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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1981)
WEDNESDAY Midwest Community 0KPRC 0 0 0KBTX 0 0 0KCEN 0 O OKTBC O 0KUHT 0 0 ©KHOU © © ©KIRK © © ©KAMU © © ©KVUE O o ©KTW O o ©KHTV © © HBO O CBN CINE MAX GALA MOV HP:00 Real The Real CBS Movie: Vikings! CBS Movie: The Beyond Our The Real Rockford Movie: CBN Movie: Movie: Movie: / 15 People Greatest People "Haywire" ” “Haywire" Greatest Borders Greatest People Files “Caddy- Special "Shipwreck" "El “Dirty / :30 American U.S. ” American Texas American " " shack” ” ” Premio Hands” I :45 Hero Chronicle " Hero Weekly Hero " " Nobel Del " ft :0 ° " " Great >• Great " " Movie: ” 700 - Amor” X 15 " " Performances " Performances ” " ‘Topaz” ” Club " " ” l* :3 ° An ” An " "Live From ” ” “Live From " An " " " " Andrea " W:45 American American Lincoln ” Lincoln " American " Celeste " A :0 ° Adventure Dynasty Adventure ” Center- " Dynasty Center- Dynasty Adventure ” HBO Sneak ” Movie: " Movie: IJ:1 5 " " " " Danny Kaye ” Danny Kaye " ” ” Preview "Joseph " 'Terror T:30 " " " With The " " With The " ” Race For Larry Andrews" " Train" %#:45 " " " New York ” ” New York " " The Pennant Jones " " " 1 IV 00 News News News News Doctor In News News Philhar- News News " Movie: Insight Movie: " 1 I I 15 " ” " " The House " ” monic" ” ” ” “It’s My “El " ll 30 Tonight ABC News Tonight All In The Dick WKRPIn ABC News 15 ABC News Tonight News Turn” Another Castillo " JL V:45 " Nightline Family Cavett Cincinnati Nightline News Nightline " Life " DeLa " 1 1 :0 ° ” Love " Movie: Dexter CBS Movie Bonanza MacNeil Love ” Benny v ” Ross Movie: Pureza" Movie: 1 :15 " Boat ” “Roustabout" Gordon “The " Lehrer Boat ” Hill ” Bagley “Les ” “Candy” I :3 ° You Asked " Tomorrow In Concert Master " " Tomorrow Twilight Movie: " Girls" ” " JL JL :45 For It " Gunfighter” " " Zone “Caddy- " " " " 1 A :0 ° " Mission " " Love Alfred ” Kojak shack” Hi, ■■ Movie: - / :15 ” Impossible " " Boat Hitchcock ” ” " Doug " “Los Dos " / :3 ° " " ” Kroeze' " Hermanos" " JL Li .45 Brothers ” ” " Wednesday Wednesday Sports Movies EVENING 9:30 HBO RACE FOR THE PEN NANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver recap divisional base ball standings and interview some of the game’s top players. Wednesday Specials AFTERNOON 3:30 0 © AFTERSCHOOL SPE CIAL "She Drinks A Little” A young girl is forced to face the fact that her mother is an alcoholic. 4:00© AFTERSCHOOL SPECIAL “She Drinks A Little” HBO ON LOCATION "Pee-Wee Herman” Paul Reubens created and stars in this satire of a 1950’s kiddie show taped at the Roxy in Los Angeles with the improvisa- tional troupe The Groundlings. 5:00 HBO CHARLIE, THE LONE SOME COUGAR An orphaned cougar kitten is raised by a lumberman until the cat hears the call of the wild. (Part 2) EVENING 6:00 HBO REMEMBER WHEN: PAGE ONE Dick Cavett tells the story of the American free press, its printers and publishers, head lines and by-lines, scandals and scoops. 8:30 0 0 © AN AMERICAN ADVENTURE - THE ROCKET PILOTS Three test pilots who risked their lives helping to put the United States into space are pro filed. 9:00 HBO HBO SNEAK PREVIEW: OCTOBER 10:00© “DOC,” THE OLDEST MAN IN THE SEA James "Doc” Coun- silman, the oldest person to conquer the English Channel, nar rates highlights of his swim and his training methods. (R) 11:00 0 DEXTER GORDON IN CON CERT Dexter Gordon performs in a concert taped in the spring of 1979 at Mershin Auditorium on the Ohio State University campus. (R) MORNING 5:00CINEMAX ★ “Sarah And The Street Weasel” Ce Ce Donoughe, Barbara Grush. A typical teen-age girl is confronted on the street by a stranger who places a watch in her hand and says she must pay by tomorrow. 5:30 MOV ★★★ “A Little Night Music” (1977) Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Rigg. Musical score by Ste phen Sondheim. Romance of both the legitimate and illegitimate vari eties becomes the driving force for several couples of the early 1900s. ‘PG’ 6:00 CINEMAX ★★ “The Kid From Not-So-Big” (1978) Jennifer McAl lister. A 12-year-old girl finds her self in and out of trouble while run ning the town newspaper. 'G' 8:00CINEMAX ★★★ "Les Girls” (1957) Gene Kelly, Mitzi Gaynor. An American musical show hits the European circuit when complica tions arise. MOV ★★ 1 /z "Dirty Hands” (1975) Rod Steiger, Romy Schneider. A woman carefully plans the murder of her alcoholic husband so that she can be free to return to her lover. ‘R’ 0:00 CINEMAX ★★★ "A Little Romance” (1979) Laurence Oli vier, Diane Lane. An elderly con artist joins two young runaways in love on a mad dash across the European continent with the chil dren’s parents and the police in hot pursuit. ‘PG’ MOV ★★ “Terror Train” (1980) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity’s New Year’s masquerade party turns into a nightmare when a vindictive guest starts killing off the party-goers. AFTERNOON !:00CINEMAX “The Pris oner Of Second Avenue” (1976) Jack Lemmon, Anne Bancroft. Based on the play by Neil Simon. An advertising executive loses his job and his sanity because of the recession and the hectic Manhat tan pace. ‘PG’ MOV ★Vz “Blue Fire Lady” (1978) Cathryn Harrison, Mark Holden. A young girl tries to save a cantan kerous horse from being sold to a work farm. ■ 1:30 MOV AAVz “Return Of The Tall Blond Man With One Black Shoe” (1976) Pierre Richard, Mirielle Dare. The mild-mannered violinist who was mistaken for an espionage agent becomes a hero of the French intelligence commu nity. 1 2:00 CINEMAX ★★ “Shipwreck” (1978) Robert Logan, Mikki Jami- son-Olson. A widower, his two daughters, a reporter and a runa way are stranded on an isolated island after encountering a violent storm at sea. ’G’ 3:00© ★★ “Godzilla’s Revenge” (1970) Akira Hoshi, Toru Hiroyuki. A vast panoply of monsters wreaks havoc while contending for supremacy. MOV ★★★ “A Little Night Music” (1977) Elizabeth Taylor, Diana Rigg. Musical score by Stephen Sondheim. Romance of both the legitimate and illegitimate varieties becomes the driving force for sev eral couples of the early 1900s ‘PG’ 4:00 CINEMAX ★ “Sarah And The Street Weasel” Ce Ce Donoughe, Barbara Grush. A typical teen-age girl is confronted on the street by a stranger who places a watch in her hand and says she must pay by tomorrow. 5:00 CINEMAX ★★★ “A Little Romance” (1979) Laurence Oli vier, Diane Lane. An elderly con artist joins two young runaways in love on a mad dash across the European continent with the chil dren’s parents and the police in hot pursuit. ‘PG’ 5:30 MOV ★★★ "Fantastic Planet” (1974) Animated. Voices of Cyn thia Adler, Barry Bostwick. Space voyagers land on a planet domi nated by giants with strange pow ers who regard humans as tiny pets. ‘PG’ isiano aner encountering a violent storm at sea. ‘G’ GALA “El Premio Nobel Del Amor” Angelica Maria, Roberto Jordan. MOV ★★Vz “Dirty Hands” (1975) Rod Steiger, Romy Schneider. A woman carefully plans the murder of her alcoholic husband so that she can be free to return to her lover. ‘R’ 8:00© ★★★ “Topaz” (1969) John Forsythe, Karin Dor. Based on the story by Leon Uris. A French secret agent investigates Cuba’s link with the Soviets. 9:00CINEMAX ★★ “Joseph Andrews” (1977) Ann-Margret, Peter Firth. A young man’s flam boyant affairs of romance cause scandal among the staid and stuf fy Englishmen of the Victorian era. ‘R’ MOV ★★ “Terror Train” (1980) Ben Johnson, Jamie Lee Curtis. A college fraternity’s New Year’s masquerade party turns into a nightmare when a vindictive guest starts killing off the party-goers. EVENING 7:00 0 © ★★★ “Haywire” (1979) Lee Remick, Jason Robards. The shattering experience of growing up amid the fame and glamor of the Hayward family is dramatized (R) HBO ★★★ “Caddyshack” (1980) Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield. The demented grounds-keeper of a swanky country club wages war against the gophers inhabiting his turf. ‘R’ CINEMAX ★★ “Shipwreck” (1978) Robert Logan, Mikki Jami- son-Olson. A widower, his two daughters, a reporter and a runa way are stranded on an isolated 10: M 0 Q?m° ,*** “ lt,s M y Turn ” n , Jl11 Clayburgh, Michael Douglas. A brilliant Chicago math professor realizes the problems in ner nve-in relationship when she !' na . s a I new love while in New York f 1 ? r Other's remarriage. ‘R’ dim El Casti, lo De La Pureza” 11 a ^ edo ’ Gla udio Brook, m • r,*** “Roustabout” (1964) vis Presley, Barbara Stanwyck. sin ger leaves during a !n!!i n . b ! U u Slness - but returns for the CINFM^v 0Wner ’ s daughter. ^ *** ‘‘ Les ®rls" An a ^ ene Kel| y. M 't z i Gaynor. Pnrnn encan mus ical show hits the opean circuit when complica tions arise. A>?in m /z . " Cand y” (1968) Ewa Mar| on Brando. A luscious v n y m Phet heads for New anHo o r ra P ed b Y 3 P 0 ^ 11-04 rn Sp ^ 1 . ish gardener. finhmr” , The Master Gun * rvM^i i 1975 ) Tom Laughlin, Ron ea ; , gunfighter haunted by a shameful deed sets out to redeem his honor with a pistol and a samu rai sword. ★★★ “Caddyshack” (1980) Bill Murray, Rodney Dangerfield. The demented grounds-keeper of a swanky coun try club wages war against the in lnha biting his turf. ‘R’ 12:00 GALA “Los Dos Hermanos” Jorge Rivero, Gregorio Casal. 1:00 CINEMAX ★★★Vz “The Pris oner Of Second Avenue” (1976) Jack Lemmon, Anne Bancroft. County fair The Washington County Fair, the oldest in Texas, celebrates its 113th birthday September 23-26 in Brenham. Activites include judging of everything from baked good to colts to flowers to polled here- fords. For a little bit of Texas fun, fair events are varied. Crowning of the Washington County fair queen is 6:30 on Sept. 23. And a youth rodeo is scheduled for 8 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 26. Country and western enter tainment is scheduled every night, with Joe Stampley on Sept. 23, Texas Pride on Sept. 24, Ed Bruce plus dance music by Silver Creek on Sept. 25 and Jacky Ward on Sept. 26. Based on the play by Neil Simon. An advertising executive loses his job and his sanity because of the recession and the hectic Manhat tan pace. ‘PG’ MOV AVz “Blue Fire Lady” (1978) Cathryn Harrison, Mark Holden. A young girl tries to save a cantan kerous horse from being sold to a work farm. 2:00© ★★ “Five Gates To Hell” (1959) Neville Brand, Dolores Michaels. Chinese guerrillas cap ture a group of Red Cross nurses and a nun to provide medical assistance for their ailing leader. 2:30 MOV ★★ “Hanger 18” (1980). Darren McGavin, Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a secret govern ment installation investigate the cause of a satellite’s sudden destruction. ‘PG’ 3:00CINEMAX ★★ “Joseph Andrews” (1977) Ann-Margret, Peter Firth. A young man’s flam boyant affairs of romance cause scandal among the staid and stuf fy Englishmen of the Victorian era. ’R’ 3:40© ★★Vz “How I Spent My Summer Vacation” (1967) Robert Wagner, Peter Lawford. A cunning drifter gets himself implicated in the murder of a wealthy playboy yachtsman. 4:30 MOV ★★ “Leave Yesterday Behind” (1978) John Ritter, Carrie Fisher. Following a tragic accident, a college athlete learns to live and love again with the help of an understanding young woman.