ational THE BATTALION Page 7 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1981 es expense ij irity,” lc propi '"ement «s| lytheDem increases! ell'e deb 1982, Oli fctedonJi ar, it makes 1 "illuim ^etculb least addr irae Tuesi — Friday [OFF CAMPUS AGGUES: Apartment Council election filing all this week Last day of filing is Friday. Elections will be held Sept. 24, 25. |HONDURAS STUDENT ASSOClATIONrMeeting to commemorate the Independence Day and the foundation of the association at 7 p.m. in Rudder Tower. [INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATlONrGener- al assembly, mixer. All students invited to come and sign up for 1981-82 activities at 7 p.m. in 20.1 MSC. [CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION:Out of-state stu dents meet at the Student Center at 3:30 p.m. to go the club Dallas. Newman Club will have a pot-luck dinner at 6 p.m. at the Student Center with a 60s party to follow. [FIRST REGIMENT: Mixer at the Q-huts from 8:30 p.m.-12:30 p.m. All girls are invited. [fflLLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTER:Shabbat services lead by visiting Rabbi Bill Kraus at 8 p.m. Saturday F.O.H. CLUB :Plant sale at the Floriculture Greenhouse from TAMU ROADRUNNERS:Brief talk on stretching and flexi bility followed by one-mile and three-mile fun runs. Meet in front of G. Rollie White at 8 a m. Ill from 12 p.m.-4 p.m. Tickets may be purchased through Friday. TEXAS A&M RANGE CLUBrWill hold Sheep Dog Trials at 10 a.m. Take FM 2818 to Easterwood Airport, then follow signs. Admission $2 for adults, children under 12 free. r 'OMPANY K-LCar Wash from 11 in Pasta’s park- 2ND BATTALION:Back-to-school Blues Bash from 8 p.m-12 a.m. at the National Guard Armory on 25th Street. THE CANADIAN CLUB:Welcome party for all Canadians at Income, spending up United Press International WASHINGTON — The per sonal income of Americans rose 1.1 percent in August and spend ing— mostly on new automobiles — increased even more, the Com merce Department reported Thursday. The new figures showed spend ing continues to provide the eco nomy with a source of strength and that pricing deals are motivat ing potential car buyers despite high interest rates. Personal income was up $26.9 billion in August to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of $2,445.8 billion — $2.4 trillion. As expected, the August in crease was not as high as the re vised 1.5 percent boost recorded in July, a month that usually is the year’s peak because of annual cost- of-living increases in Social Secur ity benefits. The rate equalled January’s 1.1 percent increase, the previous high for the year. The department reported per sonal spending for the month rose 1.4 percent — most of it attributed to rebate inspired purchases of new automobiles. The durable goods category, which includes automobiles, climbed 8.5 percent in August, but at the expense of everything else. The increase in all non durable goods purchases was only 0.13 percent. in Cal let ofcoltl used uch a larities h the Unildl by theta in thepitiifl :es that ait- herapy using mice cells uts cancer in remission C9* produced ii in the stall istitute stitutenea , he said, consisted! syntt althy mil !, who la vasecto® ostponetk , and tleii contracep ndoms ic test. - I United Press International |\N FRANCISCO — An I rly engineer, given five years |ve by doctors who found lym- ic cancer, says experimental r, i | apy using mice cells has put , e disease in total remission and els great. My doctors looked at me and ‘It’s incredible,” Phillip L. , 67, said . )octors declined comment on aase until the latest results of ocperimental therapy are pub- id in medical journals, ever, they gave Karr approv- discuss his treatment and did lispute his claims, trr said home doctors at Stan- University Medical Center >00000 uv 0 pp ANY PACK \N STOCK WVTH TFUS COUTOU GOOD THRU SEPT. 30,l9bV WHOLE EARTH PROVISION COMPANY 105 Boyett 846-8794 ATTENTION OFF CAMPUS STUDENTS SBISA AND COMMONS DINING CENTERS are open to off campus students desiring to purchase a board plan. Contact the Fiscal Department to pay pro rated fee and Sbisa Office will validate your I.D. for your choice.