The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1981, Image 5
Local /State THE BATTALION Page 5 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1981 Begin preparing for spring Hints for winter lawn care By JUDY ALLS Battalion Reporter During the winter when lawns, trees and gardens turn brown, they are usually taken for dead. However, all of these outdoor plants are actually alive and still need attention and care. A minimum of work during the winter can make all the difference in a plant’s health, said Steve Brownlee, who works in the land scape maintenance and design de partment at The Greenery on Texas Avenue. Brownlee offered the following suggestions for winter lawn care: — Lawns should be watered once or twice a month to keep the ground from getting hard and cracked. Rex Carey declares candidacy for House llargie Hardy, a grounds maintenance worker at Texas A&M University, trims vines Staff photo by Colin Valentine near the Old English Annex as part of the winter maintenance program. Rex Carey, a Democrat from Midlothian, has announced his candidacy for the sixth district in the U.S. House of Representa tives. Carey, 42’ who is expected to face opposition from incumbent Phil Gramm, D-College Station, said he plans to run an issues- Buried alive record set United Press International KILLEEN — At 7 p.m. Satur day, “Country Bill White plans to emerge — after 140 days — from a buried 3-by-3-by-6-foot plywood box, equipped with a television and telephone, and get a shower. White broke his own record for being buried alive —- 134 days, two hours and 55 minutes — on Sunday. After his shower, White plans to visit a woman in England who started a romance with him by phone several weeks ago. oriented campaign. “A sound, strong Social Secur ity system, reduced interest rates, economic stability and more equitable tax and spending prog rams will be the cornerstones of my campaign,” Carey said. While Carey favors more ba lanced defense and domestic spending programs, he also sup ports a return to the military draft. “A draft is necessary to improve America’s military capability, ” Carey said. “It will accomplish this by insuring that all economic and educational segments of our country are represented in the military.” Carey, a native of Stephenville, graduated from Baylor University in 1961 and received a master’s degree in government from the University of Texas in 1967. Ken’s Automotive Bryan — Trees should be checked regularly for suckers, which are stems that come out from the main stump below the branch growth. Unless they are removed, these stems will stunt the tree’s growth, and may deprive the tree of nut rients. — Dead branches should be re moved by cutting them at an angle with sharp shears. The stump then should be sealed to keep the sap from running out. — Putting straw around the base of trees will help retain heat and moisture. Winter is the best time to start preparing gardens, Brownlee said. Leaves raked from the yard should be spread over the garden along with fertilizer, shredded newspaper, potato skins and wa ter, which will help keep the ground moist, he said. Flowerbeds should be kept clean to eliminate extra work in the spring and perennials should be fertilized and watered well once during the winter, Brownlee] said. Bulb flowers such as gladiolas and tulips should be dug up and kept in a dark place. When frost is no longer a threat, bulbs can be returned to the bed, he said. Rose bushes should be pruned ' far back so they will grow taller and thicker in the spring, Brown lee said. ne icrclwi I 'esternil e Baud' 421 S. Main — 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center” Tune-Ups • Brakes Clutches • McPherson Struts Front End Parts Replacement Standard Transmission Repairs Whoever Said "Perm" Means "Frizz"? Let us set the record straight about curl. 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