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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1981)
iretap sponsors hopeful United Press International | AUSTIN — Sponsors of the wire- that died in the House two iars ago are coming back this year ith a new version they hope will he |ore acceptable to legislators skit- ih about privacy. The Senate bill this year has been ided with safeguards against inva- m of privacy, said Sen. Ed Ho- "^lard, D-Texarkana, its sponsor. The new bill, a key element in |ov, Bill Clements’ anticrime pack- je, makes an illegal tap a third de- ee felony and gives victims of illeg- taps the right to sue for damages. Only the director of the Texas , epartment of Public Safety could nougn town 1( j UeS ( a ocnjrt or( Ier for a tap and ily a DPS officer could install the lened as con® p. Local police would not be autho- once insert) zed to tap wires, idency to oral The officer requesting the tap have to show that he had ex isted all other investigative icthods, Howard said. j i The tap would be authorized for ind rehearsei ^ 30(iays , A h e aring wou ld umg a smool tn ecessary for an extension. Taps would be authorized only for o the sameei I on y ^8 cases. "One of the maj or problem s in the nV A imconffl ateofTexas is the fantastic - ,ar g e - p ... oge drug traffic,” Howard said. "It's t c vision ws mu iti.Lil]j on dollar business. The tor postent) , U p] e we ’ re trying to get at are the iggnys, the smugglers and manu- turers, not the little guys on the •eet. r l ii i They’re so well-insulated,” he although hara "yhey have bodyguards and es as a greatnames. “Acording to the testimony we’ve 1 they do operate by phone, a tendency a® lot frequentlj :s on majorisi reing. Senate proa aps Bakershfpecially in Texas.” ; public in o For all the new safeguards and all the horrors of the drug traffic in Texas, with its land and sea borders, Howard concedes that passage will be difficult. “From what I hear, it’s going to be difficult, but I think it’s going to pass,” he said. One of the main obstacles to pas- . sage will come in the Senate Juris prudence Committee, whose new chairman, Sen. Oscar Mauzy, D- Dallas, has been opposed to any wiretapping bill. If the bill can pass the Senate, it could fail again in the House and will fail again, if Rep. Robert Bush, D- Sherman, has his way. “I just have a whole package of safeguards I’m going to propose,” Bush said with a chuckle. “I think some of them will be passed.” If Bush cannot severely weaken the bill with amendments, he will appeal to the members’ concern ab out privacy and freedom of thought. “I’m a lawyer and I read history and I know how Nazi Germany con trolled thought, how Russia controls thought,” he said. “They do it with secret police and electronic surveill ance. It’s mind and thought control. “It’s a question of whether Amer icans will be afraid to lift their tele phones or talk on the street. It’s whether controversy will continue to be part of the American way of life.” Besides, he said, “there is no cor relation between control of drugs and wiretapping.” Wiretapping does help catch gamblers, Bush said, but that’s not what it’s being proposed for. Just as the sponsors are cautious about predicting victory, so is Bush. “I haven’t polled the (34) new members,” he said. “It’s too early for anybody to know whether they sup port or oppose it. (But) I think the House listens carefully to matters that involve the privacy of citizens.” ilT. Ann®! ponMam. v MANOR EAST MALLS MANOR EAST MALL 823-8300 AND ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE KTAM FAMILY NIGHT AT MANOR EAST III ON TUESDAY NIGHT EACH WEEK. Adults Only $2.50 Children 14 & UNDER FREE WITH PARENT 105 College Main at Northgate CORPS SENIORS ’82 Prices on SENIOR BOOT PANTS will go up Feb. 15... Order yours NOW and save. 846-6019 THE BATTALION Page 3A TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1981 Tuesday & Wednesday 4 p.m.- 7 p.m. “HAPPT HOUR!” 4410 College Wain N46-943N Cowboys enjoy urban publicity United Press International DENVER — Retired rodeo cow- oys know it takes more than a hat nd boots to make a cowboy. So they on’t begrudge the bevy of urban nitators. “Hell, we’ve had the image to lurselves for a lot of years and it ever did us any good,” said Chip lidson, who competed out of Oak- lale,Calif, for 15 years before retir ing. “It’s a compliment. ’’ It is a compliment to me, to John jVayne, to Roy Rogers. It makes you 1 good that people are copying i,’’said Larry Mahan, 37, six-time ll-Round World Champion. “Cowboys were already urba- 7," said Dennis Reiners, 43, of irattsdale, Ariz. “There are fewer fewer range-grown cowboys, liey’re all athletes. A real rodeo bwboy can’t afford the boots be- cause the movie pushed prices up. Reiners, world saddle bronco tbipion in 1970, admits he gets some” in a bar by urban who “put on” like they are rodeo stars. “I can tell by looking at him, he couldn’t spur a bronc out on his best day. I can look at a cowboy, tell you what event he works and how he does. So, what they say don’t really count,” he said. Eidson and other rodeo circuit veterans see mostly benefits in the fashion trend, including less harass ment of cowboys competing in large Eastern cities. “And it’s good for business,” said Mahan, who now has a line of West ern clothing. Mahan, Reiners and Jim Apodaca, 50, were bull riders in their day and shrug at mechanical bull riding championships for bar cowboys. “Real cowboys don’t use the elec tric bulls because you get into a rut. You get too much machine and not enough animal, but they’re okay for schools,” said Reiners. Hallmark Cards and Gift Center • Weddings and Corsages • Roses • Foliage Plants • Blooming Plants • Cut Flowers (Friday Flowers - $2.00) • Custom Designs • Silk Flowers and Dried Arrangements W Petal Patch 707 Shopping Village 696-6713 Programmer Trainees An important message to every graduating senior regardless of field of specialization. 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Address J Battalion, 2lf fee Station, B “Ask About Our Last-Minute \&M's iallanJ Assistance.” ation periods.; . 25 per school 693-0768 ■nished on re- 334 Jersey laid Building.! S43. College Station elv to the tisr (Next to Bother’s to it. Rights oM i. TX 77843. . Bookstore) r reform® refograph Technical Pen NO' 10% OFF ALL c x* IN STOCK FOR DRAFTING ENGINEERING 8 GRAPHIC ART SUPPLIES. INTRODUCTORY OFFER 20% OFF REG. PRICE MOST LINE WIDTHS ONLY $080 EA. LEDU SUPER XL LAMP Regular *26.50 NOW $22.99 Hundreds of uses at office, home, shop, etc. Spring balanced arms with 7" vented shade and tension control knobs adjust to any direction. 2 conductor cord. “X" bracket for mounting on wall, flat surface, headboard, anywhere. 33" reach. Uses 75 watt bulb (not included). 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