The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 17, 1982, Image 7
state Battalion/Page 7 February 17, 1982 Texas girl, 8, gets transplant of liver United Press International PITTSBURGH, Pa. — Surgeons at Children’s Hospital completed a lengthy liver trans plant on a Texas girl early Tuesday. A spokeswoman for the hos pital said Gassie McPherson, of Seagoville, was wheeled into the intensive care unit shortly after 4 a.m. Her condition was listed as critical. She entered surgery at 3 p.m. Monday. The girl and her mother flew to Pittsburgh Sunday night after receiving word the hospital had obtained a donated liver from a young boy. McPherson, who is 4 feet tall and weighs 38 pounds, suffers from a terminal liver disease. She was born with a cyst that blocks bile production. Her abdomen is swollen by the fluids, and scar tissue built up around her liver. The girl asked Santa Claus for a new liver at Christmas and was discouraged when she did not receive it. But when news of her plight brought offers of help from throughout the United States last month, she packed her luggage in anticipation of a trip to the Pittsburgh hospital. The girl’s name was placed on a list of children eligible for liver transplants. Another Texas girl, Kandice Telarico, 2, of Irving, is also on the list. Only about 400 liver trans plants have been performed worldwide. Latin leader says Reaganomics fails photo by Donna Boswell A fter noon acciden t This auto-motorcycle accident hap pened Tuesday afternoon, on Scarlett O’Hara Drive, between Plantation Oaks and Briarwood apartments in College Tation. Bryan Lane, the driver of the motorcycle and a student at Texas A&M University University, was hurled sev eral feet after the impact. Lane was flown from St. Joseph’s to Hermann Hospital in Houston. The driver of the car was not injured. United Press International HOUSTON — The president of the nation’s largest Hispanic organization sharply criticized President Reagan, blaming his administration for worsening the quality of life in America in the past year. Tony Bonilla, of Corpus Christi and president of the League of United Latin Amer ican Citizens, said Monday the president’s new federalism plan will not work to improve condi tions. “Thanks, but no thanks,” Bonilla said, while reviewing a lengthy list of what he called shortcomings of Texas and other state governments in the fields of civH and voting rights, education and penology. Bonilla said that the presi dent, “a slick communicator,” needs to meet the man on the street rather than Americans who can pay for $l,000-a-plate Republican dinners. Bonilla spoke sharply of cuts in social programs for the unem ployed, elderly and children, while increasing military spending. “No mas, no more social cuts,” he said. Who's up to their labels in Levi's ? The new County Seat in Post Oak Mall is. Matter of fad nobody nas more styles, sizes and colors of Levi’s than we do. And during our Grand Opening Feb. 17 to 20, your favorite jeans are on sale. Levi’s and Wrangler Foot cut denims, in stacks and stacks of sizes for guys and kids. Now $12.99- For the best in casual clothes for guys, gals and kids, just direct your feet to the County Seat. © i 9 82 cssi TAKE A TRIP TO "Ho" "NEW Class of ’84 Ball SATURDAY, HAM I 4 . 1982 9:4 4 -1:4 4 HS4 4 I AMI I All 14 4 H ays help cademy, ops learn United Press International HOUSTON — The Houston >lice Department has hired 0 homosexual men to teach in e police academy and inform >v enforcement recruits about y life. Acadmeny training director ipt. Leroy Michna said Mon- y the hiring of two admitted mosexuals is a first for the )lice department. “This is just an attempt to troduce cadets to a portion of e community they'll deal with nd) debunk alot of myths and retypes that our cadets, like people, possess about gays,” ichna said. Lee Harrington, president of e Houston Gay Political iucus, and Bill Scott, a gay ychotherapist, will teach a ur-hour course “designed to esent what we think is an accu- te picture of homosexuals that 'e in Houston,” Michna said. In the past, instruction about tvs has been part of the recruits aining. but it was taught by Dr. >hn Matthews, the academy’s lucation coordinator. The tange in instructors was sug- ssted because the recruits sjtiil ad not been exposed to the gay 4 immunity and kept their ereotypical image of gay men ad Women. “If you want an Astro to talk lout baseball, you don’t go to ie Oilers,” Michna said. “Now' the time to have the gay com- mnity represent themselves in lis course.” Two years ago when the sug- sstion was made to Mic/hna, he fused to let the gays.feach. “But I guess I’ve got/en older ad wiser,” Michna said. Harrington praised the police r affording the two an oppor- mity to teach cadets. “In the past, there needed to - more in the academy to sensi- te the police to the gay com- mnity, just as they are (sensi- ted) toward the black and His- anic communities,” Harring- m said. Backstage Tickets on sole Feb22-Mor5 MSC Box Office March 1-5 in the MSC $900 o couple Specials Wednesday Backstage Cassarole Thursday Fruit Balls Friday Seafood Platter Saturday Flauntas Entertainment Thursday Skillet Lickers bluegrass $1.50 cover Friday Uncle Walt’s Band bluegrass $3.00 cover Saturday Tom Soloman & Julia Scott $1.50 cover 319 University Dr. (Northgate) 846-1861 PUBLIC N0TICE...STERE0 LIQUIDATION California Stereo Liquidators, Federal No. 95-3531037, will dis pose of, for a manufacturer's representative, their inventory surplus of new stereo equipment. The items listed below will be sold on a first-come first-served basis at. . . Saturday, February 20, 1982 HOLIDAY INN 9:00 A. M. to 2:00 P. M. 2300 Texas Ave., Bryan, TX only while quantities last Disposal Value Price 5 Only AM/FM Cassette C I ftQ COO ^ Car Stereos, In Dush * 1 ^ each Disposal Value Price 22 Pair Only Coaxial Car Speakers Giant Mags $89 $29 P air 5 Only AM/FM 8 Trk Car Stereo In Dash $139 $29 each 20 Pair Only Tnaxial Car Speakers, Giant Mags $119 $49 pair 20 Only 8 Track Car Stereos, Underdash #07 each 18 Only Graphic Equalizers For Car, High Wattage $159 $39 each 20 Only Cassette Car C*7C Coe- Stereos, Underdash <9x5 each 23 Pair Only 2 Way Car Speakers. Dual Cone 9I7 pair 32 Only AM/FM/8 track Car Stereos in Dash (Best) $lf)D 90V each 10 Only AM/FM in Dash Cassettes For Small Cars $225 $89 each 30 Only AM/FM Cassette Car Stereos In Dash (Best) $189 $59 each 22 Only AM/FM Cassettes For Car with Auto Reverse $225 $89 each 20 Pair Only Modular _ ^ _ 4 Way Speakers $179 $89 pai. 27 Only Power Boosters __ _ For Stereo, High Wattage $89 $29 each ALL BRAND NEW MERCHANDISE WITH FULL 2 YEAR WARRANTIES! Buy one or all of the above quanties listed— The Public is Invited VISA, MASTERCARD, CASH or PERSONAL CHECKS WELCOMED ONE DAY ONLY SAT., FEBRUARY 20 ONLY WHILE QUANTITIES LAST! FREE, FREE, FREE! TWO FREE QUARTS PEPSI OR DR. PEPPER WITH ANY 16” PIZZA ONE FREE QUART WITH ANY 12" OR 14" PIZZA!!! 846-7785 319 Patricia College Station I 00 OFF Any 16 Pizza! (with coupon) Name. Phone Delivery Limited To Service Area Offer Expires Tues., Feb. 23 50C OFF Any } 12 ' or 14" Pizza! ! (with coupon) Name. Phone Delivery Limited To Service Area Offer Expires Tues., Feb. 23