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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1982)
etc. Battalion/Page 16 February 4,1982 V V ' »> Thursday MSC LAW DAY: For those interested in law school and legal careers, tickets will be on sale at the MSC Box Office, Feb. 1 -5. CATHOLIC STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: An interna tional students meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. in the student center. The Coffeehouse Committee will meet at 7 p.m. in the student, center. Inquiry Class II will meet at 6 p.m. in the student center. Night prayer held at 10 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church. The Nursing Home Committee will meet in tne student center at 7 p.m. also. ALVIN HOMETOWN CLUB: Meeting at 7 p.m. in 350A MSC. Then a trip to Hall of Fame. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY: Modern/Jazz will be from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in E. Kyle. Beginning tap will be from 7 p.m. to8 p.m. in 268 E. Kvle. Intermediate tap will be from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m, in 268 E. Kyle. INTERNATIONAL MEDITATION SOCIETY: Check ing meeting at 6:30 p.m. in 204C of the library. TEXAS A&M FENCING CLUB: Sabre team ladder and men's foil final will be in 267 E. Kyle. DATA PROCESSING MANAGEMENT ASSOCIA TION: ARCO will be presenting information on Careers in Data Processing at 7 p.m. in the Aggieland Inn. All students and faculty are invited for refreshments and discussion. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL: Leave to sing and What’s Up at Texas A&M visit at Sherwood Nursing Home at 6:30 p.m. in the Universi ty Lutheran Chapel, 315 N, College Main. CLASS OF ’S3: General meeting with Jackie Sherrill, new head coach and athletic director, as speaker at 7:30 p.m. in 301 Rudder. TEAM BOWLING CAPTAIN’S MEETING: Schedules will be given out and rules discussed at 5:15 p.m. in 267 G. Rollie White. OMEGA PHI ALPHA AND ALPHA PHI OMEGA: The two organizations will sponsor the M. D. Dancethon at the Aggieland Inn from 6 p.m. Friday to 2 p.m. Saturday. GUATEMALAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. in 209 Harrington. Refreshments will be served. AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS: Hamburger Fry at 6 p.m. in the Power and Machine labs. No admission required. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION SOCIETY: Pot luck supper at 7 p.m. in 009 Thompson Hall. FISH CAMP: Camp Mimms(Fish Camp “B“) will have a reun ion at the Hall of Fame. * STUDENT Y SPRING PROJECT: Organizational meeting at 6 p.m. in 402 Rudder. All interested please come. MANAGEMENT SOCIETY: Sign-up for New Orleans field trip all day in the lobby of A&A Building, today and tom- morrow. TAMU INTERNATIONAL FQLKDANCERS: Meeting at 8 p.m. in the Hillel Jewish student center. SURF CLUB: Planning for All Nite Fair and discussion of years activities at 7:30 p.m. in 350 MSC. CLASS OF ’84: General meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 404 Rudder. Everyone is welcome. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR C FIR I ST: Leadership training class at 7:30 p.m. in J08 Harrington. Everyone is welcome. TEXAS A&M EMERGENCY CARE TEAM: An educa tional program will be held at 7:30 p.m. in 109 Military Science Building. Friday MSC LAW DAY: For those interested in law school and legal careers, tickets will be on sale at the MSC box office Feb. 1 -5 MSC AGGIE CINEMA: “M*A*S*H” will be shown at mid night in Rudder Theatre. Saturday TAMU ROADRUNNERS: Two, four and six mile fun runs will be at 9 a.m. at the aerobics track. MSC LAW DAY: It will be held from 9 4 p.m. in A&A Building, and it is for all those interested in law school and legal careers. Daughter returned to mother United Press Intemalioif HOUSTON-A 17vijlp Dallas County woman wpiKd her infant daughteronaf ton doorstep has been™ manent custody of thee! Family Court Judge Baum made the decisiotj day at the recommendaij Harris County Child Hi officials, who had temi; custody of the child. 1 Officials said thewonuM; birth to the child secretM c ember while visitingher| and stepmother and, inigj left the child on a nei| doorstep. The girl was allowedul the child hack to Dallasii| been attending pail courses, officials said, j Reports from DallasCi officials on the motherVi i ess are gc »od. Finals (continued from page I) The registrar’s office has a difficult time meeting deadlines, and is put under more pressure when a student who is unsure of his graduation is constantly stopping in to check, he said. In structors must deal with margin al students who ask for grade changes, and the students are under pressure from relatives or employers, Gillespie said. If a marginal student fails to meet his graduation require ments because of one class, Gil lespie said, he may take the final in that class to raise his grade. However, the student will not be allowed to graduate until the fol lowing semester, he added. The anxiety for all might be lessened if all graduating seniors were required to take finals, Gil lespie said. Dr. Murray H. Milford, pro fessor of soil and crop sciences, said another, and apparently less popular, suggestion for re lieving pressure would be to de lay graduation one week. Finals for graduating seniors still would not be mandatory, he said. Under Milford’s suggestion, final grades for graduating seniors would not be due at the registrar’s office until the Friday of dead week, and graduation would be the weekend after finals. Milford’s plan is intended to eliminate what he calls “kill week,” the week before dead week. A significant number of graduating seniors lose honor graduate status specifically be cause of excess work due during kill week, Milford said. Not only do graduating seniors have ex ams in almost all their classes, but many also have speeches, re ports and other projects that other students don’t have to turn in until dead week. The result of such pressure often ends in mental, physical and emotional exhaustion for the student, Milford said. If gra duation were delayed one week, he added, these students would have that one extra week to com plete those assignments. Food poisoning cases prompt meat recall United Press International WASHINGTON — A Con necticut firm that ships meat to numerous states has voluntarily recalled 130,000 pounds of corned beef after food poison ing organisms were discovered in the product, the Agriculture Department said Wednesday. No cases of illness have been reported by people who ate the corned beef with salmonella organisms even though recalls often follow cases of food poisoning. This case was disco vered in routine meat testing by agriculture inspectors. Salmonella causes salmonel losis, or food poisoning. Food poisoning can be prevented with proper handling of meat and the organism can be destroyed through cooking. The cooked corned beef was produced by Mosey’s Corned Beef Inc. in Bloomfield, Conn., agriculture officials said. Corned and roast beef from other plants are also being analyzed. Donald Houston, administra tor of the department’s Food Safety and Inspection Service, said a precautionary recall was initiated because 130,000 pounds of potentially contamin ated meat were distributed to delicatessens and similar retail outlets in 19 states, including Texas. Houston said consumers who think they may have purchased suspect meat should contact the store where they bought it. Mosey’s is notifying its distribu tors to return suspect meat, which produced between lan. 8 and Feb. 1. BOB BROWN UNIVERSAL TRAVEL j Air Line Reservations (Free Ticket Delivery) (713) 846-8719 TOURS • CRUISES • TRAVEL COUNSELING HOTEL • MOTEL & RENT CAR RESERVATIONS CHARTER FLIGHTS “If You Have Tried The Rest — Why Not Try The BEST” BOB BROWN JO ANN MUZNY PAM HALL RAMADA INN LOBBY COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840 Solid Pops! presents SHAKE RUSSELL / DANA COOPER BAND JOHN VANDIVER MICHAEL MARCOULIER BAND IN CONCERT THURSDAY, FEB. 18 8 P.M. BRAZOS CENTER Tickets on sale at MUSIC EXPRESS For more info call 846-1741 General Admission Reserved Seats $6.50 $7.50 “different spokes for different folks” 403 University (Northgate) Open 10-7 Mon.-Fri. 10-5 Sat. 846-BIKE italian cuisine FINE ITALIAN FOOD AND WINES OPEN MON.-THURS. 11:00-2 p.m. 5-10 p.m. j FRIDAY 11:00-2 p.m. 5-11:00 p.m. j SATURDAY 5-11:00 p.m. 1 RESERVATIONS RECOMMENDED Your Danskin Headquarters Manor East Mall 779-6718 CUPID HEADQUARTERS for coffee, tea, candy lovers Registration begins today for our VALENTl\\ gift package to be given away Feb. 11 at 8p.m.I CINDY GREEN — MISS TEXAS A&M! Cupidillo Strikes Again! <£ cupidillo stickers available for sale 3609 Place, E. 29th — Bryan - 846-4360 Garden Center Professionals for your horticultural needs 3410 S. Texas Avenue Bryad; Texas Open Sun. 12-6 71 3-846-5085