The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 03, 1981, Image 14

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    ^age 14 THE BATTALION
Welcomes the
the New Insurance for
Texas A&M Employees!
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National World
Soviet military involved in Angola
United Press Internationa!
CAPE TOWN, South Africa —
South Africa claims its capture of a
Soviet officer and the killing of
several others during its blitzkrieg
into Angola proves Moscow has
military personnel working direct
ly with guerrillas.
“It was generally believed and
acclaimed that Soviet Russia was
only indirectly involved,” De
fense Minister Magnus Malan said
Tuesday, “but now the opposite
has been proven, namely the di
rect involvement of military per
sonnel on the lower levels of ter
rorist movements.”
In Washington, officials esti
mated there are 1,000 Soviet
advisers and 15,000 to 19,000 East
German and Cuban troops in
“We have no doubt about the
presence of the Soviets,” a senior
U.S. official said, “although we
were not sure previously they had
been down to the platoon level.”
Malan said the Soviets joined a
week ago Monday with guerrillas
and Angolan troops as a South
African armored column cut off
the Angolan town of Xangango, 60
miles across the border from
South West Africa, also called
“During recent operations,
some Russian officers working
together with SWAPO came into
contact with us,” he said. “In the
skirmishes, some of these Russian
officers, amongst others, were kil
led. A Russian warrant officer was
also taken prisoner.”
Malan did not say where the
unidentified captured officer was
being held.
The fighting killed 450 Angolan
soldiers, South West African Peo
ple’s Organization guerrillas and
Soviet military personnel. Eleven
South Africans died.
Angola boasts Soviet missile
and radar installations throughout
the country, which South Africa
said were manned by Cubans and
East Germans. But the Soviet pre
sence had been thought to be
more in economic spheres.
Another Soviet officer is cur
rently held by South Africa. In
July 1980, Soviet Intelligence
officer Major Alexei Kozlov was
arrested in Johannesburg and
charged with spying. He is in a
Pretoria prison.
In Lisbon, Angola’s ambassador
said heavy fighting raged Tuesday
near, the town of Ngiva, 25 miles
inside Angola.
A South African military
spokesman denied the report but
said the final remnants of its incur
sion force were bogged down in
Ngiva by land-mined roads and
vehicle breakdowns.
“All troops will be withdrawn#
soon as operationally possible,”lt
South Africa launched a ((»■
pronged motorized attack last
Monday with jet fighter, artilen
and helicopter support, pundiinj
60 miles to occupy Xangango,(k
scribed as the main SWAPO bast
in the area.
SWAPO has been waging a
against South African troops ii
Namibia in an attempt to wrtj
control of the territory from Sontl
Africa. The United Nations cal'
South African rule illegal.
Mans on family member makes
trip to altar y then back to prison
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United Press International
FRONTERA, Calif. — Flam
boyant Texas millionaire Donald
“Fla$h” Laisure designed a $6,000
wedding dress for his bride —
convicted Manson family member
Susan Atkins — and prepared for
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Wednesday’s trip to the prison
Prison officials gave the couple
one hour to recite wedding vows
and visit privately, then Atkins,
who once faced death in the gas
chamber for the Tate-LaBianca
slayings, was to return to her cell
to serve her life sentence.
The couple had planned to have
a 72 J hour conjugal visit in the pris
on’s family living unit after the
wedding, but Atkins’ application
to use the facility had not been
approved before the ceremony.
“Susan’s going to be wearing a
designer dress made by a woman
in New Jersey,” Laisure said
Tuesday from a nearby hotel
room.. “I sketched the dress and
chose the color and had this
woman designer make it. I paid
$6,000 for the dress. It’s a real
light blue.
“I’ll be wearing an orange-
colored leisure suit. Laisure’s a
man of leisure.”
The 52-year-old Texan, who
claims he inherited wealth and has
never worked a day in his life, is
known in his hometown of Green
ville, Texas, as “Fla$h" because he
always carries a big roll of cash.
Laisure called Wednesday’s
ceremony “something that has
been brought on by God,
ordained by God. I love her very
much and I never did love another
“I am not allowed a best man,”
he said. “She’s going to have about
16 guests, including a prison cap
tain and lieutenant.”
Six fellow inmates Laisure de
scribes as “close friends of
Susan’s” were also to attend the
afternoon ceremony in the prison
"I’m going to give the ring to
one of them, Gayle Cousins,” he
Laisure said his “good friend”
Fidel Castro sent a wedding gift,
but he wouldn’t reveal what the
gift was, saying “It’s for Susan and
me. That’s all I can tell you.”
Laisure said he met his 33-year-
old bride 16 years ago in Southern
California and they have been
close ever since. Two years later,
Atkins joined Charles Manson’s
“family” of runaways and drop
Atkins, who took the name
Sadie Mae Glutz in the Manson
Family, was sentenced to die in
the gas chamber for the 1969 mur
ders of actress Sharon Tate and
four others in the home Tatt
shared with her husband, film it
rector Roman Polanski, and tie
killings ' the following night ol
Leno and Rosemary LaBianca,
But the state Supreme Coait
later overturned California’s old
capital punishment law, and
Atkins was spared the death pan
Laisure has vowed to ’’spend
$50 million if I have to, and 11
spend another $50 million to get
her out (of prison) legally.”
Laisure said he corresponded
with Atkins while she lived will
Manson and other family ntt
hers. Through that correspond
ence and psychic readings, In
sure said he knows his fiancee did
not commit the gruesome min
Laisure said he will build a 111
million solar house in San Berra-
dino County until his betrotheds
released from prison.
“I’m going to get her a pardon!
the White House level,” he said
Atkins’ last attempt at parol
was rejected on grounds she hadi
criminal history, showed “callois
disregard” for the murder victii
and displayed no remorse at k
Now You Know
United Press International
Vaino Myllyrinne, thought It
be the world’s tallest soldier, mi
7-feet, 3-inches tall when ii-
ducted into the Finnish army and
later grew to 8-feet, 1-inch.
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