The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 19, 1981, Image 11
Sports THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1981 Page 11 he only punier, waived live 4 back HokieCaii ee players - Wide r *vas placed (®| le to perform I laced safety D| de receiver reserve. Bol : surgery, aived seven ight end Bill jack Chariest er Frank Gani mnounced tkeij ear running cut seven i nd Bob Gobi) e Greg Mei he reserve ist. k Giants tri; seven cuts, littingtonand dton were _ we and defei .apka was m-football ini cut running d placed ackle Matt •eceiver Anl id reserve. OPEN TILL 8:00 P.M. For Your convenience During registration week, College Station Bank will be open until 8:00 pm, August 25,26 and 27, to accommodate Texas A&M students now arriving. So go ahead and unpack, then come by College station Bank at your convenience and open an account. welcome back Aggies! Collegeiitation . International FATION-Tra y announced lk trainer, vill replace Dd || the universih'lj s business. slant odist UniverA ?e years, world otball and basld served as traisa i Diamonds, sional baskell egret the him well in s very ich a cat ■ve Smith,”A^ or Marvin T* lohnny Hector (foreground) leads the offen- |sive backs through the ropes prior to Tuesday’s workout. Hector and the rest of the Aggies regan two-a-days Monday and will don full pads beginning Thursday. The Aggies are ex- Soccer clinic iberofthenato ners AssociaW st Trainers W nsed as an as. The 25f*j born in Com* ip in Richards# jted from Pc® 1973. He was* ... br all sports rb ( arce. Durint MU, where k ; degrees ii held Aug. 22 ;edWitli ing s Tax. 7: >DAY PECIAL 36 Steak Gravy aloes and ie other ble td andButtl ' Tea National Association MEMBER FDIC Lobby Hours Drive-in Window Hours Lohhv unnrc Monday through Friday Monday through Saturday c-/ Open 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Open 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Open 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 24-Hour"Te7le7 Serv7ce| , No account activity during summer months. No service charge. 1501 S. Texas Avenue atCu| P e Pper Shopping center 693-1414 Aggie offensive hopes pected to improve on last year’s 4-7 mark this season, which begins Sept. 5 in California when they visit one of the top passing teams in the nation — the Cal-Berkeley Golden Bears. Two Brazilian soccer coaches mil conduct a coaching clinic Aug. !2 in College Station as part of the ieventh annual exchange of the Partners of the Americas program. le program is part of an effort to ixpose coaches and players in the United States to the coaching ex- . J lertise of these Brazilian soccer jal education,* averts. Jose Barbosa Marques, profes- or of education from Belem, Bra- ,and Narcilvo Cardosa da Silva, irofessor of physical education romthe Federal University ofPa- ,, were chosen on the basis of irofessional knowledge, academic Iperience and knowledge of soc cer techniques. The College Sta- ioii clinic, which will be beld at be Texas A&M University intra- nural complex, is only one of a ieries of clinics which have been ftordinated by Texas A&M soccer »ach Telmo Franco. The local clinic will be split into pedal sessions for youngsters, idults and coaches, and will each ast two hours. All sessions will eature specialized instruction in volving audio-visual aids, skills demonstrations and individual practice periods. Coach Cardosa da Silva, the 37- year-old coach of the soccer team at the Federal University of Para- iba, has played professional soccer and has coached the sport during the past eight years. He has play ed volleyball and coached track, as well as having been a professor of physical education and a sports consultant at the university. Cardosa da Silva participated in the Partners of the Americas prog ram in 1975 and 1977, holding cli nics in Connecticut during those years. The program is being supported by the Converse Rubber Com pany, Anheuser-Busch and AMF Voit, and is recognized by the U.S. International Communica tion Agency. For information on the College Station clinic, those interested should contact Bart Childs at 693- 0833, or coach Franco at 696- 7125. Te SStATE o Prescriptions Filled Glasses Repaired 216 N. MAIN BRYAN Mon.-Fri. Sat. 822-6105 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Ken’s Automotive 421 S. Main — Bryan 822-2823 "A Complete Automotive Service Center" • Tune-Ups • Brakes • Clutches • McPherson Struts • Front End Parts Replacement • Standard Transmission Repairs All American Cars YW-Datsun-Honda Toyota (Master Card & VISA Accepted) ALLEN J. SEGAL, J. D., C. P. A., Attorney and Coun selor at Law, is seeking new engagements for his General Civil Practice, with special emphasis on Solu tions to Problems related to establishing and opera ting a business or consulting practice and PERSONAL INJURY TAX RETURNS REAL ESTATE TAX PLANNING FAMILY LAW ESTATE PLANNING WILLS PROBATE 4342 CARTER CREEK, BRYAN, TEXAS 846-3704 NO CHARGE FOR INITIAL CONSULTATION PECIAL VENING ;Y DINN^ vith Sauce iressmg : gd - Butted Tea avy ceolany . table Appearing LIVE Thursday Night! ERIC TAYLOR! g-^50 *410 College Main MoneyStore offers no service charge checking with a $250 balance. Every dollar earns 5V4%—regardless of balance. you rnaSn ^ ^ ^ MOneyS '° r93 W8yS a " d ' S C0S ' Write checks. Or call us and we II pay your bills for you. Or authorize us to pay your reoccuring bills auto matically. There is no transaction charge no matter how you use MoneyStore r 7 J a Every dollar earns the maximum interest permitted by law, regardless of balance Withdraw cash from any of our Central Texas offices or drive thru lanes. With the MoneyStore Photo Card, there s no waiting for signature verification. • It’s easy to open a MoneyStore account. And we’ll pay you while you use it. BRAZOS Savings Main Office: 2800 Texas Avenue Bryan College Station: Texas Ave. at Southwest Parkway / 696-2800 C CLASSIFIED UPS sure to get results^