang, new tires, excellent condi tion inside car and out. Call 260-6155.11815 Kawasaki 1170cc, fast, beautiful, must sell, make offer, 779-6785. lists Jkmtfjtooob DUPLEXES FOR SALE • 2 & 3 bedrooms • Wooded lots • Carports • All electric Special Financing Available Ready for occupancy February 1, 1982 4103 South Texas Ave. Suite 201 Bryan, Texas Call Dick Gilby- 713-696-7213 NASH PHILLIPS/COPUS 116111 FOR RENT New Fourplex. 2 bedroom 1 Zi bath. Ap pliances. Washer/dryer. Call Jane 696- 4203. (Joe Courtney, Inc.) UStlii Summer leases 2 bedroom 1 Vi bath 4-plexes, close to campus, washer/drver in each unit. $425/mo., 693-8685. 121tfn PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swim ming pools, shuttle bus, laun dry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. 39tfn ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed immediately stay five for duration of month. Own Ijcdroom. clcc- tricitv paid. Tommv 846-4751 or 696- 5808! I ITtfi LOST 14KT Gold rope chain bracelet, March 24, at Academic, A&A or Zachry. Reward, Donna 260-0225. 121t3 LOST: 2 dogs-1 small, black, female, part cocker spaniel-terrier and 1-medium size brown and white male-part golden retriev er. Reward-call 846-1614. 122t5 FOR LEASE Apartment for sublease at Arbor Square for summer. Furnished 2 bedroom 2 bath $310/month. Call Mike 696-8828. 118t5 Barcelona Apartments now leasing one and two bedroom furnished and unfurnished for summer and year round. 700 Dominik, 693-0261. 105t48 SPECIAL NOTICE CARP’S Unification Seminars: The discovery of your life’s purpose can bring world peace today. Held every weekend in Austin. Call 696-9267. 120t6 WANTED CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond Room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 1 «" AUCTION Arbor Square Apartments now leasing one and two bedroom furnished for summer and year round leases. 693-3701, 1700 SVV Parks vav. 105148 Studio apts. Available now. S395 um. S200 deposit. Lease negotiable. See nmnai'et-' 1100 ( : Verde or call 846-3047. I I7i so University Acres Apartments- country liv- ing at reasonable prices. Call Jane at 696- 4203 (Joe Courtney, Inc.). SOtfn Southwest Village Apartments. Now leas ing one and two bedroom furnished or unfurnished for summer and year round leases. 693-0804, 1101 S\V Parkway. 105148 4-plex apartments for rent Southwood Val ley, 2-lxlrm, $350-$450/month, 696- 5549. 103t21 Rent Duplex: 2 bedroom, 1 hath, shuttle bus. Available May 15, $400/mo. 69 6- 426.3. 121t5 WOODSTOCK CONDO for summer rent. 2 bedroom, IVi bath, washer/dryer. Price negotiable. Call 693-9149. 121tfi Casa del Sol now leasing one and two bed room. furnished and unfurnished for sum mer and year round. 401 Stasney. 696- 3455. 105148 3 bedroom 2 bath, all appliances, washef- /dryer available, immediate occupancy, plose to university, $450 to $475/month. 696-7714. 693-0982. 118tfn SADDLE AND TACK AUCTION A large shipment of west ern saddles and CIRCLE Y TACK of all kinds will be auctioned off. Approx. 100 saddles 14", 15", 16" seats some padded, hand tooled, buck stitched and silver laced. Some plain ranch saddles. Also childrens saddles several full silver show saddles. All adult saddles have a 5 yr. written guarantee. Partial Tack Listing: Sun beam clippers, Trammel bits, S.S. bits and spurs, pads, wool blankets, ropes, bridles, silver head stalls, silver show halters, halters of all kinds. Big lead ropes, winter blankets. 100’s of items not listed. Tack will be sold individually and in group lots. Dealers wel come. “All brand name merchan dise”. Terms: Cash or check with proper I.D. thru April 1 7 P.M. V.F.W. 2818 W. Bypass Bryan, Texas Ph. 823-0542 AUCTIONEER: Bryan Stacy #TX50012-0017 Licensed and Bonded. OFFICIAL NOTICE ATTENTION TECHNICAL WRITERS IBM is hiring students with a technical writing specialization or other Liberal Arts majors en rolled in the technical writing program. There are two positions open for this summer in Austin The experience is fantastic and the pay is even better! Interviews will be held April 2, 1982 so you must hurry if you are interest ed. For more information come by 420 Har rington Tower or call Jamie Freeman or Henry Pope al 845-7814. RUSH RUSH RUSH 12215 national Battalion/Page 8 March 30, 1982 AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment’’ 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 “different spokes for different folks” 403 University (Northgate) Open 10-7 Mon.-Fri. 10-5 Sat. 846-BIKE FOUND OFFICIAL NOTICE JOB OPPORTUNITY Students eligible for the workstudy program are encouraged to apply for work with Liberal Arts- Continuing Education. For further information please come by room 420 Harrington Tower. 12215 ATTENTION UBERAL ARTS STUDENTS: A few CO-OP jobs stiW available for summer Included in these jobs are management positions. marketing positions. Social Security Claims Representative, mental health work er radio broadcasting and reporting. Assistant Probation Officer and others Jobs are also available for fall, including legal positions and many more Arrangements must be made NOW Come by 420 Harrington or call Jamie Freeman or Henry Pope at 945-7814. - 12015 ATTENTION UBERAL ARTS STUDENTS. A new CO-OP position has just bean established A Local department store is tootang for Liberal Arts majors who are interested in personnel marketing or management A full time position is available begeming this summer and also for this faB For more information come by 420 Harrington or caM Jamie Freeman or Henry Pope at 845-7814 ASAP This one w# go m a hurry so you better act now 12015 Now You Know United Press International The youngest Academy Award winner in history was Tatum O’Neal who won a best supporting actress Oscar for “Paper Moon,” when she was 10. FOR RENT LOCALLY OWNED PROPERTIES "IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE" CASA BLANCA G, COURTYARD J APARTMENTS “COLLEGE STATIONS STANDARD OF QUALITY" 600 UNIVERSITY OAKS C.S. STALLINGS DR. AT HWY. 30 & UNIVERSITY OAKS “CONVENIENT QUALITY CLOSE TO THE CAMPUS" 4110 COLLEGE MAIN -BRYAN- 693-2772 846-1413 SHUTTLE BUS — SECURITY PROGRAM — CABLE TV — LAUNDRY MEETING ROOM — POOLS — RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Belly Dancing (or any occasion. Call Dress Rehearsal. 696-1250 anytime 118(30 SERVICES Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755 ITHtfn Call Cathy or Betsy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9650. 131tfn WORD PROCESSING-Dissertations. pa pers. reports, resumes, etc. Fast, accurate. reasonable-846-6200. 118t7 Typing-Experienced, fast, accurate! All types of papers. Call 693-6411. llltio TYPING. 'All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates Besineu Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 issttn Quality typing. 693-4264 109(42 Lesbian/Gavlme 846-8022. Tvping experienced Cast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. ’ I55dh Typing 775-7017. ^ Service For All "f * Chrysler Corp. Cars * « Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Typing S23-7723. I Ooage Salas and Sanrca S*tca 1922 I LMMawaa'aiaBalMM 1Wn J Stress found to promote mice cancer United Press International DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Stress has been found to prom ote the spread of cancer growths in a study of mice and also may have a similar effect on human victims of the disease, a Seattle researcher says. “We think that stress does not cause cancer, it promotes can cer” if the right physical ingre dients are present, Vernon Riley, of the Pacific Northwest Research Foundation, said Sunday. In an interview at the Amer ican Cancer Society’s annual writers’ seminar, Riley said it’s too soon for firm conclusions re garding whether humans are affected by the stress in the same manner as the mice. But he said it wouldn’t hurt for doctors to start helping can cer patients — and the general f jublic — reduce stress in their ives. “We’re a little conservative about extrapolating from anim als to humans,” said Riley, chair man of the foundation’s micro biology department. “However, the basic biological principles are the same. This is a universal phenomenon whether it’s in mice or a patient.” Emotional or anxiety- produced stress causes in creased production of hor mones called adrenal corticoids. These impair a body’s immune system, leaving it more vulner able to viruses, newly trans formed cancer cells or other dis ease producers. In a study reported last year in the journal Science, Riley’s team said 60 percent of female mice innoculated with a cancer- causing virus developed breast cancer during a year of stress, supplied by frequent rotations on a turntable. Only seven percent of those mice handled more quietly de veloped breast cancer. In another group of mice, the researchers implanted a type of tumor known to spread to lungs and intestines and gave them synthetic corticosterone. Riley said the team was skeptical any effects of stress would be seen because the tumors grew quickly whether the mice were were sub jected to stress or not. Surprisingly, however, the cancer cropped up in the lungs and intestines of 90 percent of all the mice given hormones, while metastases occurred in only 30 to 40 percent of the other group. “The primary melanoma (tumor) might not be affected, but the metastases are,” Riley- said. In Riley’s studies, higher hor mone levels in the mice caused a decrease in the weight of the thymus gland, the spleen and some lymph nodes — all impor tant in the production of dis ease-fighting white blood cells. The number of these cells also dropped when corticosterone production rose. FOUND: Black and tan puppy by Sbisa Friday morning. Call 260-0074. 122t5 Judge won’t try 6-year-old girl as adult for assault United Press International GAINESVILLE, Fla. — State prosecutors say they will not try a 6-year-old girl as an adult for hitting a 7-year-old playmate in the nose and will seek a simple apology or a settlement with juvenile authorities. In either case, prosecutors said Sunday, Nancy Jo Burch, a blonde, dimpled first grader, will not have to go through life with a criminal record. State Attorney Eugene Whit worth said he will drop the assault charge against Nancy Jo if her parents refuse to send the matter to a juvenile court arbit ration panel. The parents’ deci sion was expected Monday, he said. If the Burches agree to the panel, the case will be transfer red back to juvenile court. “If, however, the little gill’s parents are not willing to arbi trate, I am going to dismiss the charges,” Whitworth said. “That will be the end of it. I refuse to try her as an adult, and those are the grounds for dismissal.” The girl’s attorney, Alan Wilhite, had moved Friday that Nancy Jo be tried as an adult because “we have faith in the jury system” and believe she w’ould be acquitted and her re cord expunged. Wilhite declined Sunday to comment on Whitw'orth’s inten tion to drop the charge. Nancy Jo is charged with hit ting playmate Shirley Lynn Nickofls with a stick while a 13- year-old boy held her arms be hind her last January at a school bus stop. The two girls are friends again, and the boy will be tried separately. Under Florida law, the arbit ration panels are part of the juvenile justice system with trained personnel as members. Prosecutor Don Royston said it would be up to them to help the girls and their parents to agree on some form of restitution. “I don’t know exactly what would be appropriate for a 6- year-old,” Royston said. “Perhaps a personal apology or some other innovative idea.” Financial restitution also was a possibility, he said. Whitworth said prosecutors had tried to steer the case to an arbitration panel within the juvenile court system from the start but the parents of both girls would not agree. Meanwhile, Shirley says she and Nancy Jo are getting along just fine. “I push her on the swing, and we talk,” she said. Assistant State Attorney Ken Herbert said although charges will be dropped against Nancy Jo, it would not be in her best interests. “The girls live in the same neighborhood and the girls have to have some form of agreement as to how they will conduct themselves and get along together,” Hebert said. “It is in her best interests to go to the arbitration panel. “The only way for justice to be done is for them to arbitrate or no one will win.” Whitworth said the victim’s parents have agreed w ith his de cision. “For all intents and purposes, by certifying her as an adult, she now has a record. But that ran be expunged,” Whitworth said. “And if we were to arbitrate it, she would not have an adjudica tion and there w r ould be no con viction. She would have no re cord.” Fonda, Hepburn awarded Oscars United Press International HOLLYWOOD —Old Holly wood, led by Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn w-ith almost a century of screen time between them, and the English dark horse “Chariots of Fire” domin ated the Academy Awards. The seriously ill Fonda, 76, and Miss Hepburn, 72, won the top acting honors for “On Gol den Pond,” a tribute from his peers to Fonda’s lifetime of creating classic American film characters, and making Hep- bum the all-time Oscar cham pion. The English-made “Chariots of Fire ” was a stunningly unex pected w inner of the best pic ture Oscar, and took awards for original screenplay, costume de sign and a Vangelis’ score. The best picture category was predicted to be a contest be tween “Golden Pond” and War ren Beatty’s “Reds.” Beatty — always the brides- maid, never the bride — won the directing Oscar, his first win in 12 nominations, but lost in the other three categories in which he was nominated. Sir John Gielgud won the best supporting actor Oscar, his In '*• for I lis portrayal of a crusty '«ilet to a rich drunk in “Arthur. Maureen Stapleton was chose®! best supporting actress fur forceful performance in RedSfc4j I Ui NEV coache about jionsh tvenvl surely game t * Tli Heels' put or Monda ol an which i tional i The overth which i be niei “I t great Tar H H Ur NEW Carolir is te: champi George have nt out aft( “Ge earn w Worthy md w merit’s They’i earn.” Deft most di :o stop Worths 13-of-l Perkins Mui fell on ' 1)2(23 o Spri orker he Ho' “He’ let,” S We di \nd th rom tl lalf wl ough.! Whili iare g North ( case wit ith su< the wav Wei ngus,” John Tl "ere in flashing urting n our i The "ere in freshm; ITfooti 15 secoi the Tar 1th >1* sht lake," flovd, ’ five as them it sho<)( er shot to 8: