&-n Daily Specials national Battal ion/Page 10 January 28,1982 Thursday Friday Saturday Chicken Kiev Veal Oscar Monte Cristo Deaths plague boot camp Marine probe continues Backstage 319 University Dr. (Northgate) 846-1861 United Press International WASHINGTON — The Marine Corps has launched an investigation into the conduct of a drill instructor just prior to the drowning of a recruit at a Marine boot camp, a spokesman for Rep. Jim Mattox, D-Texas, said Wednesday. Spokesman John Jackley said the investigation stems from the Aug. 27 death of Randall Christ ian of Dallas at the Marine Re cruit Depot at Camp Pendleton near San Diego. Don Buford, administrative assistant to Mattox, said Tues day night the congressman was informed by the Pentagon of the investigation. He said Mattox sought the probe when two internal investi gations concluded Christian’s death was accidental — despite what Mattox believes is convinc- Christian away from the side of the pool when he was attemp ting to save himself when he could no longer make it." ports of the earlier invest; I tions are being reviewed by Naval Judge Advocate CeL ing evidence that a drill instruc tor kicked Christian into a swim ming pool as the recruit tried to grasp the side. Christian, a former lifeguard who swam on his high school swim team, was in full combat gear, and regulations say that drill instructors are prohibited from pushing recruits back into the water during such training exercises, Buford said. Buford said about eight re cruit witnesses have said Sgt. Rudy Rodriguez “pushed Mattox is concerned about evidence that it was not done only in this case, but was com mon practice at the facility, Buford said. He said there have been live other recruit deaths at Pendleton in the last year. not been dosed aiul that tbTAkM *AJK " ' nr mary’ PROGR at 7:30 p IT MARY held at f Committ IMEGA f their Spr are welct I le said the new cl against Rodriguez vimU earlier testimony of recruitsi casts doubt on the integrity; the report. Jackley said in the new investi gation, Rodriguez is accused of preventing another recruit from reaching the side of the pool ab out a minute before Christian died. He said the Christian case has “We are seeing a whole;, pattern in the way the Navyl vestigates suspicious deatir Jackley said. “There is a reld am e to conduct investigate I into charges against their J officers. We are preparing! groundwork for lookingintof whole picture.” 1978 law increases number AO ii®p^ of personal bankruptcies filed ' 0< ' United Press International NEW YORK — Roughly one million people have declared personal bankruptcy in the two years since the 1978 Bankruptcy Act went into effect. Some 40 percent could have paid their bills. Instead they stuck consum ers with a $ 1.6 billion annual tab. “A new class of bankruptcy debtor has emerged who uses bankruptcy as a form of finan cial planning,” said Christine Edwards, government affairs representative for Sears Roebuck Sc Co. “Some run up credit knowing they are going to file for bankruptcy.” Since the act went into effect Oct. 1, 1979, “creditors are seeing bankruptcy petitions from persons who have con tinued high income, no history of credit problems, and who have no decrease in spending,” Edwards said. The National Coalition for Bankruptcy Reform, a group of 285 banks and other lenders, along with the American Retail Federation and the National Re tail Merchants Association have mounted an intense campaign for enactment of two bills cur- Would you like to: □ Raise your grade average without long hours over texts. G End all-night cramming sessions. G Breeze through all your studying in as little as 13 the time. G Have more free time to enjoy yourself. C Read 3 to 10 times faster, with better con centration, understanding, and recall. Evelyn Wood works — over 1 million people, including students, executives, senators, and even presidents have proven it. A free 1 hour demon stration will show you how to save hundreds of hours of drudgery this year (as well as how to increase your speed immediately with some simple new reading techmqt '. It only takes an hour, and it’s free. Don’t miss it. r SCHEDULE OF FREE SPEED READING -LESSONS You’ll increase your reading speed up to 100% on the spot! pt-nm. «airfecS 7 = 30 BVBo-fcc&r Knro from M Certified by Texas Education Agency □ EVELYN WOOD READING DYNAMICS t >«7B EVELYN WOOD HEADING DYNAMICS A UHS COMPANY rently in Congress to reform the act. These would not affect de btors filing for bankruptcy who are in genuine financial distress, but would curb abuses that all consumers pay for, either in higher costs or tighter credit. Clifford W. Snyder, senior vice president at Beneficial Management Corp., said as a re sult of these abuses the country’s largest consumer finance firm is moving away from small person al loans toward secured mort gage loans. “We estimate there are 24 mil lion Americans who don’t have homes to borrow against who no longer qualify for a loan from Beneficial,” Snyder said. “Many are people who need credit most, who might have to borrow for a medical or other emergen cy,” he said. A Purdue University study shows that in the past two years $1.6 billion annually in de faulted debt could be paid if re forms being sought are enacted. The study found that 72 percent of males filing for bankruptcy are employed and roughly 40 percent of them could afford to pay their obligations. Sears, which lost $51.9 million to bankruptcy debt in 1981, con ducted its own study of 9,000 Sears charge card hoklersti filed for bankruptcy and up with some surprisingresij “We have targeted problti such as the pre-banknipl buying spree, a partin| source of distress for rei because the purchases often clothing and other soft-H goods that cannot be claimed,” Edwards said. BOLIVIA elect pre torigu TURE speak at ARF.DO and first Tower. "EXAS A 7:30 p.n terested iAM PUS class at ’ »NOW SI Steambc 1SC/OIM Auditor iniver: wood N to sing : [ANAG1 tation b land In JUATFA to hold Sears also found some i viduals made credit purch; af ter filing for bankruptcy,li before Sears received notiftl tion. In this case, the debtal liable, but the lender mustgo| the expense of proving it. Discount Long Distance Telephone Service Comes to Bryan-College Station! ave 30% or More! 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Students will be able to obtain 12 semester hrs. credit. w in all ith a En- Science ir- Interviews Monday, Feb. I sign up for interviews at Rudder lower, 10th Floor Placemen! enter or send Resume and photo to Dana Palmer C *>rp , \ P.O. Box 189 \ Plainview . I X 79(^-