The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 30, 1981, Image 3
"1 U: uocal 81 on\ r e arei niverjf J fraten -cause t ° doei “ventilj n of || f ed instil THE BATTALION FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1981 Page 3 Lou’s Fun Shop Entrance East stands TRACK legitim.: tionofi ion orj iomisj nd Te ida Bs ,atlj accom; Seniors will form two separate lines side by side Now you know The greatest attendance at any trial was at that of Major Jesus Sosa Blanco, 51, for an alleged 108 murders, attended at one point in 1959 by 17,000 people in the Havana Sports Palace in Cuba. Q_ Now with a complete selection of Halloween & fright masks (65 to choose from). Makeup & wigs. Also Adult gag gifts & cards, and party gag items. Down S. College Ave. just past Weingarten’s Call us about special order items 9-5:30 Mon.-Sat. 775-2063 West, stands Boot line tradition ~may be discontinued Because ofincreasing problems ihboot line, the senior privilege welcoming the football team ;k on the field after halftime have to be discontinued. Ifwe don t have total coopera- between the seniors and the mizers of the boot line, it’s ible we may lose another gie tradition, ’ Head Yell Lead- Mike Thatcher said. Thatcher said that problems th the line in the past have in- ided not being able to control ecrowd and keeping the seniors the field. An increased number people participating in boot line made communication be- “It is important that the seniors pay attention to the people in charge so that they can form the line properly and quickly,” Thatcher said. Organizers will in clude Officers of the Day, Yell Leaders and Student Government ■een organizers and participants fficult, he said. representatives. Seniors should be prepared to present their ID or Class of ’82 Aggie Bing to be allowed on the track. Senior dates will not be allowed unless they are also seniors. When coming down to the track, no one will be allowed to jump over the wall; entrance should be made from the south east corner of the stadium. The seniors will form four lines making two routes that football players can follow to return to the field. The Corps officers and Stu dent Government representatives will direct seniors onto the track as they form the lines. “Things that need to be stressed to the seniors are total cooperation with the people in charge, not going onto the field of play and a quick exit from the track so that play can resume,” Thatcher said. Seniors going onto the field can result in a 15-yard penalty against the Aggies on the kickoff. “Boot line is a tradition that is important to seniors as well as the team,” Thatcher said. “It fires the team up for the second half and with cooperation the boot line can remain an effective tradition.” HAPPY DAY Southwood Valley College Station 696-9062 For Reservations John Snyder Washington Lobbyist Vs. Phillip Zelikow Houston Lawyer ^ CONTtfo, The Right To Bear Arms Monday Nov. 2 8 p.m. — Rudder Theatre Admission: $ .50 Students $1.00 Non-Students Tickets available at Rudder Box Office •rand new in lineup, Tab cola idded to Kyle Field’s roster ines, |l Football fans who believe Tab n 8"' ispbeautiful treat will be in luck at Hem*turday’s Texas A&M-Sothem nature§ethodist University football The sugar-free soft drink has ien added to Kyle Field conces- ^ ev i^. in stands, along with the Coke, andti lr ' tc an< ^ hopper usually 1 exert [can 8 week- rs a (») venirt jwTefi :he s*i The Student Senate declined last week to consider a bill recom mending the sale of sugar-free drinks at University functions. However, Laura Furr, Spence/ Briggs/Underwood senator and author of the bill, said concession ers agreed recently to add Tab to their list of drinks in time for this week’s game, after first saying the sugar-free drinks would not prove profitable. The Senate, therefore, is unsure whether the sugar-free drinks will continue to be sold. Although no bill showing sen ate and student support was avail able, Associate Athletic Director Wally Groff said several students had requested the drinks. ALPHA PHI OMEGA FOOTBALL MUMS! FREE DELIVERY on campus & to two off campus dist. centers MANY STYLES & PRICES On Sale MSC, Commons, Sbisa * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 a.m. to 1 p.m. 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.j^ Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday HALLOWEEN HYSTERIA EACH OR 3 FOR RECORD SALE! The Hottest Albums On The Streets — On Sale!!! Featuring These RCA and A&M Recording Artists RICK SPRINGFIELD WORKING CLASS DOG Don't Delay — Supplies Are Limited! Sorry — No Wholesalers Or Dealers Allowed! VtGJIH Records and Tapes Give the gift of music. AM RECORDS APO... WE DELIVER!! '★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★