The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 22, 1981, Image 14
Page 14 THE BATTALION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1981 Sports Holtz knows Cougar veer poses threat United Press International LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — The Houston Cougar veer offense, un like the basic running and passing attack Arkansas faced last week against Texas, could present some problems for the Razorbacks Saturday, coach Lou Holtz says. “The option really neutralizes what we can do on defense,” Holtz said Wednesday. “We have to control the line of scrimmage, plus we have to stop the fullback, quar terback and pitchback on every play. And then you have to stop their passing game. “If we miss a tackle, it’s a first down,” Holtz said. Houston coach Bill Yeoman plans to take advantage of his veer offense Saturday, using it to neut ralize the Razorback defense and to score some touchdowns, which is something Houston recently has had trouble doing. “We’re really happy to have been as close as we’ve been,” Yeo man said of the Cougars’ inability to cross the goal-line. “All we’ve got to do now is get into the end zone.” Arkansas comes off an over whelming 42-11 win over top- ranked Texas last week, while Houston brings a 1-2 conference record into Saturday’s game. The Cougars dropped a 38-22 decision to SMU last week, and lost 7-6 to Texas A&M the week before. Yeoman said Houston’s two conference losses pose no threat to his team’s outlook on the rest of the season. Fired college coach proud of re cor b, ji UniVed Press International FORT COLLINS, Colo. — Sar kis “Sark” Arslanian, fired this week as Colorado State University head football coach, says his re cord wasn’t that bad, considering the caliber of the Rams’ competi tion. “I am leaving here with a 4b-4€>- 4 record,” Arslanian said Wednes day, one day after he was relieved of his duties and told that his con tract would not be renewed. “Twenty of the losses were from teams like Texas, Tennessee, West Virginia, Mississippi State, Florida State, Houston, Iowa State and many other national powers that we have had to com pete against,” Arslanian said. Arslanian pointed out that he took a program that was in sham bles (1-10 in 1972 under coach Jer ry Wampfler) and “within four years had the best record is & Up history of CSU with a9-2-1 seasi P ^ and an 18th naliona\ ranking" r , m r I “ MSC Cepheid Variable wants you to help select your spring film schedule!” MSC CEPHEID VARIABLE SCIENCE FICTION/FANTASY FILM POLL FOR SPRING 82 Please choose fifteen films you would pay to see: 1. Raiders of the Lost Ark 18. Escape from New York 2. Superman II 19. Clash of the Titans 3. Superman 20. Rocky Horror Picture Show 4. Dracula (1979-Frank Langella) 21. Flash Gordon 5. Outland 22. Galaxina 6. The Shining 23. Fantastic Animation Festival 7. Dragonslayer 24. Wizards 8. Wolfen 25. Star Trek — The Motion Pic- 9. An American Werewolf in ture London 26. Young Frankenstein 10. Heavy Metal 27. The Incredible Shrinking 11. Time After Time Women 12. Love at First Bite 28. Zardoz 13. Battle Beyond the Stars 29. Oh God! 14. Logan’s Run 30. Oh God! Book II 15. Simon 31. Saturn 3 16. Omen Night (Omen, Damien: 32. Slaughterhouse Five Omen II, The Final Conflict) 33. Watership Down 17. A Boy and His Dog 34. Capricorn One Please choose ten films you would pay to see: 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. House of Dark Shadows A Portrait of Jenny The Ghost and Mrs. Muir The lost World of Sinbad Teddy-Teddy Bang-Bang The Andromeda Strain Laserblast It, the Terror from Beyond Space Fantastic Voyage The Thing The Abominable Dr. Phibes Phantom of the Paradise The Cat from Outer Space Son of Flubber The Monolith Monsters The Point 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. Sleeping Bamboo Fail-Safe Ben . King Kong (1933) . The Murders of rue Morgue . The Curse of the Fly . Fearless Mo-Mo Biters . Invasion of the Star Creatures . Demon Seed . Star Crash . Dr. Phibes Rises Again . The Day of the Dolphin . The Absent Minded Professor . Metropolis . Son of the Blob . Comedy of Terrors How do you find out about Cepheid films Ads in the Battalion Movie Calendar Posters Bookmarks Other How many Cepheid films do you attend each semester? Would you be interested in buying season tickets at a savings of 30-50%? Please write in any other films you would like to see When you’ve completed this poll, please return by October 30 to Room 216, MSC, or place in the film polling boxes in the MSC Main Hallway or MSC Box Office. Where do Aggies go after Yell Practice? TO A CEPHEID MOVIES ooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooo CAMPUS THEATRE 846-6512 All Tickets Tonight $-| 50 + Sorry Ags but due to negotiating complica tions CALIGULA will not be showing at this time. MANOR EAST 3 THEATRES 823-8300 BODY HEAT R > LADD company rkievx --vSF* . 7:15 9:45 RUIIT REYNOLDS PATERNITY A RARAM0UNT PICTURE —r.~.~ Copyngni c MCMlXXX d> A PARAMOUNT PICTURE A CopynghK Ucaslilm Ud UHl MCMIXXXI Hi ft***, ftearved 00 I3QLBY STEREO 7:20 9:40 ESB Even with the Rams’0-6staiti 1981, Arslanian said he hopeh kn had taught his squad "wellenotj Id. ‘V that none of them will quit,!* et we will strive to win all the restollii ends games on the schedule. IJafo ll abh “I feel fortunate in Alwaysl» P 0111 ing an excellent staff and plajn | who have helped me attain! rank as the 14th winningesto in America,” he said. “But important to me than all the is the fact that over the past!' years, over 75 percent of my pis ers have attained their collegeik grees or are still in school worfa J toward it.” OPEN TODAY 7:00 MERYL STREEP JEREMY IRONS “The French Lieutenant’s Woman”^ TODAY 7:20 9:45 ones i ecessa ieorge “We id Lai indoli The sbou Hint fctead CORNER OF UNIV / COLLEGE M DISCOUNTED TICKETS AVAILABLE TO EMPLOYEE, ORGANIZATIONS Ducftey Moore LizaMrmeM Arthur Tliel ilebu ENDS SOON! TODAY 7:35 9:35 I* * 3EZK3 Now Showing! MANOR EAST III Fri. & Sat. Midnight TIME: “This one has everything: sex, tenderness. Laugh with it, scream at it, think about it. You may leave the theatre in an altered state.” — Richard Corliss, Time N.Y. TIMES: “Exhilaratingly bizarre! Obsessive, exciting, scary, wildly energetic.” —Janet MasHn, New York Times Thursday, Friday, Saturday Midnight COED FEVER XXX ooooooooooooooooooooooo