The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1981, Image 8
■' ■ V.' Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1981 I ! Battalion Classifieds State HELP WANTED HELP WANTED GUY AND GIRLS team clean homes & offices. Days, nights & weekends. Flexible part or full-time hours, weekly pay above minimum, paid travel and paid vacation. Must have car & phone, 846-1905. 22tfn THE GREENERY is hiring trainees for their landscape maintenance teams. Full or part time. (Full morning or afternoon availability required.) STARTING AT $4.00 PER HOUR. Apply at 4304 Texas Ave. (Next to Luby’s Cafeteria.) Part-time counter & delivery help, $3.50 and up. We provide car. Apply in person 107 S. College, College Station. I7tfn ASSISTANT MANAGER Apply in person 413 S. Texas Ave. C.S. Immediate position available as DINING ROOM ATTENDANT Friday or Saturday evenings. HILL’S SEAFOOD RESTAURANT 4301 Carter Creek 846-9532. sots Part & Full Time Cooks, waiters, waitresses Apply in person 413 S.Texas Ave., C.S. 27t7 SCHLOTZSKY’S Now taking applications for full-time day, full-time bak ery, weekends only and part-time weekend & eve ning positions. Apply in person only. 100 S. Texas Ave. DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2911 696-8032 24tf n i RN’S-LVN’S come to Greenleaf Hospital for a challenging career as a Mental Health professorial. 405 West 28th Street, Bryan. 26110 Part time/full time Work with other students team cleaning homes Starting salary $3.85 Travel allowance Very Flexible hours. Domestic Services 693-1954 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. Grapevine personality. 69f 3411. E.O.E. 183tfr FULlTOfi PART TIME "Day onift > •Night shift (til 10pm.) *W08k0nds •Flexible hours to fit your schedule •Rapid advancement •Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.65/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik ^i9otfa u SWEDEN'S Interviewing now for WAITPERSONS, FOUN- TAINERS, CASHIERS, COOKS, DISH WASHERS, AND ICE CREAM MAKER. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station. 5=00 3C BARBECUE #3 CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personaiity. Cooks, Dishwashers, Serving Line Workers Full or Part Time L., Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 NOW HIRING FOR THE COLLEGE STATION MCDONALD’S Flexible Hours. STARTING SALARY $385 hour Apply 801 University Drive HELP WANTED FOR SALE OFFICIAL NOTICE Marketin^/Stocker, all day Saturday, all day Sunday. 20 hour weekend job. Good pay. Great company. Business Communi cations Se*-vices, 846-5794. 17tfn Sony receiver, turn table, phones, 846-1395. speakers, ear 31t5 1974 Datsun 710, paint, excellent engine, $1545, 846-1612 after5p.m. 31t2 OVERSEAS JOB. Summer/year round. Europe South America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $5QO-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free information. Write IJC Box 52-TX-4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 26tl9 Suzuki GS 550 Excellent Condition 19 Model Call 260-7040 $1,500 Negotiable. 27t5 Student to clean nursery school daily 4-6 p.m. Call 846-5571. 21tfn VW Dasher 1975 blue 59,000 miles, excel lent condition $1850, 696-8028 a fter5p.m. 31t4 LIBERAL ARTS MAJORS: Invest some time in your future. Liberal Arts Career Night-Monday, Octo ber 19th, 7:00 p.m., Room 501 Rudder Tower. Hear former class mates and Liberal Arts employers “tell it like it is.” 30Ats Nominee idea faces criticism RADIO SHACK has immediate openings for full or part- time salesperson. Career opportunities available. Apply at 1125 Villa Maria, Bryan or Culpepper Plaza, C.S. E.O.E. 21tfn Part-time: Aggressive, young oil company needs attractive well dressed female; with car; at eas^ among attorneys and other professional people. Call 846-9730 days and call 846-9035 nights. 24tl0 ELECTRIC COWBOY & TOMMY’S GAME ROOM are now accepting appli cations for BARTENDERS, BAR- BACKS & DOOR PERSONNEL. Ap ply 10-5 everyday 846-2277. 30At4 ARCHITECTURE STUDENTS Proud of yourself? Then this T- shirt is for you! Brown pn beige stating “Architectures are Better Built.” c DGS 81 only $8 plus 400 Texas sales tax and 500 postage & handling, $8.90 total. Check or money order only. Sizes M, L, XL. Send to: Diddy Graphics Studio, 206 W. North, Arlington, Texas 76011. Allow 2- 4- weeks. oham FOR RENT SUBLEASE: New Apartment. 2 bedroom 1 bath. Has refrigerator and stove $275/mo. Call 779-8919. 31t5 Wedding Set: V2 kt. AAA round diamond and 14 kt. gold bands. 693-9991. 22t6 FOURPLEXES MANUEL DRIVE COLLEGE STATION (close to university) 779-1613 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 1 bedroom 1 bath $290/month, 2 bedroom 1 bath $380/month. Washer & dryer con nections. All electric, water paid. 25110 WANTED: Workers for the Texas Renaiss ance Festival $4.00/hour. Call Melia or Joseph 499-0650. 31t2 SERVICES Carpenter’s helper wanted. No experience necessary. Call anytime before 9:00 a.m. 846-9050. aits Call Cathy for all your typing or word processing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn Duplexes—Fourplexes—2 and 3 bed rooms, washer and dryer connections, 1000 square feet, fenced back yard. Call 696-4203. JOE COURTNEY, INC., 512 West Loop (on FM 2818.) 30A14 Electric Cowboy Now hiring WAITRESS AND HOSTESS. Full ancf part-time. Apply in person. sttn Improve your grades! Research catalog 306 pages 10,278 topics. Rush $1.00 Box 25097G, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 477- 8226. 24120 Typing on word processing equipment'. Ex perienced. We understand form and style. Automated Clerical Services, 693-1070. 10135 Typing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 822-0544. 155tfn Typing 779-0308, 775-8784. TlzzaJLtm Delivery Part and full tima help needed. Positions open now and for fall. Apply in person at Pizza Inn, College Station 188tfn, Overeaters Anonymous, 779-2736. 4At73 Typing. Wake up service, 823-7723. 6tfn WANTED Typing 15 years experience 775-7017.26119 WORD PROCESSING dissertations, pro posals, papers, resumes, etc. Past, accu rate, reasonable. 846-6200. 30t20 T.V. and Stereo repair helper and technical needed for part and full time help. Call Bryan Radio and T.V. 822-4062. 27130 L Typing!! Reports, THE DOUBLE. 3755. dissertations, etc. ON ' 331 University. 846- 178tfn SNAFU—Will trade four tickets to see the Rolling Stones on Wednesday, Oc tober 28 for four tickets for Thursday, October 29th show. Call 775-5686 after 5 p.m. Ask for Mike. 30AI5 Translation, editing, tutoring: Spanish, En glish, French, Portuguese, call 822- 3971. - 2111 Want to purchase 76 or 77 Honda’s for research. Call 845-6385 after 5 p.m. 822-6684. 30A14 Organist, pianist, accompanist, weddings/ special occasions. Music lessons. Call 822- 3971. 2111 GET lENNIGAN’S BOUND Fun antgood food are our busi ness & le're bringing it to COL LEGE STATION! Openings avail able for shfp, energetic people to help us set, serve & cook up lots of fun for qr customers. Hours vary. We w, train. Earnings de pend on youApply 1505A Texas Avenue Sout Culpepper Plaza. 10:00 A.M.-6.0 P.M. Monday - Saturday. YoL- e bound to find opportunity. 3115 TYPING. •All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations, reports, essays on our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable.rates. Business Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 itfn -U SPECIAL NOTICE 0 —for ^j| rvsler Corp cars Body Work — Paintinr H A ^.SE L LM olFOF? COMPANY INC. I I Dodge Sales and Service Since 1922| 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 1 tfn ENGINEERING MAJORS EARN $850 per month just to attend classes. Seniors, 2.8 GPA. Sophomores and Juniors, 3.3 GPA. Contact Navy Officer Programs. Melrose Building 9th Floor 1121 Walker Street Houston, Texas 77002 (713) 224-1756 Collect. 24114 "PETS" 8-month female shepard mix dog needs good home with family/kids; housetrained, very affectionate, lovable 696-0527. 26t20 Students wanteefor part-time position in a custm looseleaf bindery doing ligt manufac turing and silk screwing. Mini mum 3-4 hours per tjy — day or evening shifts. To wages. Call Majestic Industrie, Trend Division, 822-7316. 3115 ATTENTION LIBERAL ARTS STUDENTS!! If you are interested in a career in technical writing or a career in Market ing, contact Jamie Freeman or Dr. Henry Pope at 845-7814, Rm. 420 Har rington Tower. CO-OP positions are available in both of these areas with IBM for this spring. 3015 LOST Lost One Female Shepherd Husky dog. Grey and White, lost in South Oakwood area 696-4836. 2814 Lost cat solid grey in Southwood Valley reward 693-4847. 27t5 DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. (Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished... 30146 ■' JOB OPPORTUNITIES CASA LOMA Now accepting appli cations for WAITRES SES: WAITERS: BARTENDER & CASHIER/HOSTESS. Apply in person 4301 Texas Ave. A Challenging Job in the Helping Profession For individuals with college work in the Social Sciences, or hospital or coun seling experience.. . Join our staff at Greenleaf hospital as a Mental Health Worker A regarding job treating people with emotional problems through the vari ous treatment programs of Greenleaf. Full and part-time positions open; hours vary. Applications being accept ed 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Monday thru Friday. Come tour our facility. 405 West 28th Bryan, Texas 27110 ACC IE LAND REFUND POLICY Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they lx mailed without the necessary fees having been paid.” 30146 TWIn City Golf FOR SALE d 13 1 • a c )O h J. or iployment information at Texas A&M Umvjity jj a ] 345.4444 24 hours a day. Equal . mpl<n e nt Opportunity through Afli rma ijve Action. ll cas A&M University 181 tfn X Driving Range Sunday 1-S , Monday thru Saturday - -12-9 606-1220 East Bypass & Hwy. 30 Sarvios Rd going South Va mils. 10t21 Stereo speakers-Heath Model AS-1373. Excellent condition. $200. 693-1086 af ter 5 p.m. 30At4 Nobody can do it like McDonald’s can! ROLLING STONE Tickets both Houston shows Floor and Field Box Reserved 713-827-0767. 28t5 1981 Yamaha YZ125 Dirt Bike 822-4746. 28t5 McDonald’s.^ For Sale, 1976 Honda 750 Super Sport $1000 Call: 693-4262 After 5:00. 28t5 NOW HIRING Checkers — negotiable. full-time and part-time. Salary Apply in person 1 p.m.-3 p.m. 3519 S. College • 822-7209 30A12 Stones! Dallas, November 1st. Field Seats, Best Offer! (512) 836-7289. Tickets in Col lege Station and Bryan. 28tl0 Rolling Stones with ZZTop tickets, Hous ton, October 29th. Reserved and general admission seats. (713) 933-5819. 30tl0 Video Freaks! For sale one coin operated video tanks game. Money makin deal $250.00 or best offer. 696-1476. 27t5 1981 6PZ 550 Kawasaki excellent condition call 696-1259 Between 5&9. 27t5 Honda 750 1977 13,000 miles like new must sell new exhaust new seat 1,500 call 696-1622 after 5. 27t5 Classic, 1960 Bug Eye Sprite; New: Engine, Paint, Interior, Top; $4,500.00 Will trade Phone: 318-686- 3299. I OFFICIAL NOTICE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE English Proficiency Examination AL JUNIORS and SENIORS in curricula t the College of Science must take the English Proficiency omination on WEDNBOAY, OCTOBER 21, 1981 at 7:00 p.m. puV' D D v e| , rtment Curricu,a • • Room 113 BSBE matu « Y l5 P artm ent Curricula Room 231 CHEM ouv De P art ^nt Curricula Room 101 Milner PHYSICS Depament Curricula... Room 118 HELD ct.irtorJ ° lf Y as a ^idats for a degree in the College of Science, each . ^® mons,ra an ability to express himself (or herself) in accept- in h 13 ^0C,u ' r ' len, may be satisfied by (1) passing an examina- inn 13 com P° sl,ia EP£) taken not later than the spring semester of the jun,or year, or (2) com (ting Enghsh 301 wjth a minimum grade of "C". ANY STUDENT WHLp A | LS THE WRITTEN EXAMINA TION (ERE) MUST SA SF y jhE ENGLISH PROFICIEN CY Requirement a taking English 301 and EARNING A MINIMUM c, ADE OF “Q”. °* e na,ure of ,he examination, check with ^ United Press International AUSTIN — Land Commission er Bob Armstrong Tuesday criti cized a suggestion by the state Democratic chairman that a select group of about 200 party leaders choose a nominee for governor and avoid a costly and perhaps di visive party primary race. Armstrong, who said he ex pects to be in the race for gov ernor, is among five leading potential candidates who have been contacted by party chairman Bob Slagle concerning the idea of allowing a “mini-convention” to pick the nominee to challenge Re publican Gov. Bill Clements. “The idea of 200 or 300 people getting together to select a Demo cratic candidate, instead of the one or two million who usually vote in the Democratic primary, gives me a great deal of concern,” Armstrong said. “It denies literal ly millions of Texans a voice in choosing those who will lead and mold their government. It denies them a vote. It runs contrary to a history of fair and open pri maries.” Armstrong said he supports the idea of fielding the strongest possi ble Democratic candidate against ME Presle Clements, but said he that candidate can bestbepj. in an open primary race, “This is no time to run substitute for the directed process,” he said. j ~ ive Slagle is scheduled top® the mini-convention idea|j J0U 05 State Democratic Executive!; mittee next weekend, and strong said he believes the may die at that point becai*’::,, lack of support from SDECt hers. state “Yo Presle ihese “It’s quick and dirty, an cheap, ” he said. “You know answer early. Its a candid Tying jverpi deal, but I’m not sureitsapeo] proble addict: Ev deal. My judgment tells me the best Democratic nominee be the one who wins the h treatm and minds of the Texas electa poulos in a primary that is open,' ' thoughtful.” Slagle has said he would push the mini-convention Ida any of the five leading polea candidates opposed it, strong stopped short of sayin; would veto the idea. He said he would waituntl ter it had been presented to SDEC to make that decision Iranian trucks sold at auction United Press International PULASKI, Va. —About $2 mil lion worth of trucks that were sold to the late shah of Iran in 1978 will finally leave the factory this week. The 55 trucks, built by White Motor Corp. in Dublin and valued at about $35,(MX) each, have been rusting on the company’s lot since 1979, when former President Car ter ordered all Iranian assets in the United States frozen after the U.S. Embassy in Tehran was over run and American hostages* seized. But last week the trucks auctioned by Brown & Rootk Houston construction firm, tie debts of the Iranian gove ment. The trucks in Dublin were ctioned as they are, eventW. many have dead batteries anJii ting tires. However, a sy for White Motor Corp. saidfe day some repairs have to beaaj to some trucks so they towed to the new owners. n’ roll Mil :W b "vast a 11. AUTO INSCJRATsCL FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 Brown & Root had the I impounded in Novemberalterll freeze on Iranian assets wasli claiming Iran owed the comp* $23 million for terminating^' contracts to build or expand! naval bases and a shipyard ink at a cost of about $800 millioi BIG compai ing inti wester edby t Chet I Boy gan wi resort' limited Mid-T< Eastlar Davitcl remain not ha' I The retired Barnet Dickso Mobiu: Dav age the 35 mile 18-hole a gondi ley Lot Bar ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE "Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 The work began in 1977, i( the projects were canceled If years later, and Iran refused top the $23 million reejuired undfl “liquidate damage” clause of contract with Brown & Root, company contended. T*xa» Off ice of Traffic Safety AMERICA’S DESTINY what is YOUR role? G< en in] mi at th; re fu tri te; us so w; re to ca of th g( Je th St HEAR HOW YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR WORLD. TONIGHT Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. In the All Faith’s Chapel Sponsored by: Maranatha Christian Fellowship s