The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 18, 1981, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1981 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED SERVICES Full time front desk clerk, rotating shifts 7am-3pm, 3pm-llpm. Full time quarters all full and part-time bellman and cocktail waitresses. APPLY IN PERSON between 9am-4pm RAMADA INN. lOOtfn OVERSEAS JOBS — Summer/year round. Europe South America, Australia, Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free information. Write IJC Box 52-TX4 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625. 91tl5 OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS. 693- 6386. 83t35 Will do fast accurate typing in my home. Day or night. Call 846-9330. 86tfn Jazz musicians for small combo, 846- 4457. 98t3 Typing. 775-5343. Part-time help need, evenings and weekends. Neighborhood convenience store. 693-8733, ask for Linda. 98tfh Full or part-time help wanted. Day or night shifts open. Starting sal ary 3.40/hr. APPLY IN PERSON DANVERS 201 DOMINIK COLLEGE STATION 98t10 >E PIZZA & SUBS V DELIVERY PERSONNEL 18% straight commission plus tips. Commission paid cash every night. Kitchen Help. Apply in person 301 Patricia 97t30 t I III SMILE !!! T-Shirts Plus needs part-time salesperson to work Tues. &-J Thurs. 10-4:30. Apply in person. 12-4 at MANOR EAST MALL. lOOtfn J Experienced Professional Typist. 693- 1283 . 95tl3 Professional typing 779-2683. Transmissions and engines overhauled to satisfaction, 846-2919. 97t5 Teaching (individual or group), translation: ESL; Medical or conservational Spanish, French, Portuguese. Craphics. Wedding Music. Call Mary Anne, 822-3971. 97tlt SERVICES NEED MONEY? Sell your clothing on consign ment at Y’s Ideas 779-7334 for information. 99t4 SPRUCE UP FOR SPRING! Free Mary Kay facial, Polly Powell 693-6981 after 5pm. 99t30 CENTRAL TEXAS HARDWARE needs part time employee. Count er safes, some manual labor. APPLY IN PERSON 202 S. Bryan St. NO PHONE CALLS. ioot2 Typing. Experienced, fast, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544. 54tfn Typing, symbols. Notary Public. 823- 7723. ISOtfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846- 3755. 178tfri TYPING WORD PROCESSING All Kinds “Let the Protessionals Assist You" BUSINESS ASSISTANCE SERVICES 707 Texas Ave. C-306 696-9550 87tfn PART TIME HELP NEEDED: Student workers needed for manufacturing firm at NORTHGATE. Must bo able to work minimum of 20 hours per week. Call 846-3711 between 1pm and 4pm.ioot2 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779- 2258, Bryan. , 73tfn Alterations: ALL KINDS. 823-6878. 96tl2 Seryica For AJI Chrysler Corp Cars Body Work — Painting HALSELL MOTOR COMPANY INC. What’s Up WEDNESDAY TAMU JUGGLERS ASSOCIATION: Meets at 8 p. m. in 228 MSC. HILLEL CLUB: Dr. Yechiel Weitsman will speak on “The Histor ical Background To The Holy Scriptures” at 7:30 p.m. in the Jewish Student Center. STUDENT AGGIE CLUB: Meets at 7 p.m. in the Lettermen’s Lounge. TAMU ROLLER SKATING CLUB(“WHEELS' > ): Will discuss spring events at 7 p.m. in 110 Military Science. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Newman Club meets at 7:30 p.m. in the St. Mary’s Student Center. AGGIE ALLEMANDERS: Square dance lessons begin at 7 p.m. in 263 G. Rollie White Coliseum. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Conducts a leadership^ ing class at 7:30 p.m, in 204 Harrington. CATHOUC STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Night Prayerwillhe: at 10 p.m. in St. Mary’s Church. Bible Study beginsat9p. the corps area. Out Of State Students meet for an ice cream at 7:30 p.m. CLASS OF '84 COUNCIL: Meets to discuss the freshmanclaa. at 8 p.m. in 105 Heldenfels. ETA SIGMA GAMMA: The Super Kids project will be discs; beginning at 7:30 p.m. in 228 MSC. PSI CHI: Meets for a mixer/meeting at 7 p.m. in 110 Mi Science. MSC VIDEO TAPE: Meets at 7 p.m. in 352 MSC(theprod« room). AGGIE SCOUTS: Meet at 9 p.m. in 139 MSC. TAMU SURF CLUB: Presents the Beatles concert film festival at 8 p.m. in 321 Physics. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Will have an Aggie Supper at 6:15 p.m. at the A&M Presbyterian Church. TURKISH STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Two free films, “La Tur- guie,” and “Fabulous Istanbul,” will be shown in 501 Rudder beginning at 7:30 p.m. “MY BRILLIANT CAREER” MSC Aggie Cinema continues its foreign film series with this beautifully photographed film about a young woman who struggles between tradition and her own independence. Winner of seven Australian Academy Awards. 7:30 p.m. in Rudder Theatre. FRIDAY AGGIE SCOUTS: Sell Girl Scout cookies through March fri MSC. INTER-VARSITY CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Beginsatbj in the Lutheran Student Center. THURSDAY TAMSCAMS: Meet at 7 p.m. in the O&M Oberservatory. EMERGENCY CARE TEAM: John Locke, student legal advisor, will speak about voting on constitutional amendments at 7:30 p.m. in 140A&B MSC. CATHOLIC STUDENT ASSOCIATION. Newman Club! lock-in from 6 p.m. until 7 a.m. Saturday in St. Mary’sStii Center. MSC BASEMENT COMMITTEE: Uncle Walt’s Band, 5 rass/folk group that has appeal ed on Austin City Limits, per! at 8 p.m. in 201 MSC. Tickets are $3 and are available at the)! Box Office. * whil GROMETS/MSC RECREATION: Co-sponsor the annual gaming Convention in the MSC Serpentine Lounge begmimj 6 p.m. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRY: Peanut Butter Fellowship^ from 11:30a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Rudder Fountain. BibleStui 6:30 p.m. in 145 MSC. VENEZUELAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Meets in I der at 7 p.m. Typing and editing in home. Fast and de pendable. 693-3846. 99t30 Clarendon hotel fire is a mystery rch Custom Calligraphy. Parchment. Choice of inks. 693-3846. 99t30 WANTED SPENSER'S Interviewing now for WAITRESSES, WAITERS, FOUNTAINEERS, CASHIERS, COOKS, AND DISH WASHERS. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station. 886fn CRUISES CLUB MEDITERRANEAN, SAILING EXPEDITIONS! Needed: Sports Instruc tors, Office Personnel, Counselors. Europe, Carribean, Worldwide! Summer. Career. Send $5.95 plus $1.00 handling for APPLICATION, OPENINGS, GUIDE to CRUISEWORLD 127, 60129, Sac ramento, CA 95860. 65t6 CHOOSE LIFE. Alternatives to Abortion of Brazos County, Inc. Information: Anne at 846-5872 or Jan at 846-4321 24 hour Hotline 775-5475 CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out gold jewelry, coins, etc. The Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St., Bryan 846-4708 ittn ROOMMATE WANTED United Press International CLARENDON — About 30 children escaped injury in an ex plosion and fire at a day care cen ter housed in the historic Allen Hotel because they had been allowed to play outdoors to take advantage of an unseasonably warm, sunny day. Tbe children were playing across the street from the two- story brick building when a still unexplained explosion caused the Male roommate needed. $200/month, 693- 6666. 97U2 Female roommate wanted. 50% off first month’s rent. Call Lynne 845-0675. 88tl5 SUMMER RAFTING JOBS! $1,200-$3,600! Training provided! Grand Canyon, Hawaii, Africa. Send $6.95 for APPLICATION, INFORMATION, GUIDE to WHITEWATER, (+ free job guide to Lake Tahoe, CA) 127 Box 60129, Sacramento, CA 95860.88t8 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hours. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846- 2991. 696-8032. 38tfn Sell it as jewelry not junk. Sell your gold and silver as jewelry on consignment. Y’s Ideas. 779-7334. 99t4 JOB OPPORTUNITIES MEN! Summer job camp counselors for handicapped. $75/week plus room and board. Information: Camp Soroptimist, 7411 Hines Place, Dallas 75235. 95t20 AUTO INSURANCE. FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 3400 S. College 823-8051 historic structure to burn Monday about 4 p.m. Three employees of the Donley County Community Action Cen ter still inside the building also escaped injury, as did building owner Steve Rogers, his daughter and two grandchildren. Clarendon, a town of 2,200, is the county seat of Donley County located about 60 miles east of Amarillo. The old Main Street hotel housed a day care center in front and automotive repair shop in back. Rogers and his wife occu pied the second story. Cause of the fire is not known, but officials have speculated either a spray can of paint near a hot water heater exploded or an electrical explosion caused the building to bum. A police department spokes man said officials had not been able to enter the building to deter mine what caused the explosion, since the site was still smoldering early today. Fire departments from five sur rounding Panhandle communities were called in to aid the Claren don Volunteer Fire Department. Firefighters were able to contain the fire to the one building in the downtown block. ay A witness said the entirei huil story of the building was eej! tion in flames 20 minutes afterd* S began. safe! Constructed between 11 the 1925, the hotel had been V Arcl nice family-type hotel at Des time,” said Jean ice Weatkeu adv; longtime resident of CJwhuil and editor of the Clarendon It had also been used as a dormitory for Clarendon College, she said. “When constructed, the had a huge fountain andfisli in the center of it," Weal tte ay TEXAS CORBUGATORS, INC. is looking for a young, dynamic individual to sell storm sewer products in the Houston.area. The job includes a new car,'expense^ ac count, normal company benefits and a good starting salary. A Civil Engineering back ground is preferable, but not necessary. We will be on campus at the student Place ment Office for 1 day ONLY, March 10, 1981. Make your appointment early: Ronald R. Porter, Vice President, 713-443- 3400. 87H4 HELP WANTED SECRETARY Part-time or full-time employment. The ideal candidate will have a background in business or marketing, good secretarial skills, 1-3 years experience, willing to work some evenings, limited travel, and have a sales-type personality and an excellent telephone voice. Also, you will have the opportunity to develop professional (and marketable) skills to become an executive search consultant assisting initially in interviewing, writing evaluations, and working closely with graduates from Texas A&M for our client companies. In addition, you will maintain mailing lists, operate a word processor, learn techniques of telephone interviewing, and be an office manager. Salary negotiable. Apply in person, 9 to 9 P.M. daily with Dr. Marshall Metze, 1856 Greenfield Plaza, Bryan, Texas 77801, 846- 5733. d x ‘ •job For employment information at Texas A&M University dial 845-4444 24 hours a day. Equal Employment Opportunity through Affirmative Action. Texas A&M University Oldsmobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE Where satisfaction is standard ec/nipment 2401 Texas Ave. 779-35L6 AUTO TUNE “The Inflation Fighters” (Formerly Bill’s & Jay’s Auto Tune) "Qualitv Sen/ice. . Personal Attention” TUNE-UPS & OIL CHANGES... by Appointment Only 846-9086 3611 S. COLLEGE AV. — BRYAN jeCon Is Coming said. “On Saturday aftemoot: the way to the picture show, dren would stop to watch the fish. They were alwayswebir^ to c ares save energy a very brigfii idea FOR SALE Senior boots for sale very good condition, size 12, 693-3208. CHEAP! 100t3 Hewlett-Packard 21 Scientific Calculator $45, 845-7857. 10012 ’72 Chevy Impala $600, 846-2919. 100t3 LOST ’67 Ford Econoline extra long van excellent body rod knocks. $400.00, Timberridge Apts. #130 George. lOOtl LOST PARROT by MSC. Call Mike 696- 8300, $50.00 reward. 100t5 : Brand new mens 10 speed zero miles, $100 after 5pm 696-2460. 100t5 Found Doberman, call and identify 845- 3679 or 845-0702. 99t5 Taking orders for halal meat, 846-2663 after 6pm. 99t5 FULL OR PART TIME *Day Shift "Night shift (til 10pm.) "Weekends "Flexible hours to fit your schedule "Rapid advancement "Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6tfn SERVICES FOR RENT 1972 Olds Cutlass A/C P/S Automatic call 846-5515 after 6pm $725. 99t5 TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations or theses oh our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. B/CS 209 University East 846-5794 testtn Brand new 300 feet from campus, 2bed- room Ibath, no pets, $360. 693-5030. 91tl5 For sale 1967 Mustang 13,000 miles. 351 4- speed hurst, interior being restored, many extras. B.O. may consider trade for car or motorcycle. 845-4677. 91tl0 WANT TO FLY? WEAR GLASSES AND :od IF YOUR GOAL IS TO BECOME A PROFESSIONAL, YOU OWN IT TO YOURSELF NOT TO OVERLOOK ANY OPPORTUNITIES THAT WILL HELP YOU REACH THAT GOAL. THE NAVAL FLIGHT OFFICERIS THE QUARTERBACK OF THE NAVAL AVIATION TEAM WITH WIDE RANGINE EXPERTISE FROM STATE OF THE ART DATA PROCESSING TO MASTER TACTICIAN IF YOU ARE AN ABOVE AVERAGE STUDENT WHO WANTS TO GET HIS FEET OFF THE GROUND, EARN OVER $26,000 A YEAR... ATTEND THE WORLD’S MOST PRESTIGIOUS FLIGHT SCHOOL. FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE THE NAVY OFFICER PROGRAMS REPRESENTATIVE IN THE MSC01 FEBRUARY 24-26 OR ASK YOUR PLACEMENT CENTER OFFICER TO ARRANGE AN APPOINTMENT YOU MAY ALSO MAKE AN APPOINTMENT BY CALLING, COLLECT IF NECESSARY, (713) 822-5221 BRYAN HOSPITAL has full-time registered medi cal technologist positions open on day & evening shifts. Part-time and call positions available. Full-time benefits in clude vacation, sick & holiday pay. Contact Sharon Robin son, 822-1347. , 100112 UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. "j Awake or Asleep. Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-4076i8tioi DUPLEX FOR RENT Two bedroom, one bath, sunk en living room, fenced yard with cement patio, one mile from campus on shuttle bus route, pets are allowed, 845- 1460. 10015 1979 Yamaha 125-DT. Excellent condition 3000 miles. 845-2539. 96t5 Alterations: ALL KINDS. 823-6878. 96tl2 Nine foot black vinyl couch for sale. $75 or best offer, call 696-0733 or 822-2225. 97t4 ’67 AMC STW. V8. New tires, trans. $200. 846-4516 or 696-0575. 94tl0 FOR SALE ’79 Honda CBX Silver/Black Mech sound, needs some work. Sacrifice $2300. Rick 696-0249. 9616 A.Q.H.A. reg. Q.H. mare foaled 1971. Eng. western. More info call 846-4516 or 696-0575. 94tl0 Calculator TI58C $ 85, 693-9201. 97t5 SERVICES NOW HIRING CHEFS KITCHEN HELP DISHERS BUSSERS WAITRESSES WAITERS MARKET SALES Apply in person For Appointment Call 846-9532 HILL SEAFOOD CO.I 4301 Carter Creek Pkwy. Bryan, Texas ATTENTION MAY ’81 GRADUATES OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY %> , . . ^ ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Room 217. MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mon. - Fri. INVESTMENT! Southwood Valley- by owner, 2bedroom/1 Vkbath townhome on corner lot. Loft bedroom, beam ceiling & living room. Easy access to campus, shut tle bus route. $51,000.00. Call 1-713-444-8767 collect. 99t5 MONDAY EVENING TUESDAY EVENING SPECIAL Mexican Fiesta WEDNESDAY SPECIAL EVENING SPECIAL , Salisbury Steak Dinner with Two Cheese and Chicken Fried Steak ' Mushroom Gravy Onion Enchiladas w cream Gravy Whipped Potatoes w chili Whipped Potatoes and Yout Choice of Mexican Rice Choice of one other One Vegetable Patio Style Pinto Beans Vegetable Roll or Corn Bread and Butter Tostadas Roll or Corn Bread and Butt? Coffee or Tea Coffee or Tea One Corn Bread and Butter Coffee or Tea SPECIAL NOTICE Weight Watchers has a new excit ing food plan and complete pro gram for taking off the pounds de liciously. The College Station class meets Thursdays, 5:15 at the Lutheran Student Center, 315 N. College Main for further infor mation call 822-7303. 90tfn OFFICIAL NOTICE “SPRING AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS” Deadline - March 2, 1981 Applications forms for the Spring Awards Scholarship Program may be obtained from the Student Fi nancial Aid Office, Room 310, YMCA Bldg. All applications must be filed with the Student Financial Aid Office not later than 5:00 p.m. March 2, 1981. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. 78t3i NowBetterThan Ever. You Will Be Pleased With These Carefully Prepared and Taste Tempting Foods Each Daily Special Only $2.13 Plus Tax. “Open Daily” Dining: 11 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. — 4:00 P.M. to 7:00P1 THURSDAY EVENING SPECIAL Italian Candle Light Spaghetti Dinner SERVED WITH SPICED MEAT BALLS AND SAUCE Parmesan Cheese - Tossed Green Salad Choice of Salad Dressing - Hot Garlic Bread Tea or Coffee FOR YOUR PROTECTION OUR PERSONNEL HAVE HEALTH CARDS. FRIDAY EVENING SPECIAL BREADED FISH FILET w/TARTAR SAUCE Cole Slaw Hush Puppies Choice of one vegetable Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee SATURDAY NOON and EVENING SPECIAL Yankee Pot Roast (Texas Salad) Mashed Potato w/ gravy Roll or Corn Bread & Butter Tea or Coffee l‘‘Quality First”! SUNDAY SPECIAL NOON and EVENING ROAST TURKEY DINNER Served with Cranberry Sauce Cornbread Dressing Roll or Corn Bread - Butter CoffeorTea Giblet Gravy And your choice of any One vegetable