The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1981, Image 6
/ [Jig© 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1981 state /National Nal iands-on training is needed China could double oil output ‘Pied Pipers of Fraud to take turns in prison United Press International DALLAS — China could dou- e its daily two million barrel oil •oduction capacity within 10 jars, John F. Mason of Prince- >n, N. J., said before an oil explor- H ion session at the four-day l /orld Oil and Gas Show & Con- ;rence in China. China, which exports most of I s excess oil to Japan, has reserves \ lat have not been touched, and | idustry is making a major effort to icrease production. Mason, an il exploration consultant said. The country has more than I nough equipment to get the job t one, although “they might be 1 aid to lack the hands-on training p use that equipment,” Mason aid. "They’ve got all the litera- jure, but it takes more than read- ; rig a book to know how to drill an j>il well.” Most of the drilling equipment i n China is purchased from the jj Jnited States, he said, though the Story told of American testtube tot M country has been limited by fore ign exchange constraints. Mason said senior engineers, geologists and vice ministers in the Chinese government were largely educated in the United States. However, during a 15-year period geologists and engineers were trained in the Soviet Union, a situation he claims is causing senior Chinese officials some worry. Mason said there were “major boo-boos” in Russian technology. For example, “in the Russian idea you find an oil field and immedi ately begin to waterflood it.” He explained that technology exists to trace the water as it moves under ground and the Russian method leaves a lot of oil trapped beneath the soil. During the last 10 years, however, the Chinese have sent large numbers of junior engineers and geologists to American and European universities. “As they learn to use the tools they’ve got they will be as compe tent as we are,” said Mason. He noted the U.S. Geological Survey had signed agreements to bring groups of 20 to 30 Chinese geolog ists and engineers to the United States for four-month study ex changes. United Press International CHICAGO — A Michigan man and his ex-wife, dubbed the “Pied Pipers of Fraud,” will take turns serving time in pris on for a phony apartment- search scheme that bilked mil lions of dollars from people in five cities. Jack Wine, 43, of Bloomfield Hills, Mich., and his ex-wife, Susan DeSutter, 38, of Farm ington, Mich., were sentenced Monday in federal court for cheating 8,000 jieople of an esti mated $500,000 in the Chicago area alone. Wine, his wife and eight others pleaded guilty to charges of setting up a rental search operation in Chicago in March 1976 under the names Landlord Listing Center, Renters Assist ance Center and Robinson Home Rentals. Ath tfi For fees ranging from $40 lo $ 100 they promised to finds# able rental apartments, falseli Wine and DeSutter were the key figures in a nationwide re ntal search scam operating in Detroit, Washington, Houston and Atlanta, prosecutors charged. telling clients the payments were refundable iftheycameup empty-handed, prosecutors charged. Wine was sentenced to tbf years in prison and ordered to pay $4,000 restitution. Heuit begin serving his termafterDe Sutter serves her six montbio prison, so they can take turn caring for their two United Press International NEW YORK — America’s first test-tube baby, a “perfect 9” ^ named Samantha Steel, was bom ,in England on Oct. 2 to a couple 1 that had been childless for 11 years, the Ladies Home Journal . says. I The Journal, which obtained ; the copyright story and pictures > for its January issue, paid an un disclosed fee to the parents, Jon and Laurie Steel, as well as to test- tube pioneer Dr. Patrick Steptoe, who delivered the baby at his Cambridge clinic. Doctors who rated Samantha 1 according to the Apgar score — a • l-to-9 rating to determine if a baby has imperfections — gave her a perfect score. The Journal said Jon Steel’s first words, after watching his wife’s Caesarean section, were: “Saman tha’s here. Laurie, she’s perfect." The Steels came home in November and are living on the West Coast, the magazine said, but editors would not disclose the ! location because of a pact to pro tect their privacy. Steel, a veterinarian, and his wife, a violinist, had been child- vs 11 years bticause Mrs. Steel M.lVered an infection that damaged her Fallopian tubes, the Journal reported. Doctors told the couple that Mrs. Steel would never be able to conceive normally. Steel was studying in England when the couple first heard of Steptoe and his success with -in- vitro fertilization, a processes in which an egg is taken from the mother-to-be and combined in a laboratory dish with sperm taken from the father-to-be. The fertil ized egg is then inserted into the mother’s uterus where the fetus develops. The in-vitro (literally translated as “in glass”) fertilization was per formed for the Steels by Steptoe, who worked with researcher Robert Edwards to develop the procedures used in the birth of the world’s first test-tube baby — Louise Brown, bom July 25, 1978, in England. The picture on the Journal’s cover of mother and daughter was taken just five days after the birth. Under arrangements made last June, Journal editor Myrna Blyth said the Steels were paid a “not large” sum for pictures and story rights to the birth. When asked if the amount was larger or smaller than $20,000, she would not answer. Blyth also refused to say how much Steptoe and the Steel’s doc tor received for an accompanying bylined article in the Journal. She described the amount to Steptoe as a smidgeon. This year might be the turning point for test-tube babies, Ed wards said, in the British science journal called Nature. He said 15 to 20 would probably be born in the United Kingdom and Au stralia. A dozen medical centers in the United States are beginning to try the procedure. The first was at the Eastern Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, where a successful pre gnancy Was announced in May 1981 with delivery expected in January. SAFEWAY UPS TO L 'cmns'IPU' United Pre hollywo City” edged oi [Reds” for topi awards presen Ingeles Film < I “Atlantic Ci Picture of 198 jest actor awa kr, who playet john Guare re< jest screenpla “Reds” won leatty as best Stapleton as 1 YOUR SAFEWAY WILL BE CLOSED CHRISTMAS DAY .. . DECEMBER 25TH! 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