The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1981, Image 9
THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1981 Page State >CIET1; ^pt. part! ition \vi ■m. in tie arrer dai nen Cliiii ater.Qisl it*. be Bra/;:' 'niverat! o 3 p.m. ihidv wif Daren Davis, left, and Dr. Jon Botsford, center, pour molten bronze into a cannon mold while Daryl Worsham looks on. The bronze has been heated to 2000 degrees. Photo by Wayne Bailey which could be the reason Daryl is standing back. The Foundry, where the pouring took place, is located in the Engineering Technology labs across from Harrington. Water trust fund criticized United Press International AUSTIN — The president of an Mexican-American organization termed the constitutional propos al to establish a special trust fund for future water projects a “Robin Hood plan” in reverse. “It would rob from the poor and give to the rich,” said Richard Moya, president of Mexican- American Democrats. ‘ Skimming off half the state fund surplus ev ery legislative session to create a half billion nest egg for water de velopers will jeopardize funding for already seriously underfunded programs for the poor, services for dependent children, the deaf and the blind. Moya said the only people the plan will benefit are West Texas farmers .with big irrigation pro jects. Forrest Burt, president of the Texas Association of College Teachers, said anyone concerned with higher education in Texas should oppose the water plan. “The crucial issue is the desira bility of tying up unknown sums of money for specific purposes and leaving less leeway to meet un foreseen state needs, Burt said. He noted surplus funds were used in 1975 and 1981 to fund emergency pay raises for state em ployees and college faculty mem bers, and said those funds might not be available in the future if the water plan is approved. Austin Mayor Carole McClel lan, chairman of a committee promoting passage of the water plan, criticized demonstrators who campaigned against the amendment outside the Capitol., “While they ciCrtaiiily'are enti tled to their ftpuiions, those who idents b akes at b ; to be f Is today dentlyotli iblems« -rship fc car nor: is eager r insa|> i, want' ak value classify't 1-year-fl o ahead £ s,” Thor? 'They* irtandtb ■ theji® [’m not»> panv 0 •toi n tf ,, it and lb 1 ler. that .red to® :) r anofc' 500 seek to deny Texas a sound financ- leaders, McClellan said, ing plan to meet our growing vva- T suspect some people would ter problems simply do not repre- he against indoor plumbing if it sent the opinion of most informed were on the ballot. ^iiniinniiiiiniiiniiiimiiiimiiiiiititnimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiniiiiiiimiiiniiuniiiiiiuim^ OFFICIAL, UTOTICE General Studies Program H Students who plan to Pre-Register for the Spring = 5 Semester in the General Studies Program are URGED = H to pick up a Pre-registration Form in Room 100 of s = Harrington Tower from Oct. 26 thru Nov. 6. iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiniiimnumiipHiiiiin: FALL IS FOR PLANTING HALF PRICE SALE Enhance Your Landscape Now During The Fall Planting Season With These Specials ... 1 Gal. Shrubs From Our Best Grower Japanese Sweet Flag Arborvitae Oleander Silver King Euonymus BoxWood Dwarf Chinese Holly Viburnum Suspensum Variegated Pittosporum Variegated Asian Jasmine Cleyera Spanish Dagger Reg. $3.99 SALE SH 99 1 CLOSET PLANT (Spathiphyllum) Choose one of these exotic low light tolerating house plants for easy care Reg ‘6" SALE S 3" Save over 40% or buy 2 For the price of 1 6” pot RYE GRASS 'V Reg. s 3” 1 RYE I SALE $2*9 5 lb. bag BANANA TREES Reg. s 13” SALE $3" Tioga STRAWBERRIES Tray of 6 S 1 49 Time To Plant! Ball Giant Mix PANSIES Buy a flat of 60 pansies at 9" (reg. 11") and get a 4 lb bag of Hi-Yield Blood Meal for only 99 (reg. s 3 49 ) & STIMULATE YOUR LAWNS' ROOT SYSTEM this Fall With fertiTome. WINTERIZER WITHOUT WINTERIZED FINALLY A FIRE ANT INSECTICIDE THAT REALLY WORKS Reg. S 12** SALE S099 fertHome Bill’s Garden Center 3410 S. TEXAS Open Sunday 12-6 846-5085 l-i RV in ! FF! FF! FF! 7 g thu r Good thru I2/I/I98I