THE BATTALION Page 3 THURSDAY, JULY 2, 1981 Don’t mix smoking, driving this weekend Warnings printed on nokers that ‘smoking the side of cigarette packages advise is dangerous to your health.’ Respira- StafT photo by Greg Gammon tory problems are the main danger of cigarette smoking, but smoking can also he a contributing factor in auto accidents. “No smoking” should be added to the list of safe driving tips for the July 4th weekend, says a press release published by the American Lung Associa tion. “Smoking in automobiles not only affects the well being of the smoker and others in the car, it can cause accidents,"said Dr. Stanton P. Fischer, ALATpresi dent. A nationwide survey by the U.S. Consumer Pro duct Safety Commission indicates at least 60,000 motor vehicle fires a year are caused by smoking, Fischer said. The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s fire administration says smoking is the seventh leading cause of automobile fires. “Although no one knows how many of the smok ing-ignited car fires result in death or injury, anyone who has experienced a small fire — or a cigarette burn — while riding in a car understands the fear and panic which result,” Fischer said. Smoking also has caused accidents when the driv er looks away from the road to light up, to retrieve a fallen cigarette or to brush ash off clothing. In addi tion, many pulmonary surgeons say nonsmokers have a better chance of recovering from chest in juries suffered in automobile accidents. Smoking 10 cigarettes in an enclosed car produces carbon monoxide levels up to 90 ppm in the shared air, and doubles the carbon monoxide levels in the blood of both smokers and nonsmokers, according to the ALAT. Carbon monoxide forces oxygen out of the red blood cells and deprives the body and brain of this life-sustaining substance. With these levels of carbon monoxide, some peo ple — including drivers — cannot distinguish be tween relative brightness, lose some ability to judge time intervals and take longer to respond to flashing taillights. They also show impaired performance on some psychomotor tests. For those with chronic heart and lung disease, the elevated carbon monoxide and resulting lack of ox ygen may mean dangerous physical stress. “Smokers who find it difficult to ride without smoking can resist the urge with simple deep brea thing and other exercises,” Fischer said. Eliminating the least necessary cigarettes is the first step to freedom from smoking, Fischer said. Not smoking in the car increases th chances of a safe 4th of July and could be the beginning of independence from smoking. Minicomputer use >uts load on TEES K. The growing use of minicompu- | » is increasing the workload of ^ giant, more sophisticated iputers like the two owned by Texas Engineering Experi- ^j|/nt Station (TEES) and used by ■ Tlneies throughout the state. T)r. Dick B. Simmons, director be Data Processing Center, lo- “d on the Texas A&M campus, rofVEll he encourages agencies and nsideniartments contracting with his ration ii ter to buy their own small com- jpi, a!! ers - I n the long run, it will | () (| R , : in more work for the bigger The nr bines. , -j “They become computer- u °rnted and discover more and ut as ! - e jobs the commputer can do. lk andiy a l so discover that their mini- s justoputers cannot do all they need at noIm to, he said, their >The center has a staff of 160, uding 52 computing science fessionals who operate two 1 M It Amdahl 470 computer sys- blart s with a primary mission to backside the needs of the University, inktht'en percent of the centers ig Rigkk is done for state agencies and /ersities from Alpine to Amar- . through telephone lines. The w "®k amounts to more than hallu0 ; 000 annually, Simmons said. ) area/lany of the state agency’s cus- d banters could use free computer ives. As on other equipment or buy reedt 1 " own, but don’t, he said. DgpafThe cost of hardware is very histieff Simmons explained. “The problem is software. They ie to us for our experience and hefirsl'ice. The staff develops and jn 19ihtains software for customers. (j on siemote job entry — work done were jT telephone lines — is per- reducf iec ^ ^ or institutions including ^.University of Texas at Tyler, in : r-n College in Brenham, Sul otmS s State University in Alpine the Texas State Technical In- ar incflte in Waco. The Red River )S t Ifity Depot in Texarkana also is steps'^ ne to the center. immons said record-keeping • other administrative work also J 1,111 one for several state agencies jut a uding the Texas Industrial ee bl-omission, Texas Youth Coun- nd the State Auditor’s Office. ,r he other hours in the center’s ^ ^j >tant 24-hour work load are fil- Civn not# or thf lardof Ja., 4 jgh,« theb strict ! ce fo r ‘ igir'i 1 resent 5 ago. : y to tocof or, it' 1 Itoi \ct it r is !’ P led with academic, research and administrative needs of the Uni versity and the Texas A&M Uni versity System of which TEES is a branch. Approximately 800 terminals can be active at one time. There are between 150 and 200 other computers, from micros to large- scale models, along with about 1,600 terminals of various types that tie into the main computer system via telephone or specifical ly designated communication “CLOSE, BUT NO CIGAR!** Just when you thought you had met the challenge. . . Just when you thought you had mastered ASTEROIDS. Just when you thought you could breathe easy. . . along comes ASTEROIDS DELUXE The Ultimate Challenge Awaits You at GAMES Culpepper Plaza Phone 693-7711 IN THE ^wifrM7 la New Zealand Shorts AS d Or, iqinallu Sporx of ruqbvi ►Cv/ltsh all -cott dee»tqned for the rit bwanea tor tne rioorous , t nese comfortable artd stylish all-cotton international shorts have two roomy side pockets ^ a draw- string/elasticixed waist . They look. <=»o good and fit so well , you'll want more than one pair. AAen's and women’s sizes in many colors. WHOLE EARTH PROVISION COMPANY 105 Boyett 846-8794 celebrates July 4 RECORD SALE! 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BLUE OYSTER CULT IIKKOFIINKIMOWMOKILIN including: Burnin For You Heavy Metal: The Black And Silver Sole Survivor/Joan Crawford Veteran Of The Psychic Wars STANLEY CLARKE/ GEORGE DUKE THE CLARKE/DUKE PROJECT including: Touch And Go/Let's Get Started/Winners Sweet Baby/Finding My Way ~w~rr i.v RICKY SKAGGS 'VAm.viim mi SL'N lOSIIINt: including: Don't Get Above Your Raising Your Old Love Letters If That's The Way You Feel You May See Me Walkin' Crying My Heart Out Over You y Oj Friday Night In San Francisco cz= Live IA E ?Lt 4 r tMJGHt//y |U CM including: Mediterranean Sundance/Rio Ancho Short Tales Of The Black Forest Frevo Rasgado/Fantasia Suite JUDAS PRIEST I’OINT OF EN TRY including: Heading Out To The Highway/Troubleshooter On The Run/Don't Go/Hot Rockin' ROSANNE CASH SEVEN YEAR ACHE including: Rainin'/Seven Year Ache/What Kinda Girl? You Don't Have Very Far To Go Hometown Blues Sorry, TYo Dealers or Wholesalers Allowed! 3 Days To Go!