The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 28, 1981, Image 10
ge 10 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1981 National \.FL-CIO snubs Reagan United Press International WASHINGTON — The AFL- p has not extended the tradi- rial invitation to the president of s United States to address its :nnial convention, because of esident Reagan’s handling of e air traffic controllers strike. The convention of the 15- jllion-member labor federation scheduled for Nov. 15 through at the Sheraton Centre Hotel in EW York City. Due to the nearness of the con vention and continuing labor an ger toward the president, it is un likely Reagan or any other admi nistration speaker will be invited, including Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan or special labor liaison Robert Bonitati. A source said AFL-CIO Presi dent Lane Kirkland, who has sharply criticized Reagan’s hand ling of the strike and firing of 11,500 striking controllers, brought the matter of an invitation to Reagan up at a September meeting of the 35-member execu tive council, and it was rejected because of the situation. President Carter was the last president to address an AFL-CIO convention. He appeared at the 1979 convention in Washington during which Kirkland took over the federation’s reins from George Meany. Reagan did speak on March 30 to a legislative conference of the federation’s Building and Con struction Trades Department in Washington, but was shot leaving the hotel. He also addressed a convention of the Carpenters Un ion in Chicago this summer. Hardesty said the federation has invited former Democratic Vice President Walter Mondale and Sen. Edward Kennedy, D- Mass., to speak at this year’s con vention, and both are expected to appear. In addition, it has invited Polish union leader Lech Walesa to appear at the New York con clave. Couple has rattling adventure Snakes spoil slumber party United Press International COLUMBUS, Ohio — Jean- je Moore’s boyfriend thought it is. an adventure, but she found it etty frightening to be acciden- ly locked overnight in the Col- libus Zoo’s Reptile House. And Moore said Monday she iuld have found it a lot more ghtening if she’d known that some of the cobras have escaped in the past. The Reptile House holds one of the most poisonous collections in the world, zoo director Jack Han na said. The collection includes 25 rat tlesnakes, five alligators, eight cobras and a 16-foot anaconda. Moore, 24, and Peter B. Ruf- HAIR DESIGNERS 303 College Main (Down From Loupots Next to White’s) Phone 846-8528 NOW OPEN!! Monday-Saturday 9 a.m. till ? 846-8528 fing, 25, both of Columbus, had spent a casual Sunday strolling through the zoo. But at the end of the day a security guard accidentally locked them in the Reptile House and the couple spent most of the night on the floor outside the curator’s office because it was the warmest place in the building. They were released from the Reptile House at 7:30 a.m. Mon day after they caught the attention of the zoo’s security force by bang ing on the doors of the building. “At first it was pretty creepy,” Moore said. “It took me about an hour to get comfortable. “We felt pretty safe while we were there,” she said. “I didn’t know until today (Monday) that some of those snakes had gotten loose a couple of years ago. I’m glad I didn’t know that last night. ” Two cobras escaped from the Reptile House about four years ago, Hanna said. Battalion Classified 845-2611 GET YOUR BIG SCHOOL FULL OF YOUR FAVORITE DRINK! Oh boy, school colors and the ol' school mascot and everything, right there on your very own dishwasher-safe, giant plastic cup At this price you can collect a whole , set MEXICAN-STYLE FAMILY RESTAURANTS 614 VILLA MARIA EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE — CALL JOE AT 822-2183 Show your folks North Ramparts... a better place for you to live! i Where you live makes a big difference in the quality of your college experience. A condominium at The North Ramparts can be a comfortable and convenient home for you while you’re attending A & M, as well as an excellent investment for your family. • Spacious kitchens with built in appliances (microwave oven optional) • Generous closet and cabinet space throughout • Space for washer and dryer in every plan • Fireplace in many plans • Large living areas, open feeling • Covered parking • Efficiency, 1, 2 and 4 bedrooms SOME READY FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY FROM $39,000 to $112,500 MODEL AND SALES OFFICE OPEN COME BY OR CALL 846-1129 North Ramparts A project of The HL. Hamlets Corporation ON NAGLE AT CHURCH STREET, ONE BLOCK OFF UNIVERSITY On top of things This grackle seems to be on top of everything. He has taken over this haystack in the middle of a pen of cattle at the Texas A&M farm, west of the Brazos River. Actually, the bird had just stopped there to pick some seeds out of the round bale of Sudan hay and left the rest for the cattle. r i <) ANNIVERSARY ind SALE! (Mon., Oct. 19 to Sat., Oct. 31) 14 Kt. Gold 18" Serpentine Chain With 1-7mm Bead, 2-6mm Beads, 2-5mm Beads, 2-4mm Beads, 2-3mm Beads • NEW SHIPMENT OF LADIES'& MENS' T ^ °/ OFF? DIAMOND RINGS /O Wli, All Merchandise Under -g p n/ ALL $200.00 15% Urr! ALL over^$200*00..... 20% OFF! Court okays case pulling man’s leg VI United Press International NEW YORK — The constitu tional rights of a self-styled revolu tionary were not violated by agents who forced him to remove his artifical leg, which containeda pound of cocaine, a court has ruled. Layaway for Christmas! (Bank Cards 5% less on Discounts — No Aggie Discount on Sale Items) Douglas jewelry (Culpepper Store Only) 1623 Texas Ave. Culpepper Plaza 693-0677 10-6 Daily til 8 thur | J The 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the position of Charles Sanders of San Francisco that the cocaine found in his leg should not have been used against him because the removal of the artificial limb was illegal. The ruling gave little vveightto undisputed evidence that a feder al agent at Kennedy Airport told the suspect: “The leg is comingoff either the hard way or the easy way; it’s up to you.” Sanders was stopped in New York last December after a flight from Caracas, Venezuela, whena computer check listed him as a suspect. Unite os a: ier An ipeal I on fe mmei States mougl dav or I S Di I Gray |t mot t Mont per wa rity ment the Ik nstage the in Jt comm akeovi dnot 1 We fac iourne’ 0 rulii would The agi Wive I.” Jud ave be He had been in Caracas only three days before he left for New York, having spent much more time in Colombia, where he said he had been imprisoned for a year as a black revolutionary. $2 Off any 17" nr 20" one item or molt pizza Free Delivery Chanello’s 846-3768 not valid during any other special ^ $1 Off my 10" or 14" two item ot more pi//.] Free Delivery Chanello’s 846-3768 not valid during arw other •.u vr PIZZA & SUBS $1 Off 2 FREE COKES ,u 1 with every PIZZA purchased Chanello’s: s! FrK? 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