The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 22, 1981, Image 3
THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1981 Page 3 sm form e leaders >t all the Maybe Vhat sating til welts Why, *y defini ildn’ttahi Its, Therti jargon, ample? ainingalu morespfi nfire ire andl fell, now feginnirij orkonla then attatl s a namel it leave,! It goes! /T ays. Aim iargra, ay Six mi Don't play dead around here Staff photo by Brian Tate These 10 buzzards seem to be waiting in line for something. Maybe they are just passing time until their next meal. when something dies. They were found soaring and sitting around the Jersey Street Drive and FM 2818 intersection. NTSU band to jazz up Texas A&M The North Texas State Univer sity One O’clock Jazz Lab Band, a known band composed of the best musicians in the NTSU jazz prog ram, will play in Rudder Audi torium tonight at 8. The 20-piece band has appeared at all major U.S. Jazz Festivals and was invited by the State Department to tour the U.S.S.R. as part of the United States bicentennial, said Bobby Knight, assistant to the coordina tor of the NTSU jazz program and an alumnus of the band. The 1975 album of the 1 O Clock Jazz Lab Band, ‘Lab ‘75,’ marked the first time a collegiate band was nominated for a Gram my in the big band jazz category. The band, directed by Neil Sla ter, is one of nine different labs in the jazz program, Knight said. Each band is named for the hour of its rehearsal. Tickets are $3.50 for students and $4.50 for non-students and are available at the Rudder Box Office, 845-1234. XZ^t/VA/C/A' Headquarters A Complete Line of Danskin Dancewear For Men & Women Junior Misses & Pre-Teen Fashions Manor East Mall 779-6718 Bryan, Texas lortreits )idags,as rhere’sn te to tb That’s wii hinese goodwill group perform nation’s music :! By MARY JO RUMMEL Battalion Staff li n ■ GI’ m P ses °f Chinese culture illy. Da nd ar t s ^11 Jjg presented by the Try ag» fouth Goodwill Mission of the Re- ,eep ati mblic of China in “An adventure Gross 1 n Chinese Songs and Dance’ ilondayat? p.m. in Rudder Audi- te stuiiiif Ihe program will consist oi nartialarts demonstrations, tradi- ional and folk songs, dances and elections of popular Chinese and jnerican songs. The eight female and six male nembers of the Mission are Aosen from 104 universities and alleges in Taiwan. They come rsity from a variety of backgrounds and majors ranging from agriculture economics to education to dance. The program consists of three groups which tour for two months in different sections of the country. So far, this particular group has performed in Chicago, Washing ton, D. C., the University of North Carolina and Louisiana State University, Alan Lu, a mem ber of the Texas A&M Chinese Student Association, said. The presentation is sponsored by the association. This is the second performance of the group at Texas A&M; the first was in 1974. The group is led by Director Chih-Kang Wang, a former Texas A&M student, who received his doctorate in business administra tion in 1978. He is an associate professor at the National Taiwan University. Chiou-Yih Guo, also of the National Taiwan University, is deputy director. Texas A&M President Frank E. Vandiver will greet the group, and the students will tour the Univer sity Monday afternoon. Tickets for the performance are $3 and are on sale at the Memorial Student Center box office. K&M SEBRING SCHOOL OF HAIR DESIGN All work done by Senior Students at reduced salon rates! 693-7878 “K&M Sebring School of Hair Design” 693-7878 14-06 Texas Avc. Down from Gibsons COME OUT OF YOUR BAG AMERICA! If your last haircut looked better with a bag over it, you should have gone to That Place. That Place can give you a look worth looking at. And isn’t that what you want in a hairstyle? So save your paper bags for Trick- or-Treat and let That Place give you the haircut of your life. After all, hairstyles were meant to be seen . . . not bagged. 696-6933 693-0607 It’s the Miys/r EX£B&s ersityhi ability!! taseniesi they an ly get m! iurp roup life ot ablett ownujcl D or so! inainlim iw met! lustinor ps. ! like tli :e fordi- IT TO GOOD, ■ intellk ink you? satirist. FISHER STUDIO STANDARD AM-FM STEREO QUARTZ — LOCKED DIGITAL SYNTHESIZER RECEIVER Fisher’s 100-watt RS280 rede fines “state-of-the-art” tech nology. The tuner section uti lizes a quartz-locked digital synthesizer system activated by feather-touch control bars. The selected station is dis played by the fluorescent di gital frequency readout. A preset memory allows you to •instantly select any one of 10 preset stations... 5 AM and 5 FM. For extra control of the RS280's dynamic sound, a 5- band graphic equalizer has been built in permitting you to tailor the music to your own individual taste. Come see this amazing receiver you'll be glad you did! RS280 ~71 O FISHER ■ WM Watts per channel minimum RMS power Into 8 ohms, from 20 Hz-20 KHz, with no more than 0.05% THD FM sensitivity: 1 9(i.V/10.77 dBf Stereo separation: 40dB at 1 kHz uner section Quartz PLL digital frequency synthesizer tuning system Fluorescent digital frequency display 5-LED signal strength tuning meter FM muting Auto scan or manual tuning Memory with 10 sfatibn presets (5 AM and 5 FM) LED stereo indicator Adjustable AM ferrite antenna iplifier section Tape 1, tape 2, source monitoring with tape dubbing 1 -2 Four-position speaker selector (Off, A, B, A + B) Low and high filters Loudness contour Stepped volume control with 41 detents "Panel Logic" display for selected func tions Front panel headphone jack raphic equalizer section Five slide controls with center detent Equalizer defeat switch I J ?/o OFF MFG. LIST ross per for classes Imatter ords in er. The jleand ithor’s iddress aid are etters. r, The ersity, if'stall nation j33.25 ; rates Build- ’843. to the toil, rved. 7843. FISHER THREE-HEAD DIRECT DRIVE METAL TAPE CASSETTE DECK WITH ELECTRONIC SOLENOID CONTROLS This is the ultimate in cassette deck technology. Fisher's DD450 upgrades any high fidelity system with state-of- the-art features including di rect drive operation for long- lasting quiet performance, three heads for tape/source monitoring, metal tape capa bility, electronic solenoid con trols, Dual-Process Dolby* Noise Reduction, memory with auto repeat and lots more. It’s absolutely the best performing cassette deck you can find! See it today! DD450 _ I I I I O >111 0 » FISHER Wow and flutter: 0.04% WRMS Frequency response: Normal Tape: 30 Hz-14 kHz (± 3dB) FeCr Tape: 30 Hz-16 kHz (± 3dB) Cr0 2 Equivalent Tape: 30 Hz-16 kHz (± 3dB) Metal Tape: 30 Hz-18 kHz (±: 3dB) Fisher direct drive system with DC servo capstan motor Three sendust heads Full logic 1C electronic solenoid control system Dual-Process Dolby* Noise Reduc tion system Switchable FM MPX filter 4-position tape selector with bias fine adjustment control Playback pitch control Metal Tape capability Memory/auto repeat system Fluorescent VU meters with Peak Hold function "Panel Logic” mode display Output level control Optional remote control input TRADE-IN RECORD SALE ‘Bring in “any” 33V3 RPM Record, new or used — we don’t care — and trade it toward a coupon worth 40% OFF LIST on any regular priced Album in the store. Sorry, Cutouts and Budget Albums not included. Each album brought in is good for “1” coupon. No limit! So gather up those old dust collections, disco records and buying mistakes and let us treat you to hot new music at the best sale prices in town!! Mfg. List SALE 539 599 Mfg. List 7 19 339 PLUS MANY MORE SPECIALS! «i HOMECRAFT W ELECTRONICS Sale good Thursday Thru Saturday only — Hurry!!! Nll/5/C £ZEEE§5 FINANCING AND NO IN 1 LHfcST lay-a way 1921 Texas Ave. College Station, Texas 693-8097 PROFESSIONAL REPAIR SERVICE OITA 10-10 725-B UNIVERSITY DRIVE Oeliind Skagifs & McDonalds’ 816-1741