The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 12, 1982, Image 11
Battalion/Page 11 February 12, 1982 since ed mci ihvsical ® lie said.! 'aft, officii g charges rug abusef Idren’s Ctt :ed their o« II and sulaf inploveet| , superintl e home, han Alexf ation su • were er a sent Jews Senitj; ug pedi gan in iwf luskoget I accused ol rl for prtstij was accused! es to blocks fn* arses 85 cW ndelinqu^ ews senf ^ns es elding in'H ig loan, Gail to the Ja« > It received frotnl uranceanth aer, 0° staff photo by Colin Valentine Craftsman at work Walter Brown, an Indian craftsman of the Wyandotte tribe, uses a wire brush as he works on a ring during a crafts demonstration — part of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma Indian Symposium sponsored by the MSC Arts Committee — in the MSC Art Gallery. Brown is from Tahequah, Okla. SCHULMAN 6 THEATRES 775-2463 2002 775-2468 E. 29th NOW SHOWING "ONE OF THE YEARS 5 BEST FILMS. AN EXTRAORDINARY PRODUCTION!' '--Filpri Bulletin Joyous, Breathtaking. Authentic!" los Anyeies Times the trip*, inner m 1 3; when^ prepara 11 ' 0 by Pi nner in”^ ring"! irgef . $800 , during, some P travel- bout it 1 ? "A Visually Stunning Film!' Denver Post He conquered love and death... How he walks the winds ot eternity! TREVOR HOWARD •s.tho vMNDWAlKtr? • j NICK RAMUS - JAMES REMAP? vo*>■■*>* •q SERENE hEDIN Ken’s Automotive 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center" • Tune-Ups • Brakes • Clutches • McPherson Struts • Front End Parts Replacement • Standard Transmission Repairs All American Cars YW-Datsun-Honda Toyota . (Master Card & VISA Accepted) SCHULMAN6 THEATRES 775-24 68 --- 775-2463 Mon-Fri 7:30-9:45 Sal-Sun 2:15-4:50-7:30-9:45 Mon-Fri 7:25-9:40 Sat-Sun 2:20-4:40 7:25-9:40 URCH ing ^ TATION M- jO A-W; :00 A-W' p.M- Mon-Fri 7:35-9:55 Sat-Sun 2:30-5:00 7:35-9:55 BURT SHARKS MACHINE [R]^ Mon-Fri 6:50-8:50 Sat-Sun 1:40-3:40 5:40-7:35-9:30 Walt Ditnev'* Mon-Fri 7:55 Sat-Sun 2:00 5:40-9:30 RRHS IK VI M« OLOH * Rt released by r-^i BUENA VISTA DISTRIBUTION CO. INC | ; ©MCMXIIX Walt Disney Productions .VTj Mon-Fri 7:15-9:30 Sat-Sun 2:35-4:45 7:15-9:30 RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK Today’s Almanac United Press International Today is Friday, Feb. 12, the 43rd day of 1982, with 322 to follow. This is Abraham Lincoln’s birthday. The moon is moving toward its last quarter. T he morning stars are Mer cury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. There is no evening star. Those born on this date are under the sign of Aquarius. British biologist Charles Dar win was born Feb. 12, 1809. On this date in history: In 1973, the First American prisoners of war were released by North Vietnam; 116 were flown from Hanoi to the Philip pines. MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES MANOR EAST 3 823-8300 The Border is an intense film both in its use of language and |/\ AV -W* a. wm . depiction of violence. T PUTT ,—J THEATRES FRI & SAT at MIDNIGHT (PG) $2.0(r “MONTY PYTHON & THE HOLY GRAIL” i _ This motion picture contains scenes of extremely graphic and violent r= horror, is- 7:25 JACK NICHOLSON , THE BORDER 9:45 MON - FRI 7:40 9:40 SAT, SUN 2:55 5:15 7:40 9:40 CINEMA l&ll Corner College & Univ. Aves. 846-6714 Senior Citizens Price $2.00 all times-Age 65 & over with ID. Sat, Sun all seats $2.00 1st 30 Min. after opening. STUDENT PRICE: FRIDAYS Only with Student I.D. $2.00. 7:15 9:35 7:15 TAPS 9:50 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MIDNIGHT THE ULTIMATE FIRST THERE WAS THE OMEN | MIDNIGHT EXPERIENCE THEN DAMIEN OMEN II 1 HEAVY METAL NOW THE CONCLUSION IN UNFOLDS DOLBY STEREO “THE FINAL CONFLICT” 1 IN DOLBY STEREO || If you miss Chariots of Fire you will miss one of the most exhilarating pictures in many years. " — Gene Shaht. Today Show/NBC TV CHARIOTS OF FIRE 1 MON - FRI 7:25 9:55 SAT, SUN 2:45 5:05 7:25 9:55 OOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOi CAMPUS THEATRE Notv Showing All Seats x PUTT , J THEATRES CINEMA l&ll j^l 00 ^Skaggsjshopping center/Across from A&M| Monty Python and the Holy Grail Friday & Saturday at Midnight From a place you never heard of... a story you’ll never forget ONE WEEK ONLY! H PWOTAi. 6UOAMCE SUBGESTH) m Copyright (£) MCMLXXXI by Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved jWi MIDNIGHT FRIDAY-SATURDAY oooooooooooooooooooooooo Money Saving Film Developing Specials Offer Good Feb. 15th thru Feb. 19th