i TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A&M Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1981 Local Young ghosts to haunt MSC The MSC Hospitality Commit tee will hold its annvial children’s Halloween costume party Wednesday night from 7 to 8:30. The party in 201 Memorial Stu dent Center will feature a haunted house, refreshments and several games and booths, such as bob bing for apples and pin the tail on the cat, Rhonda Shroeder, sub chairmen of the committee, said. A clown troupe will perform and entertain the children throughout the evening. Although there won’t be a cos tume contest at this year’s party, the children should wear Hallo ween costumes, she said. If some children don t have costumes or masks, they can have their face painted at one of the booths. Parents who bring their chil dren to the party won’t have to stay because several students will be on hand to take care of the chil dren, Shroeder said. About 85 members will be help ing with the party, so children will have plenty of activities to keep them entertained. All children of Texas A&M fa culty, staff and married students are invited. TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY TEXAS A&M = OFFICIAL NOTICE TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY M.B.A. QUALITY Program < M General Studies Program QUALITY Faculty H Students who plan to Pre-Register for the Spring S H Semester in the General Studies Program are URGED S 5j to pick up a Pre-registration Form in Room 100 of = =j Harrington Tower from Oct. 26 thru Nov. 6. r? QUALITY Students ^ piiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiimTmmmmiTnnymiimmTMnTiiiiiiimiiiiiiinTnmmiiHiiiiiiiiiiiijif? QUALITY Facilities QUALITY Location COUNTRY WESTERN DANCE LESSONSI at Contact: ‘VSU/ERI'E CMJWTI^S gxLL'E^y oj