V Viewpoint The Battalion Texas A&M University Thursday November 13, 1980 • 'i Slouch By Jim Earle a^LC “/Ve often wondered what would happen at the gate if a book wasn’t properly checked out. ” Reagan, courts causing fears about church-state separatia By DAVID E. ANDERSON United Press International Recent trends in federal court decisions on church-state issues are causing some anxious moments for believers in the strict separation of church and state. The outcome of the November election did nothing to ease those fears. The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, in a report compiled before the election, said it saw the “high wall of separation” being “breached with increasing frequency.” And the success of Republican Ronald Reagan as well as election of a number of con servative Republicans to the Senate is likely to increase legislative efforts aimed at restoring prayer to the public schools, banning abortion and aiding non-public schools — all issues vital to the separationists. According to the ADL survey, separation of church and state is being weakened both by court rulings and by local government actions. Kenneth J. Bialkin, chairman of the ADL’s national executive committee, said the survey showed “a disturbing trend of officiallv insti tuted religious activity in the nation’s public schools which violates the constitutional rights of persons who do not wish to participate in such religious practices.” Religion is treated in two parts of the First Amendment to the Constitution. Those two parts prohibit Congress from mak ing any law which would establish a religion or which would prohibit the free exercise of reli gion. According to the ADL survey, both the Establishment clause and the Free Exercise clause are under attack. Establishment issues are focused particularly around the nation’s public schools and Bialkin said the encroachment of religious activities in the school was caused by the growth of more conservative attitudes in the public at large as well as the well-organized efforts by some Christian evangelicals to inject religious prac tices into public institutions. —A U.S. court ruling upholdingtkd Sioux Falls, S.D., schools to permittlei ance of religious holidays, including^ religious programs. —The increasing use of Bibl courses, which the ADL said were veiled teachings of Christian doctrine, j —The Supreme Court and others opening the door to public fundingofpi schools by permitting direct aid andtii| legislation for parents of parochial s dren. In the free exercise area, theADll said most of the pressure on church-stall ation involved the rights of Sabbatarian) who observe the Sabbath on At the local level, according to the survey, some judges appear to be willing to accommo date perceived community desires on such issues as school prayer “even though constitiu- tional principles may be eroded in the process. ” It singled out Fairfax County, Vi, refused, with court concurrence, toa® date two Jewish girls, both valedictoi were unable to attend their high school tion on a Saturday because their® observance forbade it. Anti-5 Igor Wedr He said “voluntary” school prayer legislation has been introduced in several states, including Florida, Ohio, Kentucky and Arizona. Other areas of concern involving the estab lishment clause, he said, include: The survey noted a growing under® the nation of an “insensitivity of thet towards those whose religious beliefs-i I beliefs — differ from their own” ands: { the ADL “uneasy” about the future, Overeating compulsion confronted with OA I am happy and very glad to be alive. My days are not always this high, but they usually are this hopeful. This is a direct result of my in volvement with Overeater’s Anonymous. I came to OA, like a lot of people, because I was overweight and nothing seemed to be working anymore. My weight, my eating, the way I looked had become an obsession. I was living in the myth of the magic number — that when I reached my goal weight, life would have meaning and I would feel worthwhile. Through childhood I had always felt “not right” about the way I looked'. I always felt “fat” even though, I can see in pictures now, that I really wasn’t. But looking back I discovered that I might not have had a weight problem then, but I certainly had an eating problem which eventually drove me to become a compulsive overeater. Food meant more to me than to my peers. Even then I was equating food to happiness. Then it was my candy that I connived from my playmate and stashed for a later time. (I was not a good stasher because just knowing that it was around eventually drove me to gobble it down as if someone would take it away from me.) I gave food power. It “made” me happy, acceptable and durable. It was my ace in the hole when times were bad. It was my compan ion when I was lonely. It made my good times better. But somewhere during that love affair with food and eating, I lost control and the affair became a compulsion. I had normal days after that — days when I was not consciously aware that I was controlled by food. I was even able to diet and deny myself the “goodies” for weeks and even months. Dur ing these times I would feel in control. I felt good about myself. I looked and acted like a “normie.” And then it would hit again. Like a preying lion, it would sometimes pounce and I would step off the scale, pleased with my effort, and immediately head for the kitchen to “re ward” myself. Sometimes it was subtle — a good time on Saturday, but rigorously back in control on Sun day or nervous nibbling days on “free” veget ables. But regardless of how it started, it prog ressed and ended the same way — binging, feelings of guilt, followed by more binging, fol lowed by days of promising myself to “start Tomorrow,” followed by hopelessness, fol lowed by more binging until I reached the point where I couldn’t take it any more and I went back on a diet, and the cycle began again. I came to OA looking for a diet. I’m still in it SO NOW WE'RE 5TDCK0UIK INTHEIWIEQFNOWHERE wmsmcts ■ 50T THIS REDf Reader’s Forum m l TTHISREDCtA .n^ The pli Iviet U TOrse ev j&v) Wee. Tgor Ti ow who 1977 told Tillel }ght tha th< 'uieJd elation after three years because it is teaching me how to live without my compulsion, one day at a time. I am the happiest than I can remember. And, yes, I am thin. There are no scales, no dues, or fees in OA. The program is based on AA’s 12 steps of recov ery. The 12 steps give me direction, but it’s up to me to make them a part of my daily living. I learn to do this by listening and sharing with others. At the meetings, I am free to say what I really feel without fear of being kicked out. I’m not given advice, rather the others share how they might have worked out my particular difficulty and I am allowed and encouraged to take what I can use and let go of the rest. I can laugh or cry, speak or remain quiet. Because of anonymity, I can let go of the fear that the part of me that emerged during the meeting, will not be gossiped about in or out of the program. Principles before personalities is the 12th tradition. I love my sisters and brothers in OA. We come from all walks of life, all ages, all sizes, and all colors. Our compulsion has driven some of us to become overweight, anorexic, or compul sive vomiters. Some of us have been involved in OA for years and some of us have just walked in the door. Regardless, we all belong. We all have tried to use food to deal with living. We are all trying to learn to live one day at a time — fully, joyfully and free from our compulsion. There are two OA meetings in the Bryan/ College Station area: Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. Faith United Church of Christ Education Building 2402 S. College Avenue Bryan 'ee yea join him Since ,Tu web ex'i lie two It’s your turn Moses challenge gets more workers jjj Saturdays, 9 a.m. St. Thomas Episcopal Church The White House 902 Jersey St. College Station For further information call 696-7949. Editor’s note: The Battalion does not normally accept unsigned editorial material. However, due to the nature of the material presented here, the request to withhold the writer’s name was honored. Editor: I would like to take this opportunity to thank Aston Hall for accepting the Moses Hall chal lenge. We challenged any dorm to put up a keg of beer, the winner being the dorm with the most people out cutting for bonfire Saturday and Sunday. Either the other dorms did not hear of our challenge or did not wish to accept. Anyway, the contest resulted in a big bonus for bonfire with Aston having around 100 people and Moses with 110 for the weekend. The contest was a minor thing compared to the big push for wood to build bonfire. The weekend helped bring in wood badly needed to make a good bonfire this year. Davis Gary turned out big Saturday, loading trucks, while dorms like Dunn and Hart did not always have the larger turnouts but were able to pull their weight with the hard-assed men they brought out. The non-reg turnout was pretty good this year doing their share in cutting for Bonfire. Although I am not familiar with the Corps units, I know that Squadron 6 really put out Saturday and Sunday, loading trucks. With the combined efforts of the Corps and non-regs we can Build the Hell Outta Bonfire. Kevin Cockerline Moses Yellowpot Photo misinterpreted Editor: I would like to call your attention to a possi ble misinterpretation in your front page photo of bicycle parking in the November 6 issue of the Battalion. If you had shown a picture of the complete entry area of Heldenfels Hall with signs on each side having arrows and access for handicapped, you would have found the desig nated entry area free (or nearly so) of any bicy cles. Your picture suggests that students have ignored our “Please” signs, whereas nearly all students have complied with our request to keep the specific entry way open. Many visitors from other universities have been astounded by the spirit of cooperation of our Aggies. I think your picture has done an injustice to the vast majority of students, whose splendid cooperation is most appreciated. Rod O’ Connor Leaving with thanks Editor: This is a difficult letter for metowri four years with the Texas A&M Police I ment, I want to take this opportunity to my thanks to the University communifr cooperation and understanding that lit ceived from the students, faculty andstsl course of my duties as a Police 01 Texas A&M Police Department. This fies the true Aggie Spirit that makes versity outstanding. I would like to thank eachofyouindi but time is so short. I have accepted a position with a P( partment closer to my home, but r remains at Texas A&M. Good Luck to each and every one Detective Jo AnnaP Criminal Invesil Texas A&M The Battalion U S P S 045 360 MEMBER Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congress Questions or comments concerning any editoriil : ' should be directed to the editor. Warped By Scott McCullar I DON'T KNOW, ALL OF US ON THE FOOTBALL TEAW ARE TRYING, WE'RE TAKIN 7 OUR LUMPS SOMEHOW WE DON'T HAVE PRIDE. eoy, YOU NEBD SO/AE REMINPltf'... 1 L YOU KEEP TRYIA/G Boy, you AND YOUR TEAttMATES PESTIO/E RESPECT ^ PRIDE JUST FOR PUTTING A HELMET ON FOR THI* UA/IVERS/TY. YOU'VE GOT GREATEST SCHOOL SFlRIJ /VOW 60 AND P0 it! V 0 THE IN THE COUNTS —FOR you standing up YES sir, 'ROSS THANK You sir! 40? Editor Dillard Stone Managing Editor Rhonda Watters Asst. Managing Editor Scott Haring City Editor Becky Swanson Asst. City Editor Angelique Copeland Sports Editor Richard Oliver Asst. Sports Editor Ritchie Priddy Focus Editor Scot K. Meyer Asst. Focus Editor Cathy Saathoff News Editors Lynn Blanco, Gwen Ham, Todd Woodard Staff Writers........ Jennifer Afflerbach, Kurt Aljen, Nancy Andersen, Marcy Boyce, Jane G. Brust Mike Burrichter, Pat Davidson, Cindy Gee Jon Heidtke, Uschi Michel-Howell, Debbie Nelson, Liz Newlin, Rick Stolle Cartoonist Scott McCullar Photo Editor Pat O’Malley Photographers George Dolan, Jeff Kerber EDITORIAL POLICY The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting newspaper op erated as a community service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-College Station. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editor or the author, and do not necessarily repre sent the opinions of Texas A&M University administrators or faculty members, or of the Board of Regents. LETTERS POUCY Letters to the Editor should not exceed 300 midi i> and are subject to being cut if they are longer. TheediW reserves the right to edit letters for style and length. 1 make every effort to maintain the author's intent. must also be signed, show the address and phone nufflto writer. Columns and guest editorials are also welcome, subject to the same length constraints as letters. It inquiries and correspondence to: Editor, Th Feed McDonald, Texas A&M University, Col 77843. P< a \A t< The Battalion is published daily during Texas AMI spring semesters, except for holiday and examination!* Mail subscriptions are $16.75 per semester, year and $35 per full year. Advertising rates Rimis^j quest. Our address: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald t' Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843 United Press International is entitled exclusively» for reproduction of all news dispatches credited to it I reproduction of all other matter herein reserved. Second class postage paid.at College Station,!)