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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1981)
itate THE BATTALION TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1981 Page 7 Witness testified Daniel —aught smoking marijuana RESTAURANT & BAR 319 University 846-1861 oeai 1 y": United Press International " Lu JBKRTY — A cousin by mar- of Price Daniel Jr. testified iy the former speaker of the once said state laws pro- g the use of marijuana did apply to him. t David Parker’s testimony came a Ppeal \ing the bitter custody battle for provide sivkje and Price Daniel’s two pre- ool boys, Franklin, 3, and Ma- sday withl'Brice IV, 1. Daniel’s sister, 1 suit, issucn Daniel Murph, filed the suit ing her sister-in-law was an other while awaiting trial niel’s death. ker, the husband of one of s first cousins, testified he langry and disgusted” one |iy afternoon in late 1976 h'lliarn War] /■ "e denied e for 30 da; >y the court) ions with opt to reacts 1 come as I when he went into Daniel’s office unannounced, smelled a “pun gent odor,” and found Daniel smoking marijuana. “When I came in and he saw me, it startled him, and he ducked his hands under his desk,” said Parker, who had rented office space from Daniel for four years, starting in 1975. “He appeared very relaxed and kind of on top of the world, ” Par ker testified. “He was more caref ree with what he said. I was angry and disgusted. ” Parker said Daniel offered him a marijuana cigarette, which he said he refused. “I said, ‘Don’t you know that’s against the law?,”’ Parker testi- oeral rison case, is moving (t ining outsiil •ctions," Cli calls alternate gets ‘imitations’ lions is onei Vill prevail ii|! United Press International DLLAS — Vice President 'e suggesteflrge Bush, spearheading the 1 assistinlkpiuiisti-ation’s drive to win pas- and accuseje of President Reagan’s econo- ofhisoffeiprogram, said today alterna- easures proposed by the ratic Party are merely imitations” of Reagan’s P vvx u /1 vyju, i c** »i .j vvy jlice spending and taxes may ’ like the real thing but the lie These substitute programs to ffi is they are only imitations poor ones at that,” Bush said I ^ I(JI§naddress at Southern Method- lUniversity. er workert#^ e diff erence > it seems to iedeath# * s that while President pan is offering an economic -e e Jose Frip ram ’ t^ e proponents of these day in Mers:|| titutes 31-6 mere ly offering ’s bum vk^tically oriented programs with after thetkl^ange economic benefits.” *: p u: pijthe presidents $48.6 billion n face clie^ eral s P endin g cuts in the 1982 ndget have not encountered that Ich opposition on Capitol Hill, tims remaiiBiis tax cut plan — calling for a al conditioiI percent reduction over three isivecarets — appears in trouble, njuredintlrl Bush today underscored the 'ator, oneAinistration’s contention the nintry. ill 30 percent tax cut was needed ,, because the American people ■man said i. ee( j (ax re jj e f ^gj. having been conditio'ii it hy the preceding administra- n alter 10 It pj,^ i^ggst s i n gl e tax in- lase in our country’s history. ” |Many Democrats, who feel the Opercent tax cut will be too infla- onary, have offered a one-year stperimental proposal to see if the R /itti oods, x. 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Several days after the shooting, Parker testified, Mrs. Murph cal led him at work and during their 15-minute conversation warned him that he “better not say any thing bad about Price.” Parker said Mrs. Murph told him she’d heard that he and his wife, Susan, were saying bad things about Daniel. He testified Mrs. Murph told him she would “hold me personally responsible for what was said.” POOR MAN’S SPECIALS CHICKEN FRIED STEAK 1.95 Fries & Salad Soup... Salad n’ Sandwich 2.25 Sandwich, Fries or Chips w/Soft drink 2.25 “THE BREAD LINE” 1.00 A hearty bowl of soup and chunk of hot bread with butter n’ cheese. Lunch 11-2:30 Mon.-Fri. Evenings 5-12 Mon.-Fri. 4-1 Saturday Happy Hour 5-7 Mon.-Sat. 350 Draft Beer 750 Bar Drinks Yz Price Call Drinks ★ Now Open 4-9 Sunday ★ Serving Dinner 5-10:30 Ask about our menu items after 10:30 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Thur. Fri. Sat. Jazz by “Scrapple” 23 Bill Oliver 24 Anthony Paul 25 Beacon City Band ★ 29-30 Don Sanders May 1 CM * Jazz by “Scrapple’ 8 Reagan economic theory works. Bush said the administration was confident the full three year tax cut would stimulate the eco nomy. “The American people want to save, want to invest, want to work,” he said. “This tax program will encourage savings and invest ment and will restore vitally needed incentive to the private sector to produce real jobs for mil lions of our countrymen who want and need work.” Bush said Reagan, wanting to provide regulatory relief, had cre ated a task form to curb and eli minate needless, wasteful federal agency regulations which he said “have been stifling initiative, re ducing productivity and costing the American people an estimated $100 billion a year.” Making a strong plea for Amer icans’ support of Reagan’s budget plans, Bush said, “We mean busi ness and we have already begun to move in a major way to break the regulatory shackles that tie up not only American industry but the American worker.” During a question and answer session following the speech, Bush said the main thrust of U.S. policy in El Salvador was “to check the unimpeded flow of weapons to Socialist countries.” He said whatever “modest sup port” the ruling junta in El Salva dor is receiving is aimed at helping it stand up to Castro and Sandinis- ta elements from Nicaragua. . 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