The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 11, 1980, Image 1
he Battalion i.w,,;:'M n 74N °' 72 ed hitteranJ}J|® ' a 9 es las a lifefaJj s hit 351 tjij, I 5 years in i, I ring came is;! itly stem*!) ments tkt| r .. . nistakejpstjs itennett. fourth tielfe s sed from am /as toldhe»ii: ’ owner Bol tween the hi Serving the Texas A&M University community Thursday, December 11,1980 College Station, Texas USPS 045 360 Phone 845-2611 The Weather Yesterday Today High 60 High 68 Low 28 Low 38 Rain .. 0.00 inches Chance of rain. . . abinet picks expected Reagan to meet with black leaders who opposed him ery upset obi nit," si n,‘Bob, an I he said/li st to bring ribe ditti to en 'How United Press International WASHINGTON — President-elect Ronald Reagan ises to announce some of his Cabinet appointees [ay, and sources said they would include New York broker Donald P. Regan as treasury secretary. I'ormer Gen. Alexander Haig was reported still in line come secretary of state in the new administration, agan also gets another chance today to assure blacks sensitive to their concerns, meeting this time with a of black leaders who have long opposed his pres- tial ambitions. be president-elect, in Washington for four days to t with advisers and supporters, kept mum again nesday, telling reporters only, “I think tomorrow jrsday) you’ll have some news. ’ Sources close to the transition team said eight inees would be named at an afternoon news confer- , including Regan, 61, chairman of Merrill Lynch & the largest U.S. brokerage firm, as treasury sec- y. :gan (pronounced Ree’-gan) has been mentioned only ntly as a possibility for the post, laig was not on the list of those to be announced today, but the former NATO commander and Richard Nixon’s chief of staff was close to being chosen secretary of state, sources said. They said Haig met Wednesday night with three top Reagan advisers. The sources said the others to be announced were: — Caspar Weinberger, Nixon’s secretary of health, education and welfare, to be defense secretary. — William French Smith of Los Angeles, Reagan’s personal attorney, to be attorney general. — Drew Lewis, a Pennsylvania Republican and nation al GOP official, to be transportation secretary. — Sen. Richard Schweiker, RPa., to be secretary of — Sen. Richard Schweiker, R-Pa., to be secretary of health and human services. head of a manufacturing firm, to be commerce secretary. — William Casey, Reagan’s campaign manager and former chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commis sion, to be CIA director. — Rep. David Stockman, R-Mich., to be director of the Office of Management and Budget. The secretaries for housing and urban development, labor, education, energy, interior, and agriculture plus the ambassador to the United Nations were to be announced later. Reagan has done his best to keep the contenders secret, using aides to contact them or speaking with them only by phone. But the slow selection process, hampered, aides said, by time-consuming FBI clearances and conflict-of- interest and ethics-in-government law requirements, prevented a quick, clean announcement. Today’s visitors to the president-elect’s temporary headquarters include the Rev. Jesse Jackson of the Chica go-based Operation PUSH; the Rev. Joseph Lowery, head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference; and Benjamin Hooks, executive director of the NAACP, among others. Hooks and other black leaders have said the black community harbors a “hysterical fear” about what Reagan might do to social programs as president. The former California governor had his regular intelli gence briefing slated for this morning, in addition to a number of meetings. He was not expected to leave his Blair House headquarters until this evening when he attends a dinner. Former FBI chief to escape charges United Press International WASHINGTON — Federal sources say the Justice Department will move formally to drop conspiracy charges against L. Pat rick Gray, freeing him from eight years of investigations into his 11 months as acting FBI director. Prosecutors planned to ask Chief U.S. District Judge William Bryant at a hearing today to dismiss the unprecedented, 2 1 /2- year-old indictment charging Gray with approving illegal break-ins, the sources said. The sources said the government will advise Bryant the case is too flimsy to take before a jury. Gray, 63, was in Washington today and was expected to appear before the court with members of his family. Gray’s two former top lieutenants, W. Mark Felt and Edward S. Miller, face sen tencing Monday for their convictions on the same civil rights conspiracy charge as Gray — alleging they approved breakins, without court warrants, in a hunt for fugi tive members of the radical Weather Underground. Gray was indicted along with Felt and Miller in April 1978. But his case was se vered and prosecutors advised the judge previously the case likely would be drop ped because of the need to protect nation al security information Gray’s lawyer said was vital to the defense. But sources have said a key witness’ re cent decision to change his testimony and new evidence gathered by Gray’s Balti more attorney, Alan I. Baron, left the gov ernment with an emasculated case. On Thanksgiving Day, sources disclosed prosecutors were preparing to drop the case but had yet to decide what grounds to cite. The sources said Assistant Attorney General Philip Heymann approved citing the flimsy evidence. Felt and Miller face maximum sentences of 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine for approving the nine break-ins — known as “black bag jobs” among FBI agents. During their trial, Felt testified that shortly after Gray succeeded the late J. Edgar Hoover as acting FBI director in May 1972, he gave his top aides “general approval” to resume secret searches to combat terrorism. But Felt acknowledged he never had “specific approval” from Gray for the break-ins, and said Gray did not learn of them until years later. The Justice Depart ment previously sought to prosecute Gray on the theory he gave his generic approval for unconstitutional searches, without get ting authority from the attorney general or the president. Chief of Protocol to speak as 1,750 receive diplomas 18-13 or I5/80R13 s $1,96 0(1'' J, deoeiidii ilabil ided. DeAndra Beck, a sophomore member of Lambda Sigma, sells Christmas rees in front of the Commons. The honor society will be selling the small ress for $4-5 through Friday. n flies! Christmas green Photo by Susan Hopk Approximately 1,750 students will re ceive degrees during graduation cere monies Friday and Saturday. U. S. Chief of Protocol Abelardo L. Valdez will present the commencement address at both ceremonies. Valdez, a 1965 Texas A&M honor gradu ate, will address degree candidates from the Graduate College and the Colleges of Architecture and Environmental Design, Engineering, Geosciences, Science and Veterinary Medicine in ceremonies at 7:30 p.m. Friday in G. Rollie White Coliseum. The ambassador will also speak to gradu ates of the Colleges of Agriculture, Busi ness Administration, Education, Liberal Arts and Texas A&M University at Galves ton (Moody College) at 9 a.m. Saturday, also in G. Rollie White. Commissioning for graduates entering military service will take place in a separate ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Saturday in G. Rol lie White. The 46 cadets will receive their commis sions in either the Army, Air Force, Navy or Marines. The speaker at the commissioning cere mony will be U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William R. Richardson, commander of the Com bined Arms Center, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Stall photo by Greg Gammon Ruby Sneed takes a short break to chat with Phil Hannah in the Guar droom. The custodial worker was reassigned to Dorm 2 through the efforts of Hannah and about 100 other cadets. ‘Adopted Mom ’ moved to Dorm 2 By MARCY BOYCE Battalion Stall What the men in Dorm 2 want, the men in Dorm 2 get. At least on one ocassion, anyway. Squadrons 2, 3, and 5 of the Corps of Cadets, the residents of Dorm 2, wanted Ruby back. And after a little bargaining, some smooth talking and a petition signed by 100 residents of the dorm, they got their way. At the beginning of this semester Ruby Sneed, a cheerful middle-aged custodial worker for the University, was again assigned to work in Dorm 4, where she had been since the Spring 1978. But the three squad rons to which she had endeared her self over that year and a half had been moved to Dorm 2 ... without Ruby, much to their displeasure. Initial attempts by several mem bers of Squadron 3 to get her trans ferred to Dorm 2 were unsuccessful. The supervisor of custodial ser vices said he really didn’t think it would be possible to get Ruby trans ferred, but he agreed to look into it and noted that she was up for a prom otion, Squadron 3 Executive Officer Phil Hannah said. Meanwhile, Hannah and a few other members of the squadron cir culated a petition requesting that Ruby be moved to their dorm. Later that week, he submitted the petition signed by 100 residents of the dorm to Custodial Services. At that time the prospect still did not look promising, Hannah said, but less than a week after the petition was submitted, their request was honored. Ruby was not only transfer red to Dorm 2, but given a promo tion and a raise as well. The “love story” between Sneed and residents of Dorm 2 began in Spring 1978, Hannah said. At that time Squadrons 3 and 5 were living in Dorm 4 and Ruby was the custodial worker assigned to that dorm. The next year Squadron 2 was assigned to the dorm and also got acquainted with Ruby. There was something different ab out Ruby, Hannah said. She wasn’t like any other custodian ever assigned to his outfit. “Ever since I came to A&M we had had about three or four different custodial workers and a lot of them weren’t too friendly. They were just kind of there,” Hannah said. “But Ruby learned everybody’s names and just became more or less a part of the outfit. Everybody kind of adopted her,” he said. And even before it was a Corps policy, Hannah said, freshmen in the dorm carried out trash on weekends so that Ruby wouldn’t have to con front overflowing containers as she stepped in the door on Monday mornings. “Now everybody is really self- conscious about how the dorm looks because nobody wants to put Ruby out,” he said. “It was just kind of a great big love affair between Ruby and three out fits,” Hannah said. And at least until next year, this one ended happily ever after. \ime rate aised to 20 percent Accused man put under strict security 3 205/75R)5f., jlus$2,57F.EX* weded (AHof" 1 15) United Press International The prime rate jumped up another linful” point, and one economist said it ize$Jo ||ay r go as hig as 25 percent. Banks almost uniformly Wednesday :ed the prime lending rate that they irge their best corporate borrowers to 20 cent, matching the record high reached : spring. "Every notch up in the prime means a per and more prolonged slowdown in iness activity,” said David M. Jones, momist for Aubrey G. Lanston & Co. in few York. The prime at 20 percent will be “devas- Sng,” resulting in “strangulation of eco- bic activity in the first quarter, Jones id. He added the prime could reach 22 rcent soon. Wall Street investment counselor A. ay Shilling predicted the prime will eak” at 25 percent. IGold plummeted $30 to $564 an ounce in few York Wednesday as the 20 percent I ime rate led sellers to dump metals and I iy interest-bearing securities. Reaction to le prime rate increase was also cited for le Dow Jones industrial average plunging [ 83 points to a six-month low of 916.21. P195/75flH plus $2.33 F.E'7 needed. (AlwF' 14, FRTHO United Press International NEW YORK — Mark David Chapman lived in a rock n’ roll fantasy world and once angrily denounced John Lennon and other Beatles members for comparing the group’s importance to that of Jesus Christ. Yet he was infatuated with Lennon and the Beatles. Lennon’s body was cremated Wednes day, and his accused killer was placed under close observation in the prison ward of Bellevue Hospital. Chapman’s room is stripped of all furniture save a bed, and police dressed him in a bullet-proof vest while transferring him to the ward. Two days before Lennon was slain, the 25-year-old ex-security guard from Hon olulu, who is charged with shooting and killing the rock star, told a New York City taxi driver that he was the engineer for Lennon’s new record album. The cabbie, Mark Snyder, also said Chapman claimed to have been the en gineer for the Rolling Stones for 10 years. During the taxi trip Saturday, Chapman had Snyder stop twice in the neighborhood where Lennon lived before his final des tination in Greenwich Village. Snyder’s story was one of scores of recol lections that suggest much of Chapman’s life was organized around rock music and an overwhelming obsession with the Bea tles. David Moore, a YMCA executive from Chicago, said he had known Chapman for six months during 1975, when Chapman worked at a YMCA resettlement camp for Vietnamese refugees in Arkansas. Moore said Chapman played Beatles music constantly, but that he once de nounced the group for a comment by Len non suggesting that the Beatles were more popular than Jesus Christ. Lennon discs sold out locally By JENNIFER AFFLERBACH Battalion Staff Local record stores have sold out of John Lennon’s latest album and experienced in creased sales of Beatles albums in the after- math of the former Beatle s shooting death Monday in New York City. “We sold out like everybody else in the state, I’m sure, ” said Buck James, manager of Budget Tapes and Records. James said he sold out of Lennon’s recently released “Double Fantasy” album about an hour af ter the store opened Tuesday morning. “I don’t understand it, personally,” James said. “The new Lennon album has been one of my slower selling albums.” He theorized that people are buying the album because they either think it will be a collector’s item or fear that not enough copies have been pressed. James said he sold out of all other Len non albums stocked, too. Hasting’s Books and Records was sold out of all its Lennon albums 30 minutes after opening Tuesday, said Manager Pete Nelson. He said the crowds “have only died down because nobody has it (Lennon’s album) now.” Eddie Potter, an employee of Music Ex press, said the store sold out of Lennon records about noon Tuesday and that other Beatles records are selling heavier than usual. He said a shipment of the “Double Fan tasy” album should come in Friday and “will probably go pretty fast.” Musicland’s manager, Phillip Hinds, said Tuesday he didn’t think he would sell out of Lennon records. He had one copy of Lennon’s “Rock and Roll” album left Wednesday and said, “Now I think other wise. “We’ve had his (Double Fantasy) aloum sitting on display and it’s just been sitting there.” Now it is sold out, he said, Hinds said he definitely thinks the album will be a collector’s item. “The guy was very talented,” he said of Lennon. A lot of his customers, most of whom were college students, were angered by Lennon’s shooting, he said. “We had one girl in here who just wet the floor, she was crying so bad,” he said. Two of the Beatles’ more popular albums, “Abbey Road” and “White Album,” had sold out, too, Hinds said, but he doesn’t think Beatles albums will be difficult to find. Soundstation has sold out of Lennon’s new album along with most of his others, an employee said, and Beatles sales have also picked up. Tip Top Records and Tapes in Bryan sold out of “Double Fantasy” Wednesday after noon, said employee Kim Smith. “We don’t usually sell any of that (rock music),” she said. Lennon was shot four times as he step ped out of afimousine in front of his home Monday night and died in a police car be fore reaching a hospital. Mark David Chapman, 25, was charged with second-degree murder in Lennon’s death and was ordered sent to Bellevue Hospital for 30 days’ observation. “I can remember him saying, ‘Who the hell are they to compare themselves to Jesus?’ He harped on it a little. He thought they were being arrogant, ” Moore said. Friends and his attorneys say that Chap man had been an avid Beatles fan from the age of 10. He drifted from job to job and dabbled in drugs and the Jesus movement in the Atlanta area, but his committment to Len non and the Beatles remained unwavering. He moved to Hawaii in 1977. He worked as a security guard and when he quit his job in October, he signed the name “John Lennon” in an employee log book. Chapman purchased a .38-caliber revol ver four days later and came to New York City on Saturday. Police say that he check ed into a YMCA and stalked the rock star before shooting him outside the Dakota, the exclusive Manhattan apartment build ing where Lennon lived. Chapman’s exact motive for allegedly killing Lennon remains unclear. A police officer quoted Chapman as saying that there was a “big man” and a “little man’ inside of him. Chapman ex plained the “little man” killed the idol of a turbulent generation.