The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 14, 1981, Image 6
/ Page 6 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1981 I 2 Local / State Students in age of anxiety By JOYCE HALLBAUER Battalion Reporter Freshmen often encounter stressful situations as they adjust to life at Texas A&M University. But freshmen aren’t alone — other students also suffer from anxiety. Dr. Claude B. Goswick Jr., di rector of the A. P. Beutel Health Center, said a student’s stress or anxiety can be caused by a variety of problems involving school, work, finances, new surroundings or personal relationships. “This is the age of anxiety, ” he Campus names Professorships given Two aerospace engineering professors have been named to ex clusive professorships in the Col lege of Engineering at Texas A&M University. Dr. Howard Chevalier Dr. Howard Chevalier has been named 1981-82 Dresser Indus tries Professor. Dresser is a major supplier of oil service equipment worldwide. Dr. Dave Norton Dr. Dave Norton has been selected as the E.D. Brockett En dowed Professor funded by Gulf Oil Foundation. The endowment is in honor of Brockett, Class of ‘34, a former chairman of the board of Gulf Oil Corp. Gulf s en dowment provides funding for three professorships, one each in the Colleges of Business Adminis tration, Engineering and Geosci- Dr. Earl R. Hoskins Dr. Earl R. Hoskins, a geophysi cist, holds the Geosciences profes sorship and Dr. Don Fraser, a professor finance, holds the Busi ness Administration professor ship. Other recipients of the Brockett engineering professorship in clude: Dr. W.D. Von Gonten, petroleum engineering; Dr. Bob Gallaway, civil engineering; and Dr. Richard Strickland, pet roleum engineering. Ag welders awarded Joseph B. Popp Joseph B. Popp of Texas A&M University accepts a “Weld Tech” diploma from D.F. Bovie, presi dent of the Alloy Rods Division of Alligheny International, Inc. The hanover, PA-based welding elec trode manufacturer conducted a two-day seminar to expose stu dents and professors from across the country to the latest in weld ing filler metal technology from a producer’s point of view. Robert G. Walter Jr. Robert G. Walter Jr. a graduate engineering technology student at Texas A&M University, receives a “Weld Tech” diploma from D.F. Bovie, president of Alloy Rods Di vision of Allegheny International Inc. During the recent two-day seminar on welding filler metal technology, Walter also received a $500 scholarship to further his stu dies during the upcoming acade mic year. 4-H selects nominee Edward J. Dick Jr. Edward J. Dick Jr:, 20, who was an active 4-H member for 10 years in Bexar County and who is cur rently enrolled in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A&M University, has been nominated for a 4-H Veterinary Scholarship. Dick’s application was selected to represent the state and will be forwarded to a national selection committee to compete for one of two $1,000 scholarships, say 4-H officials with the Texas Agricul ture Extension Service, Texas A&M System. The scholarships are sponsored by Champion Val ley Farms Inc., Recipe Division. Aggie is beef champ Jimmy Gleason Jimmy Gleason, a Bailey County 4-H member who has a knack for raising and showing champion steers, has been named state win ner in the 4-H Beef Program. Jimmy will receive an expense- paid trip to the National 4-H Con gress in Chicago, Nov. 29 through Dec. 3, announce state 4-H offi cials with the Texas Agriculture Extension Service, Texas A&M System. said. Professional help is needed when symptoms of stress prevent a person from functioning at school or work or “when the emo tions are controlling the individual instead of the individual controll ing the emotions,” he said. “What might be perceived as stressful to one person may not be to another,” Goswick said. “Stress is an irrational fear or irrational interpretation of the facts. ” High strung, nervous, unstable or sensitive people are more likely to develop anxiety symptoms, he said. “Vague symptoms of weakness, fatigue, headaches and ulcers are common,” he said. At the health center, students with such symptoms are seen by physicians who determine whether the cause is physical ill ness or anxiety. When stress is in volved, it is better to treat the cause rather than the symptom, he said. Goswick said. Learning to cope with stress and learning how to relax are often the best treatments for anxiety. Medications, such as tranquiliz ers, anti-depressants and seda tives are prescribed because “medications can help people to help themselves relax,” he said. More students complain of anxi ety symptoms at the beginning and end of the semester because of added school-related pressures, In addition, the University’s Personal Counseling Service helps students learn to deal with stress by offering professional counseling, therapy and a tape program on learning how to relax. One-armed busboy hoM\ robber following chase Uni United Press International HOUSTON — Hereclio Ramirez needed a hand Sunday to collar an armed robbery sus pect at Hobby Airport — but he didn’t need two hands. The one-armed busboy chased down, delivered a sound thrashing to, and held the sus pect who had shot and wounded a cook in a restaurant until police arrived, police said. “He really gave the guy a beating,” Hobby Airport officer A.W. Sanford said. Sanford said Hobby officers were called to the Casa de Mex ico restaurant Sunday and found Ramirez, 21, holding the suspect in a headlock. Leon J. Franklin, 37, was treated at Hermann Hospital for cuts and was charged with aggravated robbery and attempted capital murder. He was jailed and held on $40,000 bond. The wounded cook, Reginal- Ilibee do Rosales, 42, wasinfaircon B gj n the tion late Monday at Benli »v clen= Hospital. j fallow Sanford said a man ann jony, ^ with a .22-caliber pistolentei Rhikl c the restaurant shortly aft Iioutii'g a. m. and ordered Rosa! Mouse S hand over all cash in the ter. He got $28. Sanford said the gua then started to run outside, ing six shots at three employ on his way out. Rosales was four times, twice in the ho! [State Bblinjr- ien I> nendn - :rimin= SAFEWAY s S s J $ ^ s WE ACCEPT USD A STAMP COUPONS! EXPRESS CHECKSTAND IS OPEN 8 AM UNTIL MIDNIGHl P CHUCK ROAST PATTIE MIX IISMOKED PICNICS llTURKEY HENS Ground Beef;™ , s 1.28 Top Sirloin:: - $ 2.68 Sliced Bacon™-™; 5 1.69 Hindquarters Top Sirloin:;, :- s 3.38 Rib Eyess i, .r , "“ , s 3.59 Sausages'^,, l. s 1.98 Ducklings" Rib Eye Steak: s 4.88 Loin Strips- s 3.98 Hamssittesva™... 5 1.98 Perch Fillei Strip Steakss s 4.78 Tenderloin:; -" s 4.98 Sausage.iwsur.. ,; s l .79 Turbot Fillets Chuck Steak 5 1.88 Chuck Reast^yr-? 1.58 Meat Franks 1 Beef Premium Pkg. 1.59 Red Snapper CRISC0 Shortening Limit On* 3 Lb. Can With $ 10.00 Purchase or More, Less Beer, Wine and Tobaccos. SOFT DRINKS Cragmont Carbonated Regular or Diet SAVE 20' SOFT DRINKS Cragmont Carbonated, Regular or Diet No-Return Btls. Rjw. Fresh frojen Rim. Fresh Frozen Lb. Fillets. Raw. Fresh Frozen Miller, Coors, Lone Star, Budweiser Everyday Price Pack-12 Ox. Cans $ 60 Ct. $ 1 Pkgs. 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