The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 16, 1981, Image 8
Page 8 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1981 State Texas Briefs Dean of music named United Press International HOUSTON — The vice presi dent of Boston s New England Conservatory of Music has been appointed Dean of Rice Universi ty’s Shepherd School of Music. Larry James Livingston, 39, is expected to assume his new posi tion at Rice Jan. 1, 1982. He is a native of Pontiac, Mich., and stu died music at the Unversity of Michigan. Livingston, who was the con ductor at Northern Illinois Uni versity in DeKalb until 1977, has taught virtually all of a music cur riculum, including theory, his tory, literature and conducting as well as all the woodwind instru ments. He has professionally play ed the clarinet, flute and sax ophone. Astronaut injured United Press International HOUSTON — Astronaut Ronald E. McNair was seriously hurt in an automobile accident on Interstate-45 in Houston, a John son Space Center spokesman said. McNair was taken to Southeast Memorial hospital in Houston af ter the Sunday accident and placed in intensive care. He sub sequently was moved to the orthopedic unit where he was listed in stable condition Monday, officials said. McNair was among 35 astro nauts chosen by NASA in January 1978 and is eligible to perform as a mission specialist on future Space Shuttle flights. Redistricting lawsuit United Press International TYLER — Tbe 5th U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals has named a three-judge panel to hear a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the congressional redistricting plan approved by the state legisla ture. The lawsuit was filed last Thurs day in the court of U.S. District Judge William Wayne Justice by attorney Leighton Cornett on be half of the Rev. A.M. Seamon, a black minister from Paris. Named Monday to the panel by Chief Justice John C. Godbold of the 5th Circuit were Justice, U.S. Circuit Court Judge Sam D. John son of Austin and U.S. District Judge Robert M. Parker of Beaumont. The suit claims the new redis tricting plan is “patently unconsti tutional” because it would dilute the voting strength of minorities in Texas, especially blacks and Mexican-Americans. The lawsuit asked Justice to consider the peti tion as a class action case on behalf of all minority citizens in the state. Fire blamed on cord United Press International LUBBOCK — A faulty exten sion cord has been judged the cause of a fire that began in the offices of Sen. John Tower, R- Texas, and caused about $100,000 in damages to Lubbock’s down town Court Place office building. Officials Monday said the cord was left plugged into the wall. Firefighters fought the blaze for about 90 minutes before bringing it under control. Although fire damage was con fined mostly to Sen. Tower’s seventh floor office, officials said other offices on the floor suffered heavy water and smoke damage. Traces of smoke were detected throughout the building. One fireman was overcome by smoke during the early morning blaze but returned to duty after he was given oxygen. No other in juries were reported. Tow-truck driver charged United Press International HOUSTON — The driver of a tow truck which patroled an apart ment complex for illegally parked cars was charged with a criminal misdemeanor for hauling off a car parked in an unmarked zone. Police Monday said the charge, which carries a maximum penalty of six months in jail and $1,000 fine, was the first ever brought against a tow-truck driver in the city. Carol Cataldo went to police af ter her car was towed by a driver hired by the Scottwood Apart ments, where she said she lived. She showed them pictures of the space where she had parked Saturday night. It had no mark ings prohibiting parking, police officer Clarence Pietsch said. She had paid $53 to reclaim her auto from Airport Auto Parts. Jeffery Wayne Story, a wrecker for Quality Wreckers, was charged witb the Class B misde meanor. He told police he towed the car because it was in a fire What’s up at Texas A&M Wednesday ORANGE HOMETOWN CLUB:Will hold meeting to plan semester and elect new officers at 8 p.m. in 110 Military Science Building. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION:Newman Club will meet at St. Mary’s Student Center at 7:30 p.m. EL PASO HOMETOWN CLUB:9Will hold an organiza tional meeting and elect officers at 7:30 p.m. in Room 504 Rudder Tower. TEXAS STUDENT EDUCATION ASSOCIATION:Dean Corrigan, Dean of College of Education, will speak ;Uong with membership drive at 7 p.m. in Room 701 Rudder Tower. EUROPE CLUB:Organizational meeting and discussion of fu ture events at 9 p.m. at Mr. Gatti’s. TAMU ROADRUNNERScFirst meeting of the semester at 7 p.m. East Kyle Room 162. PLACEMENT CENTERdnterviewing techniques in Room 410 Rudder Tower at 7 p.m. HILLEL JEWISH STUDENT CENTERrCome back Chal- lah with Amanda Nathan at 7:30 p.m. MSC BASEMENT: Presents the Shake Russell/Dana Cooper Band at 8 p.m. in Rudder Auditorium. Tickets on sale at MSC Box Office, $3 $4 $5. Box Office open M-F 9:00-5:00 Thursday FLORICULTURE ORNAMENTAL HORICULTURE CLUB: Will hold meeting in Room 113 Plant Science Building at 7 p.m. New and old members welcome. PRE-VET SOCIETY:Dr. Bay will speak on vet school admis sions in Room 301 Rudder Tower at 7:30 p.m. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION:Married students meet at 9 p.m. in Student center. Reflective Bible study te at 7:30p.m. in Student center. Night prayer held at lOpni St. Mary’s Church. PSI CHI:Meeting to get reaquainted with members in Room-B Academic Building at 7:30 p.m. Friday INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ASSOCIATIONS al assembly:Mixer;all students invited;come and sign upfe 1981-82 activities at 7p.m. in Room 201 MSC. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCTATION:Out of stated dents meet at 3:30 and go to Dallas night club. Meet it Si Mary’s Student Center. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATIONiNewmn Ct will have a pot luck dinner with a 60 s party to follow at 6pn at St. Mary’s Student Center. SAFEWAY WIN UP TO *1,000! PLA WE ACCEPT USDA FOOD STAMP COUPONS! EXPRESS CHECKSTAND IS OPEN 8 AM UNTIL MIDNIGH1 RIB STEAKS CHUCK ROAST FRYER PARTS PORK CHOPS TURKEYS Manor House, Grade 'A', Fresh Shoulder, Boston Butt . Pork Loin, Country Style Lb Ground BeeFr . $ 1.38 Pork Steak Short Ribs::/,. S 1.29 Pork Ribs FajitasKA. s 2.29 Sirloin Roast Top Sirloins,,... ,, $ 2.68 Sausage Top Sirloins, . $ 3.38 Hams Pork Loin. Smok-A-Roma Smoked, Assorte Varieties Lb Smok A-Roma Whole, Water Added, Fully Cooked Lb . $ 1.53 s 1.78 $ 1.68 s 1.98 $ 1.98 I Scotch I Buy, Sliced | Scotch I Buy, Sliced. Bologna Salami Lunch Meats Burritos Bacon vs s 1.49 “ $ 1.59 pu Safeway 3 Oi Asst Veneties Pkj Drumsticks Ducklings Fish Sticks Turbot Red Snapper or Hindquarters, Turkey. Frozen.. Manor House. Frozen lb. MAYONNAISE SPECIAL! Hellmann’s Limit One 32 Ox. 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BISCUITS BARBECUE SAUCE 11 LUCERNE ICE CREAM 11 10* OFF BREADS S & F BEVERAGE CO. - EL PASO, TEXAS CIGARETTES CATSUP Filter King Lights: 14 mg. "tar' 1 nicotine av. per cigarette by FTC Method. Scotch Buy King Size Lights Filter Cigarettes Bk 3201 Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Hazardous To Your Health. DIAPERS SANDWICH BREAD issil 7* Truly Fine, 60 Ct. Daytime 40 Ct. Toddlers 48 Ct. Extra Absorbent PRICES ON THIS AD EFFECTIVE SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 17-23, 1981 BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, j Everything you want from a store N app' fron OH pub God C ty f Aus troo cere on t I I