The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 16, 1980, Image 4
Page 4 THE BATTALION TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1980 Battalion Classifieds HELP WANTED HELP WANTED JOB OPPORTUNITIES: JOB OPPORTUNITIES Wanted: Draftsman. Full time or part-time. Call 693-1777. 7314 Job: Help a handicapped person. Call Mike. 845-7439. 74t3 Full time receptionist wanted. Apply in per son at THAT PLACE II, Culpepper Plaza. 61tih Part-time job for mechanically inclined indi vidual, electronics background helpful but not necessary. 779-2998. 74t3 ATTENTION ELEMENTARY EDUCATION GRADUATES Get valuable experience with preschool children. Full and part time help wanted for January. Call 693-9900. 64H3 Accepting applications for part-time bartenders, wait resses. Apply in person. 1401 F.M. 2818 73t4 DOMESTIC SERVICES Clean homes with students. 693-1954. $3.50/hour + mileage. GRIMES MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Navasota, Texas has immediate openings for full time Registered Staff X-Ray Technicians, Staff RN’s and LVN’s for floor and ICU positions with shift and ICU differentials. Excellent pay and good fringe benefits. For information contact Burna Erwin, Personnel 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 713-825-6585. FOR SALE ROOMMATE WANTED 1980 Scirocco-S, excellent condition. AM/FM, AC, etc. Call Tim. 846-6475 or 693-4452. 68(9 WAITRESSES AND BAR PEOPLE NEEDED IMMEDIATELY. During break and Spring semester. Apply 12 noon-7 pm. Mon.-Sat. YESTERDAY’S 4421 S. Texas 846-2625 PART-TIME HELP WANTED. GRAPEVINE PERSONALITY. 696-3411. DANCE ARTS SOCIETY Ballet and Modern Dance teacher only for Spring semester. Call Jim at 693-4380 or Dove at 846-0987. 5-9 pm.66ti i Kenwood Receiver, KR-4400, 26 wjx:. Nicer than newer models of comparable power. $90. 846-7504. 73t4 Female roommate wanted. House off South west Pkwy. Have own room. $150 or $I25/mo. utilities paid. 696-2798 or 846-5824. 68t9 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Free abortion counseling and referrals. Call (713) 779-2258, Bryan. 73tfii Female Roommate needed. House - three blocks off campus. $150 + VS utilities. Call 696- 6889. 7542 Couch, Loveseat, Endtables, Coffee table, and Twin bed. Like new condition. 693- 5555. 7H5 HANDMADE GIFTS Catalogue — S.A.S.E. Lisalotte of Texas, P. O. Box 171, New Braun fels, TX 78130. 69(6 TRS-80 Microcomputer 16K memory level. 2 Basic. $650. 845-3274. 74t3 Female roommate wanted. Furnished town- house. Own room. W & D, bus. Very nice. 696-7664. 72t5 TECHNICIAN WITH AT LEAST THREE YEARS EXPERIENCE AND SECOND PHONE LICENSE. Salary excellent. Commensurate with experience. Send resume to: A.P.W. Electronics, 820 Shelby Ln. #103, Austin, TX 78745. 74t3 ’Interviewing now for Sprint semester. ~ i Waiters, waitresses, fountaineers, : cooks, and dishwashers. Pick up an application at Culpepper Plaza College Station MUST SELL: 1975 Yamaha 650cc, 7,000 mi.. Faring, Luggage rack, Metric tools, Helmet. 8-5: 779-2998. Best offer. 74t3 Female Roommate to share 2-bdrm. apt. $160 + Vi utilities. Call Angie or Angsana. 693- 4452. 68(9 FULL OR PART TIME 'Day Shift 'Night shift (til 10pm.) 'Weekends 'Flexible hours to fit your schedule 'Rapid advancement 'Cashier experience helpful Starting Salary $3.50/hour Apply in person only. 9:30-11:30am. (if possible) WHATABURGER Bryan College Station 1101 Texas 105 Dominik 6ttn POSITIONS OPEN MH-MR AIDE: High School graduate or equivalent. Work with mentally disabled adults. Full time. $3.59/hr. CASEWORKER II: B.S. from accredited CSWE or B.S. in SOC/BEH. Sciences from ac credited school. Prefer 2 years ex perience with service agency. Working knowledge/experience in Voc. Rehab. CMS LEVEL POSITIONS: In mental health outpatient services. SECRETARY II: Prefer upper level executive ad ministrative experience. $4.28/hr. CONTACT PERSONNEL OFFICE Brazos Valley MH-MR Center P. O. Box 4588 Bryan, TX 77801 696-8585 A A/EEOC 67tfn Part Time Positions available at FARMER'S MARKET Dell. Afternoons and Saturdays. Hours Flexible. 2700 Texas Ave. Bryan 622-6417 DEPENDABLE MEN, WOMEN OR COUPLES for present and future Houston post routes. Early morning hous. Papers rolled by machine. $200-$750/month. 846-2991. 696- 8032. 38tfn King size waterbed w/6-drawer pedestal frame. Heater. Less than 1 year old. 693- 2397. 7413 Male roommate wanted. Duplex - $127.50. Own room, prefer neat upper classman. 696- 1568. 73t4 TOYOTA CELICA 1977 Standard shift, AC, AM/FM, finest Celica made, A-1 condition. Beige. Wonderful X-MAS gift. $4,200. 693-2647 after 5 pm. 75t2 2-BEDROOM MOBILE HOME FOR SALE Central air and heat. 1 bath. Located in Oak Forrest. Call 696-2014 or 693-7243. Asking $5,800. 75t2 i $100 down, 5 acres, College jStation area, rolling, wooded, J electricity. j Country Land Company 1-713-468-8501 | 5500 FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED Own furnished room. Fenced, 2- bdrm house. 2/10 mile from Cam pus on Fairview. $120 and half bills. Should like cats. 696-3618 72ts NEED TWO ROOMMATES OR SOMEONE TO SUBLEASE Two-bedrm. apt. 2 blocks from TAMU. Casa Del Sol Apt. Georgia 846-7838 73t4 ELECTRIC COWBOY Is now hiring Bartenders, Waitresses, and Hostesses. Apply in person M-F between 10 and 3 pm. 846-2277 Skaggs Center 7ik 1973 CUTLASS 455, 4-speed, PosiTrack, PS, PB, Air, New Radial Tires. 1966 Buick, runs excellent. 8-5:779-2998. After 5: 779-6971. 74t3 FEMALE ROOMMATE (non-smoker) Needed for townhouse. $135 plus utilities. On shuttlebus route. Call 846-4981 - Leslie. 73t4 FOR RENT Sublease Efficiency. $215/month plus elec. 693-9533. SPECIAL NOTICE Apartment for rent. Boys only. $100/month. Half utilities paid. Call 846-2154 between 8:30 and 4:30. 70tfn ? OFFICIAL NOTICE If you want to.... ‘Get exercise ‘Learn the community ‘Work flexible weekday hours ‘Earn up to $4.00/hour ‘Clean homes and offices Call Home Care Services 846-1905 Cooperative Education in the College of Liberal Arts has the following positions available. Students from all colleges who are interested are encourged to apply for these career positions. For more information contact Henry D. Pope at 107 Harring ton or call 845-7814. Legal CO-OP — Houston Legal CO-OP — Austin Economics (2) — Galveston Social Security — Houston IRS — Dallas NASA — Houston HELP WANTED * ATTENTION J J GRADUATING j J SENIORS j Jlf you have ordered aj J 1981 Aggieland, please J J stop by the Student Pub- J Jlications office, room 216 J J Reed McDonald and pay J J a $3.00 mailing fee along j J with your forwarding J 5 address so your Aggie-5 S land can be mailed to you S 2 next fall when they arrive. ^ Apartment located behind Schlotzsky’s on Meadowland St. New units. Two bdrm. Dish washer, refrigerator, oven. $320/month. 845- 3830. 75(2 TOWNHOUSE APT. Brand new. 2-bdrm. 1 ’/a bath. $350/month + deposit. Four miles from TAMU. 779-8650 - 779-5288 after 6 pm. 66122 LARGE 2-BDRM APARTMENT Excellent condition. Stove-ref., all elec tric. Married couple only - no children - husband possibly work on ranch part time. $290. Utilities furnished. 693-9513 72ts THE CHRONICLE is looking for self confident and aggressive applicants for routes coming open in the Spring semester. Average pay is $450-$700/month plus gas allowance. Also 1 route will come open Dec. 1, 1980 If interested please call Julian McMurray 846-0763 or 693-2323. ssttn AGGIELAND REFUND POUCY “Yearbook fees are refundable in full during the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Yearbooks must be picked up dur-j ing the academic year in which they are pub lished. "Students who will not be on campus when the yearbooks are published, usually in Sep tember, must pay a mailing and handling fee. Yearbooks will not be held, nor will they bt mailed without the necessary fees having been- paid.” 3-BDRM 2-BATH BRICK HOUSE Brand new, large utility room, double ga rage, old shade trees. Close to Universi ty. Fully carpeted and draped. Excellent neighborhood, best schools. $750. 693-2647 after 5 p.m. 7St2 Braniff, Eastern^ discuss merger WANTED LADY BARTENDER for exclusive French Restaurant Must be refined and experienced. Bilingual if possible. 512-724-8592. 74t3 TT CASH FOR OLD GOLD Class rings, wedding rings, worn out goldjewelry, coins, etc. Tne Diamond room Town & Country Shopping Center 3731 E. 29th St/, Bryan 946-4708 , 4^^ LOST White gold Hamilton diamond watch in vicini ty of GRW. Sentimental value. Call collect 342-2119. REWARD! 7512 Lost male brown and white Pointer wearing yellow collar. REWARD. 696-4104. 693- 0687. 74(3 Female roommate wanted. New house less than a mile from Campus. $125/month plus utilities. 693-0330. 70t7 Lost gray kitten at Culpepper Plaza. If found call 693-9540. 75t2 Roommates wanted for NEW house in Bryan. Own room, $190, bills paid. 779-2998. 74t3 Tan billfold on Welsh Ave. REWARD. Call 693-9460. 75t2 Casio Calculator- 502 P. Lost 12-10-80. 845- 4157. SERVICES Experienced professional typist. 683-1283. 25 years experience. 7 day/24 hour service I 683-9539. 67(10 TYPING. 775-5343. 6S( Typing, symbols, Notary Public. 823-7723. lOOtfin Typing, Experienced, Cut, accurate. All kinds. 822-0544 54tfn Typing!! Reports, dissertations, etc. ON THE DOUBLE. 331 University. 846-3755. _ ITBtfo United Press International DALLAS — Following employee rejection of a proposal for a 10 per cent pay cut, Branifi Airways has started merger discussions with Eastern Airlines. Jere Cox, chief spokesman for Braniff, said Monday preliminary merger discussions had started with executives of Eastern Airlines in Miami. As recently as July, Cox had called merger rumors “prepost erous.” Cox refused to say whether Bra niff or Eastern initiated the discus sions. Asked if Braniff could survive without a merger, Cox said: “Cer tainly, no question about that.” Cox refused to go beyond a one- sentence press release, issued simul taneously in Miami and Dallas, that said: “Braniff International Corp. and Eastern Air Lines, Inc., announced today (Monday) that they are holding preliminary discussions with respect to the possibility of the merger of the two companies. ” Cox declinedAo estimate a possi ble time frame for a joint corporate decision on a merger. Industry analysts recently said if Braniffs financial situation became too ominous, its banks and other cre ditors would formulate a plan to save Braniff, which would inevitably in clude a merger. During the last three Bscal quar ters, BranifTs combined losses totaled more than $83 million. Re venue passenger miles were down and analysts said when Braniffs situation became extremely grave, another airline would be well advised to enter into merger discus sions because Braniff would be a “good bargain” in its weakened financial state. To boost its! niff began a cost-cuttingpi)*! led “Operation Turnaroul'® Unil the program was tocutsJ^iylS • employees by 10 percer/: : mr , K r '' was rejected. Ifliarkabl' Privately, Braniff formed union leaders tk tic layoffs would follow if isme so \ inch ch( lousewife jected thepaycutcon«pl®i Se managers were alsotoliKt paychecks would be cutlv| 11 cent. f a<1 . ,tl ° na . Many Braniff employteJ? 15 ^ e the company's financial pit’™ now Harding Lawrence, Brail executive. They say Lawra te: e trs ;e. You led him to attempt tofasfefL'v s . into a world-class airlinef’F • f '’, federal deregulation in IE, Am{ gave airlines much morefela. «p re begin or halt routes. Mt®’,, perts, and BraniffsuborBiMsK ' i < warned at the time that xs,is moving too fast. i’ ( j_ T j le Major mistakes wereseL^gh, mant routes snapped ip hi p a] ; . proved to be financial dk i ::|"j wan p t In addition, the airlintrlTrench service to cities where other (rhen I firs were firmly established,® 1970 eventually pulled outohfeBertholle s ery new route it had entered lee them ing Concorde flights. By.” In recent months, Braid® 6 large numbers of employee!®,^ ° i f ■ re r urinated most ot its 16kH nts ai routes and some of its financially sound ones. Ihefir 1 l ac was forced to borrow at lerB e , n£ million from suppliers, ' JU ^ mine re: TYPING. All kinds. Let us type your propos als, dissertations or theses oh our WORD PROCESSOR. Fast service. Reasonable rates. B/CS 209 University East 846-5794 restfn t yiiRBORNEj t "THE DIFFICULT WE DO IM MEDIATELY, THE IMPOSSIBLE TAKES A LITTLE LONGER" I t UNEXPECTED PREGNANCY? Services through the 20th week. Awake or Asleep. Women’s Health Services of Houston and Dallas, Texas. Off Metroplex Gyn. Group Toll Free 1-800-442-4076i8tioi AGENT AERO AIR FREIGHT SERVICES \ Despile its many probleply in t niff has some clear asset!.I compose” system is extensive and ni nth stripe scope. Its overseas routeisps here, lucrative if developed. “l n ( , ne A merger with Eastern«hewed pi( the third involving Branifi'Bp," she Braniff merged with Mid«he said Airlines, a U.S. Midwestk® rier. And in 1967, B with Panagra Airlines,lij American carrier. 1 Chrysler Corp. Cars Body Work — Painting " HALSELL MOTOR * COMPANY INC.j Dodge Sales and Service Since 192: 1411 Texas Ave. 823-A111 WE DO MORE THAN k DELIVER YOUR PACKAGE OVERNIGHT ‘ WE GUARANTEE IT! 150 CITIES $22.11 UP TO 2 LBS. 'the freight problem solvers' 1 PH: 713-779-FAST P.O. BOX 3862 BRYAN, TX. 77801 i i l 1 i 1 We specialize in pm I ing gifts and j wrapping. i LOUPOFS BUYING USED BOOKS NOW! LOUPOT’S BOOKSTORE Northgate — at the corner across from the Post Office Battalion Classifieds Call 845-2611 j FOR RENT NOW HIRING DIRECTORY REFUND POLICY Directory Fees are refttndable in full durii.^i the semester in which payment is made. Thereafter no refunds will be made on cancel led orders. Directories must be picked up dur ing the academic year in which they are pub lished... ©akwood Now 20% Off at the Locker Room Warm-Ups by: Col loved |ool fat /lurches lit. BAccord lies i six choo ingp ties are 1 Allowi hool bui ittaore i iortth eagor, sc jfhe bo fcl’s audi "ding A ■d Trt fflented e fintenc or oi who 'in ing ’ mark JOG-JOY HANG TEN WINNING WAYS OPEN 9:30-6:00 'Tk. l ocker Room ^ g "SPORTSHOES UNLIMITED 800 VILLA MARIA RD. ACROSS FROM MANOR EAST MALI 7799484 apartments Now leasing for PRE-CHRISTMAS MOVE-IN University Book Stores •1-2&3 bdrm units • Special units for the handicapped ’ Storage Room w/washer-dryer conn. > Cable TV MM NORTHGATE 409 UNIVERSITY DR. CULPEPPER PLAZA NEXT TO 3C-BBQ tjiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiitiiiiiimmimMiiiiiimiiiMiHiiimHiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 503 Southwest Pky. - C.S. 696-9100 66113 SPECIAL NOTICE We Buy All Books! DELIVERY PEOPLE NEEDED H EXIBLE HOURS $3.65/hr. plus 6% commission plus tips. iictvt; owii wui anu insurance. * Apply between 3:30 and 7 M-F at 319 Patricia 846-7785 1 if-*" vif/* I 3C BARBECUE #3 li CULPEPPER PLAZA We need people with energy and personality Limited positions open j Full or Part Time i L Apply between 10-11 and 2-4 wc-r'",x=±= 3<K y zz-ptfc ATTENTION MAY ’81 GRADUATES OF TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY. ORDER YOUR GRADUA TION ANNOUNCEMENTS BEFORE LEAVING CAMPUS FOR THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS! ON YOUR MARK, GET SET, GO-ORDER YOUR GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Room 217. MSC 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Mon.-Fri. Last Day — Feb. 6, 1981 STORAGE I U - LOCK - IT ■ 10 x 20 - $25 I ^ 693-2339 Bring your out-of-date books, with ^ your new books & we’ll make you an offer on all your books (including paperbooks). AUTO INSURANCE FOR AGGIES: Call: George Webb Farmers Insurance Group 13400 S. College 823-8051 Oldsrnobile Cadillac Honda SALES - SERVICE Cold Cash or 20% More In Trade! [And if N a I'^at pi i Pr ofes pisoi Kfo I’Ofly. i a / Pa [ av ailal (SMiiNNHiimiiiiiiiiniiMiiiiimiiMiiiuiiiimiuiHmiiiHiiiiiimiiimiiiMiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimiiimiiiiiHiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii 1111111111 ‘Where satisfaction is standard eejuipment University Book Stores 2401 Texas Ave. 779-3516 NORTHGATE 409 UNIVERSITY DR. mimmiMiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiimmiuHiiimiHmuiiiNiiiiimiiiiiiimmimiiiimiimiiiiiiiiHHiuiiiiiiniiiiiiii 111111111 CULPEPPER PLAZA NEXT TO 3C-BBQ Open ’til 8 p.m. through Finals