The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 13, 1981, Image 1

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[The Battalion
' * AArAf TT~:*r*>~*:**,
Serving the Texas A&M University community
Friday, March 13, 1981
College Station, Texas
USPS 045 360
Phone 845-2611
The Weather
64 High .
Chance of rain
20% Chance of rain . . .
. . . 20%
Hijackers spare
American hostages
United Press International
DAMASCUS, Syria — Three killer-
hijackers of a Pakistani airliner added a
$50,000 ransom demand for releasing
their 102 hostages, including the three
Americans spared execution in a dead
line deal to swap the captives for Pakis
tani political prisoners.
“Oh thank God!” said Glenn Cly-
more in Newport Beach, Calif., on
learning his son Craig, 24, had been
spared death.
The other reprieved Americans were
Lawrence Clifton Mangum of New York
City and Frederick Hubbell, 30, of Des
Moines, Iowa. Hubbell’s wife Charlot
te, 30, was released earlier.
As dawn broke today in the 12th day
of the longest-lasting hijacking on re
cord, the Pakistani hijackers still held 93
passengers and nine crew members,
and there was no sign in Islamabad that
Pakistan had flown the 55 prisoners to
Libya as promised.
Like the harrowing last-minute
negotiations to free the American hos
tages in Iran, the end to the Damascus
skyjack siege depended on who would
move first — the terrorists by freeing
the captives, or the Pakistanis by flying
the convicts out.
In a new demand, the terrorist leader
who calls himself “Alagmir,” meaning
“conqueror of the world,” asked the
safety of the prisoners families be
guaranteed and $50,000 be given the
families. The released prisoners, he
specified, should go to Libya, long a
haven for terrorists and the last station
of previous hijacks.
Pakistan said the 55 prisoners “will be
free to leave as soon as they are located”
but said six were not immediately trace
able. The hijackers can then decide
where they want to go.
In Islamabad, President Mohammad
Zia ul-Haq blamed Syria and Afghanis
tan for stymying military efforts to free
the hostages and conceded the hijackers
had scored a victory.
“We could have had this release with
in 24 hours if Afghanistan and Syria had
allowed us to use our own means,” Zia
told UPI correspondent Richard
Ehrlich in an exclusive interview in Isla
Zia said “it’s quite obvious” it had
been a victory for the hijackers, who
belong to AlZulfikar, a group named for
the late Pakistani prime minister, Zulfi-
kar Ali Bhutto, who Zia overthrew in
1977 and later hanged.
Chip off the old block
Staff photo by Chuck Chapman
A&M futurist predicts
more inner-city decay
Joel Glenn, a chemical engineering major, whittles students, the break starts Monday. Faculty and staff
t while he waits on spring break to finally arrive. For begin the holiday on Tuesday.
ayor says Dallas is a
‘limousine kind of town’
United Press International
| DALLAS — Mayor Bob Folsom says Dallas is a limousine
kind of town but not all of the City Council agrees.
I The council debated Wednesday whether Dallas needs a
new $22,000 limousine to replace its 1975 Cadillac limo and
voted to seek new bids for a special occasions vehicle.
|; The council had been ready to buy a new one but the
prchase with Cadillac dealer Roger Meier had to be canceled
because Meier’s position on the Dallas-Fort Worth Regional
;Airport Board constituted a conflict of interest, the city attor
ney ruled.
1 Some councilmen thought that should be the end of the
new limo discussions but Folsom overruled them. A stylish
limousine, he said, is in keeping with the city’s image.
| “We’ve got a beautiful City Hall,” he said. “If image wasn’t
important, why didn’t we put it underground? I have no
problem whatsoever with justifying the limo, no problem
whatsoever. ”
Councilman Steve Bartlett said the limousine is seldom
used for transporting visiting dignitaries and leasing a limo
would be cheaper than buying a new one.
“Let’s look at the number of dignitaries above the rank of
ambassador and see how many dignitaries we have,” Bartlett
said. “I could only find a dozen instances during the past year
where the limo was sent out to pick up visitors to Dallas. And
one of those was a rock group. ”
The limousine is most frequently used to take Folsom to
official events.
No date to reconsider bids on a limo was set.
Battalion Reporter
Businessmen, educators and govern
ment must work together if the problem
of inner-city decay is to be solved, says a
futurist at Texas A&M University.
Dr. John R. Hoyle, professor of edu
cational administration, specializes in
forecasting what the world will be like in
the 21st century.
Inner-city problems such as racially
imbalanced schools, lack of family iden
tity and shortages of low-technology
jobs for unskilled workers will continue
to worsen unless businessmen, govern
ment and educators “join arm-in-arm
for a common purpose,” the professor
Hoyle said many businesses have
started their own training for the high-
technology work they require instead of
helping public schools do the training.
And as industries increase their use of
robots for menial tasks normally done by
unskilled workers, the professor said,
there is an ever-increasing shortage of
low-technology jobs for these displaced
“Industries often turn their backs on
the people who need them the most,”
he said.
As a solution Hoyle suggested that
businesses train the unskilled workers
to be “the idea people” — the program
mers of the robots.
“In all this technology we can’t over
look the human beings. We can develop
technology to do the menial tasks but we
must also develop a sense of worth in
people,” he said.
Hoyle also emphasized the effect gov
ernment has on education. He said the
cutback in government spending re
duces monies education receives.
“Unless teachers’ salaries are raised
considerably,” he said, “schools are
going to lose their math, science and
technology teachers to industries where
they are better paid.’
Another problem public education
faces, Hoyle said, is the proposal for
tuition tax credits for parents who enroll
their children in private schools.
If the proposed tax credits, which are
favored by the Reagan administration,
become a reality, Hoyle said, the urban
schools will be crippled because the
taxes normally going to the public
John Hoyle
schools would not be paid.
At the Governor’s Symposium on
Career Education held in Austin recent
ly, Hoyle met with other experts in edu
cation, business and government to dis
cuss the future of education.
The professor said Texas Gov. Bill
Clements is “concerned that the schools
may not prepare people for this ‘com-
punications’ age.”
Student wins car in first contest ever entered
Winner says he wasn t
surprised he won
Battalion Reporter
McDonald’s slogan, “you deserve a
break today, ” usually refers to its prices
and service. However, Steve Black-
more’s break came in the form of a silver
1981 Volkswagen Rabbit.
Blackmore, a graduate student at
Texas A&M University, was presented
With the keys to the car Thursday by
Phil Springer, owner of the College Sta
tion McDonald’s, and Bud Ward, local
Volkswagen dealer.
; Blackmore didn’t win anything when
he first entered McDonald’s $2.5 mil
lion 25th Anniversary Prize Celebration
jsweepstakes held last September. But,
he was luckier when he entered the
Ismail print contest,” he said.
1 This contest, described in small print
pn the back of each contest folder, was
the second chance drawing for all un
claimed prizes. People who did not win
Anything in the first contest could enter
•imply by sending in his or her name,
jddress and telephone number, Black-
bore said.
Contest folders were distributed
'rough Sunday newspapers. In order
> be a winner in the first part of the
'ntest, one had to match the numbers
>ted in the folder with the winning
ambers posted at McDonald’s,
j 'With over 30 million folders sent
(it, I figured that a lot would get lost or
= thrown away. I entered only because
thought I had a good chance to win,”
Uckmore said in an interview follow-
ig the presentation.
Since only three of the 25 cars to be
given away were claimed in the first part
of the contest, Blackmore said he wasn’t
surprised when McDonald’s contacted
him last November to tell him he was a
“Of course I was happy but I wasn’t
really all that shocked. Actually, I was
pretty confident about the whole thing.
Otherwise I wouldn’t have entered,” he
The McDonald’s contest was the first
contest that he had ever entered, Black-
more said. “In fact, I don’t even eat at
McDonald’s all that often, maybe once
every two or three weeks,” he said.
Until he took possession of the car,
Blackmore’s only means of transporta
tion had been “two feet, a 10-speed bi
cycle and the shuttlebus,” he said.
However, he will continue to rely on the
shuttlebus to bring him to the campus,
he said.
“I’m not even going to try to drive the
car on this campus,” Blackmore said.
“As soon as I tried to park, it would
either be towed or ticketed. That is, if I
could find a parking place at all.”
The sticker price of the standard
Volkswagen — nothing extra but an
AM-FM radio — is $7,035. Blackmore
had to pay $320 in sales taxes on the car
but “I’m not complaining,” he said.
The 34-year-old Minneapolis native is
a Ph.D. candidate in educational
psychology, specializing in counseling
Phil Springer, owner of the College Station McDonald’s, presents Steve
Blackmore with his sweepstake prize, a 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit. Black-
more, a graduate student at Texas A&M
contest he has ever entered.
Staff photo by
University, said this
Greg Gammon
is the first