The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 17, 1980, Image 7

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atin jet hijacked
| 1 United Press International
I MEXICO CITY -A hijacked Colombian jetliner land-
111V ij today in Mexico City on the fourth stop of what was
L Vi y IL]a spectacular attempt to disrupt a Latin American
J L^ m jt honoring the George Washington of South
|e possible,, Jneri ca ’ .
anufactu re 1: The Boeing 727 Avianca Airlines jet, with 59 hostage
«. * Bangers and eight crew members, touched down at
schnoUyf pto Juarez International Airport after a three-hour
rtiaryfi] lidit from Panama City, Panama.
>utpubli r Federal Judicial Police and Mexico City officers kept
search ^ | leporter 5 and photographers away from the jetliner,
NeoCh filled about a mile from the international flight termin-
d Charten Rafter it landed in thick fog.
lUm., i^l Rut airport officials said air traffic was normal early
'desmansa«] ;i u ^ i 1.1 . i .
P,y a s most holiday season travelers were oblivious to
Jpdrama going on outside the bustling terminal.
^Twelve leftist guerrillas seized the jetliner, initially
OOOoT"T carrying 137 people, in an attempt to break up a Latin
ent le C American summit honoring Simon Bolive, sometimes
dallecl the George Washington of South America.
. j c L ■ 1 .Armed with hand grenades, the guerrillas took off
9 to ^"fy f rom Panama City for Mexico City with 59 male
operations j
; snian saii
5res s statem®
cess could.»
hostages and eight crew members aboard an Avianca
Boeing 727, leaving behind a scattered trail of passen
gers, Panamanian officials said.
The hijackers, who seized the jet on a domestic flight
orginating in Bogota, released a total of 78 passengers in
their three stops — seven in Santa Marta, Colombia, 47
in Barranquilla and 24 in Panama City.
The armed guerrillas, identified as members of the
April 19th movement, which conducted the spectacular
Dominican Embassy takeover last February, apparently
issued no demands, other than fuel, food and navigation
The hijackers seized the Boeing 727 destined for
Pereira, a town in west central Colombia, and forced the
crew to land in Santa Marta, 40 miles northeast of Bar
Next, the hijackers were flown to Ernesto Cortizo
Airport in Barranquilla, where the airliner was refueled
and resupplied in return for the release of 47 passen
gers, mostly women and children.
The craft then put down in Panama City where au
thorities negotiated with the hijackers at Panama’s
Tucuman International Airport.
Earthquake-damaged hospital
collapses on patients in Italy
United Press International
NAPLES, Italy — A 400-year-old
hospital building damaged by last
month’s major earthquake collapsed
early Monday, burying about a
dozen elderly patients under the
rubble, police said.
The hospital, housed in the for
mer Bourbon Royal Palace in the
center of the city, collapsed Without
warning in the predawn hours.
Officials said about a dozen elder
ly patients, many of them in their
80s, were covered by the rubble.
Several nuns who worked in the
“Hospice of the Poor,” housed in the
collapsed palace wing, were also
Three elderly patients were pul
led out of the rubble in satisfactory
condition shortly after the collapse,
police said.
The noise of the collapse caused
quake had hit the city.
Fire department and army rescue
teams rushed to the building but said
The latest earthquake tragedy came a day
after the government commissioner in
charge of disaster relief operations
accused the Mafia and common profiteers
of taking advantage of the earthquake and
carrying out massive fraud in the Naples
panic in the neighborhood, with resi
dents running from their apartment
buildings in fear that another major
J make (lie at
Chairman Hua appears out Beatles unknown
Hu Yaobang likely successor of China’s party boss China S00S T iPTUlOTl
'arter said, ¥11
rt) but becatifj
'■l used in nil
United Press International
PEKING — Mao Tsetung’s hand
picked successor, Communist Party
Chairman HuaGuofeng, has submit
ted his resignation, unconfirmed re-
I ports — which Chinese officials re-
f*fPV iiised to deny — said Tuesday.
I l VI The official refusal to deny the
report was the strongest indication
that Hua was on his way out as the
head of the party, the job be-
Sueathed to him by the late Chair-
fjan Mao.
ike handswiid Huahas a!ready g ivenu P the gov -
... , eminent premiership in a power
struggle with China’s strongman,
Deng Xiaoping.
is a wondeimThe report of Hua’s resignation as
time of the it party chief came as his most likely
also was asy:f'>c cessor . Secretary General Hu
eportedreiMhiTaobang, announced a total repudia-
Carterswoi# bon of Mao’s 1966-76 Cultural Re-
ouse early iii
begin rede®!
1 called me vela
did not sayij
'artersaid, "ll
id about them
e for us all!
ntry and cott
IVC this year United Press International
aidshehadsenti CAIRO, Egypt — U.S. Middle East envoy Sol Lino-
aJbumoftle' witz told President Anwar Sadat Monday that Ronald
Reagan s new administration will play the role of “full
with a laugh It partner” in peace-making under the Camp David for-
for Christmas mula.
ooked muclsf lAfterward, Linowitz said Sadat had pledged coopera-
; to cook,'she tion with the Reagan forces in seeking Middle East
r daughter, hipeace.
Sadat said he gave Linowitz messages for Reagan and
, accompanifi President Carter as well as Israeli Prime Minister
ason,6,aiidS# Menachem Begin, who the envoy will see later this
l-foot Douglas li-week.
th century VicbRSadat and Linowitz made brief statements to repor-
ise, hats, fans I tors after they met for 70 minutes at the presidential
ace, trimmirif 'Nile-side Barrages resthouse 15 miles north of Cairo.
I “I conveyed to President Sadat a message from Presi-
d to have at dent Carter and I was able to assure him on behalf of
itmas,” Mrs t President-elect Reagan that when he is in office, Presi
her two g»i' :
volution, during which Hua rose
from obscurity to eventually head
both the government and the party.
“It is the unanimous view of our
party that the decade between 1966
and 1976 of the so-called Cultural
Revolution was a period of catas
trophe,’’ the likely successor Hu told
a Greek Communist newspaper Sun
day. “Nothing was correct or positive
during these 10 years. The whole
thing was negative.”
Unconfirmed reports said Hua,
61, has already submitted his res
ignation to the party secretariat be
cause of irreconcilable differences
with the ruling pragmatists led by
Vice Chairman Deng.
When asked about the reports, a
spokesman of the information de
partment of the Foreign Ministry re
plied, “We don’t know about it.”
When told his reply fell short of a
denial, the spokesman repeated his
Vice Foreign Minister Han Nian-
long told reporters Saturday Hua
still was chairman and denied
rumors that he had been arrested.
Asked whether Hua would soon be
replaced, he said he didn’t know.
Observers speculated Hua might
have submitted his resignation, but
the Central Committee has not yet
approved it.
Analysts said that the reference by
Hu — who has been handling the
affairs of the party — to unanimity in
the repudiation of the Cultural Re-
voluion indicated the Deng-led
pragmatists have clinched a victory
over Mao loyalists, and that Hua
might have resigned after losing the
United Press International
PEKING — Millions of Chinese
heard about the Beatles for the first
time Tuesday in a news program
showing memorial meetings in hon
or of John Lennon.
Viewers, around China’s esti
mated five million television sets
tuned in to the Central Television
Station’s evening news, were treated
to several minutes of film on mass
gatherings in Liverpool, home town
of the Beatles, and at New York’s
Central Park to commemorate
Segments of some of Lennon’s
songs were played on the program.
The commentator introducing the
Beatles to the Chinese viewers —
most of whom have never heard of
the pop group — said Lennon put
poetry to song and expressed the dis
content of young people of his gener
China was virtually closed to the
outside world at the time the Beatles
reached the peak of their popularity.
China’s young people of the 1960s
were more concerned with Cultural
Revolution than with rock music.
they could not begin searching for
bodies until the arrival of a special
team to protect the area from
weakened walls.
The latest earthquake tragedy
came a day after the government
commissioner in charge of disaster
relief operations accused the Mafia
10 x 20 - $25
and common profiteers of taking
advantage of the earthquake and car
rying out massive fraud in the Naples
Relief Commissioner Giuseppe
Zamberletti threatened Sunday to
force into exile Mafia bosses running
a network of fraud throughout the
earthquake zone, following the arriv
al of an eight-member U.S. delega
tion sent to determine how to spend
$50 million in aid.
The group was led by Italian-
American businessman Jeno Pauluc-
ci and included U.S. Reps. Mario
Biaggi and Geraldine Ferraro, both
D-N.Y., and Silvio Conte, R-Mass.,
as well as New York Lt. Gov. Mario
Cuomo; Robert Georgine, Building
and Construction Trade Union pres
ident; Benjamin Palumbo, director
of government relations for Philip
Morris Inc., and Nancy Pelosi, San
Francisco Democratic Party chief.
Call: George Webb
Farmers Insurance Group
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Mid-East peace talk cooperation
promised by Reagan and Sadat
Dou^ aF.
Jewe rv
dent-elect Reagan will support the Camp David pro
cess, and that there will be no change in the process
without the consent of Egypt and Israel,” Linowitz said.
“I was once again impressed by the committment and
dedication of President Sadat and his assurance that he
is deeply devoted to do what he can to move toward
(Palestinian) autonomy in negotiations, recognizing that
we are engaged in what is the only viable path to com
prehensive peace in the Middle East.”
Sadat said he asked Linowitz “to convey three mes
sages: one to President Carter, the second to President
Reagan and the third to Prime Minister Begin.” He
said nothing about the contents.
Linowitz, who arrived Sunday and went to Israel
Tuesday, expressed hope that his talks with Sadat and
Begin will provide new momentum for the Palestinian
autonomy talks that have been deadlocked since last
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Campus fire does little damage
’s Christmas
jnday with afe
and White
A small fire in the Chemistry A spokesman for the College Sta- the fire, he said, adding that the
events start Building on campus was exting- tion Fire Department said an elec- flame caused little damage,
ion for Ate uished by the time firefiehters ar trie motor on an exhaust fan burned No one was injured in the ire,
rived Tuesday night. hrehghterS “ up. People in the building put out which was reported at 7:33 p.m.
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