The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 18, 1981, Image 9
Battalion THE BATTALION FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 Classifieds HELP WANTED FOR SALE fence CITY OF BRYAN has immediate openings for SURVEY PARTY CHIEF Engineering Dept. Ability to su- oervise survey party, knowledge of survey instruments. $6.33/hour. ENGINEERING ASSISTANT lectric Distribution Dept. Experi- snced in surveying electrical sys tem projects. $6.95/hour. Apply: City of Bryan Employment Office 300 S. Washington Bryan, Texas 77801 Equal Opportunity Employer , o.c Matching sofa, love seat, chair plus coffee table, another chair. Best offer over $180. Tanglewood South #112. 12t5 1977 VW Rabbit 29,000 miles, like new, air, AM/FM cassette, 693-1834. 12t5 1973 Datsun 240-Z, excellent condition, loaded, $4800.00. Call 779-6017. 12t5 Sports Upsets result of scholarship limit Page 9 REVEILLE OAKS ow hiring for day care part- me and full-time positions, certftBpen Monday-Friday. 2M' Call for appointment 779-8900. 6fii imgapp is andc oi IIME \NTE DELIVERY PERSONS NEEDED l-time — 8 part-time must . m ave own car. $3.75 per hour plus ™ * % commission. Apply in person. CHANCELLO’S PIZZA 301 Patricia St. (next door to U-tote-M and Eastgate.) ion3 SERVICES _ ^5” Cal Cathy for all your typing or word pncessing needs. 696-9550. 131tfn ie.H n orCliii 1444. Skiing? Super rates for large groups. Lew 696-8470. lots ig, thesis, dissertations, term papers, arable rates. Call JoAnn 775-6806.6110 , OYSTEI t)P> n ? a 11 kinds, call Sami 846-9019.190tl6 ADER.I ’ENDEB res:;. ■ ling. Wake up service, 823-7723. 6tfn ^ I Testers Anonymous, 779-2736. 4At73 Bing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON E DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-' 178tfa 37; m )/mo. -! onally Makes lent Havet :ourteoo! W3RD PROCESSING — dissertations. Is, papers, resumes, etc. — fast, aaurate, reasonable. 846-6200. 5t20 ing experienced fast, accurate, all kinds 1544. 155tfh 'GAYLINE 846-8022. emerge or 9:00' me Wo:: AM I n Found;] 308. 7Y EMPL01 Chn/slef^orp ^!ars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. Bodge Sales and Service Since 19221 1411 Texas Ave. 823-8111 SKY TYPING. j kinds. Let us type your propos- fe, dissertations, reports, essays our WORD PROCESSOR, to service. Reasonable rates. Business Communication Services 4013 Texas Ave. S. 846-5794 i65tfm snd D S. If FOR RENT pm tor male graduate student, private land entrance 696-6741. 12t5 pbilc home for rent $350/mo., 10 min- from TAMLf, call after 6:00, 822- 13t2 Centurion 10-speed, $350, bench press with 110 lbs weight set, $50, call 846- 8953. 12t3 Excellent condition, 1979 Suzuki motorcy cle. Call 260-7040. Ilt5 Female Brittany Spaniel puppy, $100 or best offer, 696-0986. 1U4 FOR SALE Argentine classical guitar. Constructed for concert. Superb tone quality. Price deter mined by calling 779-1249. lots CB175 Honda street bike. Exceptional con dition, 2800 miles, $550, 823-4895. lots ATTENTION AGGIES! Check These New Furniture Prices Recliners .... 99.95 4 dr. Chests. .39.95 Sofa-Sleeper... 235.00 Full Mat. Set.... 89.95 Bed Frames . 15.00 5 pc. Dining Sets. 69.95 Sofa & Chair.149.95 Dresser & Mirror 79.95 Texas Furniture Outlet 712 Villa Maria 822-5929 Open 9-7 BICYCLE AUCTION The Wheelman's Club of Texas A&M Univer sity will sponsor an auction of abandoned or unclaimed bicycles recovered on university property. The auction will be held at 1 p.m., Saturday, October 3, 1981 at the Grove. Bikes to be auctioned include 36 boys 10- speed, 4-boys 1-speed, 2-boys 3-speed, 2- girls 3-speed, 1-girls 1-speed and 1-boys 12 speed. Makes include 8 Schwinn, 6 Sears, 5 Huffy, 3 AMF, 2 Western Flyer, 2 Oxford, 2 Texas Ranger, 1 BMA, 1 Sebring, 1 Brown ing, 1 Penney's, 1 Crescent, 1 Montgomery Ward, 1 Takara, 1 Star Jet, 1 Peugeot, 1 Murray, 1 Airwing, 1 Ross, 1 Pinarello, 1 Magnut and 3 unknown makes. 13t3 LOST Found Golden Retriever, vicinity TAMU Swine Center. Call 822-0510. 13t2 Lost at fall Fest or Taco Bell on Saturday, September 12 — small antique gold diamond ring. Great sentimental value. Reward. Call 845-5212 or 846-6498. Ilt4 up-set, v. t. 3. to defeat or overthrow, especially unexpectedly — Webster’s Dictionary The concept of the upset in college football is all but obsolete, thanks to a four-year-old NCAA rule that effectively limits the number of players a team can recruit. Last Saturday, three unranked underdogs — Wisconsin, Georgia Tech and Iowa — knocked off three Top 10 teams — Michigan, Alabama, and Nebraska, respec tively — in what appeared to be fairly evenly-matched contests. Appearances were not deceiv ing. What the shocked Wolverine, Crimson Tide and Cornhusker fans watched were three demon strations of the damage done to traditionally top-ranked football programs by an NCAA regulation that limits the number of scholar ships a school can give. Before 1977, a school could award as many football scholar ships as its budget could handle. And if a fully-paid four-year edu cation wasn’t enough incentive, few serious athletes could turn down the chance to play for a na tion championship contender. As a consequence, powerhouse teams with generous alumni asso ciations easily drew the most talented high school athletes year . Gaye Denley after year. Schools like Notre Dame, USC, and Alabama — rec ognized national powers — con tinued to have almost unbeatable teams, quickly replacing their seniors with high school blue chips. And grateful alumni con tinued to pad their athletic depart ments’ budgets with more scholar ship money. But the NCAA laid down the law in 1977: no school could award more than 30 football scholarships per year, nor have more than 95 total active football scholarships. Ironically, the rule was directed not at maintaining a balance of power, but at insuring that schools’ athletic budgets were more evenly distributed among all sports, both mens’ and womens’. As a side effect, however, the rule has done for college football what the draft system does for the NFL. The talent is more evenly spread out, not only among the traditional powers but among the up-and-coming schools as well. Depth is now a problem for even the strongest teams, since they can no longer recruit an unli mited number of quality second- teamers. The end result is that the na tional race, and most conference races, have become toss-ups, and upsets are so commonplace that the word has almost lost its meaning. “There’s just not that much dif ference in the major teams in the country on any given day,’’ Aggie Head Coach Tom Wilson said. The Southwest Conference championship, which used to be a two-team race between Texas and Arkansas every year, could con ceivably go to any of seven teams this year, Wilson said. Keeping a healthy starting lineup is a must, he said, if a team wants to stay competitive. Another priority is maintaining an even mixture of seniors and underclassmen so that limited re cruiting doesn’t become a problem. For example, the Aggies will lose 11 seniors this year, and in order to comply with the 95 limit, they can offer only 21 scholarships to incoming freshmen next year. However, the new rule has been good to Aggie teams and has probably played a major role in upsets over Penn State in 1979 and over Texas in 1979 and 1980. If the scholarship limit balances the other conferences as it has the SWC, the practice of rating teams on a “top 10” list will be the next concept to become obsolete. AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 PERSONAL^ Oilers, Dolphins to clash United Press International HOUSTON — Ed Biles and Bill Arnsparger, two oftheNFL’s finest defensive coaches, match wits Sunday in an early-season showdown between the Houston Oilers and Miami Dolphins, who are unbeaten but something less than Super Bowl contenders. Oiler Head Coach Biles tried early this week to place the pressure elsewhere, saying, “We certainly aren’t going to outcoach Miami. Our players are going to have to play.” iPeace £uthe ran Church 1100 F.M. 2818 (at R.o Grande! College Station, Texas 77840 WORSHIP AT 8:00 & 10:45 A.M. Study at 9:15 A.M. We are growing in many ways. Join us Sunday for fellowship worship and service. Nursery is provided at 10:45 and at 9:15. L. Stan Sultemeier 693-4403 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BABE!! I LOVE YOU! FROM SWEETS. ALLEN Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE “Where satisfaction is standard equipment" 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 COWt WATCH THt * SHEEP DOG TRIALS * BEGINNING AT 10 a.m. admission: $2.00 for adufts cKUdcea under 12. free FM MIS to Eststerwood. Airport— then follow signs ALLEN J. SEGAL, J. D., C. P. A., Attorney and Coun selor at Law, is seeking new engagements for his General Civil Practice, with special emphasis on Solu tions to Problems related to establishing and opera ting a business or consulting practice and PERSONAL INJURY TAX RETURNS REAL ESTATE TAX PLANNING FAMILY LAW ESTATE PLANNING WILLS PROBATE 4342 CARTER CREEK, BRYAN, TEXAS 846-3704 NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION ^concessions available ^ Sponsored by ... TEXAS SHEEP DOG ASSN. TEXAS A&M RANGE CLUB ^/iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiimii^ SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! FOR SALE STAUfM 1 ®’ 0 ^ ama l la Exciter 250cc, $1000, 779- or 696-3754. I4t5 :h 7 feet, brown plaid, excellent condi- ,$2,00, 589-2091. 14t2 parHfSnvn AM/FM cassette in dash auto re- .Bjjrse Dolby, 17 watts per channel, $100. /hOUCp-H719. 14t2 ' QOIflMotorcycle Fairing Shoei FM-2 Cafe Fair- black/smoke shield $90 or make offer 15-0489. 1416 pmplete 1,600 watt DA sell all or compo- Ints. Pro gear. Crest, E.V., Altec, Tapco. pH 693-9821 after 2:00 p.m. 14t2 lick Yellow-Bronze carpet, from new luse, four large rooms, $3.00/yard, 696- (69. 14t2 ies gold Seiko watch, call Lynn 696- 2, 8-track component, call Lynn 696- acyAdlP' i3ts Jrebred red male Doberman puppy, |25.00, 775-3443. llts i 79 Toyota Corona 4-door, 5-speed, 35 gpg, call 696-9387. 12t3 for lease | Need a break from Studying? i For lease one bedroom apartment, Tang lewood South Apt. 1105, $275/mo. All bills paid, call 846-5879. I3t5 ROOMMATE WANTED Lovely 2 bedroom 2 bath furnished apart ment, 3rd roommate needed. Close to campus on Harvey Road, C.S., 696- 5895. lit? WANTED ’74 or later pickup running or not, 846- 2919. 14t5 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn^ ■ ^—., — 7,- -Tj SPECIAL NOTICE I UNDERGROUND RAILROAD I | SNACK BAR 1 Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Basement of Sbisa | * SPECIAL * | Buy a Hamburger | & Fries | Get a Large Coke Free Play a game while you wait |H (Offer good through Sept. 30, 1981) “QUALITY FIRST” ^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi art» Brazos Center 3232 I ^ m -T SATURDAY-10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. SUNDAY NOON TO 6 P.M. BRIARCREST SAVE UP TO 75°o ON OIL BRYAN PAINTINGS AND FRAMES We have purchased thousands of oil paintings and frames, many for pennies on the dollar!! Save up to 75% on signed oil paintings that sell elsewhere for up to S300. Now marked from $8 to $39. Most under $20.00!!! (Few pieces higher) some sofa size oil paintings only $15.00!! Hundreds of frames, all sizes and styles OIL PAINTING 5x7 to 24x48. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Two days only Sat & Sun. VISA' FREE ADMISSION! Attention December Graduates of Texas A&M University If Football Comes, Can December Graduation be Far Away? Sooner Than You Think! Order Your Graduation Announcements Now! mi"" titie: or ^ (id t- s c^ : Begin Ordering September 1,1981 Last Day to Order -September 30, 1981 4:00 P.M. / / Student Finance Center Room 217 MSC MOCK LSAT Saturday September 19 8 o’clock Room 102 Zacli. Sign up by Sept. 18 in Rm. lOO Harrington Tower COST: $ 5 00 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ALSO: A Large Selection Of PICTURE FRAMES Gold Leaf & Hardwood Frames AT Prices You'll like! BRAZOS CENTER THESE ARE FINE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN OIL PAINT INGS ... THEY ARE ORIGINALS, NOT PRINTS OR COPIES!!! Mastercard-Vita Personal Checks PLANT SALE SATURDAY Sept* 19 FLORICULTURE GHSE 10 A.M.-2 P.M. Great for dorm rooms or apartments Large Selection of • Baskets • Tropicals COMMON’; I LUBbOcK ST FTM. / lit! 0. ■■■■■■ v