The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1981, Image 9

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all season successful for A&M teams
ls areaa!
iM > Sports Editor
vl Optiniism best describes the
IPM) jings of Texas A&M athletic
Hifl lads during the past three
I mths.
pas A&M sports teams have
shed a successful fall semester,
blighted by the football team’s
16 Independence Bowl win
Irday over Oklahoma State,
ach Tom Wilson, casting aside
modes of a disheartening 1980
Ion, may have set the confi-
ice standard hy the way he en-
ed the 1981 season.
^_l ve never been around a foot-
| team in all my years that has
the attitude this one has,”
ponsaid. “I think everyone he
ps in themselves ... everyone
vs he’s got to do his job. ”
ere’s a recap of Texas A&M
ts highlights during the 1981
pt, 4-5: Coach Terry Condon
the women’s volleyball team
the season with a second-
i finish at the University of
s at Arlington Tournament,
don: “We’re a fairly young
Last year (when the Aggies
irk and Saj
ay areas
is a reals
ve were
ve to tab,
elt. “It's
ew York
d Meld^
ican Nat::.,
ations k ; s hed 24-37) we learned a lot,
Jhow most of the players know
ibutortat jt it takes to win. We expect to
well this season.
iept. 5: The Aggie football team
the California Golden
S 29-28 in Berkeley, Calif., as
ing backs Earnest Jackson
ohnny Hector each rush for
ards. Wilson: “Looking back,
dated because it is so very
rtant to start off on a positive
I’m very happy that our
was able to come back from
|8-16 halftime deficit. That
:rs of loot
Is. I
igue. Pens
have only
[he inlira
lot thalii
iconceplsi i a lot about our team. At the
JEandGse time though. I’m dis-
•JOEX !)• ointed we put ourselves in the
tionwide ition to have to come hack like
r’s MI
subscrib' ept. 5-7: Coach Jan Cannon
astand«|vs the women’s tennis team to
Beaumont Labor Day tourna-
nper “infc|nt, where the team of Liliana
nandez and Teresa Landry
s the doubles title. Head ten-
David Kent opens sea-
optimistic about chances of
ns team. “For the first time
factualm: : e I’ve been here at A&M, we
he Consul have, both the quantity and
!y to compete with the top
is in the nation,” Kent says,
pt. 8: First-year coach Boh
•ck and the women’s softball
ni sweep the Baylor Bears 11-
lhenisilt2-l in their season-opener.
: the new Htft, who coached at Baylor two
utor sb lrs before replacing Bill Gallo-
this year at Texas A&M, says:
n’t know where the (limit) of
team is. It has the quality to
nel contis on e of the top caliber teams in
luctde* Nation. We’re still young in
ho willpM as that are crucial positions,
fin real optimistic.”
iept. 11-12: Softball team wins
t&s A&M Invitational, defeat-
Sam Houston State University
in 14 innings for the champion-
p| Freshman pitcher Lisa Mar-
oiiwJ l l> i’ pishing a one-hitter, leads
attituddl AW es to their seventh win in
t games.
t. 1^-15: Men’s golf team
jhes fourth at fall Southwest
^ ference meet in West Col-
' >ia. Juniors Gary Krueger and
Cobb post tourney-low 219 in
pt. 14-16: Women’s golf team
season at Suzie Maxwell
ing All-College Classic,
H ihing third in the 21-team
id disafc
arious p
ng vision!
ore aislfl'
said. 31
fveryM 1
and I
. conce#'
p ept. 18: The Aggie cross coun
quads host the Texas A&M
ational, where the women
:h third and the men place
sales ept. 18-19: Brock’s softball
places second in the Univer-
of Texas at Arlington tourna-
nt. Pitchers Martinez, Lori
and Shan McDonald com-
to lead the Aggies to seven
in eight games, giving the
a 14-2 record.
Sept. 19: The Aggie football
team loses 13-12 to Boston Col
lege to even its record at 1-1. Wil
son: “We had every opportunity in
the world to win the game —- poss
ibly even put it away in the first
half. I don’t think there’s any
question in the world we had to
find ways to lose the game, and we
did. ”
Sept. 23: Volleyball team de
feats Lamar University to begin a
climb which vaults it into the na
tional rankings. The Aggies win
2-15, 15-5, 15-12 and 15-5 over the
Cardinals in G. Rollie White Col
Sept. 24: Athletic Director
Marvin Tate, 48, announces his
resignation, which became effec
tive Oct. 31. Tate had been with
the Texas A&M Athletic Depart
ment since 1967. Tate: “It is with
mixed emotions that I submit my
resignation. I have thoroughly en
joyed my relations with Texas
A&M faculty, staff, students and
former and all the athletes here at
the University.” University offi
cials express shock and regret ab
out the resignation, as speculation
concerning the reason for Tate’s
sudden announcement dominates
Texas A&M news.
Sept. 25-26: Softball team wins
Stephen F. Austin Invitational,
picking up six victories to increase
its record to 20-2. Lori Stoll pitch
es a perfect game, striking out 12
in a 7-0 victory over Louisiana
Tech and former Aggie coach Gal
loway. Aggie volleyball team wins
Texas Women’s University tour
nament, defeating Texas Luther
an College 13-15, 15-11, 15-7 in
the championship match.
Sept. 26: Football team wins 43-
7 over Louisiana Tech Bulldogs to
move to 2-1 for the season. Wil
son: “We wanted to find out just
how good this team can be. We
were tired of talking about how
good we could be — it was time to
find out.”
Oct. 2-3: Texas A&M softball
squad wins Sam Houston State In
vitational to raise record to 26-2.
Oct. 3: Aggies win 24-23 over
Texas Tech, but Wilson dis
pleased with performance. Wil
son: “We played a very poor ball
game. We did not take advantage
of a lot of opportunities that we
had, but at the same time, it was a
win. This game says a lot for our
players, and I’m proud of them. ”
Jerry Moore, Texas Tech coach:
“Texas A&M is the best football
team we’ve faced this year. They
are a good, legitimate football
team. When you can line up and
pound on people and keep the ball
away from the offense as they did
us, you’re going to be good.”
Oct. 5: The Aggie men’s and
women’s soccer clubs are elevated
to varsity status on a one-year trial
basis, as Texas A&M Athletic
Council, headed by Dr. Charles
H. Samson, approves the move.
Oct. 8: The softball team, now
32-2, wins the Oklahoma State In
vitational, as the pitching staff
lowers its ERA to 0.18. The staff
strikeout total at this point is 279
batters in 228 innings.
Oct. 9-10: The volleyball team,
ranked 20th in the nation, places
second in the University of Texas
tournament. The Longhorns de
feat the Aggies in the final match
of the tourney.
Oct. 10: Wilson and the Aggies
take their biggest win of the year,
Photo by Becky Swanson
Texas A&M defensive tackle Keith Guthrie moves in to meet
University of Houston quarterback Lionel Wilson in the
Aggies’ 7-6 win Oct. 10 in Kyle Field. The sophomore quarter
back, shown seconds after releasing a pass to one of his receiv
ers, led the Cougars to their only score of the day late in the
defeatiiig the University of Hous
ton and 20-year coach Bill Yeoman
7-6 in Kyle Field in front of66,569
Oct. 16-17: Brock’s top-seeded
softball squad wins the Texas
Association of Intercollegiate
Athletics for Women state cham
pionship. Martinez defeats SHSU
on a one-hitter in the final game of
the season to give the Aggies a
36-3 record for the season. The
Aggie pitching staff posts a 0.21
ERA, as Martinez finishes 13-0,
while McDonald and Stoll end the
season 13-1 and 10-2.
Oct. 17: Spirits fall as Aggies
lose to Baylor 19-17 on a last-
minute field goal by freshman
Marty Jimmerson.
Oct. 23-24: The volleyball
team, ranked No. 19, wins Texas
A&M tournament to raise its re
cord to 29-13.
Oct. 24: Texas A&M defeats
Rice 51-26 as Gary Kubiak throws
six,touchdown passes. Kubiak: “I
think I’m really getting my confi
dence now.” Wilson: “It was a
good offensive game by both
teams, but I don’t think I saw
much defense out there. But a vic
tory is a victory and we ll take any
kind. Women’s soccer team
raises record to 6-0 with victories
over UT and Colorado College.
Oct. 31: Aggies and Southern
Methodist University play for sole
possession of first place, with the
Mustangs winning 27-7. Wilson:
“We just got our tails beat. That’s
all I can say about it. ” Coach Tel-
mo Franco and the men’s soccer
team, with a chance to move into
first place in the Southwest Con
ference Soccer League, tie SMU
1-1, leaving the Aggies in second
place with a 2-0-3 record.
Nov. 14: Football team loses 10-
7 to the Arkansas Razorbacks, en
ding all hopes of a Cotton Bowl
berth. Wilson is unable to speak to
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the press because of his dis
appointment about the loss.
Coach Shelby Metcalf and the
Aggie basketball team open with
109-70 exhibition win over Wind
sor, as center Rudy Woods, hack
after academic ineligibility in the
spring, scores 23 points and pulls
down 22 rebounds. Volleyball
team, ranked 14th, wins Louisiana
State University tournament to
bring record to 39-14.
Men’s soccer team clinches
second place in the SWCSL,
finishing 4-0-3 in the conference
and 7-4-3 overall. The women’s
soceer team, coached by Jim
Butts, wins 1-0 over SHSU to fin
ish regular season with 12-0 re
cord. The squad, ranked number
10 in the nation, prepares to com
pete in the AIAW national tour
ney in Chapel Hill, N.C.
Nov. 19-22: Women’s soccer
team places eighth in AIAW na
tional tourney, finishing season
with 13-3 record.
Nov. 21: Aggie football team de
feats Texas Christian University
37-7 to clinch Independence Bowl
Women’s basketball team
opens season with 66-63 win over
New Mexico State University.
Women’s cross country team
finishes 18th in AIAW national
meet, while the men’s and
women’s swim teams defeat TCU.
Nov. 22-24: Rumors abound
concerning Wilson’s future as
Aggie coach. Wilson says he
doesn’t want to leave the team,
but later says: “It might be best for
all concerned if they did fire me.”
Speculation that Wilson’s status
will be discussed by the Texas
A&M System Board of Regents is
quelled when the group’s three-
day session ends with no mention
of Wilson.
Nov. 24: Texas A&M President
Frank E. Vandiver, with the
Board of Regents backing him,
says Wilson will return for the
1982 season. Vandiver says he
never felt that Wilson’s job was in
danger, since his contract expires
next year.
Volleyball team ends regular
season with loss to UT, giving the
Aggies a 39-15 record entering the
NCAA playoffs. Women’s basket
ball team defeats North Texas
State 61-55 for 2-0 record.
Nov. 26: UT rolls over Aggies
21-13 to give Aggies 6-5 record
entering Independence Bowl.
Nov. 30: Basketball team de
feats St. Edward’s University 104-
57 in season opener, as Claude
Riley leads the way with 25 points.
Women’s squad raises record to
3-0 with 61-51 win over Lamar
Dec. 3: Metcalf and the Aggies,
led by Riley’s 19 points, beat
SHSU 81-53. Coach Cherri Rapp
and the women’s team lose 67-57
to the University of Texas at San
Dec. 5: The 15th-ranked vol
leyball team advances to the re
gional round of the NCAA playoffs
after defeating 20th-ranked Pep-
perdine University 15-13, 15-12,
9-15 and 15-9 in G. Rollie White
Dec. 7: Aggie basketball team
upsets LSU 68-63 in front of 7,192
G. Rollie fans, as Tyren Naulls
leads with 17 points.
Dec. 8: Women’s basketball
team loses to SEA 76-55, as record
falls to 3-2.
Dec. 10: Aggie Ladies lose
again, to the University of Oklaho
ma 83-55.'
Dec. 11-12: Aggie basketball
team place second in Illinois Clas
sic after defeating Oklahoma City
University 89-70 and losing to Illi
nois University 76-63.
Dec. 12: Aggie football team de
feats Oklahoma State 33-16 in In
dependence Bowl, as David Har
dy kicks four field goals, including
a 50-yarder.
Volleyball team loses in NCAA
regional semifinals to the top-
ranked University of Hawaii to fin
ish the season with a 40-16 record.
Women’s basketball team loses to
Oklahoma State, 72-56, as record
drops to 3-4.
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