Viewpoint The Battalion Friday Texas A&M University March 13, 1981 By Jim Earle Slouch “Before we begin, are you absolutely sure your ride doesn’t leave early?” ‘Outs' fail to reach voters with message By STEVE GERSTEL United Press International WASHINGTON — Despite their finest efforts, neither the Democrats nor the Re publicans have solved a vexing problem that plagues them whenever the other is ensconced in the White House — how to get the out-party message out to the Amer ican people. It just cannot be done well. The Democrats gave it still another whirl recently — a response to President Reagan’s economic message — and the re sult was predictable. It was pretty much of a flop. In no way could the Democrats’ response be compared to Reagan’s message — not in staging, not in drama, not in performance and certainly not in coverage. Don’t blame the Democrats. They were up against a set of circumstances that would have thwarted the magic of the most bril liant television producer. The Republican administration had as the star of its show not only Ronald Reagan the president, but also Ronald Reagan the master at communicating. The Democrats fielded three virtually unknown members of Congress: Rep. Jim Wright of Texas and Sens. Gary Hart of Colorado and Lawton Chiles of Florida. Wright, a grizzled veteran, is the House Democratic leader. Outside the House, the party and his district, he is hardly known. In choosing Hart and Chiles, Senate Democrats — trying something a little new — put on two, younger fresher senators, instead of the leaders or the veterans. But Hart and Chiles are also unknowns. Reagan delivered his message to a joint session of the Senate and House before a crowded audience that included many members of Congress, the Supreme Court, the Cabinet and the diplomatic corps. Wright, Hart and Chiles were taped. the small society by Brickman IT l£K'T OCX 411981 King Feature! Syndicate. Inc. World rignts reserved /-/6 r^ , i» United Press International is entitled exc ^ us )) e J ^: use for reproduction of all news dispatches cr ^ Rights of reproduction of all other matter herein re ^ Second class postage paid at College Station, sh CO re m us pe sh C £ mi th. ch tio sin si g sul