The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1981, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1981 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED FOR SALE Small office needs part-time Sec./Rec. Per sonable, neat. Type 50 wpm. Call Penny, 696-8525. 39t5 Needed RN S, LVN’S, Housekeepers, live in company for private duty. Call 775- 8184. 4uio Wanted babysitter for 16 month girl, after noons. Must have own car. 775-3531 after 5 p.m. 40t5 Wanted part-time student help. Monday- Friday, 8:30 to 1:30. Apply 3700 South College, Tasco Tire. 42tlh Part-time position available at Farmer’s Market Bakery & Deli. Restaurant experi ence desired. Hours 5p.m.-10p.m. 3 days a week no Sundays. Start $3.65/hour, 2700 Texas Avenue, Bryan, 779-6428. 41tfn PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Grapevine personality. 696- 3411. E.O.E. 183tfn REPAIR TECHNICIAN needed, background in electrician and stringed instruments preferrable, equip ment provided, salary negotiable, full or part-time, come by & talk to Craig, LANGE MUSIC COMPANY, 1410 Texas Ave., Bryan. 4316 Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. Full and part-time. Apply in person. stm THE GREENERY is hiring trainees for their landscape maintenance teams. Full or part time. (Full morning or afternoon availability required.) STARTING AT $4.00 PER HOUR. Apply at 4304 Texas Ave. (Next to Luby's Cafeteria.) 9tfn DALLAS Hiring WAITRESSES. 693-2818 experience pre ferred but not necessary. 42tfn Is now hiring COOKS, DISHWASHERS, PREP and BUSBOYS, WAIT PERSONS, BARTENDER. Day shift only. Apply in person before 10 a.m. or between 2-4 p.m. 404 E. University Dr. 32tfn Day care center needs morn ing help, 7:30-12, Monday - Friday. 779-8900, $3.35/hour. 42t5 SCRAPPLE Local Jazz band has im mediate opening for BASS GUITARIST. Must read or have good knowledge of Jazz. Steady work. Call Chris at 693-3617. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 696-8032 FULL OR PART TIME 'Day onift ‘Night shift (til 10pm.) ‘Weekends ‘Flexible hours to fit your schedule ‘Rapid advancement ‘Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 190tfri. ■ a<K HM- 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality. Cooks, Dishwashers, Serving Line Workers Full or Part Time A L.. Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 NOW HIRING DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED FLEXIBLE HOURS $3a75/hra plus 6% commission plus tips. Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F at 319 Patricia 846-7785 ENGINEERING INDUSTRIAL DISTRIBUTION CAMPBELL INDUSTRIAL SALES, INC., a Machine Tool Distributor, is interviewing Tuesday, November 24, for a PRODUCT SPECIALIST. This is a two-to-four year program, including (1) CNC Lathes and mills, (2) fabrication equipment, (3) tooling, and (4) train ing/service, leading to permanent assignment as (A) Product Sales Manager, or (B) Territory Salesman. Outstanding earn ing opportunity. Our Company Profile is in the Placement Office. 33t12 FACES Now hiring. Job openings for Waitresses, Bartenders and Barbacks. Come by club in person. 4014 Volkswagen Scirozco, 1975, standard, A/C, AM/FM/Cassette stereo, low mileage, dark red, excellent condition, 696-1415. 4014 Professor needs COED to help in after noons with school age children activities and prepare evening meal. 3-4 afternoons a week. $4.95/hour 845-1418. 40t5 CENARE, An Italian Restaurant, positions available for BARTENDERS, COOKS, WAIT PERSONS, HOSTESSES, CASHIERS & DISHWASHERS. Call 696- 7311 or come by 404 University Dr. 39115 GUY AND GIRLS team clean homes & offices. Days, nights & weekends. Flexible part or full-time hours, weekly pay above minimum, paid travel and paid vacation. Must have car & phone, 846-1905. 22tfn Part-time employee in doctor’s office, Monday-Thursday, 3-8 p.m. Typing re quired. Will train, excellent pay. Apply at 1775 Briarcrest at E. 29th St. 42tfn OVERSEAS JOB. Summer/year round. Europe South America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free information. Write IJC Box 52-TX-4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 26tl9 EXTRATER RESTRAl L SALE! of Packrat behavioral can be yours! Furniture, Antique, Primitives, Collectibles, Fine Junque & GLORIOUS TERIVIA. Fri.-Sat.-Mon. 9-5, 608 South Bryan at West 32nd Street in Bryan. V 4312 Wanted people with allergic reactions to fire ant stings to participate in research study. Call 693-5036 or 693-7465. SWEHSen*S Interviewing now for WAITPERSONS, FOUN- TAINERS. CASHIERS. COOKS. DISH WASHERS. AND ICE CREAM MAKER. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station 34tfn HOUSTON CHRONICLE is currently taking applications for CARRIERS for newspaper routes. Routes take 2-3 hours per day, income ranges from $500-800/month. Carriers are also provided a liberal gasoline al lowance. Call Julian McMurrey 693-2323. 3816 PERSONALS MOOSER Late as always. Happy 21st! Love always “UUUSAN”. ATTENTION AGGIES! Check These New Furniture Prices Recliners .... 99.95 4 dr. Chests.. 44.95 5 dr. Chests .. 54.95 Full Mat. Set....89.95 Bed Frames . 15.00 5 pc. Dining Sets. 69^95 Sofa & Chair.149.95 Dresser & Mirror 79.95 Texas Furniture Outlet 712 Villa Marla 822-5929 Open 9-7 ROOMMATE WANTED Study person to share furnished one bed room, close to TAMU, your share $80.00/month. Call evenings 846-2527.4315 Happy 21st Birthday, Carolyn Scott! A&M Loves you! Female needed immediately to share 2 bdr. 2 bath. Cripple Creek apartment. Call Barbara 693-4085. 41t5 FOUND Found diamond ring, call and identify, 696- 3591. 4314 FOR RENT New fourplexes 2 bedroom 1V4 bath, extra nice w/d included, lease negotiable 846- 1757, 846-5225, evenings, 696-2265. 38tl5 NEED! 4 non-student tickets to Arkansas or Texas game. 20 yard line or better. Call 693-6382 ask for Cliff. 42t3 Nice 2 bedroom, l l A bath, 2 story apartment for lease. $400. Walking distance to cam pus, 696-6114 after 5p.m. 4115 FOR SALE Sublease large efficiency $250.00 4- elec tricity until January 1st. 693-9452. 36t8 1979 Yamaha 750 special $2100, 845- 5369. 4215 For rent two bedroom IV2 bath apartment in Courtyard. Call 260-0515 for information. 33110 SURPLUS, JEEPS, CARS, TRUCKS Car- inv. value $2143 sold for $100. For informa tion on purchasing similar bargains. Call 602-941-8014 Ext. 105. Phone call refund able. 3714 Sony semi-automatic. Quartz turntable; ul- tralinear speakers with 65 watts each. RCA color TV, 696-1415. 4014 ’78 Suzuki GS1000F, header, oil, cooler, excellent condition. 696-1279 or 696- 1259. 4015 Osborne 1 computer with auxiliary monitor. Call 845-4895. 3718 2-Horse Felps trailer, excellent condition, good price. Call John 775-0587. 4214 Guitar for sale! Gibson J-40 acoustial. Ex cellent condition, $600. Call 846-1363 after 5p.m. 41t5 PARKWAY APARTMENTS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms, 2 swim ming pools, shuttle bus, laun dry facilities, security guard. 1600 Southwest Parkway, 693-6540. 1968 Buick Wildcat, mechanically sound; maroon, white, $825, 260-5876. 4315 Rifle US Remington model 1903A 3 with sling after 5 p.m. 775-1560. 4014 Duplexes-Fourplexes- 2 and 3 bedrooms, washer and dryer connections, 1000 square feet, fenced back yard. Call 696-4203, JOE COURTNEY, INC., 512 West Loop (on FM 2818). 40t4 Senior boots, Holiek’s lOVfcC, U.S. Cavalry spurs, covers, hooks, 822-0719, eve nings. 39120 SERVICES State Pot plants 500, $1.00 up large $12.50, 589- 2781. 42t5 Galveston Island area glows again Puch moped, excellent condition, two hel mets; 40 channel CB with antenna. 693- 9531 after 5 p.m. 42t5 United Press International GALVESTON — A Galveton County constable who didn’t 3e- lieve reports of weird lights in he sky has changed his tune. “I never did believe in uniden tified flying objects until Wednss- day night,” Constable Joe Scrohe said. Wednesday was the third coi- secutive night the lights from n unidentified source appeared ovx Galveston County, but it was fir.t time the lights were reported n inland towns. Scrofne said he watched fron Hitchcock, about 10 miles westof Galveston Island. “All I could see was a big bript light,” he said. “It seemed lile it might have a red light on the he end of it. I thought it could h;ve been a rocket but figured it wasn’t because it wasn’t moving.” Police dispatchers in Hitchccck and Texas City, also about 10 miles inland, said several re>i- dents reported the weird glcv overhead. The Coast Guard said the glow was probably caused by reflec tions from burn-off fires on off shore oil rigs, but Scrofne rejected that opinion. “There’s something up there,” he said. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s up there.’ save energy What’s up at Texas A&M Friday INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: 8i< Halloween party al the Aggie land Inn at 8 p.m. Prizes forte costume. TAMU ROADRUNNERS: Spook sprint, three-mile ween race on the Main Drill Field at 5:30 p.m. Runnersarf encouraged to wear costumes. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Bible study at 145 MSC. All denominations are welcome. STUDENT BOOK COLLECTORS’ CONTEST: ft awards ceremony will begin at 2 p.m. in 204 of SterlingC Evans Library. HILLEL JEWISH CENTER: Halloween party with a horn movie, a keg and some munehies at 9 p.m. in the center. SOCIETY OF PROFESSIONAL JOURNAUSTS: B«! the Hell Out of SMU’ dance at Lakevievv, featuring theft bonaires. Admission is $3, music from 8 to 12 with yellpracfc at intermission. Saturday STUDENT r ASSOCIATION: Concessions committeewl be selling “Howdy” buttons, licence plate frames, and bumper stickers from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the MSC main hallway. HOBBY, CLEMENTS, HAAS, MCFADDEN DORMS Modular madness Halloween party from 8.30 p.m. to la.mi Cell Block 5. MANAGEMENT SOCiETY/MARKETING S0CIET1 Halloween party at 8:30 p.m. in the Courtyard Apt, part | a very bright idea TAMU GYMNASTICS CLUB: Gymnastic exhibitionwift Miss Texas, Sheri By man from 12:30 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. in (It MSC lounge. TAMU JAZZ BAND: Performing jazz music for carrerdas visitors at 11:30 a.m. in the MSC Flag Room. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION : Newinen Cluli will have Halloween dance in St. Mary’s Student Center.Cos: is $1.50 with costume and $13.47 without a costume. SIGMA CHI: Fit ,'sta party featuring the Models at the Braze County Pavillion from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Sunday TAMU FLYING CLUB: Flying club will meet with Universih of Texas at Austin at Hearne Airport from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Bible study wi! he held in St. Mary’s Student Center at 8:15 p.m. Woman s car explodes; dealer changes his tune United Press International PLANO — Elizabeth Thomp son said she was sweet-talkec when she purchased a new Dodge, but was treated quite dif ferently after the car exploded ir her driveway last weekend. “Of course they were lovely when they tried to sell me the car,” Thompson said. After the cir AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment” 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 exploded a month later, she went to talk to the dealership’s general manager. “The first thing he said to me was, I understand you have a problem, little girl.’ I am 41. I am a very well-educated, mature woman. It got worse from there. There’s no talking to them.” At one point, she said, she was told to take what insurance money she could get and be quiet about the whole thing. “That’s what insurance com panies are for, ” she said her dealer told her. But Thompson wants a new car. And she said she won’t give up until she gets satisfaction. Thompson said she parked her brand new Dodge Aries K-car in her driveway Friday night and at about 1:30 a.m. Saturday, it blew up. Spokesmen for the Federal Trade Commission and the Na tional Highway Traffic Safety Administration told a Dallas news paper they have not received any complaints about similar prob lems with the Dodge K-cars. But Thompson contradicted the statement in the newspaper, saying neither agency has yet disc overed if other incidents k occurred because it takes at! four days for reports to \kp cessed. “I had three calls today work,” she said. “Evidentlyo! people 'have had problems their cars, too.” v Neither the dealership lit which she bought the car nor! insurance company is eager comply in full. Thompson said her insurarj company. State Farm, want' give her the blue hook value the car, which would classip 30-day-old car at a 1-year-i value. “Most people just go aheadi collect their insurance,” Tli»! son said Wednesday. Theyt not willing to go to court ami just take the pittance the just ance companies offer. I’m not*: ing to do that. “My insurance companysaii- would be easier for me total:/ insurance money even thouf can’t buy a car with it andlk'l they would sue Chrysler. The dealership that so Thompson the car offered foso her a 1982 Aries for anolk $1,000. LOST Reward for return of tan and white colle, female lost on College Main, October 2Gh. If you have seen her or know of her whtre- abouts, please call 846-3972. -2(5 YOUNG ENGINEERS DO YOU WANT TO BE INVOLVED IN ALL PHASES OF POWER PLANT DESIGN? ELECTRICALS MECHANICALS TIPPETT & GEE, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR THE POWER INDUSTRY INTERVIEWING MAY/SUMMER GRADUATES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, PLACEMENT OFFICE Design Engineers for power plants throughout the United States and Alaska, including the nearby Gibbons Creek Plant. Our offices are located in the West Texas city of Abilene Formed in 1954 67% Average annual growth rate for the past 4 years. GROW IN A PROFESSIONAL ATMOSPHERE TIPPETT & GEE, INC. 502 N. WILLIS STREET ABILENE, TEXAS 79603 915-673-8291 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER TYPING. 'All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 i65tfn LOST: Ladies tweed jacket between 1:(K& 2:00 p.m. October 26th, 3rd floor Zaclry lounge. If found, please call 693-0891. -2t5 2 ANNIVERSAR) nd SALE! REWARD! Lost dog in Anderson Drve area. She’s small, tan and wearing a led collar. Please call 693-4447, 693-4442. ."BtS WANTED (Mon., Oct. 19 to Sat., Oct. 31) 14 Kt. Gold 18" Serpentine Chain With 1-7mm Bead, 2-6mm Beads, 2-5mm tone'll Beads, 2-4mm Beads, 2-3mm Beads ^ • Chrvsieft^rp ^lars | Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. I I I COMPANY INC. | = Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922™ 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 itfnH CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Cente 3731 E. 29th St., Bryai 846-4708 itfn ...t- -j NEW SHIPMENT OF Improve your grades! Research catalog 306 pages 10,278 topics. Rush $1.00 Box 25097G, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 477- 8226. - 24t20 SPECIAL NOTICE Call Cathy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn WORD PROCESSING dissertations, pro posals, papers, resumes, etc. Fast, accu rate, reasonable. 846-6200. 30t20 Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfn DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in ful during the semester in which payment i; made. (Thereafter no refunds will be made cm cancel led orderr. Directories must be picket up dur ing the academic year in which theyare pub lished. .. 30t46 LADIES' & MENS' DIAMOND RINGS 35% OFF! ALL Merchandise Under $200.00 15% OFF! ALL Merchandise Over $200.00 20% OFF! Layaway for Christmas! No Aggie Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 155tin Overeaters Anonymous, 779-2736. 4At73 Typing 15 years experience 775-7017.26tl9 Typing. Wake up service, 823-7723. 6tfn RADIO SHACK has immediate openings for full or part- time salesperson. Career opportunities available. Apply at 1125 Villa Maria, Bryan or Culpepper Plaza, C.S. E.O.E. 21tfn Gay/Lesbian Hotline 846-8022. 31tl2 AGGIE LAND REFUND POLICY "Yearbook fees are refundable inlull during the semester in which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be mads on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be pided up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. “Students who will not be on canpus when the yearbooks are published, usudly in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and hmdling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they bt mailed without the necessary feeshaving been paid." 30t46 (Bank Cards 5% less on Discounts - Discount on Sale Items) Douglas Jewelry (Culpepper Store Only) L 1623 Texas Ave. Culpepper Plaza &sososooooocoooooocoooooc<ococo 693-0677 10-6 Daily til 8 thur AU Mexic termc al to t for ful Hood “It give Moya Amer off ha ery 1c half b velopi for air progr: deper the hi M< plan \ farrae jeets. Fo